Content Posted in 2024
404, Hei Moon MA (馬希玟)
Active ageing : pension system and older workers policies in Hong Kong and Japan, Hin Yau TSANG
Aesthetic cognitivism : acquiring propositional knowledge from fiction, Nanyun SHEN (沈南昀)
Against health for all : 30 years of health financialization, Marco ANGELO, Maria José ROMERO, Sarah HUGHES-MCLURE, Felix STEIN, and Nicoletta DENTICO
An investigation of Africans and Hongkongers relationship : a social psychological approach, Raymond AGYENIM-BOATENG
A qualitative study of approaches to implementing basic education internationalization in Shenzhen, Xue CAO (曹雪)
A qualitative study on transnational caregiving for older parents in China, Silai DONG (董思萊)
A revision of Hong Kong harvestmen : biodiversity, ecological preferences and geographical distribution, Kai Teck Desmond TAN (陳凱德)
A socio-cultural analysis of elder abuse in a non-western society of Ghana : theoretical approach and (multi-stakeholder) interventions for elder justice, Francis ARTHUR-HOLMES
A socio-ecological barrier to regular migration, regularization and healthcare access for Myanmar irregular migrant workers in Thailand, Tual Sawn KHAI
Assessing prevalence of blood parasites and ranaviruses in Hong Kong freshwater turtles, Julia LEUNG (梁可然)
A study of external factors influencing stagnation in five post-Soviet hybrid regimes, Han LIU (劉涵)
A study of perspectives on roles and responsibilities in social welfare in Hong Kong, Wan Ping, Vincent LEE
Beyond economics and politics : a sociological review of local long-term care service provision in China, Zhen TIAN (田真)
Beyond mindset : investigating neural and psychological mechanisms of strategic mindset, growth mindset and feedback learning, Yaqi YANG (楊婭琦)
Beyond poverty and violence : aspirations, capabilities, opportunity structures, and cross-border migration intention in Africa, Pascal AGBADI
Book launch event : "Political Ecologies of Landscape"
Book launch event : Son of Hong Kong, historian of China : the English writings of Ming K. Chan, Yick CHAU (周奕), Alen LEUNG (梁寶龍), Kent WAN (溫柏堅), and Peter FONG (方國榮)
Book Launch Event: Son of Hong Kong, Historian of China: The English Writings of Ming K. Chan
Booktalk at Library : 再回到「嶺南」這裏來 Here I am again, Joyce WONG (黃敏華); Wai Chu, Rachel LUNG (龍惠珠); and Yu HUANG (黃峪)
Booktalk at Library : 再回到「嶺南」這裏來 Here I am again
Booktalk at Library : 《文化城市之路》新書分享會, Kwok Lit YU (茹國烈) and Hiu Yan Chan (陳曉欣)
Booktalk at Library : 《文化城市之路》新書分享會
Booktalk at Library : 文化管理是做什麼的? What Exactly is Cultural Management?, Kwok Lit YU (茹國烈) and Hiu Yan Chan (陳曉欣)
Brazil under Lula’s renewed presidency, Rosa Maria MARQUES, Victor Leonardo FIGUEIREDO CARVALHO DE ARAÚJO, Allan Kardec DUAILIBE BARROS FILHO, and Rogério NAQUES FALEIROS
Buen vivir : philosophy and practice, Virgelina CHARA, Jose MANUYAMA, Shaji THOMAS, Laura COLLINS, and Claudia ALVAREZ
Can investor communications discipline corporate misconduct? Evidence from a field experiment, Chen XU (徐晨)
Catching the unlikely gambler : how and why gacha games appeal to conscientious consumers, Jingyi ZHANG (張靜怡)
Challenging domesticity, mobilizing indigeneity : the Igorot migrant domestic workers of Hong Kong, Jose Kervin Cesar Belmonte CALABIAS
Commons與社會創新, Alvin YIP (葉長安) and Louis MIHA (米哈)
Conservation genomics of endangered turtles : the Big-headed Turtle and the Beale's Eyed Turtle, Wing Him LEE (李穎謙)
Critical review of the enactment of the minimum wage on poverty alleviation in Hong Kong since 2011, Man Yu NGAN (顏汶羽)
Critique of modernity and major challenges of a century, Qiyuan LU and Xiaohui YAN
Cultural heritage and ecological architecture, Cristina ENGEL DE ALVAREZ, Aibin YAN, Eka SWADIANSA, and Huizhong BIN
Deconstructing ageism and quality of life among older informal workers : a mixed-methods study in Ghana, Samuel Ampadu OTENG
De-linking in theory and practice : commemorating Samir Amin, Tiejun WEN, Ping HUANG, Dac Loi TRAN, Jayati GHOSH, Firoze MANJI, John Bellamy FOSTER, Kin Chi LAU, and Ebrima SALL
Departure, Othilia CHOI (蔡恩曦)
Dissertation on applied micro-economics, Wei LIU (劉薇)
Does non-financial information disclosure promote firm's exports? Evidence from China's mandatory CSR reporting regulation, Xin CHEN (陳欣)
Does violent crime matter in tax aggressiveness?, Chun QI (漆純)
Eco-feminist philosophy for life and peace, Vandana SHIVA, Kin Chi LAU, and Jinhua DAI
Ecology of tetrodotoxin toxicity and ectoparasite burden of Hong Kong newt populations, Wing Yan YIP (葉泳茵)
Environmental DNA (eDNA) survey of introduced freshwater species in reservoirs and streams in Hong Kong, Sze Man YAU (邱思敏)
Essays on comparative statics for choice under risk and ambiguity, Tian LI (李甜)
Essays on multivariate risk, Lin ZHOU (周麟)
Essays on product mix strategies in influencer livestream commerce and personal pronoun use in crowdfunding, Sheng LIU (劉聖)
Experience of loneliness among older people in Hong Kong : ageism perspective, Chi Kuen WONG (黃子權)
Experiences of first-generation students in a large public university in Ghana : a phenomenological study, Jacob Oppong NKANSAH
Exploring happiness : the life course study of older Shanghainese women in Shanghai and Hong Kong, Archibald Malcolm WANG
“Feels a lot like love” : love-in(g) China in the reform era, Chang QU (瞿暢)
Feminist vision of genuine security and a culture of life, Suzuyo TAKAZATO, Alma BULAWAN, Jeong Ae AHN-KIM, Monaeka/Naek FLORES, Sam IKEHARA, and Margo OKAZAWA-REY
From compulsory motherhood to compulsory contraception : a comparative analysis on The Handmaid’s Tale and Brave New World, Patrina CHAN
Game-theoretic analysis of financing problems in online operations, Dianyao KANG (康殿堯)
Gandhian Marxism and local governance, M. P. PARAMESWARAN, K K KRISHNA KUMAR, Anita RAMPAL, Manoranjan MOHANTY, and Tsui Jade Margaret SIT
Geopolitics and political economy : looming war against China, Michael HUDSON, Radhika DESAI, Pepe ESCOBAR, and Ashley DAYMAN
Global crises, wars and conflicts, Tiejun WEN and Xiaohui YAN
Group dynamics, gender, and field : an ethnographic study of the yo-yoing sport subculture In Hong Kong, Ho Wang KWONG (鄺浩弘)
Incompatibilist arguments and compatibilist rebuttals, Wai Sing FOOK (霍煒昇)
Information economy, employment vulnerability and the development of new urban marginality : the case of Bangladesh, Rasel HUSSAIN
Issues on selling products via social media influencers, Zhenhao LI (李臻昊)
Legacy of a century and the future for humanity, Jinhua DAI, Hui WANG, and Kin Chi LAU
Lingnan Gardeners Newsletter (No. 68) = 彩園通訊 (第68期), Lingnan Gardeners, Centre for Cultural Research and Development, Lingnan University
Lingnan Gardeners Newsletter (No. 69) = 彩園通訊 (第69期), Lingnan Gardeners, Centre for Cultural Research and Development, Lingnan University
Lingnan Gardeners Newsletter (No. 70) = 彩園通訊 (第70期), Authors Lingnan Gardeners, Centre for Cultural Research and Development, Lingnan University
Lived experiences, perceptions, and caregiving trajectories of family caregivers of youth with Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) in Zambia, Ireen Manase KABEMBO
Mapping and explaining ethnic environmental inequality in Germany, Jan Paul HEISIG
‘More or better?’ : finding the balance between equitable access and quality of higher education in Malaysia, Adam HAMZAH NOR BIN AEDY RAHMAN
Mr Augustine Lui Ngok-che 呂岳枝先生
Ms Chiang Lai-ping, Agnes 蔣麗萍女士
Optimism about philosophical progress, a historical case study, Daniele Bruno GARANCINI
People’s agency and movement zone, Ichiyo MUTO, Surichai WUN’GAEO, Melani BUDIANTA, Francis LOH, and Kin Chi LAU
Perceived similarity and relationship satisfaction : the role of attributional confidence, Ting Hin LEE (李庭軒)
Personal life security, nonmonetary benefits and executive compensation : evidence from stand your ground laws, Zixuan ZENG (曾子軒)
Process-oriented explanation of institutional changes : comparative cases of national health and pension system reforms in Indonesia, Tauchid Komara YUDA
Race and power in colonial literature : Somerset Maugham’s The Force of Circumstance and The Yellow Streak, Hafsa ABDUL
Responding to skepticism : from transcendental arguments to hinge epistemology, Changshuo SUN (孫昌碩)
Risk and protective factors for traditional bullying and cyberbullying victimization among adolescents : a multilevel cross-national study, Patrick CHANDA
Rural regeneration in China Today : 20th anniversary of James Yen Rural Reconstruction Institute, Cynthia YUEN
Rural regeneration in East Asia (I), Kazuoki ONO, Mitsuko HIKITA, Hyung No JOO, Xiaohui YAN, and Jung-Ok LEE
Rural regeneration in East Asia (II), Ja In GU, Tsui Jade Margaret SIT, and Andrew AERIA
Sino-Africa counterterrorism cooperation : assessing the cases of Nigeria, Kenya and Sudan, Paa Kwesi Wolseley PRAH
Social networks, access to healthcare, and the health-related quality of life of young informal workers in Nigeria’s construction industry, Ayomide Oluwaseyi OLADOSU
Solidarity economy and community currencies, Heloisa PRIMAVERA, Nelsa Inês Fabian NESPOLO, Yhali LOMBERA, and Claudia YADIRA
Spirit and philosophy in permaculture and community building in Asia, Jon JANDAI, Iskandar WAWORUNTU, Pallavi VARMA PATIL, Ananeza ABAN, Sze Chung CHOW, and Yuk Ming Lisa LEUNG
Stock liquidity and value relevance of earnings : evidence from a natural experiment, Joseph Maxwell ASAMOAH
Students' attitudes on online and face-to-face learning during COVID-19 : a qualitative study, Yanying LIU
Successful aging through aging in place : the perspectives of the elderly and adult children in Shenzhen, Feng HUANG (黃鋒)
Talks on Happiness | 快樂講 : 何解快樂斷咗線
Talks on Happiness | 快樂講 : 誰偷走了你的幸福
Talks on Happiness | 快樂講 : 「風吹不倒」積極人生分享講座, Siu Leong KO (高小亮)
Talks on Happiness | 快樂講:「風吹不倒」積極人生分享講座
The Covid-19 crisis and intergenerational relations : the case of Hong Kong families with older parents ageing in the Greater Bay Area in Mainland China, Bowen ZHOU (周博聞)
The cultivation of social consciousness in Chinese urban communities from the perspective of community governance : taking the community in Shandong as an example, Li Jie WANG (王利傑)
The discursive representations of Africanness and blackness in Chinese cyberspace : a critical discourse-historical analysis, Jiapei GU (顧佳佩)
The effects of the Big-headed Turtle (Platysternon megacephalum) on community and ecosystem in Hong Kong hill streams, Wing Lam FOK (霍頴琳)
The impact of perceived self-connection on possession-based placebo analgesia : an investigation using implicit and explicit measures, Sze Ki NG (吳斯祺)
The insurgency of the peoples, Jorge ISHIZAWA, Jorge SANTIAGO, and Tsui Jade Margaret SIT
The mission of rural education in the era of ecological civilization : life education for rebuilding the human-nature connection, Xiaode ZHANG and Zhixiong HE
The Sugar War : the response of Guangdong brown sugar to the provincial industrial sugar system, 1933-1936, Yiqun MAO (毛逸群)
Two essays on electric vehicle subsidies and auto industries in China, Jing LIANG (梁靖)
Two essays on institution, innovation and trade in China, Cong NIE (聶聰)
Two essays on pollution, trade and industries in China, Jie BAI (白洁)
Two essays on the tax consequences of auditor litigation risk : evidence from quasi-natural experiments, Felix OWUSU
Uncover the underground : distribution and population status of blind snakes and Bogadek’s burrowing lizards, Man Ho CHAN (陳文灝)
Using multiobjective optimization to solve multimodal optimization and constrained optimization problems, Jingyu JI (冀镜羽)
七分之五, Yun Tung HUNG (洪潤東)
《世説新語》中的時代文學圖景, Yunliang WANG (王允亮)
九張機, Wai KWOK (郭威)
《九歌》為祭歌之性質及功能新考, Jingyi LUAN (栾靜怡)
「冚唪唥」來源眾說評議, Tim Wa HU (胡添華)
前言, Chunhong WANG (汪春泓)
剪牛雜的聲音, Yat Kan Clifford KUNG (龔逸勤)
劉孝標《世説注》所引文獻引文略考, Jiancheng ZHAO (趙建成)
劉師培〈《左傳》、《荀子》相通考〉探析, Wai Man HAU (侯慧敏)
同一個宇宙, Yuying LI (李瑜瑛)
唐代女冠與樂妓的社會地位——以李冶及薛濤詩作為研究中心, Sze Wing PUN (潘思穎)
唐代宮廷女詩人及其詩作研究, Hin Wing NG (吳衍穎)
在困苦中狂歡——《鋼的琴》與《冬泳》中的東北敘事, Zhaohang LYU (吕昭行)
《堯山堂外紀》雜纂成書方法考略, Jingyi CAO (曹競藝)
塑造"中國" : 成康大分封與成周王畿區的空間整合, Xianchuang YE (葉先闖)
夏之春, Chi Ho WONG (王治皓)
夢、隱喻與思想 : 從意象基模解析《列子·周穆王篇》之夢寓及篇章意旨, Yin-ching CHEN (陳寅清)
孫輩照顧者面對的挑戰研究報告, Chak Kwan, Dickon CHAN (陳澤群); Kong Sang LOU (劉港生); Meng Soi, Florence FONG (馮明穗); Sheung Wan, Wanda WONG (黃湘雲); and Ka Chung, Tom KWONG (鄺家宗)
宋玉"負俗"與《文心雕龍•雜文》立篇之義, Yanyan SHEN (沈燕燕) and Yunhe XU (許云和)
宗周政典的名實之轉 : 從《訓典》到《書》, Pei ZHAO (趙培)
尊體與復古 : "詞樂恢復"視域下的清初自度曲現象, Jia-Yun YU (余佳韻)
對話與競争 : 嘉靖前期官刻古文選本的多重面向, Yi ZHANG (張翼)
《尚書》合刻本中書序、篇目及對應疏文的編排形態考述, Zhijia WANG (王鷙嘉)
嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第191期), 嶺南大學香港同學會
《左傳》與《史記》敘事比較研究——以楚莊王定霸為例, Yan Yip CHOW (周昕燁)
後現代與九七回歸:論董啟章《地圖集》中的文化身分, Tsz Sum SZE (施子琛)
從《色,戒》到《色|戒》, Ka Yee LEE (李嘉儀)
捕捉城市星空 : 深空天體 = Urban astrophotography : deep sky objects, Vai Tong, Tony FEUNG (馮偉東) and Dik Hong, Calvin CHUNG
新見哈佛大學燕京圖書館藏錢謙益《吾炙集》舊鈔本考論 : 兼談此集的編選與刊刻, Yang XU (徐洋)
明代《冬官》未亡說新論 : 以明代何喬新《周禮集注》為討論中心, Tak Wah LEUNG (梁德華)
明代注杜對朱熹賦比興結構解《詩》法的繼承與改造, Xiaotong XU (徐曉童)
時代與女性:張愛玲《金鎖記》與弗吉尼亞‧伍爾夫《奧蘭多》對比探析, Tin Yan Athena YIM (嚴天恩)
根據《世説新語》某條疏證晋、齊、楚區域之學術、文化記憶與分歧, Chunhong WANG (汪春泓)
沒有年齡的課室 : 成效評估研究報告, Meng Soi, Florence FONG (馮明穗); Chak Kwan, Dickon CHAN (陳澤群); Ka Hing, Calvin LAU (劉嘉慶); and Ka Chung, Tom KWONG (鄺家宗)
沒有年齡的課室 : 跨代共學實務手冊, 陳曉瑩, 伍婉萍, 袁沅玉, 周頌聲, 杜詠詩, 馮明穗, 陳澤群, 劉嘉慶, and 鄺家宗
清代雍乾時期書院的思想鉗制功用, Enhai LEI (雷恩海) and Jing TIAN (田競)
清初聖裔詞人的聲律思想及其學術淵源——從《紅萼軒詞牌》的詞譜性質談起, Linfu WANG (王琳夫)
玄學與才藻 : 《世説新語》“空洞無物”事義詳説, Ning LUO (羅寧)
王士禛對明代山左詩學的接受與建構, Xiaotong XU (徐曉童)
直覺與境界 : 朱光潛對王國維境界說的詮釋及對話, Jian ZHANG (張健)
秦穆公稱霸西戎與《左傳》比事見義之書法, Kao Ping ZHANG (張高評)
程炎震生平及其校證《世説新語》的成績, Xinglu ZHOU (周興陸)
編寫"亡國"歷史記憶 : 徐鉉《吴王隴西公墓志銘》之興亡敘事與李煜論定, Xincheng ZHANG (張鑫誠)
胡適在台灣 : 殖民地、黨國體制、民主化時代的閱讀史, Yi ZENG (曾苡)
莊周夢蝶, Man Wai TSUI (徐文慧)
《設計教育創新》研討會 = Seminar on "Innovation in Design Education", Xiaobo LU (魯曉波), Jiangbo JIN (金江波), Binghong ZHAN (詹炳宏), Xinyuan CAI (蔡新元), Jingyan TAN (覃京燕), Tingting CHEN (陳婷婷), Genyu LIU (劉根鈺), Fei XU (徐飛), and Yonglei ZHU (朱永磊)
“説”“語”結合與《世説新語》的文體學考察, Zhongsheng WU (吴中勝)
誰能救我脫離這取死的身體, Samuel Chun Hei NG (吳晉熙)
論李碧華《霸王別姬》對虞姬傳統形象的繼承與顛覆, Wai Yan YAU (丘瑋恩)
論馮沅君小說的空間隱喻——以《隔絕》、《旅行》、《春痕》為例, Lok Yi CHU (朱樂怡)
迷茫.掙扎.反叛:論華北搖滾樂的空間敘事, Xinyue SHI (史新悅)
這,不是一個愛情故事, Po Yi CHENG (鄭保怡)
鍾會讒殺嵇康公案的再審視——對《世説新語》史料的分梳, Shulin ZHONG (鍾書林)
長者健康X理財 : 測量指標你要知 : 上冊, 嶺南大學政策研究院
長者健康X理財 : 測量指標你要知 : 下冊, 嶺南大學政策研究院
長者健康理財素養全攻略 : 智財篇, 嶺南大學政策研究院
長者健康理財素養全攻略 : 智醒篇, 嶺南大學政策研究院
長者健康理財素養全攻略 : 智齡篇, 嶺南大學政策研究院
長者健康理財素養訓練指南, 嶺南大學政策研究院
陸粲《春秋》學研究, Ziqian YANG (楊紫茜)
集體與個人、傳統與現代——從《危樓春曉》、《難兄難弟》、《七彩難兄難弟》探舊時香港(1950-1960年代), Ka Ho TAI (戴嘉壕)
類書引録《世説新語》及其書籍史意義探考, Yijia WANG (王乙珈)
香港影視業勞工狀況終期研究報告2024, 嶺南大學政策研究院, 嶺南大學文化研究及發展中心, 嶺南大學「青年貧窮與就業」研究團隊, 潘毅, 梁仕池, 楊皓鋮, 蔡美琦, and 鄧立賢
魏晋士人“樂喪”考論, Lierong YANG (羊列榮)
鴿瘟, Zixin HUANG (黄子鑫)
黃以周《禮書通故》親迎圖「奠雁」處考辨, Lok Hin LAM (林樂軒)