其他篇名 Alternative Title
A new discussion on the Unperished Theories of the "Winter Officials" in the Ming Dynasty : centering on He Qiaoxin's Collected Annotations on the Rites of Zhou
摘要 Abstract
During the Ming dynasty, the study of The Rites of Zhou flourished with numerous scholars and an abundance of works; however, later scholars, including those involved with the compilation of the Complete Library in the Four Branches of Literature, did not place significant emphasis on these studies. For instance, among the works categorized under "Rites of Zhou," only three from the Ming authors were included: Ke Shangqian's Complete Explanations of the Rites of Zhou, Wang Yingdian's Commentary on the Rites of Zhou, and Wang Zhichang's Annotated and Abridged Rites of Zhou. The Concise Catalogue of the Complete Library further diminished the Ming dynasty's scholarship on The Rites of Zhou, stating that the three rites had nearly become extinet studies during the Ming dynasty ; thus, they were preserved only for the sake of completeness. This dismissive attitude extended to discussions on the unperished theories of the "Winter Officials" from the Song to the Ming dynasties. Such perspectives have influenced modern scholarship, with many continuing to adopt the stance of The Concise Catalogue, critiquing Ming dynasty scholarship on these rites and leaving few to explore these works in depth. In response, this paper aims to thoroughly investigate the phenomenon of "unperished" theories within the "Winter Officials" section of The Rites of Zhou, tracing the development of these theories from the Song and Yuan through to the mid-Ming dynasty, with a specific focus on He Qiaoxin's contributions in The Collected Annotations on the Rites of Zhou. As it systematically organized and succinctly interpreted the views on restoration from the Song and Yuan dynasties and often used the original texts to elaborate on the greater meanings within The Rites of Zhou, The Collected Annotations garnered significant attention from Ming-dynasty scholars of The Rites of Zhou. Therefore, this paper also discusses the impact of The Collected Annotations on the scholarship of The Rites of Zhou during the Ming dynasty, thus partially addressing gaps in previous research.
關鍵詞 Keywords
《周禮》, 《周禮》學, 《冬官》, 何喬新, 《周禮集注》, The Rites of Zhou, Studies of The Rites of Zhou, "Winter Officials", He Qiaoxin, The Collected Annotations on the Rites of Zhou
語言 Language
Chinese (Traditional)
版權聲明 Copyright Statement
共享創意條款 Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
參考書目格式 Recommended Citation
梁德華 (2024)。明代《冬官》未亡說新論 : 以明代何喬新《周禮集注》為討論中心。《嶺南學報》,復刊 第二十一輯,頁83-117。檢自 https://commons.ln.edu.hk/ljcs_new/vol21/iss1/4
備註 Additional Information
本文初稿曾於 2023 年 5 月 26日在由臺北“中研院”中國文哲研究所經學文獻組主辦的“2023經學工作坊”宣讀,會議中講評人孫致文教授及主持人黄羽璿教授提出寶貴意見,黄羽璿教授更爲本文提供不少重要的參考資料,謹此申謝。又本修訂稿承蒙兩位匿名評審細心點評,並提出具體的修改建議,使本文得以完善,亦特此申謝。