Content Posted in 2017
전환극장, Siren Eun Young JUNG, Hyosil YANG, Youngok KIM, Youngjung NA, Haejin PAHNG, Sohyun AHN, Soo Ryon YOON, Jiwon YU, and Sunghee LEE
퍼포먼스에 대한 책임감: 공연예술의 비평적 글쓰기를 고민한다, Soo Ryon YOON
01_公屋歲月, 賽馬會香港歷史學習計劃
01_從房屋看香港歷史, Chi Pang LAU (劉智鵬)
01_我們的地方, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
01_油麻地與佐敦社區的地名和街名探索, Chi Pang LAU (劉智鵬)
02_受保護地區, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
02_展翼百年, 賽馬會香港歷史學習計劃
02_青山寺與青雲觀遊蹤, Chi Pang LAU (劉智鵬)
02_香港人口的組成與流動, Chi Pang LAU (劉智鵬)
0371十週年,試檢視反對運動的三條思想主軸, King Fai CHAN (陳景輝)
0371是大集匯, Yui Fai CHEUNG (張銳輝)
0371的前後, Chi Yuen LEUNG (梁志遠)
03_氣候及自然災害, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
03_街名背後的香港史, Chi Pang LAU (劉智鵬)
03_規劃我城, 賽馬會香港歷史學習計劃
03_追尋戰前香港華人, Sun Pao, Joseph TING (丁新豹)
04_城市發展和規劃, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
04_從德輔道中看香港的歷史軌跡, Ka Kin, Kelvin CHOW (周家建)
04_早期華人, 賽馬會香港歷史學習計劃
04_香港航運與港口發展與變遷, Kwong Lim TAM (譚廣濂)
05_新市鎮, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
05_殖民建築, 賽馬會香港歷史學習計劃
05_追尋戰前香港華人, Sun Pao, Joseph TING (丁新豹)
05_香港公屋事與情 : 華富邨, Yusen LI (李玉森)
06_四通八達, 賽馬會香港歷史學習計劃
06_從德輔道中看香港的歷史軌跡, Ka Kin, Kelvin CHOW (周家建)
06_日軍侵港與聖士提反書院, Guopei CHEN (陳國培)
06_香港的割佔與租借, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
07_禁區中的村落: 蓮麻坑, Shu Yong LIU (劉蜀永) and Alex KEUNG (姜耀麟)
07_管治 (一), 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
07_管治基石, 賽馬會香港歷史學習計劃
07_香港公屋事與情 : 華富邨, Yusen LI (李玉森)
08_日軍侵港與聖士提反書院, Guopei CHEN (陳國培)
08_管治 (二), 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
08_金融之都, 賽馬會香港歷史學習計劃
08_香港離島風光, Man Hing SO (蘇萬興)
09_光影歲月, 賽馬會香港歷史學習計劃
09_政府運作, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
09_「新市鎮」探研 — 荃葵青的舊貌新顏, Yue Sang LEUNG (梁餘生); Cho Nga LEUNG (梁操雅); and Kwan Kin, Kenneth WONG (黃君健)
09_香港離島風光, Man Hing SO (蘇萬興)
10_亞洲之光 — 香港古蹟燈塔遊蹤, Sun Wah POON (潘新華)
10_公共安全, 賽馬會香港歷史學習計劃
10_司法, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
10_「新市鎮」探研 — 荃葵青的舊貌新顏, Yue Sang LEUNG (梁餘生); Cho Nga LEUNG (梁操雅); and Kwan Kin, Kenneth WONG (黃君健)
11_亞洲之光 — 香港古蹟燈塔遊蹤, Sun Wah POON (潘新華)
11_工人運動, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
11_萬宜灣村的水鄉情, Tin Chi LEE (李天賜)
11_風俗習慣, 賽馬會香港歷史學習計劃
12_林村鄉太平清醮, Shu Kai CHOW (周樹佳)
12_社會動亂, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
12_航通世界, 賽馬會香港歷史學習計劃
12_調景嶺的青天白日, 王 國儀
13_寨城風雲, 賽馬會香港歷史學習計劃
13_抗日及日佔時期香港黃泥涌的軍事建設, Tim Keung KO (高添強)
13_香港的打醮活動, Shu Kai CHOW (周樹佳)
13_麥理浩時代, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
14_大眾傳播, 賽馬會香港歷史學習計劃
14_抗日及日佔時期香港的軍事建設, Tim Keung KO (高添強)
14_香港回歸, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
15_軍事, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
16_傳統經濟生活, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
17_對外貿易, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
18_工業 (一), 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
1973/74 School Commencement Ceremony 1973/74年度開學禮
19_工業 (二), 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
2003年的香港短篇小說, Ziping HUANG and Zidong XU
2008年的施政報告 = The 2008 Policy Address
2015-2016 Annual Report 年度報告, Office of Service-Learning, Lingnan University
20_工業 (三), 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
21_零售百貨, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
22_金融 (一), 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
23_金融 (二), 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
24_香港華資及中資財團, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
25_香港英資財團, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
26_旅遊, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
27_港口, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
28_航運, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
29_民航事務, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
30_交通網絡, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
31_通訊, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
32_道路網絡, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
33_海關, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
3、40年代的香港文化, Chi Tak CHAN, Sai Chong LEE, and Shuk Han WONG
34_土地與房地產, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
35_香港與內地經貿關係, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
36_香港人口, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
37_社會問題, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
38_社會結構, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
39_工商團體, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
40_慈善團體與活動, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
41_醫療衞生, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
42_社會保障, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
43_公共安全, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
44_風俗習慣, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
45_宗教 (一), 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
46_宗教 (二), 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
47_公用事業(水、電、煤), 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
48_居有其所, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
49_飲食文化, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
50_考古與文物, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
51_教育(一), 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
52_教育(二), 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
53_文化藝術 (一), 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
54_文化藝術 (二), 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
55_文化藝術 (三), 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
56_文化藝術 (四), 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
57_大眾傳媒, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
58_文化場所, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
59_娛樂場所, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
60_體育, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
61_戰前華人, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
62_英國人, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
63_其他外籍人士, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
64_傳統建築, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
65_早期殖民地建築, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
66_戰後建築, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
67_地名與街名由來, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
68_辛亥革命與香港, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
69_九龍寨城, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
70_中英街, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
71_日治時期的香港, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
72_香港與抗日救亡運動, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
73_文物保育, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
74_調景嶺的滄桑, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
75_非法入境者與越南船民, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
A Chinese literary mind : culture, creativity, and rhetoric in Wenxin diaolong, Zongqi CAI
A city-level analysis of the distribution of FDI within China, Lai Sheung, Suwina CHENG; Zhenpin, Kenny LIN; and Richard Stanley SIMMONS
A comparative study of online collection databases of Chinese Paintings in British Museums, Ying Ling, Michelle HUANG
A comparative study of war metaphors in English and Chinese business media discourse, Xian ZHONG (鐘先)
A critical review of Japanese scholarship on modern Chinese fiction and translation studies, César GUARDE-PAZ
A disco bar and a factory : the reconstruction of everyday life in post-socialist China, Kit Wai, Eric MA
Aesthetic value, artistic value, and morality, Andrea SAUCHELLI
After massification and response to internationalization : quality assurance of higher education in Taiwan and Hong Kong, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK and Sheng Ju CHAN
Ageing population : the problems, the challenges, and the opportunities = 人口老齡化 : 問題、機遇和挑戰, Che Hung LEONG
A genetic survey of heavily exploited, endangered turtles : caveats on the conservation value of trade animals, Jonathan, Julio FONG; J. F. PARHAM; H. SHI; B. L. STUART; and R. L. CARTER
A globalizing economy, sustainable livelihoods and equality of opportunities : the case of Hong Kong, Ka Wai, Maggie LAU
Agony over national-imperial identity : interpreting the coloniality of the Chinese New Left, Iam Chong IP
Agreeing to disagree and dilation, Jiji ZHANG, Hailin LIU, and Teddy SEIDENFELD
Agricultural productivity in early modern Jiangnan, Guanglin, William LIU
A grounded theory approach to exploring the phenomenon of seller manipulations of online product reviews, Chunyu LI, Ling PENG, and Geng CUI
A letter from Darryl Sterk to his mother, Darryl Cameron STERK
A life of its own : musical discources in Wong Kar-wai's films, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
America, China, and the future of Asia, G. John IKENBERRY
American popular music and neocolonialism in the films of Edward Yang, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
Analyst following along the supply chain, Yu GUAN, Franco WONG, and Yue ZHANG
An analysis of aircraft maintenance incidents using psychological and cognitive engineering knowledge, Man-wa NG and Yau Wai, Simon LI
An analysis of courtship behaviour in the four-eyed spotted turtle, Sacalia quadriocellata (Reptilia : Testudines: Geoemydidae), Yu-xiang LIU, Bin HE, Hai-tao SHI, Robert W. MURPHY, Jonathan J. FONG, Ji-chao WANG, Li-rong FU, and Yong-gang MA
An empirical analysis of the Phillips Curve : a time series exploration of Hong Kong, Dong WANG
Anglo-American media interactions, 1850-2000, Joel H. WIENER and Mark HAMPTON
An improved model for trust-aware recommender systems based on multi-faceted trust, Peihu ZHU
An investigation of how networking improves social enterprise performance, Hiu Kan, Ada WONG and Wing Lam, Felix TSE
Anna May Wong : from Laundryman's daughter to Hollywood legend, Graham R. HODGES
Antonio Chen on Taiwanese novelists in 2011, Chien Chung, Antonio CHEN and Darryl Cameron STERK
A phylogenomic approach to vertebrate phylogeny supports a turtle-archosaur affinity and a possible paraphyletic lissamphibia, Jonathan J. FONG, Jeremy M. BROWN, Matthew K. FUJITA, and Bastien BOUSSAU
A puzzle for modal realism, Daniel Graham MARSHALL
A reassessment of the distribution of Cuora flavomarginata Gray 1863 on mainland China, Jonathan J. FONG, James Ford PARHAM, and Jinzong FU
ASEAN-related regional arrangements, China, and the US rebalancing, Chien Peng CHUNG
Asian values, William Peter BAEHR
Asia Pacific as a research context for organizational learning : background and future directions, Fok Loi, Jacky HONG; Robin Stanley SNELL; and Chris ROWLEY
A small history of wenyi, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
Assessing the effect of mobile word-of-mouth on consumers : the physical, psychological and social influences, Juanyi JIANG (蔣雋怡)
Assessing the response format effects on the scaling of marketing stimuli, Ling PENG and Adam FINN
Assessing the role of inward foreign direct investment in Chinese economic development, 1990-2007 : towards a synthesis of alternative views, Dic LO, Fuhai HONG, and Guicai LI
A study on the impact of design attributes on E-payment service utility, Wing Kuen, Eric SEE-TO and K. W., Kevin HO
A tale of two settler nationalisms : the Formosan aborigines and settler nationalism in Han Chinese fiction and film, Darryl Cameron STERK
Auditors' response to organized labor in client firms, Yu Kit, Simon FUNG; Woo Jong LEE; Bin SRINIDHI; and Lixin, Nancy SU
Auditor tenure and stock price idiosyncratic volatility : the moderating role of industry specialization, Lixin, Nancy SU; Xuezhou, Rachel ZHAO; and Gaoguang, Stephen ZHOU
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Contemporary English Studies (3-year curriculum) programme introduction, Michael Anthony INGHAM
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Contemporary English Studies (4-year curriculum) programme introduction, Douglas ROBINSON
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Contemporary English Studies programme introduction, Woon Yee, Judy HO
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Contemporary English Studies programme introduction, Roger BERRY
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Contemporary English Studies programme introduction, Douglas ROBINSON
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Contemporary English Studies programme introduction, Andrew John SEWELL
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Contemporary English Studies programme introduction, Wai Yi, Diane HUI
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Contemporary English Studies programme introduction, Wai Yi, Diane HUI
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Contemporary English Studies programme introduction, Wai Yi, Diane HUI
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Contemporary English Studies programme introduction, Andrew SEWELL
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Cultural Studies (4-year curriculum) programme introduction, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Cultural Studies programme introduction, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History (3-year curriculum) programme introduction, David Lloyd SMITH
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History (4-year curriculum) programme introduction, Niccolò PIANCIOLA
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History programme introduction, Mark Andrew HAMPTON
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History programme introduction, David Lloyd SMITH
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History programme introduction, David Lloyd SMITH
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History programme introduction, Douglas ROBINSON
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History programme introduction, Douglas ROBINSON
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History programme introduction, Xiaorong HAN
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History programme introduction, Xiaorong HAN
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History programme introduction, Xiaorong HAN
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History programme introduction, Sueh Han, Vincent LEUNG
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy (3-year curriculum) programme introduction, Ka Hung, Thomas TAM
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy (4-year curriculum) programme introduction, Ka Hung, Thomas TAM
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy programme introduction, Kit Hung LO
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy programme introduction, Ka Hung, Thomas TAM
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy programme introduction, Ka Hung, Thomas TAM
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy programme introduction, Wai Wai CHIU
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy programme introduction, Wai Wai CHIU
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Translation (3-year curriculum) programme introduction, Man, Jasmine TONG
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Translation (4-year curriculum) programme introduction, Man, Jasmine TONG
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Translation programme introduction, Man, Jasmine TONG
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Translation programme introduction, Man, Jasmine TONG
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Translation programme introduction, Man, Jasmine TONG
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Translation programme introduction, Man, Jasmine TONG
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Translation programme introduction, Man, Jasmine TONG
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Translation programme introduction, Man, Jasmine TONG
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Translation programme introduction, Man, Jasmine TONG
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Translation programme introduction, Man, Jasmine TONG
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Visual Studies (3-year curriculum) programme introduction, Suk Mun, Sophia LAW
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Visual Studies (4-year curriculum) programme introduction, Suk Mun, Sophia LAW
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Visual Studies programme introduction, Suk Mun, Sophia LAW
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Visual Studies programme introduction, Suk Mun, Sophia LAW
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Visual Studies programme introduction, Suk Mun, Sophia LAW
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Visual Studies programme introduction, Wai Yi, Zoie SO
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Visual Studies programme introduction, Carol ARCHER
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Visual Studies programme introduction, Wai Yi, Zoie SO
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Visual Studies programme introduction, Wai Yi, Zoie SO
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Visual Studies programme introduction, Wai Yi, Zoie SO
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) (3-year curriculum) programme introduction, Wing Lok YEUNG
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) (4-year curriculum) programme introduction, Wing Lok YEUNG
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) & Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Risk and Insurance Management programme introduction, Wing Lok YEUNG and Ho Yin, Martin YICK
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) & Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Risk and Insurance Management programme introduction, Paul WHITLA and Ho Yin, Martin YICK
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Risk and Insurance Management programme introduction, Ho Yin, Martin YICK
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) programme introduction, Wing Lok YEUNG (楊永樂); Wai Yee, Pauline WONG (黃慧儀); Vivian WONG; Lai Cheung, Leo LEUNG (梁禮昌); and Kenneth LEE
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) programme introduction, Wing Lok YEUNG
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) programme introduction, Wing Lok YEUNG
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) programme introduction, Wing Lok YEUNG
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) programme introduction, Wing Lok YEUNG
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) programme introduction, Wing Lok YEUNG
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) programme introduction, Wing Lok YEUNG
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) (3-year curriculum) programme introduction, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) (4-year curriculum) programme introduction, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN and Peter BAEHR
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) programme introduction, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) programme introduction, Xiangdong WEI
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) programme introduction, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) programme introduction, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) programme introduction, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) programme introduction, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) programme introduction, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN
Bad writing : cursive calligraphy and the ethics of orthography in the Eastern Han dynasty, Vincent S. LEUNG
Balancing versus bandwagoning : the strategic dilemma of Australia’s China policy, Man Kwong YEUNG
Basic integrated theatre arts workshop, Philippine Educational Theatre Association
Beauty, Rafael DE CLERCQ
Believing epistemic contradictions, Bob BEDDOR and Simon David GOLDSTEIN
Bentu : marketplace and sentiments of contemporary Taiwan cinema, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
Best of both worlds : Wisteria Tea House and Starbucks, Yingtai LUNG and Darryl Cameron STERK
Betrayal, Belinda CHANG, Darryl Cameron STERK, Bonnie HU, and Christine MAK
Beyond the cultural dominant : for a textual politics in modern China, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
Beyond the youth culture : understanding middle-aged skateboarders through temporal capital, Paul James O'CONNOR
Bi- and multilingualism in the early English ballad : francophone influences in the development of the ballad genre in Medieval England, Michael INGHAM
Blended learning for effective writing tasks : pedagogy and practice, Preet Pankaj HIRADHAR
Bolzano on art, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
Bonapartism, William Peter BAEHR
Booing the national anthem : Hong Kong's identities through the mirror of sport, Brian BRIDGES
Book launching ceremony cum seminars, Rajesh TANDON; Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN; Hok Ka, Carol MA; Mui Fong, Fanny MAK; and Cheng LIU
Book launch : Spirituality, happiness, and public policy = 何濼生教授新書發佈會, Lok Sang HO (何濼生)
Book review : China and global nuclear order : from estrangement to active engagement. by Nicola Horsburgh, Baohui ZHANG
Book review : Cinema, space, and polylocality in a globalizing China by Yingjin Zhang, Haomin GONG
Book review : Consumption in China : how China’s new consumer ideology is shaping the nation. China Today Series. by LiAnne Yu, Chengze, Simon FAN and Yu PANG (龐宇)
Book review : Contemporary Chinese literature : from the Cultural Revolution to the future by Yibing Huang, Darryl Cameron STERK
Book review : Directory of world cinema ed. by Gary Bettinson, Haomin GONG
Book review : Filomeno V. Aguilar, Jr.'s Migration Revolution : Philippine nationhood and class relations in a globalized age, Anjeline DE DIOS
Book review : Francesca Bargiela-Chiappini, Catherine Nickerson and Brigitte Planken, Business Discourse, Chit Cheung, Matthew SUNG
Book review : Global Filipinos : migrants’ lives in the virtual village by Deidre McKay, Anjeline DE DIOS
Book review : Heart, character, and a science of man, William Peter BAEHR
Book review : Idle talk : gossip and anecdote in Traditional China, Vincent S. LEUNG
Book review : Internet literature in China, written by Michel Hockx, Heather INWOOD, Margaret HILLENBRAND, and Haomin GONG
Book review : Poverty in the midst of affluence : how Hong Kong mismanaged its prosperity, Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN
Book review : Resemblance and representation : an essay in the philosophy of pictures, Rafael DE CLERCQ
Book review : The acquisition of sociolinguistic competence in a lingua franca context. Mercedes Durham. 2014. Bristol and New York: Multilingual Matters, x + 168 pp., Chit Cheung, Matthew SUNG
Book review : The rise of think tanks in China, Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN
Book review : Tropical Renditions : making musical scenes in Filipino America by Christine Bacareza Balance, Anjeline DE DIOS
Book review : TV drama in China edited by Ying Zhu, Michael Keane and Ruoyun Bai, Haomin GONG
Booktalk at library : Governing Hong Kong, Pang Kwong LI
Booktalk at library : Prof Ho Lok-sang, Lok Sang HO
Booktalk at Library : Prof. Lau Chi Pang, Chi Pang LAU
Booktalk at Library : 涓流彩園錄 Strolling the Lingnan garden, 2014-2015
Booktalk at Library : 《療傷之旅 : 與你一起經歷喪親之痛》, Wai Ying WONG
Booktalk at library : 《香港女警六十年》, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN
Brand experience and customer citizenship behavior : the role of brand relationship quality, Lishan XIE; Shing Chung, Patrick POON; and Wenxuan ZHANG
Breaking the silo : integrated science education in India, Anup DHAR, Tejaswini NIRANJANA, and K. SRIDHAR
Buddhist reductionism, fictionalism about the self, and Buddhist fictionalism, Andrea SAUCHELLI
Bureaucracy, its reform, and economic growth, Avinash DIXIT
Burst into action : the changing spectacle of glamour heroines in contemporary Hong Kong cinema, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
Business intelligence (BI) : differentiate winners from losers in tough times, Toa CHARM
Butterfly psychic, Ah Sheng and Darryl Cameron STERK
Caesarism, William Peter BAEHR
CALIS聯機合作編目系統介紹, Shuangshuang YU
Can a documentary script be fair and objective?, Chun Chiu FUNG and Ka Chun SHIU
Can independent underwriters benefit insurers in high-risk lines? A cournot market-game analysis, Jiang CHENG and Michael R. POWERS
Can North Korea keep playing off its two large neighbors?, Brian BRIDGES and Che Po CHAN
Capital structure in the property-liability insurance industry : tests of the tradeoff and pecking order theories, Jiang CHENG and Mary A. WEISS
Captive breeding of the Four-eyed Turtle (Sacalia quadriocellata), Bin HE, Yuxiang LIU, Haitao SHI, Jie ZHANG, Maogui HU, Yonggang MA, Lirong FU, Meiling HONG, Jichao WANG, Jonathan J. FONG, and F. James PARHAM
Capturing shadows : on photography, causation, and absences, Carl Mikael PETTERSSON
Cat rescue exercises, Wei Ger TONG and Darryl Cameron STERK
Cats, et cetera, Yao Jen CHANG and Darryl Cameron STERK
Celebrating : research at Lingnan (11 Mar 2015), T. S. CHAN and Geng CUI
Celebrating : research at Lingnan (16 April 2015), Ying Ling, Michelle HUANG and Xiaorong HAN
Celebrating : research at Lingnan (16 Oct 2014), Yin Ping, Grace LAU; Suk Mun, Sophia LAW; and Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
Celebrating : research at Lingnan (20 Jan 2015), Richard L. DAVIS and Siu Leung LI
Celebrating : research at Lingnan (4 Dec 2015), Yifeng SUN and Jiji ZHANG
Celebrating : research at Lingnan (4 Feb 2016), Baohui ZHANG and Mark Andrew HAMPTON
CEO communication session with Lingnan students = 探索現代管理、躋身未來領袖行列, David J. PANG
Challenge and hindrance job demands, job resource, and their relationships with vigor and emotional exhaustion, Lin LIN, Oi Ling SIU, Kan SHI, and Xinwen BAI
Challenges and opportunities in inter-institutional collaboration in digital scholarship, Michael ROY
Chance, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM
Changing governance and public policy in East Asia, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK and Ray FORREST
Charisma, Alan BRYMAN and William Peter BAEHR
Chen Kaige, Haomin GONG
Child well-being in the Pacific Rim, Ka Wai, Maggie LAU and Jonathan BRADSHAW
China, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
China-American economic relations : retrospect and prospect = 中美經貿關係 : 回顧與前瞻, Siwei CHENG (成思危)
China-American economic relations : retrospect and prospect = 中美經貿關係 : 回顧與前瞻, Siwei CHENG (成思危)
China and Japan in central Asia, Chien Peng CHUNG
China in Taiwanese cities’ sporting mega-event bids : fatal obstructer, neutral bystander and enthusiastic supporter, Marcus P. CHU
China’s rural graduates : urbanization, employability and social mobility, Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN
Chinese aesthetics : ordering of literature, the arts, and the universe in the Six Dynasties, Zongqi CAI
Chinese-language film : historiography, poetics, politics, Sheldon H. LU and Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
Choosing an online retail channel for a manufacturer : direct sales or consignment?, Cuixia WANG, Mingming LENG, and Liping LIANG
Cinema in a small country : a comparative analysis of New Zealand and Scotland, Duncan PETRIE
Circulating smallness on Weibo : the dialectics of microfiction, Haomin GONG and Xin YANG
Civilizing the Chinese, competing with the west : study societies in late Qing China, Hon-fai CHEN
Classics of sociology, William Peter BAEHR
Classroom teaching, 1977 上課一景, 1977年
Client importance and audit quality in highly connected jurisdictions, Kelly Grani YUEN
Climate policy, learning, and technology adoption in small countries, Fuhai HONG and Susheng WANG
Clipped wings, a history : excerpt, Wen Hsing WANG and Darryl Cameron STERK
Closing, Wing Sang LAW (羅永生); Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN (陳清僑); and Siu Leung LI (李小良)
Closing remarks, Jui Chung, Rachel CHENG
Collaboration between art museums and universities in Hong Kong : benefits, difficulties and methods, Yi ZHU (朱軼)
College Auditorium, 1987 學院大禮堂, 1987年
Colour my growth : a study of art as a language for victims of family violence, Suk Mun, Sophia LAW
Commerce and the critical edge : negotiating the politics of postsocialist film, the case of Feng Xiaogang, Haomin GONG
Communal cooperative institutions and peasant revolutions in South China, 1926-1934, Baohui ZHANG
Comparing alcohol affordability in 65 cities worldwide, Ming Yue KAN and Ka Wai, Maggie LAU
Computer room, 1980s 電腦室, 1980年代
Conceptions of happiness and life satisfaction : an exploratory study in 14 national groups, Mohsen JOSHANLOO; Muhammad RIZWAN; Imran Ahmed KHILJI; Maria Cristina FERREIRA; Wai-Ching POON; Suresh SUNDARAM; Lok Sang HO; Wai Lan, Victoria YEUNG; Gyuseog HAN; Jaechang BAE; Melikşah DEMIR; Mustapha ACHOUI; Joyce S. PANG; Ding-Yu JIANG (姜定宇); Sanne M.A. LAMERS; Yücel TURAN; Zarina Kh. LEPSHOKOVA; Tatiana PANYUSHEVA; Amerkhanova NATALIA; Ryosuke ASANO (浅野良輔); Tasuku IGARASHI (五十嵐祐); and Saori TSUKAMOTO (塚本早織)
Concluding remarks, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
Conclusion, Ka Wai, Maggie LAU and David GORDON
Conclusion : facing the domination of financial capital : the convergence of peasant struggles today, Kin Chi LAU
Configurations of comparative poetics : three perspectives on Western and Chinese literary criticism, Zongqi CAI
Conflict-positive organizations : applying mediation and conflict management research, Dean William TJOSVOLD; Man Kei, Paulina WAN; and Mo Lin, Moureen TANG
Confronting HK localism with a unified social citizenship, Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN
Constructing a neorealist reality : petty urbanites, mundaneness, and Chi Li's fiction, Haomin GONG
Consumer adoption of Wi-Fi network : the role of security knowledge, perceived threat and security measures, Ge ZHAN and Hiu Kan, Ada WONG
Consumer attitude towards beauty in China : evidence from cosmetics industry in China, Geng CUI and Fang YANG
Contented on the lake, Tze I TIEN and Darryl Cameron STERK
Cookie tutorial and dinner party
Corporate accessibility, private communications and stock price crash risk, Michael Arthur FIRTH; Man Lai, Sonia WONG; and Xiaofeng, Edward ZHAO
Cosmology, Vincent S. LEUNG
‘Crazy English’ and individual English learners : an integrationist critique of English education as a business in China, Feifei, Feifei ZHOU
Creative industries, organised networks and open economies, Ned ROSSITER
Credit Expansion, corporate finance and overinvestment : recent evidence from China, Jianfu SHEN; Michael Arthur FIRTH; and Pui Han, Winnie POON
Critical and analytical writing about film in the literature in English classroom, Preet Pankaj HIRADHAR
Cultural criticism : cross-writing and the question of language, Ou Fan, Leo LEE
Cultural education and American independent cinema = 文化教育與美國獨立電影
Cultural studies in/and institutions : panel 1, Meaghan MORRIS, Markus REISENLEITNER, Tony BENNETT, and Edward CHEN
Cultural studies in/and institutions : panel 2, Siu Leung LI, Kin Chi LAU, Jinhua DAI, Tejaswini NIRANJANA, Wai Ching WONG, Kuan Hsing CHEN, and Xiaoming WANG
Cultural studies in a still colonial context : imagining Hong Kong between world and home, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
Cultural studies in Australia : some paradoxes of institutional successes and cultural deficits, Chris HEALY
Culture and cultural Institutions : part 1, David CLARKE, Douglas CRIMP, Laikwan PANG, Koichi IWABUCHI, and Audrey YUE
Culture and cultural Institutions : part 2, Laikwan PANG, Koichi IWABUCHI, Audrey YUE, Brian BRIDGES, Soyoung KIM, and Earl JACKSON
Culture, feminism, globalisation, Tejaswini NIRANJANA
Customer participation behavior for value co-creation in high-versus low-contact services : the roles of trust-in-personnel and trust-in-brand, Ling Yee, Esther LI; T. K., Sherriff LUK (陸定光); and Shaw-Ching, Ben LIU
Customer reviews for demand distribution and sales nowcasting : a big data approach, Wing Kuen, Eric SEE-TO and W. T., Eric NGAI
Customers’ capital market information quality and suppliers’ performance, Suresh RADHAKRISHNAN, Zheng WANG, and Yue ZHANG
Data warehouse, business intelligence and institutional research : organizing campus data to facilitate strategic planning and daily operations, Kwun Yip, Terence KWOK
Death is a tiger butterfly, Ming Yi WU and Darryl Cameron STERK
Deconstructing allegory : reading Paul de Man, Tejaswini NIRANJANA
Defamilisation measures and women’s labour force participation : a comparative study of twelve countries, Ruby C M Chau; Sam W K Yu; Liam Foster; and Ka-wai, Maggie LAU
Defending relational egalitarianism and the two principles of equality, Tsz Chun CHOY
Defining community art : theoretical and practical reconstruction, Kei Shun, Samson WONG (王基信)
Delay no more : struggles to re-imagine Hong Kong (for the next 30 years), Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
Democratic imperative in nation building : from Lincoln to Bush, Russell DUNCAN
Demographic and epidemiological transition, Kevin MCCRACKEN and David Rosser PHILLIPS
Demythologizing intuition, Jennifer Ellen NADO
Desire as trap : chronotope of labor in Mao Dun's "Spring silkworms", Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
Dictatorship, William Peter BAEHR
Die peacefully, live happily, Khong, Bhikkuni CHAN
Digital libraries and the future of libraries as we know them, Ross HARVEY
Digital library services by Kodaki center, Nikki YUEN
Digitized parody : the politics of egao in contemporary China, Haomin GONG and Xin YANG
Directors' and officers' liability insurance and loan spreads, Chen LIN, Micah S. OFFICER, Rui WANG, and Hong ZOU
Disaggregated trade and disaggregated currency unions: a ranking of common currency effects, Gregory William WHITTEN
Distinctive feature of microbial communities and bacterial functional profiles in Tricholoma matsutake dominant soil, Seung-Yoon OH, Jonathan Julio FONG, Myung Soo PARK, and Young Woon LIM
DNA evidence for the hybridization of wild turtles in Taiwan : possible genetic pollution from trade animals, Jonathan J. FONG and Tien-Hsi CHEN
Documentary aesthetics and spectacle of ideology as fantasy Chinese independent film, Tonglin LU
Documentary screening : Burma VJ : reporting from a closed country
Do customers respond to the disclosure of internal control weakness?, Lixin, Nancy SU; Xuezhou, Rachel ZHAO; and Gaoguang, Stephen ZHOU
Does accent matter? Investigating the relationship between accent and identity in English as a lingua franca communication, Chit Cheung, Matthew SUNG
Does corruption hinder private businesses? Leadership stability and predictable corruption in China, Jiangnan ZHU and Dong ZHANG
Does democracy promotion promote democracy? The Zimbabwean case, Ruvimbo Natalie MAVHIKI
Do health beliefs explain traditional medical therapies utilisation? Evidence from Ghana, Razak Mohammed GYASI, Felix ASANTE, Kabila ABASS, Joseph Yaw YEBOAH, Samuel ADU-GYAMFI, and Padmore Adusei AMOAH
Doing traditional culture in cultural studies, Siu Leung LI
Do national levels of individualism and internal locus of control relate to well- being : an ecological level international study, Paul E. SPECTOR, Cary L. COOPER, Juan I. SANCHEZ, Michael O'DRISCOLL, Kate SPARKS, Peggy BERNIN, André BÜSSING, Phil DEWE, Peter HART, Luo LU, Karen MILLER, Lucio Flavio Renault DE MORAES, Gabrielle M. OSTROGNAY, Milan PAGON, Horea PITARIU, Steven POELMANS, Phani RADHAKRISHNAN, Vesselina RUSSINOVA, Vladimir SALAMATOV, Jesus SALGADO, Satoru SHIMA, Oi Ling SIU, Jean Benjamin STORA, Mare TEICHMANN, Tores THEORELL, Peter VLERICK, Mina WESTMAN, Maria WIDERSZAL-BAZYL, Paul WONG, and Shanfa YU
Do school ties between auditors and client executives influence audit outcomes?, Yuyan GUAN; Lixin, Nancy SU; Donghui WU; and Zhifeng YANG
Do SEC reviews of corporate filings improve the information environment?, Wei QIANG
Dr Anthony Francis Neoh, QC, SC, JP 梁定邦資深大律師,JP
Dr. Bethune's children : a novel, Yiwei XUE and Darryl Cameron STERK
Dr Eddy Li Sau-hung, BBS, JP 李秀恒博士BBS, JP
Dynamic capabilities for the 21st-century, Mark EASTERBY-SMITH
Earnings management and forecast guidance as mechanisms to meet or beat analysts' earnings forecasts, Lixin, Nancy SU
Earnings performance of major customers and bank loan contracting with suppliers, Jeong KIM, Byron SONG, and Yue ZHANG
East Asian screen industries, Darrell William DAVIS and Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
Editor's introduction : Arendt's critique of the society, William Peter BAEHR and Philip WALSH
Edward Hall, 1980s 愛華堂, 1980年代
Edward Hall Foundation Laying Ceremony, 1974 愛華堂奠基禮, 1974年
Effective voice use and voice protection = 有效用聲講座, Sindy LAI
Elvis, allow me to introduce myself : American music and neocolonialism in Taiwan cinema, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
Emerged content and dynamic normativit, Yujian ZHENG
Engaging student consultants to improve library’s information literacy instructions, James Stuart POUNDER; Wai Man, Terence CHEUNG; and Kourtney WOO
Enhancing global competitiveness and human capital management : does education help reduce inequality and poverty in Hong Kong?, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
Ethical leadership in social enterprises : multilevel investigation of its influence on team and individual prosocial voice, Pok Man TANG
Ethogram of Sacalia quadriocellata (Reptilia : Testudines : Geoemydidae) in captivity, Yu-xiang LIU, Jie WANG, Hai-tao SHI, Robert W. MURPHY, Mei-ling HONG, Bin HE, Jonathan J. FONG, Ji-chao WANG, and Li-rong FU
Evaluating noninvasive methods of sex identification in Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas) hatchlings, Zhong Rong XIA, Pi Peng LI, He Xiang GU, Jonathan J. FONG, and Er Mi ZHAO
Evaluating phylogenetic informativeness and data-type usage for new protein-coding genes across Vertebrata, Jonathan J. FONG and Matthew K. FUJITA
Examining multiple readings of popular culture by ESL students in Hong Kong, Jasmine LUK and Wai Yi, Diane HUI
Examining the generation effects on job-hopping intention by applying the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), Sze Hang YUEN
Experimental philosophy 2.0, Jennifer Ellen NADO
Explaining positions on same-sex sexuality in conservative societies : do cultural and religious precepts matter?, Padmore Adusei AMOAH, Razak Mohammed GYASI, and Joseph EDUSEI
Exploding debt syndrome : the politics of the Greek debt crisis, Elliot NEAMAN and Shalendra SHARMA
Explorations in stylistics, Andrew GOATLY
Exploring cultural differences in critical thinking : is it about my thinking style or the language I speak?, Miu Chi, Vivian LUN; Ronald FISCHER; and Colleen WARD
Exploring Female Agency and Female Consciousness in Popular Culture, Hiu Ling, Winnie YAU
Exploring risks, advantages and interpersonal trust in buyer-salesperson relationships in direct selling in a non-western country, Shing Chung, Patrick POON; Gerald ALBAUM; and Cheng-Yue YIN
Exploring social and generational equity in the context of China’s socio-economic and demographic transition, Ka Wai, Maggie LAU
Exporting moralities : HIV/AIDS and globalization = 道德輸出 : 愛滋病與全球化, Dennis ALTMAN
Expression and guidance in Schroeder’s expressivist semantics, Derek Clayton BAKER
Extending the argument from unconceived alternatives : observations, models, predictions, explanations, methods, instruments, experiments, and values, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM
Extravagance and its decline : China’s triple East Asian games since the 2000s, Pok CHU
Faculty newsletter (Vol. 4, Iss. 1), Office of Service-Learning, Lingnan University
Farewell to Stubbs Road, 1995 情繫司徒拔道, 1995年
Fashion (western) sexuality for sale : the case of sex and fashion articles in Cosmpolitan Hong Kong, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
FDI and manufacturing industry in Asia, Luyi JIN
Feeling at home in the “Chocolate City” : an exploration of place-making practices and structures of belonging amongst Africans in Guangzhou, Roberto Carlos CASTILLO BAUTISTA
Feminism and cultural studies in Asia, Tejaswini NIRANJANA
Feminizing the city : gender and space in colonial Colombo, Nihal PERERA
Feminizing the city : gender and space in colonial Colombo
Feng Xiaogang (Chinese New Year Cinema), Haomin GONG
FES:以學生為主體的福音運動, Siu Ming CHEUNG (張小鳴)
Finning (through buzz words) in the Korean wave : (alias) locating the use of (foreign) popular culture in transnational media studies, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
First panel : open discussion, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
First roundtable session : professional practices : defaults and dynamics, Siu Wan HON, Wing Suet NG, Violet SUNG, Yuen Yi CHUNG, and Wai Leuk CHOI
Flags of our fathers : American patriotism, Allan KULIKOFF
Footprints, sort of : superfluous words on the launch of the "Newsletter of literary friends", Zhaozheng ZHONG and Darryl Cameron STERK
Foundation Laying Ceremony of New Campus, 1993 嶺南學院新校園奠基典禮, 1993年
Founders, classics, canons : modern disputes over the origins and appraisal of sociology's heritage, William Peter BAEHR
Four empirical essays in development economics, Haftom Bayray KAHSAY
Fourth panel : open discussion, Po Keung HUI
Framework (conceptual), Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM
Framing manipulations in contests : a natural field experiment, Fuhai HONG, Tanjim HOSSAIN, and John A. LIST
(Free) TV cultural rights and local identity : the struggle of HKTV as a social movement, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
From Brothels to schools : the art world as a platform for activism
From fishing port to “city of life” : Hong Kong history according to the Hong Kong Tourism Board, Hoi Yan YUEN and Suet Wah CHOI
From plague to SARS, from flower to power : the hybridity of Hong Kong medical science development projected by the HK Museum of Medical Science, Cally YU and Samuel CHOY
From Shaw brothers to grand motion picture : localisation of Huangmei diao films, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
From the pornographic penis to the biotechnical phallus, Stephen MADDISON
Functional load revisited : reinterpreting the findings of ‘lingua franca’ intelligibility studies, Andrew SEWELL
Future un-imagined, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
Game theory in "real" life : the art and science of strategies in movies, sports, and literature, Avinash DIXIT
Garnerings 譯藪 1991-1992, Garnerings Editorial Board
Garnerings 譯藪 88-89, Garnerings Editorial Board
Garnerings 譯藪 89-90, Garnerings Editorial Board
Garnerings 譯藪 90-91, Garnerings Editorial Board
Genetic evidence for a high diversity and wide distribution of endemic strains of the pathogenic chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in wild Asian amphibians, Arnaud BATAILLE, Jonathan J. FONG, Moonsuk CHA, Guinevere O. WOGAN, Hae Jun BAEK, Hang LEE, Mi-Sook MIN, and Bruce WALDMAN
Geographical studies of atopic dermatitis, Nicholas MCNALLY and David Rosser PHILLIPS
Geographies and traditional therapies utilization : a convergence of health behaviors in rural and urban settings?, Padmore Adusei AMOAH and Razak Mohammed GYASI
Global health : an introduction to current and future trends, Kevin MCCRACKEN and David Rosser PHILLIPS
Globalization and hybridization in cultural production : a tale of two films, Georgette WANG and Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
Globalization and hybridization in cultural products : the cases of Mulan and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Georgette WANG and Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
Global perspectives on human factors & ergonomics, Megan OLSON; Sami DURRANI; William (Deak) HELTON; Halimahtun M. KHALID; Yau Wai, Simon LI; and Patrick WATERSON
Glocalizing Murakami Haruki = 村上春樹的全球在地化, Rebecca SUTER
Good leadership : a mirage in the desert?, Anders ÖRTENBLAD; Fok Loi, Jacky HONG; and Robin Stanley SNELL
Government purchase of services in China : similar intentions, different policy designs, Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN
Graduation Ceremony, 1979 畢業典禮, 1979年
Graduation Ceremony, 1983 畢業典禮, 1983年
Graduation Ceremony, 1993 畢業典禮, 1993年
Grandpa’s other wife, Yao Jen CHANG and Darryl Cameron STERK
Ground Breaking Ceremony of the Auditorium, 1979 學院大會堂動土儀式, 1979年
Ground zero excerpt, Egoyan ZHENG and Darryl Cameron STERK
Guanxi’s contribution to commitment and productive conflict between banks and small and medium enterprises in China, Shiu Ho, Alfred WONG; Lu WEI; Xinyan WANG (汪新豔); and Dean William TJOSVOLD
Handrails, steps and curbs : sacred places and secular pilgrimage in skateboarding, Paul James O'CONNOR
Hands-off approach, Baohui ZHANG
Hard of hearing, Chi Jiang CHANG and Darryl Cameron STERK
Harmonizing conflicting views about harmony in Chinese culture, Miu Chi, Vivian LUN
Harold Bloom, resentment, and the somatics of literary criticism, Douglas Jack ROBINSON
Health literacy and self-perceived health status among street youth in Kumasi, Ghana, Padmore Adusei AMOAH, David Rosser PHILLIPS, Razak Mohammed GYASI, Adwoa Owusuaa KODUAH, and Joseph EDUSEI
Heritage, tourism and dislocated memories : the reconstruction of Murray House, Kin Wai TOO
Hierarchical knowledge in self-improving Grammar-Based Genetic Programming, Pak-Kan WONG (黃柏芹), Man Leung WONG, and Kwong-Sak LEUNG (梁廣錫)
Higher education governance and policy in China : managing decentralization and transnationalism, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK and Xiao HAN
High Table Dinner of Lingnan College student hostel, 1998 嶺南學院學生宿舍高桌晚宴, 1998年
Historiography and sinification : music in Chinese cinema of the 1930s, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
History of media and human rights, Mark HAMPTON and Diana Lucy LEMBERG
HKCAN XML 版及新發展, Maria LAU
Home is where Hollywood isn’t : recasting East Asian film industries, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
Homeless in the world : war, narrative, and historical consciousness in Eileen Chang, György Lukács, and Lev Tolstoy, Roy Bing CHAN
‘Homing’ Guangzhou : emplacement, belonging and precarity among Africans in China, Roberto Carlos CASTILLO BAUTISTA
Hong Kong and Singapore : the quest for regional education hub status, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
Hong Kong and the new imperialism, Prasenjit DUARA
Hong Kong English, but not as we know it : Kongish and language in late modernity, Andrew SEWELL and Jason CHAN
Hong Kong In-media, Iam Chong IP
Hong Kong's ghosts : the politics of disappearance = 香港的魅影 : 消失的政治, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN; Yan Wai, Connie LO; Simon CHU; and Shuk Man LEUNG
Hong Kong : the rise of a new political force, Iam Chong IP
Hot pot party before Winter Solstice = 冬至火鍋食物分享會
How do CDOs and CDSs influence the crisis of 2008, Martin BUFFET
How does analysts' forecast quality relate to corporate investment efficiency?, Tao CHEN; Lingmin XIE; and Yuanyuan, Karen ZHANG
How does a reward for creativity program benefit or frustrate employee creative performance? The perspective of transactional model of stress and coping, Fuli LI (李福荔), Tingting CHEN, and Xin LAI (賴欣)
How marketing on Instagram affect Hong Kong youths' perception towards the idea of an "ideal-self", Ming Chu, Brittany CHAN
How might degrees of belief shift? On action conflicting with professed beliefs, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM
How to improve the sustainability of social enterprises?, Hiu-Kan, Ada WONG
How to read Chinese poetry : a guided anthology, Zongqi CAI
How to read Chinese poetry. Workbook, Jie CUI and Zongqi CAI
How to utilize resources from university libraries, Frederick NESTA
Huemer on immigration and the preservation of culture, Rafael DE CLERCQ
Humorous Field - Field to Humour = 幽默地誌 - 地致幽默, Kwok Kin SO (蘇國堅)
Identification manual for traded turtles in China, Hai Tao SHI, Mian HOU, Peter PRITCHARD, Michael LAU, Ji-Chao WANG, Yu-Xiang LIU, Frederick YEH, Jian-Jun PENG, Zhi-Yong FAN, Feng YIN, Tien-Hsi CHEN, Peter Paul VAN DIJK, James PARHAM, Jonathan Julio FONG, Brian HORNE, Henk ZWARTEPOORTE, Chuck SCHAFFER, John TUCKER, Bernard DEVAUX, Antoine CADI, Shi-Ping GONG, and Kwok Shing LEE
Illich, Ivan, Hon Fai CHEN
Imitation as translation : from Western theories of parody to Japanese postmodern pastiches, Tak Hung, Leo CHAN
Including the views of the public in a survey of poverty and social exclusion in Hong Kong : findings from focus group research, Ka Wai, Maggie LAU; David GORDON; Christina PANTAZIS; Eileen SUTTON; and Lea LAI
In conversation with professor Mike Featherstone, Mike FEATHERSTONE, Anjeline DE DIOS, and Kiran BHAIRANNAVAR
Increased risk of cigarette smoking among immigrant children and girls in Hong Kong : an emerging public health issue, Ka Wai, Maggie LAU; Xinguang CHEN; and Yuanjing REN
Incubating service leaders at Lingnan University, Office of Service-Learning, Lingnan University
Indoctrination and science education, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM
Inequalities in mortality and illness in Trent NHS Region, Natasha HUFF, Christine MACLEOD, David EBDON, David Rosser PHILLIPS, Lindsey DAVIES, and Andy NICHOLSON
Information manipulation and Climate Agreements, Fuhai HONG and Xiaojian ZHAO
Inoue at Shaws : the Wellspring of youth, Darrell William DAVIS and Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
In search of a cultural club = 尋找文化樞紐, Danny YUNG
In search of a politics of hope in the context of the education reform : from cultural critiques to critical pragmatics, Po Keung HUI
In search of cultural policy '93, Danny YUNG (榮念曾); Mathias WOO (胡恩威); Nerissa IP (葉佩怡); and Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
In search of Joanna Tse : reflections on heroism and decency in extreme situations, William Peter BAEHR
Institutional discourses, technology-mediated practices and pedagogy : a critical perspective, Atanu BHATTACHARYA and Preet Pankaj HIRADHAR
Institutional ownership, peer pressure and voluntary disclosures, Yupeng LIN, Ying MAO, and Zheng WANG
Institutional ownership stability and risk taking : evidence from the life–health insurance industry, Jiang CHENG, Elyas ELYASIANI, and Jingyi (Jane) JIA
Instrumentalism, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM
Integrated learning programme 2016-2017 : term 2, Student Services Centre
Integrated learning programme 2017-2018 : term 1, Student Services Centre
Integration for coexistence? Implementation of intercultural health care policy in Ghana from the perspective of service users and providers, Razak Mohammed GYASI, Adjoa Afriyie POKU, Simon BOATENG, Padmore Adusei AMOAH, Alhassan Abdul MUMIN, Jacob OBODAI, and Williams AGYEMANG-DUAH
International Environmental Agreements with endogenous or exogenous risk, Fuhai HONG and Larry KARP
International Environmental Agreements with mixed strategies and investment, Fuhai HONG and Larry KARP
International Environmental Agreements with reference points, Fuhai HONG
International initiatives in technology and aging, Andrew SIXSMITH, Maria CARRILLO, David Rosser PHILLIPS, Peter LANSLEY, and Ryan WOOLRYCH
Internationalization and transnationalization of higher education : a review of the Asia Pacific region, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK and Xiao HAN
International mega-sports events in Nanjing : China’s frugal games, Pok CHU
International Workshop on Globalization, Education and Social Futures cum postgraduate student sharing session, Susan ROBERTSON; Roger DALE; Ka Ho, Joshua MOK; Xiandong WEI; Beste Esra BURAK HO; Ho Lun, Alex WONG; Jin JIANG; Mulun, Alfred WU; and Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN
Interpersonal relations and subjective well-being among preadolescents in China, Wanxin LI and Ka Wai, Maggie LAU
In the tenement on Duckweed Lane, Yu Hsiang HAO and Darryl Cameron STERK
Introducing an Atayal song about mothers, Tze I TIEN and Darryl Cameron STERK
Introduction, Brian BRIDGES
Introduction, Ka Wai, Maggie LAU
Introduction, William Peter BAEHR
Introduction : centennial reflection on Chinese-language cinemas, Sheldon H. LU and Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
Introduction : family agriculture in the present world : regional perspectives, Rémy HERRERA and Kin Chi LAU
Introduction : mapping the field of Chinese-language cinema, Sheldon H. LU and Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
Introduction : poverty in a rich society : the case of Hong Kong, Ka Wai, Maggie LAU
Introduction : pushing forward the frontier of knowledge in economic science, Ping LIN
Introduction to the Marketing Forum, Steve TONG
Inventory policy, accruals quality and information risk, Gopal V. KRISHNAN; Bin SRINIDHI; and Lixin, Nancy SU
Investment opportunity set, political connection and business policies of private enterprises in China, Kong Wing, Clement CHOW; Ka Yiu, Michael FUNG; Kevin C. K. LAM; and Heibatollah SAMI
Investor legal protection and earnings management : a study of Chinese H-shares and Hong Kong shares, Yu Kit, Simon FUNG; Lixin, Nancy SU; and Reza Jashen GUL
Ironic indigenous primitivism : Taiwan's first 'native feature' in an era of ethnic tourism, Darryl Cameron STERK
Is arts policy a cultural policy in Hong Kong?, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
Is education a solution to inequality? A comparison on how people perceive educational inequality and social mobility in Hong Kong, Wing Tung SZETO
Is there a shred of use for this institution? : Cultural studies and its making in Hong Kong, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
Is the sky the limit? Fair executive pay as performance rises, Beste Esra BURAK HO
Japan hongscreen : Pan-Asian cinemas and flexible accumulation, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
Jazz, Michael INGHAM
'Je t'aime' : loving the cinema, Laurence Edward SIMMONS
Joint moderating effects of self-efficacy and coping on social stressor-psychological strain relationships in Greater China : evidence from three subregions, Oi Ling SIU, Paul E. SPECTOR, Chang qin LU, and Luo LU
Knowledge is not enough, Jennifer Ellen NADO
Laboratory, 1975 Open Day 參觀實驗室一景, 1975年開放日
Landscapes of aspiration in Guangzhou’s African music scene : beyond the trading narrative, Roberto Carlos CASTILLO BAUTISTA
Language, migrancy, and the literal : Ha Jin’s translation literature, Haomin GONG
Language testing and international intelligibility : a Hong Kong case study, Andrew SEWELL
La sustentabilidad con justicia ecológica y económica en China, Kin Chi LAU
Late stages of epidemiological transition : health status in the developed world, Matthew SMALLMAN-RAYNOR and David Rosser PHILLIPS
Launching Ceremony & book launch, Jui Chung, Rachel CHENG; Ka Ho, Joshua MOK; Simon MARGINSON; Ye LIU; Rebecca Rebecca MCGUIRE-SNIECKUS; Hon Kwong LUI; Deane E. NEUBAUER; James Stuart POUNDER; and Kwok Hon, Leonard CHENG
Learning grammar rules in probabilistic Grammar-based Genetic Programming, Pak-Kan WONG, Man Leung WONG, and Kwong-Sak LEUNG
Legitimate deficit : competitive bidding in a residual and semi-democratic welfare society, Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN and Alice M. L. CHONG
Lifestyle and addictive behaviors among Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong, Macau, Taipei, Wuhan, and Zhuhai : a first cross-subculture assessment, Xinguang CHEN; Ka Wai, Maggie LAU; Ming Yue KAN; I Chyun CHIANG; Yih-Jin HU; Jie GONG; Lue LI; and King Lun NGOK
Likelihood and consilience : on Forster’s counterexamples to the likelihood theory of evidence, Jiji ZHANG and Kun ZHANG
Lingnan Arts Week : panel discussion : who needs the Arts? The Arts in a business world, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN; Maureen BUJA; Michael INGHAM; Grace LAU; Paisley LIVINGSTON; Hon Kwong LUI; and Daniel NG
Lingnan campus opening, Mimi CHAU
Lingnan Campus transforms into Lingnan Garden : inauguration ceremony = 嶺大校園變身嶺大彩園 : 啟動儀式
Lingnan College, 1967 嶺南書院, 1967年
Lingnan College annual report : 1997-1998 = 嶺南學院年報 : 1997-1998, Lingnan College, Hong Kong
Lingnan College Hong Kong : President's report 1981-1982, Lingnan College, Hong Kong
Lingnan College Hong Kong : President's report 1983-1984, Lingnan College, Hong Kong
Lingnan College Hong Kong : President's report 1984-1985, Lingnan College, Hong Kong
Lingnan College Hong Kong : President's report 1985-1986, Lingnan College, Hong Kong
Lingnan College Hong Kong : President's report 1986-1987, Lingnan College, Hong Kong
Lingnan College Hong Kong : President's report 1987-1988, Lingnan College, Hong Kong
Lingnan College Hong Kong : President's report 1988-1989, Lingnan College, Hong Kong
Lingnan College Hong Kong : President's report 1989-1990, Lingnan College, Hong Kong
Lingnan College Hong Kong : President's report 1990-1991, Lingnan College, Hong Kong
Lingnan College Hong Kong : President's report 1991-1992, Lingnan College, Hong Kong
Lingnan College Hong Kong : President's report 1992-1993, Lingnan College, Hong Kong
Lingnan College Hong Kong : President's report 1993-1994, Lingnan College, Hong Kong
Lingnan College Hong Kong : President's report 1994-1995, Lingnan College, Hong Kong
Lingnan College Hong Kong : President's report 1995-1996, Lingnan College, Hong Kong
Lingnan College Hong Kong : President's report 1996-1997, Lingnan College, Hong Kong
Lingnan College Hong Kong : prospectus 1972-1974, Lingnan College
Lingnan College Hong Kong : prospectus 1974-1977, Lingnan College
Lingnan College Hong Kong : prospectus 1977-1979, Lingnan College
Lingnan College Hong Kong : prospectus 1982-1984 = 香港嶺南學院概覽 1982-1984, Lingnan College
Lingnan College Hong Kong : prospectus 1983-1984, Lingnan College
Lingnan College Hong Kong : prospectus 1984-1985, Lingnan College
Lingnan College Hong Kong : prospectus 1985-1986, Lingnan College
Lingnan College Hong Kong : prospectus 1986-1987 = 香港嶺南學院概覽 1986-1987, Lingnan College
Lingnan College Hong Kong : prospectus 1987-1988 = 香港嶺南學院概覽 1987-1988, Lingnan College
Lingnan College Hong Kong : prospectus for advanced level and equivalent courses (2-year programme) 1981-82, Lingnan College
Lingnan College Hong Kong : prospectus for post advanced level programmes (years 3-5) 1981-82, Lingnan College
Lingnan College Hong Kong : prospectus for post advanced level programmes (years 3-5) starting September 1980, Lingnan College
Lingnan College in 1960s 嶺南學院, 1960年代
Lingnan College in early 1970s 嶺南學院, 1970年代初
Lingnan College in early 1980s 嶺南學院, 1980年代初
Lingnan College in early 1990s 嶺南學院, 1990年代初
Lingnan College in late 1970s 嶺南學院, 1970年代後
Lingnan College in late 1980s 嶺南學院, 1980年代後
Lingnan College in mid 1990s 嶺南學院, 1990年代中
Lingnan College in Stubbs Road, 1980s 嶺南學院司徒拔道校址, 1980年代
Lingnan College in Tuen Mun, 1995 嶺南學院屯門校址, 1995年
Lingnan College New Campus Main Construction Contract Signing Ceremony, 1994 嶺南學院新校園興建工程簽約儀式, 1994年
Lingnan College under construction 興建中的嶺南學院 (1)
Lingnan College under construction 興建中的嶺南學院 (2)
Lingnan Folk 嶺南人 (Vol. 122), The 49th Press Bureau, Lingnan University Students' Union
Lingnan Folk 嶺南人 (Vol. 123), The 50th Press Bureau of Lingnan University Students' Union
Lingnan Gardeners Newsletter (No. 26) = 嶺南彩園通訊 (第26期), Lingnan Gardeners, Kwan Fong Cultural Research and Development Programme, Lingnan University
Lingnan Gardeners Newsletter (No. 27) = 嶺南彩園通訊 (第27期), Lingnan Gardeners, Kwan Fong Cultural Research and Development Programme, Lingnan University
Lingnan Gardeners Newsletter (No. 28) = 嶺南彩園通訊 (第28期), Lingnan Gardeners, Kwan Fong Cultural Research and Development Programme, Lingnan University
Lingnan Gardeners Newsletter (No. 29) = 嶺南彩園通訊 (第29期), Lingnan Gardeners, Kwan Fong Cultural Research and Development Programme, Lingnan University
Lingnan Gardeners Newsletter (No. 30) = 嶺南彩園通訊 (第30期), Lingnan Gardeners, Kwan Fong Cultural Research and Development Programme, Lingnan University
Lingnan Gardeners Newsletter (No. 31) = 嶺南彩園通訊 (第31期), Lingnan Gardeners, Kwan Fong Cultural Research and Development Programme, Lingnan University
Lingnan Gardeners Newsletter (No. 32) = 嶺南彩園通訊 (第32期), Lingnan Gardeners, Kwan Fong Cultural Research and Development Programme, Lingnan University
Lingnan Gardeners Newsletter (No. 33) = 嶺南彩園通訊 (第33期), Lingnan Gardeners, Kwan Fong Cultural Research and Development Programme, Lingnan University
Lingnan Gardeners Newsletter (No. 34) = 嶺南彩園通訊 (第34期), Lingnan Gardeners, Kwan Fong Cultural Research and Development Programme, Lingnan University
Lingnan Spirit Forever - A Mission in Transition, 1951-1990 : From the Trustees of Lingnan University to the Lingnan Foundation, Tung, Steve AU
Lingnan University annual report : 1998-1999 = 嶺南大學年報 : 1998-1999, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Lingnan University annual report : 1999-2000 = 嶺南大學年報 : 1999-2000, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Lingnan University annual report : 2000-2001 = 嶺南大學年報 : 2000-2001, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Lingnan University annual report : 2001-2002 = 嶺南大學年報 : 2001-2002, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Lingnan University annual report : 2002-2003 = 嶺南大學年報 : 2002-2003, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Lingnan University annual report : 2003-2004 = 嶺南大學年報 : 2003-2004, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Lingnan University annual report : 2004-2005 = 嶺南大學年報 : 2004-2005, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Lingnan University annual report : 2005-2006 = 嶺南大學年報 : 2005-2006, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Lingnan University annual report : 2006-2007 = 嶺南大學年報 : 2006-2007, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Lingnan University annual report : 2007-2008 = 嶺南大學年報 : 2007-2008, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Lingnan University annual report : 2008-2009 = 嶺南大學年報 : 2008-2009, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Lingnan University annual report : 2009-2010 = 嶺南大學年報 : 2009-2010, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Lingnan University annual report : 2010-2011 = 嶺南大學年報 : 2010-2011, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Lingnan University annual report : 2011-2012 = 嶺南大學年報 : 2011-2012, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Lingnan University annual report : 2012-2013 = 嶺南大學年報 : 2012-2013, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Lingnan University annual report : 2013-2014 = 嶺南大學年報 : 2013-2014, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Lingnan University annual report : 2014-2015 = 嶺南大學年報 : 2014-2015, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Lingnan University annual report : 2015-2016 = 嶺南大學年報 : 2015-2016, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Lingnan University grooms social innovators, Office of Service-Learning, Lingnan University
Lingnan University in late 1990s 嶺南大學, 1990年代後
Lingnan University Title Celebration, 1999 嶺南大學正名典禮, 1999年
Lingnan University Title Celebration, 1999 嶺南大學正名慶典, 1999年
Linnaeus fund research report : conservation genetics of the Yellow Pond Turtle (Mauremys mutica) and the Annam Leaf Turtle (Mauremys annamensis), Jonathan J. FONG
Living with ambiguity : pricing mortality-linked securities with smooth ambiguity preferences, Hua CHEN, Michael SHERRIS, Tao SUN, and Wenge ZHU
Locating the transnational : gender and neoliberalism in the Kerala model of development, Ritty LUKOSE
Locating the transnational : gender and neoliberalism in the Kerala model of development
Long-distance trade and water transports in pre-industrial China, 1000-1800, Guanglin, William LIU
Long-term care, David Rosser PHILLIPS
Long-term changes in prices, wages and the size of the monetary economy in pre-industrial China 1000-1770, Guanglin, William LIU
Loved and lost : the adolescent girls' same-sex romance and Chinese sexual modernity, Fran MARTIN
Love songs, Tze I TIEN and Darryl Cameron STERK
Machiavellianism, support for CESR, and attitudes towards environmental responsibility amongst undergraduate students, Richard Stanley SIMMONS and Robin Stanley SNELL
Magic, medicine, cannibalism : the China demon in Hong Kong horror, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH and Hei Tung, Neda NG
Mainstreaming original Pilipino music, Anjeline DE DIOS
Maintaining a minority sport : cricket in post-colonial Hong Kong, Brian BRIDGES
Majority in the margins? A case for bilingual pedagogy, Tejaswini NIRANJANA
Managerial ownership, board monitoring and firm performance in a family-concentrated corporate environment, Peter CHENG; Lixin, Nancy SU; and Xindong,Kevin ZHU
Managing international connectivity, diversity of learning and changing labour markets : East Asian perspectives, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
Managing organizational entry in China : the roles of newcomer–supervisor exchange, incumbent support, and perceived insider status, Zhanying OU, Jie WANG, and Tingting CHEN
Market Integration in China, AD 960-1644, Guanglin, William LIU
Market reaction to regulatory action in the insurance industry : the case of contingent commission, Jiang CHENG, Elyas ELYASIANI, and Tzu Ting LIN
Massification of higher education and challenges for graduate employment and social mobility : East Asian experiences and sociological reflections, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK and Jin JIANG
Massification of higher education: challenges for admissions and graduate employment in China, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK and Jin JIANG
Masterclass : Ackbar Abbas = 大師班:記錄香港文化, Ackbar ABBAS
Matching and integrating community service needs with goals for academic learning, Timothy K. STANTON
Material well-being, social relationships and children’s overall life satisfaction in Hong Kong, Ka Wai, Maggie LAU and Jonathan BRADSHAW
MCS課程介紹講座, Siu Leung LI
MCS課程介紹講座暨畢業生新書發佈會, Siu Leung LI
Meaning and humour, Andrew GOATLY
Media bias and the climate issue, Fuhai HONG and Xiaojian ZHAO
Memorandum from Mr. Allen Lau to Mr. Edward Chan to discuss the establishment of Lingnan College in Hong Kong 劉顯相先生致函陳德泰先生討論在港創辦嶺南書院事宜, Ellen LAU (劉顯相)
Metaphor and grammar in the poetic representation of nature, Andrew Peter GOATLY
Michael Moore’s SICKO and America’s healthcare reform
Mid-Autumn Festival party = 彩園中秋節派對
Migrant female head porters’ enrolment in and utilisation and renewal of the National Health Insurance Scheme in Kumasi, Ghana, Simon BOATENG, Prince AMOAKO, Adjoa Afriyie POKU, Anthony BAABEREYIR, and Razak Mohammed GYASI
Migrant minstrels, Anjeline DE DIOS
Minor access control of Hong Kong under the framework convention on tobacco control, Ming Yue KAN and Ka Wai, Maggie LAU
Miss Kiwi, Wei Yun LIN-GÓRECKA and Darryl Cameron STERK
Mitochondrial variation of the “eyed” turtles (Sacalia) based on known-locality and trade specimens, Haitao SHI, Jonathan J. FONG, James F. PARHAM, Junfeng PANG, Jichao WANG, Meiling HONG, and Ya-Ping ZHANG
Mobile phone culture, Gerard GOGGIN
Mona Rudo's scar : two kinds of epic identity in Seediq bale, Darryl Cameron STERK
Montage of attractions : juxtaposing Lust/Caution, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
Mortality dependence and longevity bond pricing : a dynamic factor copula mortality model with the GAS structure, Hua CHEN, Richard D. MACMINN, and Tao SUN
Movement, formation, and maintenance in the Soviet Union : Victor Zaslavsky’s challenge to the Arendtian theory of totalitarianism, William Peter BAEHR
Moving from local system to a shared cloud based system : one library’s perspective on the pains and gains of working with the consortium, Wai Ming, Joe CHOW and Man Lik, Owen TAM
Mr Roger Yuen Kwong-ming 袁光銘先生
Mr Warren Chan Chee-hoi, QC, SC 陳志海資深大律師
Multi-population mortality models : a factor copula approach, Hua CHEN, Richard MACMINN, and Tao SUN
Multivariate stochastic dominance for risk averters and risk seekers, Xu GUO (郭旭) and Wing-Keung WONG
Music in the balance : language, modernity and Hindustani sangeet in Dharwad, Tejaswini NIRANJANA
Music video, postmodernism and cultural studies : the case of karaoke, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
My classmates, Ah Sheng and Darryl Cameron STERK
Nationalism and perversion : the Diaoyutai Movement of 1996 in Hong Kong, Mriana May SZETO
Negotiating educated subjectivity : intern labour and higher education in Hong Kong, Iam Chong IP
Negotiating global citizenship, protecting privilege : western expatriates choosing local schools in Hong Kong, Julian M. GROVES and Paul James O'CONNOR
Negotiating the familiar in unfamiliar settings, Anjeline DE DIOS
Neo-sentimentalism and the bodily attitudinal theory of emotions, Chun Nam, Emile CHAN
New campus in a class of its own, Martin CHAN
New horizons of transnational Chinese-language film studies : an interview with Sheldon H. Lu, Fengliang LI and Haomin GONG
New localities of endangered Chinese turtles from museum specimens and the practical and ethical challenges using and reporting natural history collection data, Jonathan J. FONG and Ge-Xia QIAO
Newsletter of literary friends : correspondence between Zhong Zhaozheng and Zhong Lihe, Zhaozheng ZHONG, Lihe ZHONG, and Darryl Cameron STERK
News on Lingnan College new campus
New sovereignties : remapping the rights imaginary, John Nguyet ERNI
New takes on film historiography. Republican cinema redux, an introduction, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
New Year's Eve, D. J. LIU and Darryl Cameron STERK
Next year Munich : masculinity, zionism and diaspora in Spielberg’s epic, James SCHAMUS
Nexus between artisanal and small-scale gold mining and livelihood in Prestea mining region, Ghana, Francis ARTHUR, Williams AGYEMANG-DUAH, Razak Mohammed GYASI, Joseph Yaw YEBOAH, and Evans OTIEKU
Nonaudit services and earnings management in the Pre-SOX and Post-SOX eras, Jayanthi KRISHNAN; Lixin, Nancy SU; and Yinqi ZHANG
Nurses' knowledge, clinical practice and attitude towards unconventional medicine : implications for intercultural healthcare, Razak Mohammed GYASI, Kabila ABASS, Samuel ADU-GYAMFI, and Burnett Tetteh ACCAM
Official welcome by the President and introduction of VP, AVPs, Programme Directors, Heads of Departments and President of Students’ Union to new students, Kwan Yiu, Edward CHEN
Of politics and social science : ‘Totalitarianism’ in the dialogue of David Riesman and Hannah Arendt, William Peter BAEHR
Of washing powder, Afrophobia and racism in China, Roberto Carlos CASTILLO BAUTISTA
Old tales, untold : Lu Xun against world literature, Daniel M. DOOGHAN
On component forces in physics : a pragmatic view, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM
One app, two apps, three apps : evolution of campus web and mobile services, Hon Yee, Joyce LAM
One to avoid, one to engage : unmasking and conflict pluralism as European heritages, William Peter BAEHR
On film and philosophy : the case of Ingmar Bergman
On rationally valuing one’s life, Derek Clayton BAKER
On the appreciation of art, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
On the disquieting loss of Thao ritual tradition, Tze I TIEN and Darryl Cameron STERK
On the identifiability and estimation of functional causal models in the presence of outcome-dependent selection, Kun ZHANG, Jiji ZHANG, Biwei HUANG, Bernhard SCHÖLKOPF, and Clark GLYMOUR
On the interest of documentary film, Mette HJORT
Opening, Po Keung HUI
Opening Ceremony of 30th Anniversary Celebration and Open Day, 1997 嶺南學院三十週年校慶開幕典禮暨開放日, 1997年
Opening Ceremony of Jackie Chan Gymnasium, 1997 成龍體育館啟用典禮, 1997年
Opening Ceremony of Lingnan College New Campus, 1996 嶺南學院新校園啟用典禮, 1996年 (1)
Opening Ceremony of Lingnan College New Campus, 1996 嶺南學院新校園啟用典禮, 1996年 (2)
Opening Ceremony of Ming Hin Hall, 1980 銘衍堂開幕典禮, 1980年
Opening Ceremony of the establishment of Lingnan College, 1967 嶺南書院成立典禮, 1967年
Opening of the Forum, Ling Yee, Esther LI
Opening remarks, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
Opening talk of "Creativity movement space" exhibition, Francesco LIETTI, Him LO, Wen YAU, Birdy CHU, and Edward TSE
Opening = 開幕, Stein Haugom OLSEN
Opening = 開幕式, Barton STARR
Outcome based approach is student learning, T. S. CHAN; John ERNI; Frank WONG; and Hau Nung, Annie CHAN
Ownership structure impact on exchange rate exposure under the RMB regime reform, Luning JIA
Packaging talent : the migrant creative labor management of overseas Filipino musicians, Anjeline DE DIOS
Panel II : open discussion, Po Keung HUI
Panel I : open discussion, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
Paradoxes of diversity, William Peter BAEHR and Daniel GORDON
Parsons and Nisbet : two versions of sociological communitarianism, Hon-fai CHEN
Patrons & professionals in the new age of Chinese-English translation, Liping BAI
Perceived employability of Hong Kong employees : its antecedents, moderator and outcomes, Hang-yue NGO (敖恆宇); Huimin LIU (劉慧敏); and Yue Lok, Francis CHEUNG
Performability and translation : a case study of the production and reception of Ying Ruocheng’s translations, Yichen YANG
Performing contradictions, performing bad-girlness in East Asia, Ching YAU
Personal identity and applied ethics : a historical and philosophical introduction, Andrea SAUCHELLI
Philosophy with a twist : La rivière du hibou, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON and Trevor PONECH
Phone鈴現身 : 流動電話、遙現和主體形構, Alvar POON and Wing Ho SIU
Pitfalls of cross-cultural analysis : Chinese wenyi film and melodrama, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
Play of two generations, Pui Iong WONG and Clara YEUNG
Poetics and politics of Hou Hsiao-hsien’s films, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
Politics of belonging : a study of the campaign against mainland visitors in Hong Kong, Iam Chong IP
Polities and governance, Anson CHAN
Popularization of traditional culture in postsocialist China : a study of the Yu Qiuyu Phenomenon, Haomin GONG
Popular song and adaptation, Michael Anthony INGHAM
Portfolio recallocation and exchange rate dynamics, King Chun WONG
Postcards from Prague, Ping Kwan Leung (梁秉鈞) and Man, Jasmine TONG
Postgraduate studies seminar : research and mrthodological issues : dialogue with experienced researcher, Deane NEUBAUER and Jiwei QIAN
Post-handover Hong Kong’s international sporting bids : a win-less-lose-more journey, Pok CHU
Posthumous socialism, Ackbar ABBAS
Post-Umbrella Movement : localism and radicalness of the Hong Kong student movement, Che Po CHAN
Poverty in a rich society : the case of Hong Kong, Ka Wai, Maggie LAU and David GORDON
Poverty in Hong Kong, Ka Wai, Maggie LAU; Christina PANTAZIS; David GORDON; Lea LAI; and Eileen SUTTON
Powerless or perilous? Ageing women as an emerging social force in Hong Kong, Kit Ling LUK
Powerless or Perilous? Ageing women as an emerging social force in Hong Kong
Practicing collectivism in rural China, Kin Chi LAU
Preserving the Rothschild–Stiglitz type of increasing risk with background risk, Xu GUO, Jingyuan LI, Dongri LIU, and Jian Li WANG
Prevalence and correlate of problem behaviors among adolescents in Hong Kong, Ka Wai, Maggie LAU and Ming Yue KAN
Price divergence from fundamental value and the value relevance of accounting information, Yu Kit, Simon FUNG; Lixin, Nancy SU; and Xindong,Kevin ZHU
Professionals and translation in a “literary translation system”, Liping BAI
Promoting international connectivity and seeking global competitiveness : issues and challenges, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
Pronunciation assessment in Asia’s world city : implications of a lingua franca approach in Hong Kong, Andrew SEWELL
Public lecture on “Postcards between friends 友愛明信片", Carol ARCHER
Pulled in or pushed out : understanding the complexities of motivation for alternative therapies use in Ghana, Razak Mohammed GYASI, Felix ASANTE, Joseph Yaw YEBOAH, Kabila ABASS, Charlotte Monica MENSAH, and Lawrencia Pokuah SIAW
Qian Zhongshu 1910–1998, Haomin GONG
Quest for Asian world city status and promotion of global citizenship : Hong Kong's responses to development and aid projects in the region, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK and Ka Ming YU
Question 1 : What does CEO / CBM do?, Weber LO and Steve TONG
Question 2 : What did I learn from my previous jobs?, Weber LO and Steve TONG
Question 3 : Why marketing is an important discipline and how it is instrumental to a company's success?, Weber LO and Steve TONG
Question 4 : How to be a professional marketer?, Weber LO and Steve TONG
Question 6 : Did you plan in advance what you will do after university? Any planning approach will you recommend?, Weber LO and Steve TONG
Question 7 : What did you consider when selecting your first job? Is it money, development opportunity, personal interest, people that you like to work with?, Weber LO and Steve TONG
Question 9 : What marketing subjects will be most relevant if one want to purse a marketing career?, Weber LO and Steve TONG
Question and answer section 1, Ravi RAVISHANKER; Kwun Yip, Terence KWOK; James Stuart POUNDER; and Wai Man, Terence Cheung
Question and answer section 2, Hon Yee, Joyce LAM; Wai Ming, Joe CHOW; Man Lik, Owen TAM; and Michael ROY
Question and answer session, Weber LO
Questions for feminist film studies, Tejaswini NIRANJANA
Questions of authorship : some comments on David Bordwell’s narration in the fiction film, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
Recent records of freshwater turtles from Guangdong, China, Shiping GONG, Haitao SHI, Jonathan J. FONG, and Michael LAU
Recognition of future news in earnings and price bubbles in experimental asset markets, Sudeep GHOSH; Suresh RADHAKRISHNAN; Bin SRINIDHI; and Lixin, Nancy SU
Reconfiguring class, gender, ethnicity and ethics in Chinese internet culture, Haomin GONG and Xin YANG
Red or expert? The Anglo–Soviet exchange of ambassadors in 1929, Brian BRIDGES
Regional development and airport productivity in China, Kong Wing, Clement CHOW; Ka Yiu, Michael FUNG; and Japhet Sebastian LAW
Regional geographies, gender and the question of location in recent Japanese film, Stephanie DEBOER
Remade in Hong Kong : how Hong Kong people use Hong Kong Disneyland, Wing Yee, Kimburley CHOI
Remaking Ozu : Hou Hsiao-hsien’s Café Lumière, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
Reorganisation of desire : cultural lives of young women in globalising India, Tejaswini NIRANJANA and Nitya VASUDEVAN
Repertoire, framing and visions : the occupy movement in Hong Kong, Ho Man LEUNG
Research for policy : mapping poverty in Hong Kong and the policy implications, Ka Wai, Maggie LAU
Resisting global Hollywood : how metacultural strategies create audiences for a small nation’s minor cinema, Mette HJORT
Respondent : Choi Po-king, Po King CHOI (蔡寶瓊)
Respondent : Hsia Lin-ching, Lin Ching HSIA (夏林清)
Respondent : Ip Kin-yuen, Kin Yuen IP
(Re-) The paths of inter-disciplinarity : being a local artist of Hong Kong, Yan Chi CHOI
Rethinking peace and gender : implications of thousand women for Nobel Peace Prize Project, Jinhua DAI, Shun Hing CHAN, and Kin Chi LAU
Rethinking the Peircean trichotomy of icon, index, and symbol, Ersu DING
Revisiting the past, D. J. LIU and Darryl Cameron STERK
Rhythmanalysis as a tool in social analysis on ethnicity in Hong Kong, Paul James O'CONNOR
Risk-based capital and firm risk taking in property-liability insurance, Jiang CHENG and Mary A. WEISS
Romancing the everyday : Hong Kong women watching Japanese dorama, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
Romancing the Formosan Aborigine : colonial interethnic romance and its democratic revision in postwar film and fiction, Darryl Cameron STERK
Roundtable seminar on 'What’s “foreign”in cultural studies? : remapping the field from Hong Kong', John ERNI; Shuk Mei, Agnes KU; Mette HJORT; and Ou Fan, Leo LEE
Roundtable seminar on 'What’s “foreign”in cultural studies? : remapping the field from Hong Kong'
SARS的集體遺忘.公共健康.政治.香港的未來 = Public health, politics and Hong Kong’s future, Wai Yin CHAN (陳慧燕); Wing Kit, Vicky YAU (邱穎潔); Pui Dai, Betty NG (吳蓓蒂); and Kit Shing, Derrick AU (區結成)
SAT-based causal discovery under weaker assumptions, ZHALAMA, Jiji ZHANG, Frederick EBERHARDT, and Wolfgang MAYER
Scientific refutation of traditional Chinese medicine claims about turtles, Meiling HONG, Haitao SHI, Lirong FU, Shiping GONG, Jonathan J. FONG, and James F. PARHAM
Screwed by fate? The prostitute and the critique of liberalism in Backed against the sea, Darryl Cameron STERK
Second panel introduction, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
Second panel : open discussion, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
Seminar introduction, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
Semiotics turning cross-cultural, Ersu DING
Service leadership : the 2nd education revolution in the 21st century = 廿一世紀服務領導新定向, Po Yang CHUNG
Service-learning as an independent course : merits, challenges, and ways forward, Hok Ka, Carol MA and Fei Yin, Dawn LO
Service-Learning Times : programme booklet 2017/18 semester 1, Office of Service-Learning, Lingnan University
Session 1 : Keynote speech and roundtable discussion = 第一節 : 主講及圓桌會議, Lawrence GROSSBERG (高士柏), Po Keung HUI (許寶強), Choi Wan CHEUNG (張彩雲), Kin Wai TOO (堵建偉), Jackie HUNG (孔令瑜), and Tai Lok LUI (呂大樂)
Shakespeare on the city and its outcasts : a study on tragedy and political philosophy, Yu LIU
Shaping the self and legitimizing collective identities : a study of the implementation of junior secondary social subjects curricula (1975-2004), Y. F., Muriel LAW
Shenzheners : stories, Yiwei XUE and Darryl Cameron STERK
She waves the flag : preface to Ping Lu's new collection "Who killed XXX?", Xiguo ZHANG and Darryl Cameron STERK
Silence is golden? Evidence from disclosing related-party transactions in China, Wai Yee, Agnes LO and Man Kong, Raymond WONG (黃敏剛)
Silver jubilee = 銀禧紀念特刊, Lingnan College, Hong Kong
Sima Qian & the author-function : a review of The history of a historian : perspectives on the authorial roles of Sima Qian, by Esther Sunkyung Klein, Vincent S. LEUNG
Singing Contest, early 1970s 歌唱比賽一景, 1970年代初
Social critiques and sentimentalism : on Wang Xiaoshuai’s so close to paradise, Haomin GONG
Social factors and atopic dermatitis, Nicholas MCNALLY and David Rosser PHILLIPS
Social innovation education in Silicon Valley, Kazutoh ISHIDA
Social institutions and same-sex sexuality : attitudes, perceptions and prospective rights and freedoms for non-heterosexuals, Padmore Adusei AMOAH and Razak Mohammed GYASI
Sociocultural hegemony, gendered identity and use of traditional and complementary medicine in Ghana, Razak Mohammed GYASI, Daniel BUOR, Samuel ADU-GYAMFI, Prince Osei-Wusu ADJEI, and Padmore Adusei AMOAH
Soft skills, hard skills, and the black/white wage gap, Chengze, Simon FAN; Xiangdong WEI; and Junsen ZHANG (張俊森)
Solutions to China's healthcare and environmental problems, Gregory C. CHOW
Song China's water transport revisited : a study of the 1077 commercial tax data, Guanglin, William LIU
Song of coarse clothes, Dong CAI and Darryl Cameron STERK
Song of the hunting musket rite, Tze I TIEN and Darryl Cameron STERK
Sound / image / text : narrative structure in a concrete world, Robert IOLINI
Speaker I : Hsia Lin-ching, Lin Ching HSIA (夏林清)
Speaker II : Chik Pun-shing, Pun Shing CHIK (戚本盛)
Speaker II : Kim Chan-ho, Chan Ho KIM (金贊鎬)
Speaker I : Wong Chi-kin, Chi Kin WONG (黃志堅)
Speaking good English, Fong Lam, Rosie CHEN CHAN
Special report on designation celebration of the Lingnan University
Special report on Lingnan College 30th anniversary
Special report on Lingnan College new campus
Spectres of culture [with a capital C], Wing Sang LAW
Split consciousness : the dialectics of desire in Camel Xiangzi, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
Stage-play and screen-play : the intermediality of theatre and cinema, Michael Anthony INGHAM
Staging memories : Hou Hsiao-hsien’s A city of sadness, Abé Mark NORNES and Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
Staging the epic self : theatricality, philosophy and personality in brand and Peer Gynt, Michael INGHAM
Stalinism in retrospect : Hannah Arendt, William Peter BAEHR
Stalinist spatial hierarchies : placing the Kazakhs and Kyrgyz in Soviet economic regionalization, Niccolò PIANCIOLA
Stepping outside the self : criticism and change, Kin Chi LAU
Stepping outside the self : criticism and change
Students’ Union, 1980s 學生會, 1980年代
Students' Union Press Bureau collection
Surviving higher education policy, Graeme TURNER
Sustainability with ecological and economic justice in China, Kin Chi LAU
Symposium and first panel introduction, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN and Po Keung HUI
Taipei as Shinjuku's other, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
Taiwanese literature off the page, Darryl Cameron STERK
Taiwanese writers whose works burst with local color, Dingjun WANG and Darryl Cameron STERK
Taiwan film directors : a treasure island, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH and Darrell William DAVIS
Taiwan : popular cinema's disappearing act, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
Taking subaltern and ecological perspectives on sustainability in China, Kin Chi LAU
Talk on intellectual property rights enforcement, Y. T. LAM
Tax reform and democratic reform in Hong Kong : what do the people think?, Richard CULLEN and Richard S. SIMMONS
Tax reform for a fairer, more vibrant economy, Lok Sang HO and Tianle ZHANG
Teachers from Hong Kong, Yui Fai CHEUNG (張銳輝) and Shirley LEE (李陳潔蘭)
Teachers from Korea, Teachers from Korea
Teachers from Taiwan, Teachers from Taiwan
Technology, Sustainability & Education Seminar = 科技、可持續發展與教育研討會, Jorge ISHIZAWA, Vinod RAINA, Kai Ming CHENG, and Po Keung HUI
Technology, Sustainability & Education Seminar = 科技、可持續發展與教育研討會
Technology transfer with transboundary pollution : a signalling approach, Fuhai HONG
Tension and harmony : a comment on Chenyang Li’s The Confucian philosophy of harmony, Wai Wai CHIU
Thao pestle pounding song, Tze I TIEN and Darryl Cameron STERK
The 1st Graduation Ceremony of Lingnan College, 1971 嶺南書院第一屆畢業典禮, 1971年
The 2009-2010 Budget Forum = 2009-2010年的財政預算案論壇
The aesthetics of James Macdonald and the 21st century theatre, R. Darren GOBERT
The amnesia society : the problems of keeping digital information for the future, Ross HARVEY
The Anthem companion to Hannah Arendt, William Peter BAEHR and Philip WALSH
The apotheosis of montage : the videomosaic gaze of The man with the compound eyes as postmodern ecological sublime, Darryl Cameron STERK
The bakla and the silver screen : queer cinema in the Philippines, Michael Nuñez INTON
The bear whispers to me, Ying Tai CHANG and Darryl Cameron STERK
The bear whispers to me : the story of a bear and a boy, Ying Tai CHANG and Darryl Cameron STERK
The bicycle, Xuewen HU and Darryl Cameron STERK
The British at Wei-Hai-Wei : a case study of an ill-fated colony, Rong KONG (孔榮)
The capabilities of nurses for complementary and traditional medicine integration in Africa, Razak Mohammed GYASI, Kabila ABASS, Samuel ADU-GYAMFI, Burnett Tetteh ACCAM, and Nyamadi Victoria MENSAH
The chelonian trade in the largest pet market in China : scale, scope and impact on turtle conservation, Shi-Ping GONG, Alex T. CHOW, Jonathan J. FONG, and Hai-Tao SHI
The comedy of the “para-site” : Duck Soup, Volpone, and Hamlet, Ting-yan, Isaac HUI
The complete mitochondrial genome of a gecko and the phylogenetic position of the Middle Eastern Teratoscincus keyserlingii, J. Robert MACEY, Jonathan J. FONG, Jennifer V. KUEHL, Soheila SHAFIEI, Natalia B. ANANJEVA, Theodore J. PAPENFUSS, and Jeffrey L. BOORE
The complete mitochondrial genome of an agamid lizard from the Afro–Asian subfamily agaminae and the phylogenetic position of Bufoniceps and Xenagama, J. Robert MACEY, James A. SCHULTE II, Jonathan J. FONG, Indraneil DAS, and Theodore J. PAPENFUSS
The cultural history and representation of sex machines, Hok Bun, Isaac LEUNG
The dangers in Asia’s quest for world-class universities, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
The deferral of pan-Asian : a critical appraisal of film marketization in China, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
The development of digital libraries and museums in Taiwan, Chao Chen CHEN
The discourse of ruination : interrogating urban renewal In Hong Kong, Eun Soo LEE
The early reception of Bernard Williams’ reduplication argument (1956–62), Andrea SAUCHELLI
The economics of happiness : a talk with Helena Norberg-Hodge, Helena NORBERG-HODGE, Shun Hing CHAN, Lok Sang HO, and Po Keung HUI
The emergence of compositional grammars in artificial codes, Fuhai HONG, Wooyoung LIM, and Xiaojian ZHAO
The emergence of language differences in artificial codes, Fuhai HONG and Xiaojian ZHAO
The emergence of mobile subjectivities in the age of mobile digital technology, Yoshitaka MOURI
The evaluation of an integrated stress management intervention program among Chinese health care workers, Jia Yan LIU, Oi Ling SIU, and Kan SHI
The extent of family and school social capital promoting positive subjective well-being among primary school children in Shenzhen, China, Ka Wai, Maggie LAU and Wanxin LI
The grammar of prudence : Arendt, Jaspers, and the appraisal of Max Weber, William Peter BAEHR
The Great Flood, Chien Tsi TSENG and Darryl Cameron STERK
The Green and Red Gang, D. J. LIU and Darryl Cameron STERK
The growth, determinants, and profitability of nontraditional activities of Chinese commercial banks, Michael Arthur FIRTH; Wei LI; and Shuye, Steven WANG
The Hong Kong umbrella movement : a students’ or a people’s movement?, Che Po CHAN
The hunter's gift in ecorealist indigenous fiction from Taiwan, Darryl Cameron STERK
The hydroelectric station, Alai and Darryl Cameron STERK
The impact of endorser ethnicity and portrayal on Chinese women’s attitude toward luxury advertising, Cheng-Yue YIN and Shing Chung, Patrick POON
The impact of national context on age diversity and age management : the case of the UK and Hong Kong, Matt FLYNN; Heike Simone SCHRÖDER; and Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN
The impact of welfare subvention reform on NGOs in Hong Kong : managerialism and political economy, Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN
The "Indian gift" and the Taiwan indigenous literary hunter's gift, Darryl Cameron STERK
The Insectesimal tall tale : historical catachresis and ethics in the science fiction of Premendra Mitra, Atanu BHATTACHARYA and Preet Pankaj HIRADHAR
The integrative effects of promotion attributes : implications for effective promotion design, Suntong QI
The Jiangnan Arsenal : a microcosm of translation and ideological transformation in 19th-century China, Wai Chu, Rachel LUNG
The lack of pollinator specificity in a dioecious fig tree : sympatric fig-pollinating wasps of Ficus septica in southern Taiwan, Rong-Chien LIN, Carol K.-L. YEUNG, Jonathan J. FONG, Hsy-Yu TZENG, and Shou-Hsien LI
The language of metaphors, Andrew GOATLY
The life of a feminist cultural studies practitioner : a reflection on research, teaching and community building in Hong Kong, Shun Hing CHAN
The Lingnan Gardeners Project Inauguration Ceremony = 「嶺南彩園」計劃啟動儀式
The magic of ballpoint pen art : exhibition opening, Dipendra RAI
The making of a fiscal state in Song China, 960–1279, Guanglin, William LIU
The man with the compound eyes : a novel, Ming Yi WU and Darryl Cameron STERK
The matrix of lyric transformation poetic modes and self-presentation in early Chinese Pentasyllabic Poetry, Zongqi CAI
The migrant voice : the politics of writing home between the Sinophone and Anglophone worlds, Kenny K. K. NG
The modern miracle you see without glasses : the aesthetics of CinemaScope, David BORDWELL
The moonlight trilogy excerpt, Chia Hua CHANG and Darryl Cameron STERK
The new politics of gender governance, Chuen Juei, Josephine HO (何春蕤)
The offshore island bible excerpt, Chih Ho HO and Darryl Cameron STERK
The performing archive : deep archival engagement as artistic practice
The politics of institutional action : part 1, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG; Josephine HO; John ERNI; and Mette HJORT
The politics of institutional action : part 2, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN; Po Keung HUI; Lawrence GROSSBERG; and Meaghan MORRIS
The politics of skill and potential in an ‘emerging’ region : upskilling initiatives in Istanbul, Rolien Susanne HOYNG
The politics of tobacco control in Hong Kong and its implications for new public health, Wai Yin CHAN
The quest for regional education hub status : challenges, possibilities and search for new governance in Hong Kong, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
The realm of myth, Yih Yuan LI and Darryl Cameron STERK
The relationship of social support with well-being outcomes via work–family conflict : moderating effects of gender, dependants and nationality, Suzie DRUMMOND, Michael P. O’DRISCOLL, Paula BROUGH, Thomas KALLIATH, Oi Ling SIU, Carolyn TIMMS, Derek RILEY, Cindy SIT, and Danny LO
The rhetoric of trade and decolonisation in Hong Kong, 1945-1984, James FELLOWS
The rise and fall (and rise again) of vernacular happiness, Haiyan LEE
The rise of "southern" multinationals : bad domestic governance as good training for FDI, Avinash DIXIT
The road home : stylistic renovations of Chinese Mandarin classics, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
The road to freedom : Taiwan's postwar human rights movement, Chen Hsiang LEE, Lynn Miles, Darryl Cameron STERK, and Chunyi ZHENG
The role of intuition in philosophical practice, Tinghao WANG
The role of Islamic finance in economic development, Nora KHAN
The role of RBC, hurricane exposure, bond portfolio duration, and macroeconomic and industry-wide factors in property–liability insolvency prediction, Jiang CHENG and Mary A. WEISS
The roles of knowledge assets in promoting firm productivity and innovation in China, Jingsi YANG
Theses and dissertations collection
The skeletor, Wei Yun LIN-GÓRECKA and Darryl Cameron STERK
The Solaris Stop, Wei Yun LIN-GÓRECKA and Darryl Cameron STERK
The spirit of Deer town : and the redemption of Li Ang's uncanny literary home, Darryl Cameron STERK
The stakes of social theory : perspectives on moral conflict, Peter BAEHR
The stolen bicycle, Ming Yi WU and Darryl Cameron STERK
The stolen bicycle excerpt, Ming Yi WU and Darryl Cameron STERK
The story of two data analytics sisters called WANDA and WENDY, Ravi RAVISHANKER
The struggle for food sovereignty : alternative development and the renewal of peasant societies today, Rémy HERRERA and Kin Chi LAU
The study of enhanced performance measurement of mutual funds in Asia Pacific Market, Juzhen LI
The supply-side of environmental sustainability and export performance : the role of knowledge integration and international buyer involvement, Ling Yee, Esther LI; Lianxi ZHOU; and Aiqi WU
The sustainability of higher education in an era of post-massification, Deane E. NEUBAUER; Ka Ho, Joshua MOK; and Jin JIANG
The theory of totalitarian leadership, William Peter BAEHR
The threshing machine, Alai and Darryl Cameron STERK
The translated identities of Chinese minority writers : Sinophone Naxi authors, Duncan POUPARD
The tree fort on carnation lane, Chih Ho, Horace HO and Darryl Cameron STERK
The tree fort on Carnation Lane : a novel, Chih Ho, Horace HO and Darryl Cameron STERK
The United Kingdom : demographic trends, recent policy developments, and care provisions, Helen Patricia BARTLETT and David Rosser PHILLIPS
The United States and China’s maritime territorial disputes, Chien Peng CHUNG
“The universal language of the future" : decolonization, development, and the American embrace of global English, 1945-1965, Diana LEMBERG
The varieties of normativity, Derek Clayton BAKER
The verdictive organization of desire, Derek Clayton BAKER
The visitation, Douglas STICHBURY
The will to make-believe : religious fictionalism, religious beliefs, and the value of art, Andrea SAUCHELLI
The world wide web and electronic resources of libraries in Taiwan, Chao Chen CHEN
Third panel introduction, Shun Hing CHAN
Third panel : open discussion, Shun Hing CHAN
This is the moment, Pau Tat, Peter KAM (金培達)
Thought experiments in aesthetics, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON and Carl Mikael PETTERSSON
Three questions on China's “Belt and Road Initiative”, Kwok Hon, Leonard CHENG
Tobacco compliance check in Hong Kong, Ming Yue KAN and Ka Wai, Maggie LAU
To immerse or not? Experimenting with two virtual retail environments, Savvas PAPAGIANNIDIS; Eleonora PANTANO; Wing Kuen, Eric SEE-TO; Charles DENNIS; and Michael BOURLAKIS
Topping-off Ceremony for the Main Building of Lingnan College, 1995 嶺南學院主樓平頂禮, 1995年
Toward a new leftist ecocriticism in postsocialist China : reading the "Poetry of migrant workers" as ecopoetry, Haomin GONG
Toward an innovative poetics : Wang Changling on Yi 意 and literary creation, Zongqi CAI
Towards a dynamic model of the sign, Ersu DING
Towards a transnational history of great leaps forward in pastoral Central Eurasia, Niccolò PIANCIOLA
Towards collaborative governance of universities, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
Towards solidarity and recognition? Changing social citizenship in China after a decade of social policy development, Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN
Tracing South Asians’ movements in Hong Kong, Hung Mui, Violet SUNG
Traditional crafts of modern art in Africa : the case of Kisii stone carving in Tabaka Village, Western Kenya, Elkana ONG'ESA
Transforming frontiers : the imagined geography of Taiwan's internal frontiers in postwar indigenous films, Darryl Cameron STERK
Transforming higher education through regionalisation, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
Translatability, Yifeng SUN
Translating Yingxi : Chinese film genealogy and early cinema in Hong Kong, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
Translation in distraction : on Eileen Chang’s “Chinese translation: a vehicle of cultural influence”, Christopher LEE
Translation theatre and theatre translation : discourses of Shakespearean plays in Hong Kong, Wai Yi, Dorothy WONG
Transnationalizing and internationalizing higher education in China : implications for regional cooperation and university governance in Asia, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
Transported by song : music and cultural labour in Dharwad, Tejaswini NIRANJANA
Trends in child poverty in Hong Kong immigrant families, Kee Lee CHOU; Chi Kin, Kelvin CHEUNG; Ka Wai, Maggie LAU; and Chuen Ho, Tony SIN
Trust and managing conflict : partners in developing organizations, Dean William TJOSVOLD; Man Kei, Paulina WAN; and Mo Lin, Moureen TANG
Unbundling institutional determinants of multinational investments, Xinpeng XU (許心鵬); Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON; and Yan SHANG
Unconventional medical practices among Ghanaian students : a university-based survey, Razak Mohammed GYASI, Williams AGYEMANG-DUAH, Charlotte Monica MENSAH, Francis ARTHUR, Roselyn TORKORNOO, and Padmore Adusei AMOAH
Understanding classroom participation and identity negotiation : an undergraduate student’s L2 learning experiences in an English-medium university in Hong Kong, Chit Cheung, Matthew SUNG
Uneven modernity : literature, film, and intellectual discourse in postsocialist China, Haomin GONG
Unevenness in contemporary China : a critical inquiry, Haomin GONG
Unfolding the sport spectacle of David Beckham, Kam Ling MA and Alice LAM
Unmaking of nationalism : drug addiction and its literary imagination in Bi Shumin’s novel, Haomin GONG
US-China relations : at the crossroads of cooperation and competition, Dominic NG
U.S.-Hong Kong economic relationship, Kurt W. TONG
Values and policies as advised by the Daodejing = 道德經宣揚的價值與政策
VCD as programmatic technology : Japanese television drama in Hong Kong, Darrell William DAVIS and Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
Vendor certification and appraisal : implications for supplier quality, Iny HWANG; Suresh RADHAKRISHNAN; and Lixin, Nancy SU
Ventral coloration differentiation and mitochondrial sequences of the Chinese Cobra (Naja atra) in Taiwan, Hua-Ching LIN, Shou-Hsien LI, Jonathan FONG, and Si-Min LIN
Ventriloquizing archives = 檔案庫的腹語術與何子彦對談, Tzu Nyen HO, Ashish RAJADHYAKSHA, and Dai Vo CHUONG
Visual culture and China’s modernity, Lai Kwan PANG
Visual meanings and representations of cultural identities on websites of South Asian diasporas, Preet Pankaj HIRADHAR
Voluntary participation in public goods provision with Coasian bargaining, Fuhai HONG and Wooyoung LIM
Wang Xiaoshuai, Haomin GONG
Warning! Category III : the other Hong Kong cinema, Darrell William DAVIS and Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
War of the bubbles excerpt, Yi Feng KAO and Darryl Cameron STERK
Washing the brain : metaphor and hidden ideology, Andrew GOATLY
Watercolor demonstration by Atanur Dogan, Atanur DOGAN
Weakening faithfulness : some heuristic causal discovery algorithms, ZHALAMA, Jiji ZHANG, and Wolfgang MAYER
Weapons of the powerful : authoritarian elite competition and politicized anticorruption in China, Jiangnan ZHU and Dong ZHANG
Web-based teaching and learning = 網上互動教學的發展及應用, Grace HO and Ziggy HUI
Web-based teaching and learning = 網上互動教學的發展及應用, Grace HO and Ziggy HUI
Wedding in autumn and other stories, Chung-Yu SHIH and Darryl Cameron STERK
Wei Huang Zao, Chih Wen CHOU and Darryl Cameron STERK
Welcome message = 歡迎詞, Frederick NESTA
Welfare restructuring and social (in)equity across generations in Hong Kong, Ka Wai, Maggie LAU
Wenyi and the branding of early Chinese film, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
Western cultural identification explains variations in the objectification model for eating pathology across Australian Caucasians and Asian women, Charmain S. TAN; Matthew FULLER-TYSZKIEWICZ; Ranjani UTPALA; Wai Lan, Victoria YEUNG; Tara DE PAOLI; Stephen LOUGHAN; and Isabel KRUG
What are the strategic and economic implications for South Asia of China's Maritime Silk Road initiative?, Chien Peng CHUNG
What I learned translating Wu Ming-yi's The man with the compound eyes, Darryl Cameron STERK
What is (dis)agreement?, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM
What we know about transitional justice : survey and experimental evidence, Roman DAVID
When Finehouse Liu met Prosper Wang, Dazhi, Charles WANG and Darryl Cameron STERK
When there’s no need to take betrayal seriously, Na YEN and Darryl Cameron STERK
Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowing we have lost in information?, Xi LIN
Which way India? Debate and its lessons, Shalendra SHARMA
Why are you making books?, Mariko TAKAGI and Justin WONG
Will analysts learn from other analysts who possess superior private information, Hangyuan SHI
Will higher education in the 21st century belong to China?, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK and Jin JIANG
World cinema beyond the periphery : developing film cultures in Bhutan, Mongolia, and Myanmar, Nis GRØN
Yesterday once more? Autobiographical memory evocation effects on tourists' post-travel purchase intentions toward destination products, Cheng-Yue YIN; Shing Chung, Patrick POON; and Jing-Lei SU
Zhang Yimou, Haomin GONG
一个市场化视角的分析 : 后回归时期香港电影的产业与内容变化, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
「一九五○年代的文學及文化研究」 圓桌研討會, Fenghunag YING (應鳳凰); Shui Wah LEE (李兆華); Kwok Kou, Leonard CHAN (陳國球); Yin Ping, Grace LAU (劉燕萍); Shuang SHEN (沈雙); Shuk Han, Mary WONG (黃淑嫺); Chi Tak CHAN (陳智德); Frederik GREEN (葛浩德); and Hung Kai LEE (李雄溪)
一九五零年代的香港建築, Chung Wai, Tony LAM
一個下午, Wai Ying CHAN
一個神話的追跡 = The legend, sealed and unsealed, Yuen Yi LO (羅婉儀)
一個黃昏, Wai Ying CHAN
一城两市 : 近代海州城市格局变迁研究 (1855-1938), Lei ZHANG and Wei SHA (沙薇)
一小撮人進窄門 : 香港基督徒學會的社關歷程, Wai Nam SHUM (沈偉男)
一行詩, Wai Ying CHAN
一部電影劇本的誕生, Lai Yin, Jill LEUNG (梁禮彥)
一隻陶料厚重白底黃色大笑臉茶杯, Wai Ying CHAN
丁茶山的中國易學史論, Wai Ming, Benjamin NG (吳偉明)
七一的歷史和特質, Kwok Ming MA (馬國明)
七一遊行的對話意義, Ivan LAM (林朗彥)
七言律诗节奏、句法、结构新论, Zongqi CAI
三地傳奇 : 華語電影二十年, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH; Pak Tong CHEUK (卓伯棠); and Hao, Daniel WU (吳昊)
三0年代的中國電影音樂 : 漢化論編史, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
上海都市文化研究 = Shanghai urban cultural studies, Yaming BAO (包亞明)
下一刻, Wai Ying CHAN
《不一樣的月光 : 尋找沙韻》 : 台灣首部原住民導演院線電影的教育意義, Darryl Cameron STERK
不可能擔受的性別歧視 = Unbearable gender discrimination, Ting Fung CHAN (陳婷楓), Wing Sum WONG (黃慧心), Siu Nam NG (吳兆南), and Kit Ling LUK (陸潔玲)
不會終於頒獎的和平運動 : 「全球千名婦女爭評2005年諾貝爾和平獎」座談會 = A peace movement that does not end with the award : 1000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize 2005, Kwan Yiu, Edward CHEN (陳坤耀); Frederick NESTA (聶思達); Jinhua DAI (戴錦華); Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN (陳清僑); and Kin Chi LAU (劉健芝)
"不響"裏的當代史 : 《繁花》裏的兩個時代及其美學, Xiaoming CHEN (陳曉明)
专业技术资格量化评审的理论与实践 : 以G市中等学校高级教师资格评审为例, Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN
专项资金与农村义务教育 : 政策工具的视角, Kinglun NGOK (岳经纶) and Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN
世俗之後 : 德萊葉與超越風格, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
世界真的這麼大, Wai Ying CHAN
中共中央委员会成员任职状况的历史变迁与党和国家领导体制转型, Mengchang ZHU (祝猛昌), Feiyue LI (李飞跃), Dong ZHANG, and Mingxing LIU (刘明兴)
中共中央委员会结构历史沿革的考察与分析, Mengchang ZHU (祝猛昌), Dong ZHANG, and Mingxing LIU (刘明兴)
中国农民工政策的重大调整 : 走向新政策范式, Kwok Ping, Bill CHOU (仇国平) and Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN
中国政治精英的权力结构与经济分权的可持续性, Mingxing LIU (刘明兴), Dong ZHANG, Victor SHIH (史宗翰), and Mengchang ZHU (祝猛昌)
中国社会政策的走向 : 2004-2007, Kinglun NGOK (岳经纶) and Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN
中國和泛亞電影一個批判性的評價, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH and Hu WANG (王湖)
中國大陸九十年代以來獨立電影的構成與城市青年文化實踐 = The formation of Chinese mainland independent films and urban youth culture practice since 1990s, Xiaodao LIANG (梁小島)
中國現代文學與外文之關係, Wolfgang KUBIN
中國高等教育文獻保障系統 (China Academic Library & Information System, CALIS) 介紹, Shuangshuang YU
中央委员会规模变化的政治逻辑 : 基于中国共产党、中国国民党和俄共(布)—苏共的历史经验, Mengchang ZHU (祝猛昌), Dong ZHANG (张冬), and Mingxing LIU (刘明兴)
中心與邊緣的辯證 : 由八十年代香港電影談起, Iam Chong IP
中文(榮譽)文學士學位 (3年制課程) 課程簡介 = Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Chinese (3-year curriculum) programme introduction, Sau Ieng SI TOU
中文(榮譽)文學士學位 (4年制課程) 課程簡介 = Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Chinese (4-year curriculum) programme introduction, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
中文(榮譽)文學士學位課程簡介 = Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Chinese programme introduction, Sau Ieng SI TOU
中文(榮譽)文學士學位課程簡介 = Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Chinese programme introduction, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
中文(榮譽)文學士學位課程簡介 = Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Chinese programme introduction, Sau Ieng SI TOU
中文(榮譽)文學士學位課程簡介 = Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Chinese programme introduction, Sau Ieng SI TOU
中文(榮譽)文學士學位課程簡介 = Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Chinese programme introduction, Sau Ieng SI TOU
中文(榮譽)文學士學位課程簡介 = Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Chinese programme introduction, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
中文(榮譽)文學士學位課程簡介 = Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Chinese programme introduction, Sau Ieng SI TOU
中文(榮譽)文學士課程簡介 = Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Chinese programme introduction, Sau Ieng SI TOU
为六书辩护 : 兼论“四体二用”之说不可信, Gang XU
主題發言, Qiming QIN, Qiang CHEN, and Huangxiu ZHENG
主題簡介 : 東方哲學與人生, Kit Hung LO
主題簡介 : 西方哲學的智慧追尋, Wai Ying WONG
主體性中的階級成份, Yu Kwan SIU (蕭裕均)
主體性的歷史書寫, Wing Sang LAW
乘風破浪, Wai Ying WONG (黃慧英) and Lok Sze, Rebecca LEE (李樂詩)
乡土医神 : 明清时期淮河流域的华佗信仰研究, Lei ZHANG
事業成功路線圖, Robert CHOW (周融)
互聯網與內聯網的發展, Cheong Kei, Albert LEUNG
五十年代香港西畫發展概述, Sai Chong, Jack LEE
五零年代香港社會文化, Keng Chit SO (蘇賡哲)
人在異鄉 = Asian diaspora in the States, Pui See, Teresa KWONG (鄺珮詩) and Tsui Shan, Jessey TSANG (曾翠珊)
人民的社會主義:初探《理性的黃昏》, Iam Chong IP
人生寶貴經驗分享會, Chi Wan, Stephen CHAN (陳志雲)
人生考察路之〈極地考察〉傳奇, Lok Sze, Rebecca LEE
什麼是中文電影研究? : 從若干問題談起, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
什麼電影最能啟發文學創作, Shuk Han WONG
今日中國的文化研究 = Cultural studies in China today, Xiaoming WANG (王曉明)
今日香港文學 : 史料、選本、期刊與教材, Chi Tak CHAN
仍在胡適的延長綫上 : 有關中國學界中古禪史研究之反思, Zhaoguang GE (葛兆光)
令「中國人一家吃一餐飯」的從政夢, Kin Kee Frederick FUNG (馮檢基) and Lai Ieng LAU (劉麗凝)
以中時段思考七一, Xi XIAO (小西)
低碳有機生活, 「綠田園基金」導師
体用结合 : 吴汝纶文章学理路, Chunhong WANG
佛教婦女對於張愛玲《色戒》寫作影響之淺探, Chunhong WANG (汪春泓)
促進學習的多元化校本評估經驗談, Kwok Hung LIU (廖國雄), Yui Fai CHEUNG (張銳輝), and Kit Yan YUEN (袁潔欣)
信息時代的館藏發展與館際合作, Li Huan, Lily HU
偷窺的幻想外遇 : 李翰祥鏡頭下的金‧瓶‧梅, Uen Chi POON (潘宛沚)
傳統中國如何對流通商品徵稅 : 關於宋代和晚清商稅徵收的比較研究, Guanglin, William LIU
像你我這樣的一種健康生活, Iam Chong IP
僕のトマトはきれいだ(1): エコロジカルで社会経済的な公正をともなった中国での持続可能性, Kin Chi LAU and Sadaharu OYA (大屋定晴)
僵屍解構, Tin Chi LAU (劉天賜) and Kin Yuen WONG (王建元)
優美宏壯與古雅 : 王國維詩學, Wai Ying CHAN
全球化下賣垃圾 : 深水土步無牌小販市集調研報告, Chi Yuen LEUNG (梁志遠); Wai Leuk CHOI (蔡蔡偉略); and Yu Kwan, Kaxton SIU (蕭裕均)
全球化、市場化與區域合作 : 東亞銀幕工業的新趨勢, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
八十年代香港社會民主主初探, Wai Him CHENG (鄭偉謙) and Lai Ieng LAU (劉麗凝)
公民社會和政治社會的關係, Ngok MA (馬嶽)
公民社會的山間小徑 : 從虛擬邁向真實, Dat Ning LEE (李達寧)
公民社會組織的困局, Ngok MA (馬嶽)
公民社會與虛擬自由主義的解體 : 兼論公民共和的後殖民主體性, Wing Sang LAW
公私不分 = Privatizing the public and publicizing the private, Iam Chong IP (葉蔭聰); Yan Chi, Jackie KWOK; Wai Leuk CHOI; Zhuoxin ZHU (朱焯信); Zhihao ZHANG (張智浩); Qiuyun LI (李秋筠); Meifang YU (余美芳); and Grace YEE
公關文書研究 : 新聞稿的寫作策略, Wai Ying CHAN
六分天下 : 中國當代文學的新格局, Xiaoming WANG
再論八音詩和八居詩, Fukang CHEN (陳福康)
冷戰中的解殖 : 香港「爭取中文成為法定語文運動」評析, Wing Sang LAW (羅永生)
凝神與漫想 : 香港詩歌「遊」的美學, Wai Ying CHAN
出版與思想探索 : 社會主義青年社‧新苗/先驅, Loong Yu AU (區龍宇), Iam Chong IP, and Lai Ieng LAU (劉麗凝)
列宁主义政党的精英权力结构与经济分权 : 以前苏联为例, Mengchang ZHU (祝猛昌), Dong ZHANG, and Mingxing LIU (刘明兴)
利來利往 : 金融家族的開拓與創新, Wan Tai, Victor ZHENG (鄭宏泰) and Man Kong CHOW
「利是」的英譯, Liping BAI
制度與數據之間 : 宋元明之際兩稅的去貨幣化進程 : 以溫州樂清為例, Guanglin, William LIU
前汉昌邑王考, Chunhong WANG
前言, Zidong XU (許子東)
創刊號摘要, Wing Sang LAW (羅永生)
創意 ‧媒體 ‧本土文化 : 文學院座談會, Shuk Han, Mary WONG; Yin Ping, Grace LAU; Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN; Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG; and Suk Mun, Sophia LAW
創業興仁 : 潮州廖寶珊家族的建立與創新, Man Kong CHOW
劉以鬯的花様年華, Zidong XU; Shuk Han WONG; King Fai, Ben WONG; Thomas LIN; and Yichang LIU
劉克襄動物小說研究 : 以《風鳥皮諾查》、《座頭鯨赫連麼麼》、《永遠的信天翁》為例, Wai Sin LOK (駱慧倩)
劉師培《毛詩札記》評陳奂《詩毛氏傳疏》小識, Hung Kai LEE
劉禹錫與元白詩派的離合, Caizhi CHEN (陳才智)
加緊籌備行將開課的嶺南書院, 嶺南通訊
動力領導, Tak Fun, Alice YUK (郁德芬)
区域经济发展差距的历史起源 : 以江浙两省为例, Mingxing LIU (刘明兴), Dong ZHANG, and Qi ZHANG (章奇)
區運、社運、政運的運作邏輯與關係, Mirana May SZETO (司徒薇)
千遇不要忘記階級分析 : 本土主義的政治經濟根源, Po Keung HUI
华语电影工业 : 方法与历史的新探索, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
「博雅教育、終身學習、懷抱天下」 協作計劃回顧與前瞻 ;「旋律.筆墨.創遊世界」講座暨全港大專生教材設計比賽頒獎典禮, 「博雅教育、終身學習、懷抱天下」 協作計劃, Ellen Joyce LO (盧凱彤), Eman LAM (林二汶), and Chet LAM (林一峰)
「博雅教育、終身學習、懷抱天下」 協作計劃回顧與前瞻、「旋律.筆墨.創遊世界」講座暨全港大專生教材設計比賽頒獎典禮 (1)
「博雅教育、終身學習、懷抱天下」 協作計劃回顧與前瞻、「旋律.筆墨.創遊世界」講座暨全港大專生教材設計比賽頒獎典禮 (2)
「博雅教育、終身學習、懷抱天下」 協作計劃回顧與前瞻、「旋律.筆墨.創遊世界」講座暨全港大專生教材設計比賽頒獎典禮 (3)
博雅教育與我, Ka Cheung CHAN (陳家強)
危機關頭 : 家族企業的應對之道, Wan Tai, Victor ZHENG (鄭宏泰) and Man Kong CHOW
參考服務與讀者教育, Shue Leung, Francis CHAN
「友時」相聚 : 張學友與馬時亨細說人生, Hok Yau, Jacky CHEUNG and Si Hang, Frederick MA
反思公民社會犯了甚麼錯誤, Po Keung HUI
口述歷史工作坊 (一) : 概念、方法與運用, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
口述歷史工作坊 (三) : 編寫口述歷史文字稿, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
口述歷史工作坊 (二) : 訪談問題設定, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
口述歷史訪談 : 指引及舉隅, 嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部
台北空间里的无国界历险, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH and Sze Wing KWOK (郭诗咏)
台山與香港兩地粵語疑母字今讀之比較, Pui Ling TAM (譚珮玲)
台灣 : 國泰與邵氏影業的跨國戰埸, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
台灣數字圖書館與遠距服務, Huizi CAI
台灣新電影 : 本土主義的「他者」, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
台灣網絡及電子資源的發展現況, Chao Chen CHEN
台灣電影百年漂流 : 楊德昌, 侯孝賢, 李安, 蔡明亮, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH; Darrell William DAVIS; Chihyun TSENG (曾芷筠); Yahsin CHEN (陳雅馨); and Hunghuei LEE (李虹慧)
叶芝诗歌 : 民族的吊诡与东方的悖论 : 论其文化民族主义、身份、主体与东方传统, Haomin GONG
向臨終病人學習, Chun Fong LIU (廖進芳)
吳念真訪談, Darrell William DAVIS and Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
吴汝纶诗学初窥, Chunhong WANG
吶喊的景觀, Wai Ying CHAN
周作人與五十年代香港散文, Cheuk Yin TSANG (曾卓然)
哲學(榮譽)文學士學位課程簡介 = Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy programme introduction, Kit Hung LO
哲學(榮譽)文學士學位課程簡介 = Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy programme introduction, Kit Hung LO
哲學(榮譽)文學士學位課程簡介 = Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy programme introduction, Wai Wai CHIU
哲學(榮譽)文學士學位課程簡介 = Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy programme introduction, Wai wai CHIU
唐人《幽蘭賦》意象源流論, Hanglun ZHAN (詹杭倫)
售书者和民族文化, Zidong XU
啞女, Shuk Man LUI (呂淑敏)
啟發另類思維 嶺南大學推服務研習課程, Office of Service-Learning, Lingnan University
善惡之分, Kit Hung LO
嘉靖朝抗倭战争和一条鞭法的展开, Guanglin, William LIU and Hongling LIU (刘红铃)
《嘯亭雜録》三條考辨, Zejie ZHU (朱則傑)
回到公民社會組織的基本功, Rose WU (胡露茜)
回归传统 : 历史学视野中的资本主义, Guanglin, William LIU
回顾式必然性 : 一种涉及进化逻辑的新模态观念, Yujian ZHENG
团结与承认 : 中国式慈善困局的社会政策分析, Jinglun YUE (岳經綸) and Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN
國族身份, 流行歌曲與臺灣當代電影 : 一九七零年代中期至一九九零年代初期, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
圓桌討論 : 中港融合/區隔 = Roundtable on the integration/segregation of Hong Kong with China, Kwong Tak LAI (黎廣德) and Pok Yin CHOW (周博賢)
圓桌討論 : 網絡出版 = Roundtable on online publication, Hiu Fung CHUNG (鍾曉烽), Kam Yuen HO (何錦源), Xingxiang ZHEN (曾醒祥), and Yuen Ching TANG (鄧婉晴)
在不明不暗的虚妄中寻找青春 : 当代中国“80 后”非政府组织工作者的价值观和行为转变研究, Guoyuan SUN (孙国嫄)
在宏大理論外思索電影研究, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH; Chen LU (呂琛); and Kan PENG (彭侃)
在汉代诗学背景下看曹丕、曹植诗歌之比较, Chunhong WANG
地方政府的非正式权力结构及其经济影响, Mingxing LIU (刘明兴), Dong ZHANG, Tao QIAN (钱滔), and Qi ZHANG (章奇)
垃圾、位置与生态电影 : 以王久良的纪录片为例, Haomin GONG
城市與空間 = City and space, Chi Fan CHIU (趙智勳); Kam Tin, Ida CHENG (鄭錦鈿); Hung Wai LAU (劉孔維); and Esther CHEUNG (張美君)
城市規劃.政治.香港的未來 = Urban planning, politics and Hong Kong’s future, Yun Chung CHEN (陳允中), Lap Kee TO (杜立基), Man Shan LUI (呂文珊), and Iam Chong IP (葉蔭聰)
多元民主運動的可能性, Oiwan LAM (林藹雲)
「多少楼台烟雨中」 : 从杜牧诗看自然之道中的历史感, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
大學歲月與人生路, Zhuofei WEN and Hung Kai LEE
天主教會與社會變遷 : 澳門平信徒的觀點和建議, Hon Fai CHEN
夾縫中求存, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN; Karen CHAN (陳嘉玲); Meimei CHAN (陳倩君); and Man Kei TAM (譚萬基)
奢侈品营销与管理, Daniel A. LANGER (兰格丹尼尔); Oliver P. HEIL (海尔奥利弗); and Shing Chung, Patrick POON
女人真的無法進入歷史嗎? : 再讀「悲情城市」, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
女性主義與文化研究在香港的交匯 : 以日常生活政治為例, Shun Hing CHAN (陳順馨)
女性內衣與女性身份建構, Shuk Man LAW and Jing, Maggie CHUNG
女文武生與香港粵劇 : 蓋鳴暉與你對談 = Male impersonation and Hong Kong Cantonese opera : a conversation with Koi Ming-fai, Ming Fai, Joyce KOI (蓋鳴暉) and Siu Leung LI (李小良)
如何準備新高中通識? 全方位校本經驗分享, Chin Ki KWAN (關展祺), Siuk Kwan YUEN (袁淑筠), and Kit Lan LEE CHAN (李陳潔蘭)
如何說再見 : 與臨終病人相處、溝通與道別, Kin Chuen, Vincent TSE (謝建泉)
如何面對死亡, Kin Chuen, Vincent TSE (謝建泉)
如果電影不是假的 : 薛克、法斯賓達、通俗劇, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
嬉戲滅亡的年代 : 文明化與社會規則, Chuen Juei, Josephine HO
字與光 : 文學改編電影談, Ching Hang, Matthew CHENG
安樂死 = 安樂之死? = The controversy of euthanasia, Kin Chuen, Vincent TSE (謝建泉)
安樂死 = 安樂之死? = The controversy of euthanasia
宋明间国民收入长期变动之蠡测, Guanglin, William LIU
官员激励、经济增长与现代国家 : 《转型中的地方政府 : 官员激励与治理》评述, Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN
实际政治权力结构与地方经济增长 : 中国革命战争的长期影响, Feiyue LI (李飞跃), Dong ZHANG, and Mingxing LIU (刘明兴)
《宣室志》作者張讀墓誌考, Shangjun CHEN (陳尚君)
寫作及編輯工作坊 : 詩與小說, Hui YE and A Lan
对欧盟虚以委蛇? 以公共选择视角看罗马尼亚官僚选拔, Diana CAMELIA IANCU; Mihai UNGUREANU; and Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN
寻求有效的大学治理 : 香港经验及其反思, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK and Xiao HAN
导论 : 走出上海 : 早期电影的另类景观, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH and Hui LIU (刘辉)
导论 : 重探华语电影工业 : 历史的考掘、方法的浮现, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
將業務轉虧為盈的經驗和心得, Nanlu CHEN
專題綜論 : 《民主回歸與社會民主主義交錯下的民協》, Wing Sang LAW (羅永生) and Lai Ieng LAU (劉麗凝)
對0371運動影響存疑, Po Lam, Bobo YIP (葉寶琳)
對倒 : 談如何創造作品的聲色和肌理, Wai Ying CHAN
小二與美莉, Wai Ying CHAN
小令词牌和节奏研究 : 从与近体诗关系的角度展开, Zongqi CAI
小令语言艺术研究 : 句法之“破”与“立”, Zongqi CAI
小令语言艺术研究 : 结构与词境, Zongqi CAI
小思文學散步, Xiaosi (小思)
小津的母親, Darrell William DAVIS and Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
《小雅.都人士》「綢直如髮」解, Hung Kai LEE
就业难? 高考仍是农村大学生实现中产梦的捷径, Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN and Yiqi LIU (刘亦淇)
「屯門區學校圖書館品質圈計劃」2007 : 新世紀vs新挑戰 : 學校圖書館主任的專業發展
岭南州府宋元明之际两税征收的比较研究 : 以连州、广州、潮州、惠州为例, Guanglin, William LIU
嶺南升格大學 增電影戲劇科, Mingyu WONG (王明瑜)
嶺南大學一九五四斌社 : 紀念高中畢業進入大學四十週年, 斌社廣州同學會 and 斌社香港同學會
嶺南大學創校一百二十周年暨復校四十周年 = 120th Anniversary of the founding of Lingnan University & 40th Anniversary of the Re-establishment of Lingnan University in Hong Kong, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
嶺南大學圖書館的自動化與網絡化, Man Lik, Owen TAM
嶺南大學圖書館組織與管理, Kai Yin, Tommy YEUNG
嶺南大學圖書館自動化及網絡化概況, Man Lik, Owen TAM
嶺南大學圖書館讀者服務概況, Kai Yin, Tommy YEUNG
嶺南大學圖書館資源服務概況, Li Huan, Lily HU
嶺南大學圖書館電子資源與讀者教育服務 (1), Shue Leung, Francis CHAN
嶺南大學圖書館電子資源與讀者教育服務 (2), Chi Yin, Ivy KAN
嶺南大學明社: 畢業金禧紀念 1941-1991, 嶺南大學1941明社
嶺南大學本科入學資訊日2011 : 文學院課程介紹, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN; Yin Ping, Grace LAU; Douglas ROBINSON; Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG; Niccolò PIANCIOLA; Ka Hung, Thomas TAM; Wai-yi, Dorothy WONG; and Suk Mun, Sophia LAW
嶺南大學榮社畢業金禧紀念冊 1943-1993, 嶺南大學1943榮社
嶺南學院二十週年校慶特刊1967-1987= Lingnan College 20th anniversary special album 1967-1987, Lingnan College, Hong Kong
嶺南學院屯門新校舍 = Lingnan College : new campus development : Tuen Mun, Lingnan College, Hong Kong
嶺南學院新校園啟用典禮 = Lingnan College : Grand Opening Ceremony of the New Campus, Lingnan College, Hong Kong
嶺南學院新校園啟用紀念車票 = Commemorative ticket for the Grand Opening of the New Campus of Lingnan College
嶺南學院新校園奠基典禮 = Lingnan College : Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of the New Campus, Lingnan College, Hong Kong
嶺南教育在港80週年1922-2002 = Lingnan education in Hong Kong 80th anniversary 1922-2002, 嶺南教育機構 Lingnan Education Organization
嶺南書院學生會書籤, 嶺南書院學生會
嶺南書院開辦經費募捐運動籌務委員會 : 募捐信函 = A fundraising letter issued during the preparatory stage of the college, 嶺南書院開辦經費募捐運動籌務委員會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第100期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
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嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第60期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第61期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第62期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第63期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第64期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第65期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第66期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第67期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第68期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第69期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第6期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第70期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第71期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第72期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第73期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第74期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第75期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第76期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第77期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第78期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第79期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第7期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第80期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第81期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第82期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第83期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第84期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第85期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第86期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第87期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第88期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第89期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第8期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第90期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第91期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第92期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第93期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第94期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第95期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第96期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第97期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第98期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第99期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第9期), 嶺南大學同學會香港分會
嶺大服務研習簡介, Office of Service-Learning, Lingnan University
嶺暉 (第113期), 第四十九屆嶺南大學學生會編輯委員會
《左傳》「墮幣」及相關紀事考釋, Tzu Pin HSU
《左傳》「葬鮮者自西門」與「卿喪自朝」解, Tzu Pin HSU
《左傳》“請安”及相關紀事釋義辨疑 : 《左傳》與《儀禮》互證之一例, Tzu Pin HSU
市場、戰爭和財政國家 : 對南宋賦稅問題的再思考, Guanglin, William LIU
师大·大师, Zidong XU
師生之間, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
「平凡人平凡事 : 不平凡的紀錄」放映及座談會, Yee Nam LOU (盧意嵐) and Sau San LAW (羅秀珊)
平台或是領導? 民陣於公民社會的角色, Icarus WONG (王浩賢)
廖恩燾 : 詩界革命一驍將, Quanzhang HU (胡全章)
延安時期的婚戀小說研究 : 延安《解放日報》副刊為重心, Xiaoyan MA (馬曉炎)
引言, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
弱势大学毕业生 : 在职贫穷与社会资本视野下的“蚁族”, Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN and Kinglun NGOK (岳经纶)
張愛玲在現代中文文學史上的地位與影響(第一節), C. C., Angelina YEE; Ping Kwan LEUNG; Junying LIN; Shozo FUJII; Anyi WANG; and Pok WANG
張愛玲在現代中文文學史上的地位與影響(第二節), Kwok Pun, Laurence WONG; Zishan CHEN; Ping Leung CHAN; Wang Chi, Lawrence WONG; Longxi ZHANG; and Derwei, David WANG
張愛玲的人間色相, Wai Ying CHAN
張愛玲的小說與電影(第一節), Ping Kwan LEUNG; T’ien Wen CHU; Siu Leung LI; Hang Fung, Carole HOYAN; William TAY; and Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
張愛玲的小說與電影(第二節), Ping Leung CHAN; Ziping HUANG; Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN; Chin Chown LIM; Zidong XU; Pei Kai CHENG; and Kwok Kou, Leonard CHAN
張愛玲研究的歷史回顧, Shiu Ming LAU; William TAY; Der Wei, David WANG; Rumin WEN; Zaifu LIU; Chih Tsing HSIA; and Ziping HUANG
張永霖看世界 (2004年7月31日), Wing Lam, Linus CHEUNG (張永霖); Cheng Hing HUNG (孔祥馨); Wing Tung, Grace NG (伍穎彤); Chak Yue LEUNG (梁澤渝); Lingnan University, Hong Kong; Chin Ling CHONG (莊展寧); and Chung Hei HO (何仲曦)
《張羽煮海》動畫製作分享, Yusong FENG
彈性累積、彈性消費 : 亞太地區的VCD與階段意識, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH; Darrell William DAVIS; and Ya Mei LI (李亞梅)
当代香港武侠电影中的希望喻象及江湖想象, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
彩園健康食譜 : 上集 = Lingnan garden healthy recipes : part one, 香港嶺南大學服務研習處; 嶺南彩園, 群芳文化研究及發展部; and 香港嶺南大學文化研究系
彩園健康食譜 : 下集 = Lingnan garden healthy recipes : part two, 香港嶺南大學服務研習處; 嶺南彩園, 群芳文化研究及發展部; and 香港嶺南大學文化研究系
影像外的敘事策略 : 校園民歌與政宣電影, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
影像的所在 : 現代性中影像投映與比例, Mary Ann DOANE; Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH; and Tsai Ling HSU (許采齡)
影像資料庫與跨資料庫整合 : 以華藝跨世紀藝術資料庫為例, Yingjie HE
影子, Ka Tak LAM (林家德)
後佔中時代的大學教育, Po Keung HUI
(後)殖民.政治.香港的未來 = (Post-) Coloniality, politics and Hong Kong’s future, Man Tao LEUNG (梁文道); Mei Kwan, Esther CHEUNG (張美君); Iam Chong IP (葉蔭聰); and Wai Yin CHAN (陳慧燕)
從"傳奇文" 溯源看魯迅、陳寅格的"小說"概念, Lihua ZHANG (張麗華)
從僱主意見看博雅教育, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
從外來語到類型概念 : 「文藝」在早期電影的義涵與應用, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
從《婦女新姿》走到《都市閒情》 : 探討本港婦女觀眾口味變化與電視節目內容改變的互動關係, Kwok Lun LO and Man Kit CHOI
從小孩及長者的故事認識死亡, Yee Mei, Maggie CHAU
從「少年中國」到「少年臺灣」 : 二十世紀中文小說的青春想像與國族論述, Chia Ling MEI
從《左傳》、《列國志傳》及《新列國志》 鄭伯克段故事看經學通俗化的進程, Tzu Pin HSU
從攝影的角度看世界生態變化 = Seeing global ecological changes from the perspective of photography
從「歌壇」小明星到《胭脂扣》的〈客途秋恨〉, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
從民族主義到後現代性 : 臺灣電影與流行歌曲互動之初探 : 1970年中期至1990年中期, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
從社會運動到參選的民主實踐, Kwok Hung LEUNG (梁國雄)
從經典走進通俗 : 論《左傳》至《東周列國志》中「義」的轉化, Wai Lun SO (蘇偉麟)
從"誨盜之書" 到 "祖國第一政法小說" : 晚清的"新評《水滸傳》", Xiaohong XIA (夏曉虹)
從迷戀Lolita到化身電車男 : 一次日本 、香港的文化對話, Ching Siu TONG (湯禎兆)
從邵氏到國聯 : 黃梅調影片的在地化, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
從風物志到地方志的發展, Jie WANG, Xinli QIU, and Jianhe MA
從香港教育失效教訓,側看台灣學生扮納粹風波, Po Keung HUI
從鬼門關走回來 : 對瀕死經歷的體悟, Kaiyong LAI and Weidong HUANG
「必也, 正名乎!」 : 評《中國新電影》 : 形式、身份、政治, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
必修服務研習課程 嶺大學生更具領導力, Office of Service-Learning, Lingnan University
性傾向工作坊 : 裡裡外外的掙扎, Man Kit CHO and Joui Wan CHING
性傾向、歧視,與反家暴條例 = sexuality, discrimination, and the domestic violence ordinance
性別與女性 = Gender and women, Shun Hing CHAN (陳順馨), Jiaen PAN (潘家恩), Jianhua CENG (曾劍華), Tingfeng LI (李庭豐), and Kam Wah CHAN (陳錦華)
性別與女性 = Gender and women, Jian Ren LIU (劉健仁); Wai Man, Janet HO (何蕙雯); Hsiao Min YU (余曉瑉); and Tsui SIT (薜翠)
情感的嬌貴化 : 新興民主的性治理, Chuen Juei, Josephine HO
情理碰撞、尸体纷呈 : 法国古典主义悲剧之主要特征, Ersu DING
想像立新, Ki Man, Leonie FUNG
意義的探索 = In search of meanings, Huiyi FU (傅慧儀) and Guanwei ZHOU (周冠威)
愛別離之苦, Kin Chuen, Vincent TSE; 了一; Lai Wan, Cecilia CHAN; and Lai Tai, Rita FAN HSU
愛情.幸福.哲學, Kwok Cheung TAO (陶國璋), Kit Hung LO (盧傑雄), and David WAN (溫帶維)
愛欲的家馴化 : 家庭﹑情感﹑與女性主義, Chuen Juei, Josephine HO
成功方程式, Chee Wah TSANG (曾智華)
成為一個人 : 書寫自我作為文化介入的攻略 = On becoming a person : self-writing as a tactic for cultural intervention, Ching YAU (游靜) and Wing Sang LAW (羅永生)
成為一個人 : 書寫自我作為文化介入的攻略 = On becoming a person : self-writing as a tactic for cultural intervention
「我們的未來」系列 : 文化.政治公開研討會 2006/07
「我們的未來」系列 : 文化.政治公開研討會 2007/08
我參與胡導演執導電影中的見識, Juan SHI
我在香港的自然觀察和書寫, Ka Shiang LIU, Ping Kwan LEUNG, and Fai YIP
我的舊居看得見微盪的海波紋, Wai Ying CHAN
戲劇、音樂、身體、藝術, Chun Kok WONG (黃津玨); Yan Chi, Mo LAI (賴恩慈); Sau Churk YEUNG (楊秀卓); Ching YAU (游靜); and Siu Leung LI (李小良)
手机与日常生活变迁 : 从《口信》到《搜索》, Haomin GONG
才情橫溢創作路, Chip TSAO (陶傑)
打造亚洲教育枢纽 : 香港的经验, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
承認本土主義帶來的改變, Iam Chong IP (葉蔭聰)
投之以羊血,報之以水果 : 台灣文學獵人之禮做為個人、群體和生態的認同象徵, Darryl Cameron STERK
折翼再飛, Man Wah TSE; Binger ZHENG; Barbara CHAN; Kai Chi, Dick LIU; and Jiecai LUO
捨得,捨得,不捨怎麼得 : 以佛教觀點看生與死, Liu Yat SIK (釋了一)
推動屯門民主化的原居民, Tin Sang YIM (嚴天生) and Lai Ieng LAU (劉麗凝)
推產學研合作不宜功利, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
搖滾樂、次文化, 臺灣電影 : 《牯嶺街少年殺人事件》與歷史記憶, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
攝影機眼 : 從電影看人生 = Camera eye : seeing life through films
「改編」作為身份的追尋 : 以5、60年代香港文學為例, Ping Kwan LEUNG
「改編」文化身份 : 香港一九五o年代電影的文學改編與文化磋商 = Transformative identities : literary adaptation and cultural negotiation in Hong Kong cinema of the 1950s, Ping Kwan LEUNG (梁秉鈞)
改編與創造,論哪吒故事的前世今生, Pui Shan LIN (連珮姍)
政府购买服务的理论与实践 : 中国香港的案例, Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN
政治精英的权力结构与经济自由化改革 : 台湾的历史经验及其与中国大陆的比较, Mengchang ZHU (祝猛昌), Dong ZHANG, and Mingxing LIU (刘明兴)
文化不是味精, Ah Cheng (阿城)
文化工業 : 資本主義消費為本的媒介工業, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
文化.政治.香港的未來 = Culture, politics and Hong Kong’s future, Wing Sang LAW (羅永生), Kwok Ming MA (馬國明), Rose WU (胡露茜), and Mriana May SZETO (司徒薇)
文化產品的混雜 (hybridization) 與全球化 : 以迪斯奈版《木蘭》與《臥虎藏龍》為例, Georgette WANG (汪琪) and Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
文化研究(榮譽)文學士學位 (3年制課程) 課程簡介 = Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Cultural Studies (3-year curriculum) programme introduction, Iam Chong IP
文化研究(榮譽)文學士學位課程簡介 = Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Cultural Studies programme introduction, Po Keung HUI
文化研究(榮譽)文學士學位課程簡介 = Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Cultural Studies programme introduction, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
文化研究(榮譽)文學士學位課程簡介 = Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Cultural Studies programme introduction, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
文化研究(榮譽)文學士學位課程簡介 = Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Cultural Studies programme introduction, Iam Chong IP
文化研究(榮譽)文學士學位課程簡介 = Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Cultural Studies programme introduction, Wing Sang LAW
文化研究(榮譽)文學士學位課程簡介 = Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Cultural Studies programme introduction, Wing Sang LAW
文化研究(榮譽)文學士學位課程簡介 = Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Cultural Studies programme introduction, Iam Chong IP
文化研究碩士 : 課程介紹講座, Siu Leung LI (李小良)
「文化研究碩士課程」及「通識教育學士後文憑課程」: 2008/09課程招生簡介會 = Master of Cultural Studies (MCS) and Postgraduate Diploma in Liberal Studies (PDLS) : Information seminar, Po Keung HUI (許寶強) and Shan Shan MAN (文珊珊)
文化與金錢 = Culture and money, Kam Wah LAM (杜錦華); Man Wah, Debra WONG (王漫華); and Oiwan LAM (林藹雲)
文學士(榮譽)學位課程簡介 = Bachelor of Arts (Honours) programme introduction, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
文學士(榮譽)學位課程簡介 = Bachelor of Arts (Honours) programme introduction, Suk Mun, Sophia LAW and Shuk Han, Mary WONG
文學士(榮譽)學位課程簡介 = Bachelor of Arts (Honours) programme introduction, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
文學士(榮譽)學位課程簡介 = Bachelor of Arts (Honours) programme introduction, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
文學士(榮譽)學位課程簡介 = Bachelor of Arts (Honours) programme introduction, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
文學藝術中的天才現象, Zaifu LIU
《文心雕龙》与《汉书·艺文志》渊源关系研究, Chunhong WANG
《文章辨體》的分類與選篇, Fan ZONG (蹤凡)
文舍對談 (十四)︰「萬花筒」 = ALIBI Workshop (14) : The kaléidoscope, Kai Cheung DUNG, Arnaud CATHRINE, and Sebastian VEG
“文艺”与中国早期电影的生产与营销 : 一个方法论的开启, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
文苑 (重刊號第12期), 第十六屆嶺南大學學生會中文系系會 (玥弦牽)
文苑 (重刊號第13期), 第十七屆嶺南大學學生會中文系系會 (朔翹)
文苑 (重刊號第14期), 第十八屆嶺南大學學生會中文系系會 (流觴)
文苑 (重刊號第15期), 第十九屆嶺南大學學生會中文系系會 (凝暄)
文苑 (重刊號第8期), 第十二屆嶺南大學學生會中文系系會
文苑 (革新號第2期), 嶺南學院學生會中文系系會
新公共管理与社会服务 : 香港的案例, Jinglun YUE (岳经纶) and Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN
新媒體時代 = The era of new media, Yuen Ching TANG (鄧婉晴), Ho Wah LEE (李浩華), Ka Wai NGAI (魏嘉慰), and Hoi Ting HO (何凱婷)
新聞自由指數評分的啓示, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
斷代的焦慮與政治, Haomin GONG
アジア方式?日本と韓国のテレビドラマの比較解釈, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
アジアの方程式?日韓テレビドラマ比較, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
旁观者的可能 : 香港电影中的冷战经验与「社会主义中国」, Iam Chong IP
旅遊.政治.香港的未來 = Tourism, politics and Hong Kong's future, Wai Leuk CHOI (蔡偉略), Hoi Wing WONG (黃海榮), Chau Yuk CHEUNG (張秋玉), Kam Fai CHAN (陳錦輝), and Wai Chung LAU (劉偉聰)
旗袍與香港生活, Amy WONG
日常生活中的日本假期? 日劇《長假》的在地(香港)消費, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG; Aaron CHIOU (邱誌勇); and Chia-Yu CHEN (陳佳瑜)
日用倫常 : 儒學的現世關懷, Kwok Wing, Phillip YEUNG
早期華文報紙電影史料庫, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH; Xiaocai FENG (馮筱才); Hui LIU (劉暉); and Poshek FU (傅葆石)
早期香港文學史料管窺 : 淺談《英華青年》, Hung Kai LEE
明代通货问题研究 : 对明代货币经济规模和结构的初步估计, Guanglin, William LIU
明清筆記小說所見鬥蟋蟀之風, Yee Man CHOI (蔡綺文)
時尚.身體.Shame代性 = Fashion, body and the shame of modernity, Xiaohong ZHANG (張小虹)
時態式社會運動思考, Chun Hung YU (余振雄)
晚期资本主义的文化逻辑, Fredric JAMESON (詹明信); Xudong Zhang (张旭东); Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN; and Feng Yan (严锋)
普及文化中的性別身份 = Gender identity in popular culture, Marsha LUI, Natalia CHAN, Po Shan LEUNG, Mingkuang CHEN (陳銘匡), and Shuyin HU (胡淑茵)
普及文化的普及技術 : 並論甘國亮《人間蒸發》, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
書寫杜蕾斯安全套 : 一個繫於文化經濟的故事, Wai Yin CHAN and Wai Leuk CHOI
書評 : 光影折射中主體意識的辯證法 : 評Yiman Wang, Remaking Chinese cinema : through the prism of Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Hollywood, Haomin GONG
書評 : 《公共政策研究 : 政策迴圈與政策子系統》, Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN
書評 : 香港秘聞 : 也斯的蒙太奇食譜 : 讀《後殖民食物與愛情》, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
最近的台灣鐵道旅行, Ka Shiang LIU
會議總結, Ping Kwan LEUNG
有無之境, Wai Lam SIN
有關整理胡金銓生平發表文章情況, Jing HUANG and Yingheng CHEN
有關胡金銓的生平事蹟, Wai Yiu WU
「服侍最小的弟兄」 : 七、八十年代天主教的社會行動, Shun Hing CHAN (陳順馨) and Lai Ieng LAU (劉麗凝)
服務研習「嶺」導人生, Office of Service-Learning, Lingnan University
服務研習通訊第二十二期 Office of Service-Learning Newsletters, Volume 22, Office of Service-Learning, Lingnan University
木驢、樹、女人和她們的男人 : 從「阿嬰」談性政治、民族電影及另一種電影的創作, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
未能時態下的覺醒想像, Chun Hung YU (余振雄)
本土的矩陣 : 後殖民時期香港的燥動與寂靜, Sze Chung CHOW (周思中)
本土眾數的可能, Kai Chi LEUNG (梁啟智)
本土與他性的再想像, Kwai Cheung LO
本土與左翼 : 運動連結與民間社會契約, Yu Kwan SIU (蕭裕均)
朱天文、沈従文との<めぐりあい> : 侯孝賢の自伝映画, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH; Darrell William DAVIS (デイヴィスダレル ウィリアム); and Jun OGASAWARA (小笠原淳)
李小良博士演講, Siu Leung LI
李曾超群博士致辭, Maria LEE
東亞銀幕工業 : 全球化、市場化與區域發展, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
東亞電影驚奇 : 中港日韓, Darrell William DAVIS; Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH; and Wai Man WONG (黃慧敏)
東京女兒, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH and Hsiao Fu HO (何曉芙)
東方哲學與人生 : 討論, Kit Hung LO
架空穿越 : 第三種虛構歷史的文學方法, Zidong XU (許子東)
校長週年致辭, Kwan Yiu, Edward CHEN
《梅花》 : 愛國流行歌曲與族群想像, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
梳理本土力量的「內外」關係, Siu Keung CHEUNG (張少強)
楊梁燕芳博士致辭, Katie YANG
極地生態的啟示, Lok Sze, Rebecca LEE
權力意志 : 清高宗乾隆帝譏斥錢謙益詩文再議, Chi Hung, Lawrence YIM (嚴志雄)
權力、民主與抗衡的實踐 : 與素珊·白漠絲談文化及政治, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
欧美汉诗研究中的象形表意神话和想象误读, Zongqi CAI
歌聲魅影 : 歌曲敘事與中文電影, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
「歌門鬼城」首部曲 : 泰忒斯誕生, Mervyn PEAKE; Man, Jasmine TONG; and Yunqin CHEN (陳韻琴)
歷32載 嶺南正名大學, Hunghung WONG (黃虹虹)
歷史不是我們創造的, Kwok Ming MA (馬國明)
歷史的建構 = The construction of history, Kwok Ming MA (馬國明), Kam Fai CHAN, Kam Fong KAN, Si CHEN (沈思), Yulan XIE (謝玉蘭), Baoshan LIANG (梁寶珊), Lizhu HAN (韓麗珠), and Weiji YAN (嚴偉基)
死亡的意義, Wing Fat WAN (尹永發)
死亡的體驗與反思, Kin Chuen, Vincent TSE (謝建泉)
死亡與生命的意義, Wai Ying WONG
死亡與臨終 : 事實與迷思 = Death and dying : myth and reality, Man Wah TSE (謝文華)
死亡與藝術 : 從中國古典詩詞看生死, Eric LEUNG
死生一線間 : 如何學會放下?, 淨蓮法師
殺人王‧牛精良‧「好漢」小說, Chung Ming, Peter WONG
母語教育與情感政治 : 香港的大學和中學授課語言的文化研究, Po Keung HUI
比较诗学结构 : 中西文论研究的三种视角, Zongqi CAI and Qinghai LIU
民主回歸論的萌芽與夭折 : 從曾澍基早年的幾篇文章說起, Wing Sang LAW (羅永生)
民主自由派・反國粹大聯盟・香港前途問題, Hoi Wah MAK (麥海華) and Lai Ieng LAU (劉麗凝)
民協經驗講座, Kam Shing HUI (許錦成), Tai Lok LUI (呂大樂), Kwai Sang KONG (江貴生), and Lai Ieng LAU (劉麗凝)
民国时期地理留学, Lei ZHANG
民國時期的跨文化傳播 : 文藝與文藝電影, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
民族性、“去政治化”的政治与国家主义 : 对“华语电影”与“中国电影主体性”之争的一个回应, Haomin GONG
「民間社會理論」簡介, Iam Chong IP
民間辦學 : 書院、社大、沙龍, Yiu Cheong, Alvin SO (蘇耀昌); Chun Hung YU (余振雄); Lin Chi LAU (劉健芝); Daniel LEE (李達寧); and Kwok Ming MA (馬國明)
汤显祖“闲”的美学, Sau-ieng SI TOU
河南与香港工厂管理人员职业紧张对比研究, Shanfa YU (余善法), Rui ZHANG (张锐), and Oi Ling SIU
沼泽人疑难与历时整体论, Yujian ZHENG
法國新浪潮電影欣賞 : 《我的一生》 (1962,尚盧‧高達導演), Kei SHU
活在夹缝间 : 现代诗的山水与城市, Wai Ying CHAN
活著為的是甚麼?, 了一法師
流轉, Wai Ying CHAN
消費與主權 = Consumption and sovereign power, Kwok Ming MA (馬國明), Alice CHOW (周陳燕文), Yuling LIN (林于玲), Wai Sze LAU (劉慧思), and Siu Leung LI (李小良)
淺析明末清初的給予句標記及「畀」字的語法功能和語法化過程 : 以木魚書《花箋記》和《二荷花史》作例, Sin Ting LAM (林繕亭)
淺析黎紫書筆下的國族書寫 : 以〈國北邊陲〉和《告別的年代》為例, Man Sze, Amy TSE (謝民思)
淺談氣候變化, Tsz Cheung LEE
港青主場 : 劉鳴煒談香港青年的機遇和出路, Ming Wai LAU
滅苦之道 : 佛家思想中的解脫觀念, Stephen CHAN
演活人生舞台講座, Kin Ting, Alfred CHEUNG (張堅庭)
演译“影戏” : 华语电影系谱与早期香港电影, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
《漢書.古今人表》與《漢書.藝文志》淵源關係淺探, Chunhong WANG
「火紅年代」學運前夕・香港大學・自由主義思想, Tak Lung TSIM (詹德隆) and Lai Ieng LAU (劉麗凝)
火紅年代的天主教大專聯會, Kwok Ming MA (馬國明), Wing Sang LAW, Kwok Wai NG (吳國偉), Kim Ling LAU (劉劍玲), and Lai Ieng LAU (劉麗凝)
炮製娛樂的邵氏快手 : 井上梅次的幾個意義, Darrell William DAVIS and Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
為了文化的抉擇與游離 : 答蔡翔君並說烏托邦, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
為解殖提供入手點, Dat Ning LEE (李達寧)
無可言狀 : 小津安二郎的電影風格, Darrell William DAVIS and Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
無国籍なアジア : 台湾空間におけるボーダレスな冒険, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH and Yoshino SUGAWARA (菅原慶乃)
無心插柳的霸權效應 : 戰後香港中文學校的組織吸納, Ting Hong WONG (黃庭康)
無所不在 : 徐克的電影音樂, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
牟宗三先生對「為何道德」的議論初探, Wai Ying WONG
王昌龄以“意”为中心的创作论及其唯识学渊源, Zongqi CAI
现代文学批评的不同类型, Zidong XU
「珠海事件」 : 由一篇悼念殷海光文章而起的香港學生運動, Wing Sang LAW and Lai Ieng LAU (劉麗凝)
現代化和本土論述的制衡 : 搖滾樂與現代中文電影的關係, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
現代性與古典性的交融 : 郭沫若歷史悲劇的特色之一 : 以《屈原》為例, Wenying WANG (王文英)
理想主義的文學院長鍾玲, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
環保生活 : 延續綠色未來, Edwin LAU
環保與人生, Chi Sum MAN (文志森)
甚麼是香港自主性的體現?, Sze Chung CHOW (周思中)
生命的終結是不是愛情的終結? : 談《八月照相館》 = Love dies as life ends? On Christmas in August
生命與愛 : 困惑與意義 = Life and love : puzzles and meanings
生態詩學視角及其超越 : 後社會主義情境、打工詩歌和鄭小瓊, Haomin GONG
生態足印 : 看看自己是否環保?, Hoi Bong, Roy TAM
生死大事 : 萬般帶不走,唯有業隨身, Liu Yat SIK (釋了一)
生活意象 自然節奏 : 舒巷城的都市詩歌, Wai Ying CHAN
用另一角度看人生旅程, Kwong Ho, Edmund LEUNG
用階級分析處理文化經驗, Po Keung HUI
由石油產業看中國經濟體制改革的歷程, Wing Kam LUNG (龍榮淦); Kang Chuen, Arthur SHEK (石鏡泉); and Po Keung HUI (許寶強)
界定本土與左翼的問題, Alvin Y. SO (蘇耀昌)
留學生魯迅關於中國道路的思考, Nong GU (顧農)
當前國際形勢和中國外交工作 = China's diplomatic policy & the foreign relationship, Zigang YANG
當廟街皇后遇到白馬王子 : 「蘇絲黃的世界」中的性別與種族, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
痛苦中有歡樂的時代 : 1940年代移居香港的大陸音樂家, Ching Chih LIU
白鶴清江, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
百年回顧八和鳴 : 例戲的傳承, Kwok Sum LIU, Siu Fai YUEN, Kar Ying LAW, and Wing Pong TAM
「百年香港電影」暨《百年光影覓香江》新書發佈會, Winnie FU; Shuk Han, Mary WONG; King Fai, Ben WONG; and Ching Hang, Matthew CHENG
看.女人, Wai Ying CHAN
“看张”的“张力” : 当代“张学”扫描,兼评《零度看张》, Haomin GONG
真假「中山」艦, Yau Woon MA
真假之辨, Kam Por YU
知識份子的自我想像與電影的觀視結構, Jinhua DAI (戴錦華)
知識生產.政治.香港的未來 = The production of knowledge, politics and Hong Kong’s future, Po Keung HUI (許寶強), Sze Wai MAN (文思慧), and Mui Ying YU (余攸英)
知識轉移莫只向錢看, Jin JIANG
研討會第一節介紹, Ling CHUNG
研討會第三節介紹, Shiu Ming LAU
研討會第二節介紹, Hung Kai LEE
研討會第四節介紹, Zidong XU
破校立新 : 香港的社會脈絡中做文化研究, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN (陳清僑); Po Keung HUI (許寶強); Yiu Hung LAU (劉瑤紅); Sau Yin LAU (劉修妍); Bing Leung, Anthony CHEUNG (張炳良); Wing Tim CHOI (蔡榮甜); and Chi Kin WONG (黃志堅)
社会政策学十讲, Hartley DEAN; Kinglun NGOK (岳经纶); Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN; and Wenjia ZHUANG (庄文嘉)
社工式議員與地區工作, Kam Shing HUI (許錦成) and Lai Ieng LAU (劉麗凝)
社會科學(榮譽)學士學位課程簡介 = Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) programme introduction, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN
社會運動的靈性, Po Shan LEUNG (梁寶山)
神理與妙悟, Jing ZHANG (張晶)
神話、成長與復生 : 論也斯〈養龍人師門〉, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
「禁」與「遊」 : 記遊書寫初探, Wai Ying CHAN
福利混合经济中的质量管理与绩效评估 : 内地与香港的比较, Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN
福島核洩漏 : 五年之後 = Fukushima after 5 years of the nuclear disaster
禘莫盛於灌 : 由唐寫本《論語》鄭注重探「禘自既灌而往」章的詮解問題, Tzu Pin HSU (許子濱)
禪讓與先秦儒家之關係 : 以郭店楚簡〈唐虞之道〉為討論中心, Hoi Tik CHAN (陳凱廸)
禮儀 = Manners, Kwan Yiu, Edward CHEN (陳坤耀)
空山.竹林.俠女 : 十年回望胡金銓電影座談會, Ling CHUNG (鍾玲); Shuang SHEN (沈雙); and Shuk Han, Mary WONG (黃淑嫻)
《空山靈雨》的佛教思想, Ling CHUNG
穿越文化空間 : 越界與「顚覆」?, Chi Pui MAK and Ka Chun SHIU
第一節, Wai Ying WONG, Hin Cheung LIN, Kit Hung LO, Zhicong DU, and Liying OU
第一部份 : 解放馬克思主義者‧四五行動‧929事件, Wing Kam LAU (劉榮錦), Iam Chong IP, and Lai Ieng LAU (劉麗凝)
第三節, Ka Hung, Thomas TAM; Guohua LIU; Yiu On LI; and Si Wai MAN
第二節, Kit Hung LO; Yihan CHEN; Yaoguang GUAN; Y. S., Arthur LUK; and Yat Fei SHUM
第二節 : 圓桌會議 = Session 2 : roundtable discussion, Mei Wah, May FUNG (馮美華); Cyd HO (何秀蘭); Chun Hung NG (吳俊雄); Kwok Wai NG (吳國偉); Ka Chun SHIU (邵家臻); and Yiu Cheing SO (蘇耀昌)
第二部份 : 新機場事件‧香港回歸‧離開運動, Wing Kam LAU (劉榮錦), Iam Chong IP, and Lai Ieng LAU (劉麗凝)
第四節, Yujian ZHENG, Man Tao LEUNG, Zide LU, and Guanbao PENG
答問時間, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
管理新思維, Ming Kwai, Dick LEE (李明逵)
粵劇文化與戲迷情人任劍輝多面體 : 嶺南戲曲文化研究系列2010研討會, Yuen Hung CHAN, Siu Wah YU, Sai Shing YUNG, and Siu Leung LI
粵劇文化與戲迷情人任劍輝 : 嶺南戲曲文化研究系列2009研討會, Sai Shing YUNG, Sam HO, Minhui ZHANG, Siu Wah YU, and Siu Leung LI
《粵音正讀字彙》反切注音商榷, Kwing Sheung LAM (林炯湘)
精彩人生路, Christine LEUNG
給反中產霸權, Alvin Y. SO (蘇耀昌)
給被壓迫者充權的人民歷史書寫, Siu Tat MUNG (蒙兆達)
綠‧惜‧嶺南, David YEUNG
綠色大使嘉許禮暨主題講座「香港生態保育與經濟發展」, Chi Sum MAN
總結, Man Lik, Owen TAM
绘制华语电影的地图, H., Sheldon LU (鲁晓鹏); Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH; and Hong Feng TANG (唐宏峰)
罗士培与中国地理学, Lei ZHANG
羊圈外的常春藤, Ling LAW (羅玲)
美感形式与小说的文类特性 : 从卢卡契到巴赫金, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
美感形式與小說的文類特性 : 從盧卡奇到巴赫汀, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
美莉與小二, Wai Ying CHAN
翻譯(榮譽)文學士學位課程簡介 = Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Translation programme introduction, Man, Jasmine TONG
翻译家梁实秋, Liping BAI
背灯遗恨, Sau Ieng SI TOU
胡楓 : 一個小生的藝壇傳奇, Fung WOO
胡金銓的影響, Ping Kwan LEUNG
胡金銓的時間與空間, Pak Tong CHEUK
胡金銓的電影事業, Shiu Ming LAU
胡金銓的電影藝術, Leo LEE
脫困的情節.被困的人生 : 從成長小說的角度討論黃春明的〈看海的日子〉, Ki Ki LI (李琪琪)
臉 神話的臉 藝術的臉 電影的臉, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
臨別依依,與校長真情對話, Kwan Yiu, Edward CHEN
自噬之花 : 詩集, Zijiang, Chris SONG
自己的生命 : 王家衛電影中的音樂話語, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH and Wei Yi LIANG (梁偉怡)
臺灣之為日本他者 : 近期日本黑幫片一瞥, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH and Sze Wing KWOK (郭詩詠)
與時代處境同游的FES, Wing Shan CHEUNG (張穎珊) and Wai Yee LAI (黎惠儀)
與黨國共舞 : 當代中國文化的新語境脈絡 = Dancing with the party-state : recontextualize "culture" in contemporary China, Iam Chong IP (葉蔭聰)
色 / 情.政治.香港的未來 = Erotic/pornography, politics and Hong Kong's future, Man Kit CHO, Wai Yee LEE (李偉儀), and Ching YAU (游靜)
「花火」: 日本電影傳統的再次引燃, Darrell William DAVIS and Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
芳艷芬與香港粵劇研討會 : 歷史 / 演藝 / 舞臺, Siu Wah YU, Sai Shing YUNG, and Siu Yan LEE
英華書院與《伊索寓言》的國學化, Hung Kai LEE
荷里活的還魂者 : 電影、歷史與生態 = Hollywood's Revenant : film, history and ecology
莎士比亚悲剧中的道德张力, Ersu DING
《華僑日報.文藝》研究, Wing Mui CHEUNG
華年記憶, Wai Ying CHAN
華語流行音樂再想像研討會, Ying Him, Anthony FUNG (馮應謙); Cheung Kong, Frederick LAU (劉長江); Yui Fai CHOW (周耀輝); Yiu Ming, Anthony WONG (黃耀明); Ryan HUI (許懷欣); and Mini CHOI (蔡冕麗)
葛德石与中国近代地理学, Lei ZHANG
葛德石近代中国考察档案文献汇编(1) : 葛德石与中国现代地理学, Lei ZHANG
蕃漢婚戀的再現 : 跳出國家主義的鎂光燈圈, Darryl Cameron STERK
藍地大街的故事, 香港嶺南大學服務研習處
藝文空間與文化聚落 : 以港澳為例, Wai Pang, Damianm CHENG (鄭威鵬); James CHU (朱焯信); Sio Chong MOK (莫兆忠); and May FUNG (馮美華)
藝術與寫作教育, Hing Kay HO
藝術與文化政策 = Media art and cultural policy, Muriel LAW, King Chung SIU, Samual CHOY, Qiuyu ZHANG (張秋玉), Jiaxin LUO (羅嘉欣), Jiayan LI (李嘉言), and Huimin XU (許惠敏)
處於十字路口的文化研究, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
虛擬的震撼 = The impact of virtuality, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明); Siu Leung LI (李小良); Hairong HUANG (黃海榮); and Dejian XIAO (蕭德健)
虧欠民間社會期許的泛民政黨, Icarus WONG (王浩賢)
衛斯理回歸 : 與讀者座談會, Kuang NI (倪匡)
被束搏的都市經驗 = Restricted urban experiences : class, consumption and domesticity in South China, Iam Chong IP
西方哲學的智慧追尋 : 討論, Wai Ying WONG
視物、感物、知物 : 香港詩人的都市想像與物質書寫, Wai Ying CHAN
視覺研究(榮譽)文學士學位課程簡介 = Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Visual Studies programme introduction, Wai Yi, Zoie SO
规范性的三元结构, Yujian ZHENG
解讀米高佐敦, Wing Ho SIU and Lesley FUNG
言論自由之外 : 知識經濟下的新聞傳媒工作 = Beyond freedom of speech : re-intellectualizing media workers, Man Tao LEUNG (梁文道); Sun Quan HUANG (黃孫權); Kok Luen, Alan LO (盧覺麟); and Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN (陳清僑)
討論環節, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG and Po Keung HUI
記與行 : 散文的情與思, Wai Ying CHAN
訪談的心法, Yee Mei, Maggie CHAU
評《在電影思考的年代》, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
評論及回應 1, Qinpeng ZHANG and Shuk Han WONG
評論及回應 2, Sui Hung CHAN, Juan SHI, Qinpeng ZHANG, and Yusong FENG
詞與樂府關係新論 : 關於詞與樂府關係的綜合考, Zhixi QIAN (錢志熙)
試論《三言》中婦女婚外情與明代市民經濟發展之關係, Tsz Fung TSE (謝子峯)
試論舒巷城的文學語言, Wai Ying CHAN
《詩經》辭典述評 : 兼論古籍辭典的編纂, Hung Kai LEE
認識鹹潮, Jenny CHENG
語文政治.香港的未來 = Politics of language, politics and Hong Kong’s future, Po King, Dora CHOI (蔡寶瓊); Kin Yuen YIP (葉建源); Kin Wai TOO (堵建偉); Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN (陳清僑); and Hok Bun KU (古學斌)
語文政策與身份認同 : 改革開放以來的廣府文化與廣府人, Weng Kit CHAN (陳永傑)
語文教學和香港文學 : 從50年代談起, Dejin CHEN
誠信、人格、一念, Lok Sang HO
誰需要軍火?, Kin Chi LAU
課室.政治.香港的未來 = Classroom, politics and Hong Kong’s future, Mei Yi, Amy LIN (練美兒); Wing Suet NG (吳詠雪); Chiu Yu MOK (莫昭如); and Wei Sze LAU (劉慧思)
談自殺的成因與對策, Yau Nang NG (吳有能)
談視像資料收集及香港文學整理的經驗 = On the collection of visual materials & research on HK literature, Peter STOCKINGER; Lai Mun TSANG (曾麗滿); Sin Piu FAN (樊善標); Fai Hung FUNG (馮輝洪); and Yuk Kwan, Amanda HSU (許旭筠)
談談香港報章副刊及連載小說, Wing Mui CHEUNG
論壇 : 香港獨立電影 : 性別議題的詩學及政治元素 = A forum : Hong Kong independent films : the poetics and politics of gender and sexuality, Wai Yi, Zoie SO; M. K., Esther CHEUNG; Tammy CHEUNG; Ching YAU; and Sui Hung, Natalia (Lok Fung) CHAN
論甲骨文合文與現今合字書寫, Yuk Kwan MA (馬煜焜)
論《西遊記》中悟空與六耳獼猴之重像關係及其文本中之意蘊, Hung Wah, Anson LAU (劉鴻樺)
論金庸筆下的明教和拜火教之關係, Kin Pui YAU (邱建錇)
論《長生殿》楊貴妃的形象建構與主題思想的關係, Shu Ting LAU (劉書廷)
論電影《刺客聶隱娘》的創造性背叛, Ho Wai KAN (簡浩維)
講評 : 研討會第一節, Ziping HUANG and Chi Tak CHAN
講評 : 研討會第三節, Fai YIP and Shuk Han WONG
講評 : 研討會第二節, Zidong XU and Wai Ying CHAN
講評 : 研討會第四節, Leonard CHAN and Yin Ping, Grace LAU
警惕雅閣賓式的狂熱, King Fai CHAN (陳景輝)
讀劉師培《毛詩詞例舉要》小識, Hung Kai LEE
變動中的香港 = Hong Kong in changes, Wing Yiu SO (蘇穎瑤), Fan Keung HUNG (孔繁強), Tak Fai LEUNG (梁德輝), and Pak Shing TSE (謝伯盛)
變成好萊塢? : 新紀元的香港電影, Chuck KLEINHANS; Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH; and Wai Sim LAU (劉慧嬋)
论山水诗与陈郡谢氏之关系 : 兼论“庄、老告退,而山水方滋”, Chunhong WANG
诗的美学 : 从视觉到自觉的美感观照, Wai Ying CHAN
谈前汉吴楚七国之乱及其影响 : 上, Chunhong WANG
谈前汉吴楚七国之乱及其影响 : 下, Chunhong WANG
谈前汉吴楚七国之乱及其影响 : 中, Chunhong WANG
賈樟柯談編導, Zhangke JIA (賈樟柯)
賽馬會「關愛‧服務‧研習@屯門」計劃 = Jockey Club "We care, we serve & we learn @ Tuen Mun" programme, Office of Service-Learning, Lingnan University
贏得精彩輸得起, Chui Yee YU (余翠怡)
走出上海 : 早期电影的另类景观, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH; Xiaocai FENG (冯筱才); Poshek FU (傅葆石); and Hui LIU (刘辉)
走進歷史的殿堂 : 二月河對康熙、雍正、乾隆的看法, Eryuehe
距離與接近 : 一個伴隨臨終者對死亡的體驗, Lap Yan KUNG (龔立人)
跨文化分析的缺陷 : 以“文艺片”和“情节剧”概念为中心的考察, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
跨文化空間? : 朝向中文電影的詩學, David BORDWELL; Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH; and Wai Sim LAU (劉慧嬋)
跨文明研究视阈中的中国古典文学研究 : 蔡宗齐教授访谈, Zongqi CAI and Min HE
身体与声音 : 华语歌舞片中的四种表演女性, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH and Hong Feng TANG (唐宏峰)
農藝生態、飲食生活、社區導賞、宗教靈性, Sze Cheong CHOW (周思中), Wai Fong CHAN (陳惠芳), Yiu Kwong CHU (朱耀光), Rose WU (胡露茜), and Shun Hing CHAN (陳順馨)
近二十年香港普及文化書目概覽, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN; Karen CHAN (陳嘉玲); Meimei CHAN (陳倩君); Wing Mui CHEUNG (張詠梅); Blanche CHU (朱穎琪); Nerissa IP (葉佩怡); Evelyn LEUNG (梁穎詩); Wing Sang LAW; Man Kei TAM (譚萬基); and Sik Wai TSE (謝錫偉)
近代報刊小說轉載編年史, Dakang CHEN (陳大康)
追摹、混搭與穿越 : 晚清畫報中的古今對話, Pingyuan CHEN (陳平原)
逆景自強, Maria LEE TSANG (李曾超群)
逍遙與無待 : 道家的超越精神與現實人生, Ming WU
這樣的一個手勢, Wai Ying CHAN
「遊」與地方記憶 : 從我們的旅行家說起, Fai YIP
過渡情荒, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
道法自然, Lik Kene TONG
邵長蘅對明文評價取向之研究, Man Ling LEUNG (梁文玲)
郊遊與城市生活 : 從地方志到博物志, Fai YIP