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Theses from 2015
The impact of credit default swaps on corporate investment policy, Xinshu XUE
Management earnings forecast decisions in a regulated regime : evidence from China, Jingyu YANG
Leisure and life satisfaction among Tai Chi and public square dance participants in Hong Kong, Yechen YAO
The progression of political censorship : Hong Kong cinema from colonial rule to Chinese-style socialist hegemony, Lai To, Herman YAU
Effect of self-interruption and external interruption on error detection, Sze Yuen YAU
Joint lead time and price quotation : dynamic or static?, Guo ZHANG
Theses from 2014
The politics of crisis management in post-1997 Hong Kong : a state-society interactive framework, Hin Yeung CHAN
Is there a distinction between a priori and a posteriori, Hiu Man CHAN
The emergence of civil disobedience movements in Hong Kong, Kwun Hong CHAN
清華簡《繫年》與相關文獻比對研究, Pui Ming CHAN (陳沛銘)
Reading Hume’s ‘Of the standard of taste’ : taking Hume seriously, Ka Wing KWOK
The nature of intuition : what theories of intuition ought to be, Hung Nin LAM
Performance persistence of institutional investors in IPO market : evidence from China, Sibo LIU
重讀八、九十年代的「恐怖喜劇」: 殭屍電影與香港後殖民, Yee Man, Mandy LIU (廖綺雯)
Tax-induced earnings management, auditor conservatism, and tax enforcement, Yongbo LI
Open-minded discussion in interdepartmental collaboration : contribution of goal interdependence and social motives, Jiewei, Antonia LU
後CEPA 時期香港電影懷舊想像中的「本土」身份書寫, Dan SHEN (沈丹)
Public space and British colonial power : the transformation of Hong Kong Statue Square, 1890s-1970s, Wing Sze TAM
A study of the aesthetics of the Hong Kong built environment : architectural harmonisation versus urban incivility, Kwok Wah TUNG
Competitive market research and product design, Haixiu WANG
Do firms’ earnings reported under IFRS 3R reveal more about future earnings and cash flows? Evidence from the European Union, Lin Yuan WANG
Portrayals of women in Chen Hongshou’s figure paintings, Lai Na WAN
冷戰時期魯迅思想的台、港傳播與演繹, Chieh Ming YANG (楊傑銘)
Buyer beware : consumer response to manipulations of online product reviews, Mengzhou ZHUANG
An English newspaper for British and Chinese : The South China Morning Post study (1903-1941), Yizheng ZOU
Hidden agenda? Cultural policy in Hong Kong’s urban redevelopment, Tobias ZUSER
Theses from 2013
Triad movies and young people's perception of triads in Hong Kong, Alexandre CERDA
A study of household finance in China, Zhen HUANG
屬靈戰爭與旅遊 : 一個短期宣教活動的個案研究, Lai Ieng LAU (劉麗凝)
尼采早期著作中本原和共同體之思, Wing Sum LAW (羅詠心)
Pricing and local-content decisions of a multinational firm in a duopoly market, Nanqin LIU
張愛玲的自我改寫 : 以《紅樓夢魘》為觀察視角, Ruqin LIU (劉汝沁)
Equilibrium and strategies of horizontal mergers inasymmetric differentiated oligopoly, Juan LU
Citizenship education in post-1997 Hong Kong : civic education or nationalistic education?, Kit MAN
漢族洪水神話傳說中的神異動物:論鯀禹治水神話及陷湖傳說, Kit Man POON (潘潔汶)
The art of Irene Chou (Zhou Luyun, 1924-2011) : a case study of ink painting, Hung SHENG
Institutional stock ownership and corproate dividend policy : evidence from China, Jianghua SHEN
戰國文字構形特徵研究, Yan Ho SIU (蕭欣浩)
Intra-Asia cultural traffic: transnational flow of East Asian television dramas in Indonesia, Shuri Mariasih Gietty TAMBUNAN
香港子女贍養父母立法研究, King Yung, Anna TANG (鄭琴淵)
Histrionic translation : a methodology for promoting the translator's inter-subjectivity as co-producer, Fei Yue TSANG
Japan as China's 'other': China's identity and policy towards Diaoyu/Senkaku islands, Filip VISKUPIC
Customer selection for direct marketing : bi-objective optimization using support vector machine, Qian WANG
The role of credit ratings on capital structure and its speed of adjustment in bank-oriented and market-oriented economies, Michal WOJEWODZKI
Economic factors led to the fall of Jin dynasty : focus on the economic effects after relocation of capital to Kaifeng, Ming Hong WONG
The impact of social capital on bank risk-taking, Wenjing XIE
Social differentiation and age-friendly characteristics : a case study in Tuen Mun, Yuen Ling, Elaine YAU
Consumer animosity and purchase behavior : the role of corporate social responsibility, Chun ZHANG
Hello, is anybody there? Corporate accessibility for minority shareholders as a signal of agency problems in China, Xiaofeng ZHAO
Theses from 2012
Materialism and life satisfaction among older people in Hong Kong : a case study and comparison with younger people, Yau Tsang CHAN
A lacanian perspective on literature, translation and the reader's (inter-)subjectivity : read my text and tell me who you are, On Yee, Franziska CHENG
Extending the local : documentary film festivals in East Asia as sites of connection and communication, Tit Leung CHEUNG
Causal modeling, reversibility, and logics of counterfactuals, Wai Yin LAM
Drama as method : recontextualizing project learning for HK secondary schools, Yuen Fun, Muriel LAW
U.S. cross-listing, institutional investors, and equity returns, Yui LAW
Socialization tactics as antecedents for goal interdependence and newcomer adjustment and retention, Changhong LU
Determinants and implications of audit reporting lags in China, Wei LUO
自我保護與 "另類" 實踐 : "雙向運動" 視野下的中國鄉村建設, Jiaen PAN (潘家恩)
香港短篇小說的精神疾病書寫 (1990-2010), Pui Ting TSANG (曾佩婷)
Corporate social responsibility and firm performance : evidence from China, Ho Yin WONG
The effects of patriotic education on Chinese youths' perceptions of Japan, Zeying, Zena WU
香港現代主義文學與思潮 : 以「香港現代文學美術協會」為視點, Lei ZHENG (鄭蕾)
Theses from 2011
崑南及其小說研究 (1955-2009), Wai Chung CHAN (陳偉中)
Alliance management of post-cold war US-Israeli relations, Wun Liong CHAU
翻译研究中的后殖民女性主义视角 : 自我反思的立场, Lijuan CHEN (陈丽娟)
Ant colony optimization approach for stacking configurations, Yijun CHEN
Interchange fee rate, merchant discount rate, and retail prices in a credit card network : a game-theoretic analysis, Hangfei GUO
Transformational leadership for conflict management between leaders and employees, Yang GUO
馬宗璉《春秋左傳補注》研究, Lok Man LEE (李洛旻)
Red-white-blue and Hong Kong Installation Art, Nga Ying LIU
译者是谁? : 译者的身份认同与翻译研究, Wenjing LI (李文静)
Appropriateness in design, Wing Man, Karen MA
CEO compensation and loan contracting, Yiu Chung MA
論牟宗三對康德的《純粹理性批判》之詮釋, Ka Lok NG (吳家樂)
民粹主義與政治主體的生成 : 社民連的個案, Chak Sang PANG (彭澤生)
形变与值变 : 论文学陌生化语言的翻译, Yongsui PENG (彭勇穗)
RMB exchange rate reform and cross listed stock price disparity, Yuqian RONG
Spousal abuse and social workers : when private sphere goes public, King Fan, Veronica SHEK