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Theses from 2011
香港文學的現代主義 : 六、七〇年代歐洲電影與香港文學的關係, Pak Shing TSE (謝伯盛)
Housing prices and consumption : the case of China, Yonglin WANG
The internationalization of emerging market multinationals : effects of host and home country institutional facotrs, Yuanyuan ZHANG
Ownership structure, board characteristics, and tax aggressiveness, Ying ZHOU
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
The effects of perceived brand globalness on consumer responses to brand failures, Xue GAO
Auditor choice, audit fees and internal governance in family firms, Shaohua HE
當代中國文化明星的製造 : 變動的文化生產場, Weizi HUANG (黃微子)
The influence of banks on auditor choice and auditor reporting in Japan, Jin JIANG
中國當代故事新編小說研究 (神話傳說類), Wenjun JIANG (江文俊)
Chronotope and regional Chinese independent films, Jingya LIU
Enhancing green tax measures in Hong Kong : a means of addressing the city's environmental problems, Yuzhu LU
馬家寶之藝術, Ni Na, Camellia NG (吳妮娜)
Phonological features of Hong Kong English : patterns of variation and effects on local acceptability, Andrew John SEWELL
《說文》古文與籀文之關係研究, Yan Ho SIU (蕭欣浩)
Fragmented authoritarianism and politics of hydropower in China : case studies of TGP & NRP, Miu Fai, Tommy WONG
Three essays on housing market in Hong Kong : implications for public policy and macro economy, Wai Chung, Gary WONG
Spirituality and ageing : a qualitative study of religiosity of Chinese older persons in Hong Kong, Yuk Ha WONG
Goal interdependence and conflict management for government and business collaboration in China, Xinru WU
Transmitted unemployment and exchange rate effect on labor market, Youqing ZHOU
Theses from 2009
Beyond public health : the cultural politics of tobacco control in Hong Kong, Wai Yin CHAN
Risk culture of late modernity? : Mass tutoring enrolment of Hong Kong's senior secondary students, Cheuk Wai, Jeffrey CHEUNG
三蘇小說研究(1950 年代), Ka Chun CHEUNG (張嘉俊)
Ethical problems in connection with world poverty, Wing FAN
Anger-expression avoidance in organizations in China : the role of social face, Xu HAN
從香港想像中國 : 香港南來作家研究 (1937-1949), Guixin HOU (侯桂新)
Decomposition of changes in Hong Kong wage dispersion since 1980s : a distributional approach, Kai Wai HUANG
《說文》籀文與商周古文字關係之研究, Wing Kin LEE (李詠健)
The security dilemma in Sino-Japanese relations, Yu Pan LEE
Explaining depiction : recent debates in the philosophy of pictorial representation, Chi Kei, Solly LEUNG
Queering sex machines : the re-articulation of non-normative sexualities and technosexual bodies, Hok Bun, Isaac LEUNG
Relationship conflict in Chinese state-owned enterprises : the role of goal interdependence, Yi LIAO
The customer is king : mutual fund relationships and analyst recommendations, Ping LIU
Negotiation in cross-cultural marriages : an exploratory qualitative study among middle class professionals in Hong Kong, Pui Kwan MAN
中文寫作與世界詩歌 : 北島詩歌研究, Sai Ho MA (馬世豪)
Older persons' perceptions of their future : a qualitative study in Hong Kong, Shuk Ching, Crystal SO
Exploring the television portrayal of older people in Hong Kong : a study of two public affairs documentary series, Caillie TAM
Competition and tax evasion : a cross country study, Yiqun WANG
The effect of remuneration committee on directors' remuneration in Hong Kong, Shuk Fong, Ada WONG
康德的道德情感理論及牟宗三先生的批評與闡釋, Wing Yu, Esther WONG (黃穎瑜)
"Seeing is believing?" : a persuasion knowledge model on attitudinal evaluations in advertisements, Yan WU
America new China policy : the hedgagement approach, Cheong Wai YUEN
Improving the profitability of direct marketing : a quantile regression approach, Xi ZHANG
Theses from 2008
論康德的道德主體觀, Laiwing AU (歐麗穎)
Reconstructing Xunzi's moral knowledge, Hok Nam CHAN
Fear of crime among older persons : an exploratory qualitative study in different environments in Hong Kong, On Fung CHAN
Information technology usage and quality of life among older persons : a qualitative study in Hong Kong, Wing Fung, Chad CHAN
The scouts movement and the construction of new citizenship in republican China (1912-1937), Sze Hang CHOI
《大公報》的《文藝副刊》和《文藝》(1933年-1949年), Wan Ching CHUNG (鍾蘊晴)
中國白蛇系列小說 (唐-清) 蛇女變形研究, Pui Yi FUNG (馮佩兒)
The effect of online consumer reviews on new product sales : a study of amazon.com, Xiaoning GUO
The impact of corporate governance on the choice of transfer pricing methods in China, Xue HAN
The impact of fiscal support on earnings management : evidence from equity offerings in China, Guanming HE
《現代》雜誌研究 : 翻譯與創作, Hoi Lam LEE (李凱琳)
翻译研究的对话性路径 : 巴赫金思想与翻译研究, Bo LI (李波)
Labor market segregation and the wage differential between resident and migrant workers in China, Ruosi LU
董橋專欄文章的語言風格研究, Ka Wai NG (伍家偉)
Goal interdependencies and opportunism for supply chain partnership in China, Lanjun WU
Creation of principal-agency relationship value : social capital and dynamic learning capability perspectives, Yan Bin XIE
Party controls in National Central University and Nanjing University before and after 1949, Zhendong XU
Theses from 2007
How do institutions affect auditor reporting behavior? empirical evidence from China, Yang AN
A stylistic approach to the God of Small Things written by Arundhati Roy, Wing Yi, Monica CHAN
A study of travel behavior, travel preferences, and subjective well-being of older persons in Hong Kong, Ka Yan, Little CHENG
性別話語的協商 : 中國當代婦女研究對女性主義話語的接受與建構(1980-2000), Wai Pang CHENG (鄭威鵬)
改編與傳統道德 : 唐滌生戲曲研究 (1954-1959), So Yee, Suyi CHEN (陳素怡)
Predicting customer responses to direct marketing : a Bayesian approach, Wei CHEN
Consumer protection in the Hong Kong telecommunications sector : implications for competition policy, Ching Yi, Cherry CHEUNG
Remade in Hong Kong : how Hong Kong people use Hong Kong Disneyland, Wing Yee, Kimburley CHOI
In search of an optimal basket for the Renminbi, Yiu Pong CHOY
中国大陆九十年代以来独立电影文化的构成与城市青年文化实践, Xiaodao LIANG (梁小岛)
Context, translator and history : a study of three translations of Luotuo Xiangzi in the USA, Ying Jun LI
Powerless or perilous? : ageing women as an emerging social force in Hong Kong, Kit Ling LUK
Internationalization of Chinese firms : a contingent resource perspective, Xiaoyan MA
五十年代《中國學生周報》文藝版研究, Siu Kwong NG (吳兆剛)
Evaluating predictive performance of value-at-risk models in Chinese stock markets, Jianshe OU
The history of Hong Kong and Yaumati Ferry Company limited, 1923 to the 1970s, Wai Chi SHAM
Competition and market integration : the case of China's auto industry, Xi TIAN
A corpus-based synchronic comparison and diachronic interpretation of lexicalized emotion metaphors in English and Chinese, Shixiong, George WU
Age identity and adjustment patterns in later life : a qualitative study of retired secondary school teachers and manual workers in Hong Kong, Kit Ying, Connie YONG
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Consumer's adoption of the technology innovations : the role of coping strategies, Wenjing BAO
The role of volunteering in successful ageing : impacts on psychological well-being of older persons, Sin Yui, Sharon CHAN
香港小說中的空間, Wai Yee CHAN (陳偉儀)
女性情誼 : 論林白、鐵凝和王安憶的小說, Chung Yin CHEUNG (張頌賢)
高行健之戲劇 : 理論與實踐, Ching LAW (羅菁)
Cultivating identities and differences : a case study of the Hong Kong junior secondary economic and public affairs curriculum, Yuen Fun, Muriel LAW
Samuel Beckett's late aesthetics of subjectivation, Jianxi LIE
The ethical decision-making processes of professional auditors in the people's republic of China, Mingzhi LIU
孟子道德思想的哲學重構, Chun Cheong, Albertini LO (羅進昌)
互文性与翻译, Xuanmin LUO (罗选民)
Explaining older-patient and doctor relationship through negotiation, Hok Ka, Carol MA
翻译操控论:从严复和鲁迅的翻译理论相关的例句实践看意识形态作用, Fengliang MU (穆鳳良)
錢鍾書與張愛玲小說的語言風格研究, Chi Ming TAM (譚志明)