其他篇名 Alternative Title
Shaping "China" : the large-scale enfeoffment of the Chengkang era and the regional integration of the Chengzhou Royal Domain
摘要 Abstract
"Under the vast heaven, all is the king's land" a line from The Book of Songs "Beishan" has often been interpreted as an expression of the Western Zhou Dynasty's ideal political vision. However, this phrase more accurately reflects the Zhou people's ambition for great unification. To achieve this political goal, the promotion of the feudal enfeoffment system to restructure the new "center-periphery" geographical pattern was essential. The core ruling area of the Western Zhou was the region described in The Book of Han "Geography Records" as "Luoyi and Zongzhou's joint royal domain." Unlike the formation of the western Zongzhou royal domain, the eastern Chengzhou royal domain was the result of military and political strategizing that began with the Duke of Zhou's eastern campaign, notably during the large-scale enfeoffment in the Chengkang era. This period was characterized by the relocation of non-kin dukes and the enfeoffment of new kin lords. At the end of the Shang and beginning of the Zhou dynasty, the Chu and E states occupied central territories critical to the Zhou expansion and stability, necessitating their southern migration, while the enfeoffment of the related Chen state was also moved southward due to its incompatibility with King Cheng's feudal layout. King Cheng further solidified control over the old Yin royal domain through Kangshu's relocation to Wei and the enfeoffment of new Ji-kin states in the Central Plains, such as Yu, Fan, Gong, Zuo, and Mi. King Kang went further by relocating the Jiang-kin Jiao state from the Sanmenxia area and replacing it with a Ji-kin Jiao state to strengthen the area between the two royal domains, and moved the Xing state from Xingqiu to Xingtai in the northern lands to resist the Rong, effectively serving as a protective screen. Each enfeoffment (including relocations) reflects early Zhou rulers' meticulous design in constructing their geopolitical region and optimizing the national territory structure, ultimately laying the foundational concept of the region known to later generations as "China" during the Chengkang era.
關鍵詞 Keywords
成康時代, 大分封, 成周王畿區, 空間整合, 國族遷徙, Chengkang era, large-scale enfeoffment, Chengzhou royal domain, regional integration, national migration
語言 Language
Chinese (Traditional)
版權聲明 Copyright Statement
共享創意條款 Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
參考書目格式 Recommended Citation
葉先闖 (2024)。塑造"中國" : 成康大分封與成周王畿區的空間整合。《嶺南學報》,復刊 第二十一輯,頁29-59。檢自 https://commons.ln.edu.hk/ljcs_new/vol21/iss1/2
備註 Additional Information
本文係國家社科基金重大項目“多卷本《西周史》” (17ZDA179)以及2024年度廣西高校中青年教師科研基礎能力提升項目(2024KY0032)的階段性成果。承蒙兩位匿名審稿專家提出寶貴且富有建設性的修改意見,謹深致謝忱。