
徵稿啟事 Call for Papers

  1. 《嶺南學報》懇切歡迎學界同道來稿。本刊發表中文稿件,通常一萬五千字左右。較長篇幅的稿件亦會考慮發表。
  2. 本刊設“青年學者研究成果”專欄,歡迎青年學者踴躍投稿。
  3. 本刊不接受已經發表的稿件,本刊所發論文,重視原創,若涉及知識產權諸問題,應由作者本人負責。
  4. 來稿請使用繁體字文本,並提供 Word 和 PDF 兩種文檔。
  5. 本刊採用規範的匿名評審制度,聘請相關課題之資深專家進行評審。來稿是否採用,會在兩個月之內作出答覆。
  6. 來稿請註明作者中英文姓名、工作單位、並附通信和電郵地址。來稿刊出之後,即付予稿酬及樣刊。
  7. 來稿請用電郵附件形式送至 : Ljcs@Ln.edu.hk。 編輯部地址:香港新界屯門 嶺南大學中文系 (電話:[852] 2616-7881)
[撰稿格式 (2022年11月更新)]


  1. LJCS welcomes original articles that fit our publishing scope. We primarily publishes Chinese-language articles up to 15,000 words.
  2. LCJS has “Young Scholars” column, designating for Early-stage researchers to publish their research.
  3. LJCS does not accept manuscripts that have been published in any form or under consideration elsewhere. Author should hold full liability against any dispute arisen due to copyrights.
  4. Manuscripts submitted to LJCS should be written in traditional Chinese in both Word (.doc) or PDF formats.
  5. Manuscripts submitted to LJCS will undergo a double-blinded peer-reviewed process by scholars from relevant fields. The process should normally take around 2 months to complete.
  6. Author should provide his/her name in Chinese and English, affiliating organization(s), corresponding postal and email addresses. Upon acceptance of publications, authors will receive remuneration and complimentary copies of the issue in which their articles appear.
  7. Manuscripts should be submitted to ljcs@Ln.edu.hk. Editorial Office: Department of Chinese, Lingnan University, Hong Kong (Tel: 852 – 26167881).
[Style Sheet (Updated as of Nov 2022)]