Frequently Asked Questions | Digital Commons @ Lingnan University | Lingnan University Research

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can add content to Digital Commons @ Lingnan University (thereafter DC@Lingnan)?

Any members affiliated with Lingnan and any of its related groups, may deposit materials, including items that were co-authored / created with other non-Lingnan individuals / groups. DC@Lingnan accepts also contents created by non-Lingnan affiliated authors / organization, to which are originated from Lingnan-related events, e.g. conferences or seminars.

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What types of content will be included?

Contents will include preprints, postprints, working papers, journal articles, book chapters, theses and dissertations, conference papers / proceedings, presentations, creative works student scholarship and a wide variety of other content types including multimedia.

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How will the content be organized?

Contents on DC@Lingnan are organized according to the organizational structure of the University, and also by their content type.

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What copyright issues should I know about?

To deposit contents to DC@Lingnan, you must be the copyright holder, or be licensed by the copyright holder to distribute the contents through digital repository platform. The content creator retains full copyright of materials deposited to DC@Lingnan, but would only grant Library with non-exclusive distribution rights for education and non-commercial purpose, as well as preservation rights of the materials.

It is important to note that Author(s) often transfer copyright to the publisher at the time of publication. But many publishers, under certain conditions, would allow published research articles to be archived in digital repository. Please refer to Jisc Open Policy Finder for details about individual publishers’ copyright and self-archiving policies.

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Can content be withdrawn or updated?

DC@Lingnan is a permanent repository. Once a content is deposited, a citation to the document will always remain. The author may request his/her contents be removed with reasons, or be replaced with another updated version for posting.

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Who can I contact about Digital Commons @ Lingnan University?

Library's Research Support Team

Email:; Tel: (852) 2616 8553

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