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Theses from 2006
韋應物詩歌研究, Wai Kuen, Christina TSE (謝慧娟)
翻译、意识形态与话语 : 中国1895-1911 年文学翻译研究, Xiaoyuan WANG (王晓元)
Customer lifetime value : an integrated data mining approach, Chen XU
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Domesticating translation can make a difference : a case study of foreign film-title translation in Hong Kong and Taiwan, Ka Ian, Justina CHEANG
Goal interdependence and leader-member relationship for cross-cultural leadership in foreign ventures in China, Yi Feng, Nancy CHEN
Management localization and performance of MNCS in China : a contingent resource-based view, Shengsheng HUANG
Lifelong learning for older persons in Hong Kong, Sze Sze, Stephanie HUI
ERP implementation planning : a critical success factors (CSFs) approach, Jia Hui KONG
編選重寫與翻譯重寫 : 沈從文作品英譯選集研究, Kit Ching LEUNG (梁潔貞)
Testing backward linkages of FDI in China, Zhuomin LIU
香港文學的上海因緣 (1930-1960), Ka Yan LO (魯嘉恩)
Specters of the subaltern : a critique of representations of rural women in contemporary China, Tsui SIT
Approaching South Asians in Hong Kong, Hung Mui SUNG
An empirical analysis of book-tax reporting difference and tax noncompliance behavior in China, Feng TANG
Japan : regime change in the "lost decade", Shuk On, Fiona TANG
Effects of goal interdependence and social identity on departments and their relationships in China, Liyan WANG
香港老年保障制度改革模式, Xuemei WANG (王雪梅)
文人武俠 : 張徹與胡金銓, Lan XU (須蘭)
袁枚《隨園女弟子詩選》重要詩人及其作品研究, Nating YANG (楊娜婷)
Older mothers' expectations of intergenerational relationships : the intergenerational ambivalence perspective, Sze Wing YAN
「精神」與「自然」 : 楊慈湖心學研究, Canpeng ZHAO (趙燦鵬)
Theses from 2004
論香港新詩 1925-1949, Chi Tak CHAN (陳智德)
Traces of desire and fantasy : the government-generated discourse on technology in post-handover Hong Kong, Sze Chung CHOW
Exploring the changing relationship between formal carers, informal carers and carees during the elder-care process, Sing Nam HUNG
Terrorism : a new threat for Indonesia? : an analysis on the national security of Indonesia in the post-Suharto period, Wun Yin, Wilson LAU
京味小說的嬗變 : 解讀《駱駝祥子》、《煙壺》、《鬈毛》、《頑主》, Ai Jun, Shafi LI (李愛君)
Impacts of banking sector on the Chinese economy : research on the monetary transmission mechanism, Shu Yee, Zoe LIAW
International transfer pricing in a developing economy context : perspectives from the taxpayers and the tax authorities, Wai Yee, Agnes LO
Reading Filipina migrant workers in Hong Kong : tracing a feminist and cultural politics of transformation, Aida Jean MANIPON
A study of life events and psychological well-being among older persons in Hong Kong : the role of self-esteem, coping and locus of control, Kwok Hung, Billy SHE
李晨風電影作品與「五四傳統」的關係, Hoi Yin SHUM (沈海燕)
Women's retirement and leisure in Hong Kong : a life course approach, Ho Yee, Vienne TSO
Exploring online brand choice at the SKU level : the effects of internet-specific attributes, Yanan WANG
A risk-averse newsvendor model with pricing consideration, Zuobin YE
Theses from 2003
經典製造 : 金庸研究的文化政治, Shuo CHEN (陳碩)
The impact of cultural values on email acceptance : evidence from the PRC, Linjun HUANG
忠信與操縱 : 當代基督教《聖經》中文譯本研究, Cho Yuen LAM (林草原)
Explaining volunteering in old age : a social reinforcement perspective, Tsz Wai LAU
时尚报刊、广告与当代中国消费意识形态, Qili LEI (雷启立)
Price convergence between Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland, Na LI
Interpretation and re-creation : English translations of poetry in the Sanguo Zhi Yanyi, Pui Shan TAI
Images of older persons in Hong Kong popular films, Nga Man WONG
意识形态、诗学与文学翻译选择规范 : 20世纪50-80年代中国的(后)现代主义文学翻译研究, Mingjian ZHA (查明建)
Theses from 2002
舒巷城的小說研究, Hay Ching CHAN (陳曦靜)
中國務實外交戰略的目的和效果, Pak Wai CHAN (陳白淮)
The concept of healthy ageing in Hong Kong, Mei Lan, Mandy CHIU
香港小說中的情欲與政治:從施叔青、李碧華到黃碧雲, Ho Chiu LAM (林賀超)
Ascertaining patient condition : a grounded theory study of diagnostic practice in nursing, Kok Long, Joseph LEE
基督教中文聖經性別內包語言研究, Sin Nga SO (蘇倩雅)
Discrimination and social adjustment of 'new arrival women' from Mainland China, San Kiu, Sunday TSOI
宗法宗族思想觀念與中國私營企業管理, Ping WANG (王平)
一九五〇至一九七〇年代香港都市小說硏究, Ching WONG (黃靜)
Sino-American strategic relations : a perceptual-psychological approach, Hon Yui, Eric WONG
金融中介和經濟發展 : 中國大陸為例, Zuxiang ZHANG (張祖香)
Theses from 2001
Understanding adoption and continual usage behaviour towards internet banking services in Hong Kong, Siu Cheung CHAN
Impacts of residential relocation on stress, coping and quality of life among older persons in Hong Kong, Siu Pan, Benny CHAN
The influence of work status on the work outcomes among part-time workers in the service industries of Hong Kong, Fung Yi, Millissa CHEUNG
An assessment of web-based EDI for SMEs in Hong Kong's clothing industry, Yat Kai, Kanny CHIU
An exploratory study of informal support and life satisfaction of older persons in Macau, Meng Soi, Florence FONG
中國銀行在中國經濟及金融改革下的發展, Hiu Kwong LEUNG (梁曉光)
馬克思主義概念翻譯在中國1900-1949, Yongye XIAO (蕭永燁)
A study of the impact of the tenants purchase scheme (TPS) on the Hong Kong housing markets, Fai Yip YEUNG
Theses from 2000
從童話功能考察金庸武俠小說的敘事特色, Chun To LAU (劉眞途)
Relationship marketing acceptance and marketing effectiveness, Heng Wa, Oliver LAU
Living environment and residential satisfaction of older persons in Hong Kong : a comparative study between Sha Tin new town and Wan Chai old urban area, Wai Man, Avis LOO
The effects of merger and acquisition announcements on the security prices of bidding firms and target firms in Asia, Lai Kuen WONG
China's great power aspirations in the Post-Mao era, Sun Yung, Susanna YEUNG
Theses from 1999
放逐的視角 : 五、六〇年代香港新詩硏究, Chi Tak CHAN (陳智德)
Case studies on the assimilation of contemporary mainland migrant families in Hong Kong : a segmented assimilation theory perspective, Shing Tak, Pedro CHAN
一國兩制與傳統中國社會的大一統思想, Tin Lok KAI (解天樂)
香港漢譯莎士比亞戲劇演出本的時空處理硏究, Suk Yee MOK (莫淑儀)
Informal support of older persons under different living arrangements : a case study in Tuen Mun, Hong Kong, Ching Ying, Anita NG
從反思到反叛 : 八、九零年代台灣女性主義小說探究, Po Chu NG (伍寶珠)
Changes of wage differentials by occupations and educational qualifications in Hong Kong : analysis and implications for public policy, Wai Chung, Gary WONG
東方論述與自我東方論述 : 八、九十年代西方漢學翻譯在中國, Peifei XIAO (蕭佩斐)
Theses from 1998
Tourism : its importance to the Hong Kong economy and the impacts of governments policies, Lai Sheung, Agnes CHOI
Does the volatility of exchange rate hamper Hong Kong's domestic exports?, Ching Yi, Bonita LEUNG
Theses from 1997
The influence of religion on the drug treatment and rehabilitation in Hong Kong, Sui Wah, Barbara CHAN
Export competitiveness of Hong Kong and Singapore in the US market : market share approach, Wai Sang, Wilson LEE
白話文歐化論爭的回顧與評析, Yiu Cheong SO (蘇耀昌)