其他篇名 Alternative Title
Reverence and revival : the phenomenon of self-composed tunes in the early Qing Dynasty under the perspective of the "Revival of Lyrics and Music"
摘要 Abstract
The flourishing of self-composed tunes in the early Qing dynasty was both a correction to the perceived vulgarity and capriciousness of Ming-dynasty compositions and a demonstration of the Qing scholars' emphasis on the study of sound, advocating for a "revival of lyrics and music" (ci yue fugu 詞樂復古) as a revered practice. This paper builds on this observation and explores the context of early Qing self-composed tunes' emergence, developmental overview, and creative characteristics from the perspective of the " revival of lyrics and music." Early Qing literati critiqued the Ming predecessors ' confusion of lyrics and music, largely deemed as arbitrary creations, and attempted to re-establish the connection between lyrics and music through self-composed tunes. From the perspective of "aligning with the elegance of Shijing and Chuci" (shangfu Feng Sao 上附風騷), the Qing's reverence extended not only to tracing the origins of lyric forms back to the classics but also included the production of self-composed tunes, the crafting of musical instruments, and the praise of tunes by figures such as Jiang and Zhang, all of which exemplify the act of "continuing the subtle resonance of sound" (ji shengyin zhi mixiang 繼聲音之秘響) in their archaizing endeavors. By examining Yunjian lyricists and Xiling lyricists as case studies, this paper studies their interactive compositions of self-composed tunes, which not only solidified the group identity among literati but also directly facilitated the transmission of these tunes, achieving the effect of "broadening new sounds" (yongguang xinsheng 用廣新聲). In essence, the early Qing literati's revival of lyrics and music was an effort to reintegrate lyric forms into a musical and literary tradition that combined music with singing and composition with the rules of harmony. However, with the establishment of musical notation during the late Kangxi era and the subsequent prevalence of Western Zhejiang lyrics studies, the creation of self-composed tunes gradually declined.
關鍵詞 Keywords
自度曲, 清初, 詞樂, 復古, 尊體, self-composed tunes, early Qing dynasty, lyrics and music, revival, reverence
語言 Language
Chinese (Traditional)
版權聲明 Copyright Statement
共享創意條款 Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
參考書目格式 Recommended Citation
余佳韻 (2024)。尊體與復古 : "詞樂恢復"視域下的清初自度曲現象。《嶺南學報》,復刊 第二十一輯,頁119-170。檢自 https://commons.ln.edu.hk/ljcs_new/vol21/iss1/5
備註 Additional Information
本文初稿“‘上附風騷’與‘用廣新聲’— 清初自度曲現象的文化考察”發表於2021年12月16日“中研院”明清研究國際學術研討會。論文改寫投稿過程中承蒙會議主持人與二位匿名評審專家的建議指正,使本文論述架構更臻完備,在此一併致上謝忱。文中如有任何違誤或疏漏,文責當由本人自負。