
辦刊宗旨 About LJCS


  《嶺南學報》將延續以古典文史哲研究爲核心的一貫傳統,同時擴展涵蓋面,刊登探討傳統學術和文化對現當代中國社會影響的文章。我們決心秉承原《嶺南學報》“倡導學問,闡揚真理,賞奇析疑”的精神,同時又努力促進中西學術深度交流,開天下學問一家的風氣。爲此,《嶺南學報》將與杜克大學出版社出版,《棱鏡 : 理論與現代中國文學》(PRISM: Theory and Modern Chinese Literature) 及由北京大學袁行霈教授和嶺南大學蔡宗齊教授共同創辦的英文期刊《中國文學與文化》(Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture,簡稱 JCLC) 結爲姐妹雜誌。《嶺南學報》既刊載來自漢語世界的優秀學術論文,亦發表 JCLC 部分論文的中文版,同時還爲 JCLC 推薦優秀論文,翻譯或改寫後用英文出版。這種安排有助於我們整合國學和西方漢學的資源,使《嶺南學報》再續源頭活水,發揮出新的學術活力。


  LJCS boasts a glorious history as one of China’s best known academic journals from 1929 through 1952, publishing articles by many renowned scholars including TSCHEN Yinko, WU Mi, YANG Shi-ta, WANG Li, RONG Geng, and others. The Department of Chinese of Lingnan University in Hong Kong relaunched its publication since 2012, with a mission to regain the journal’s past eminence in Chinese studies.

  LJCS is primarily devoted to studies of premodern Chinese literature and culture. It also publishes works that examine the influence of traditional literature and culture in modern and contemporary China. While inheriting the old LJCS’s fine tradition of pursuing innovative scholarship, LJCS abides by its motto, “Scholarly traditions of all nations belong to one family” by actively promoting collaboration between Chinese and West-based scholars. LJCS is partnering with Prism: Theory and Modern Chinese Literature and Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (JCLC, edited by Prof. Yuan Xingpei and Prof. Cai Zong-qi; published by Duke University Press) as sister journals. In addition to Chinese-language articles contributed by Asia-based scholars, LJCS also publishes Chinese versions of select JCLC’s English articles simultaneously or nearly so. Exemplary articles in LCJS would also be recommended for simultaneous publication in JCLC. This close partnership should extend the reach of two journals to a broad international audience.

  LJCS adheres to the highest standards of scholarly excellence, publishing original research articles with important theoretical insights and/or textual findings. It enforces a rigorous policy of double blind peer review and implements multi-tier editing and copy-editing procedure to ensure the quality and regularity of its publication. We look forward to continuous collaboration with all fellow scholars in Chinese studies, as we seek to achieve the goal of making LJCS a world-class journal in not too distant future.