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Theses from 2023
Incompatibilist arguments and compatibilist rebuttals, Wai Sing FOOK (霍煒昇)
Optimism about philosophical progress, a historical case study, Daniele Bruno GARANCINI
Theses from 2022
On probabilistic reasoning of actual causation, Jingzhi FANG (方靜芝)
Theses from 2021
Fictional characters and their discontents : a prolegomena to any future metaphysics of fictional entities, Shamik CHAKRAVARTY
Neo-Quinean and neo-Aristotelian metaontology : on explanation, theory choice, and the viability of ontological inquiry, Micheál Vincent LACEY
Republican autonomy : extending freedom as non-domination, Ezechiel THIBAUD
Massive modularity : an ontological hypothesis or an adaptationist discovery heuristic?, Joseph David de Jesús VILLENA SALDAÑA
Multiple realization : fifty years of contesting intuitions, Lok Hang YUEN (阮樂行)
Theses from 2020
The distinction problem of self-deception, Chi Yin CHAN (陳子然)
Worlds in a stochastic universe : on the emergence of world histories in minimal Bohmian Mechanics, Alexander EHMANN
Can the imagination view of dreaming resolve the awake-dreaming indistinguishability problem?, Ka Yan MOK (莫家欣)
Proper scoring rules in epistemic decision theory, Maomei WANG (王毛妹)
Theses from 2019
Metaphysical reduction of necessity : a modified account, Pak Him LAI (黎柏謙)
Defining art aesthetically : a revision of Iseminger's new aestheticism, Yeung YU (俞暘)
Theses from 2018
On belief : aims, norms, and functions, Christopher John ATKINSON
What are we? The ontology of subjects of experience, Jenny HUNG
Guo Xiang’s commentary of the Zhuangzi’s imputed words and its implication on explaining metaphor, Dongyu XIE
Theses from 2016
Neo-sentimentalism and the bodily attitudinal theory of emotions, Chun Nam, Emile CHAN
Defending relational egalitarianism and the two principles of equality, Tsz Chun CHOY
The role of intuition in philosophical practice, Tinghao WANG
Theses from 2015
理性思維與行動的統一性 : 兩個模型, I Xuan CHONG (莊易軒)
The exclusion problem and counterfactual theories of causation, Yee Hang SZE
Theses from 2014
Is there a distinction between a priori and a posteriori, Hiu Man CHAN
Reading Hume’s ‘Of the standard of taste’ : taking Hume seriously, Ka Wing KWOK
The nature of intuition : what theories of intuition ought to be, Hung Nin LAM
Theses from 2013
尼采早期著作中本原和共同體之思, Wing Sum LAW (羅詠心)
Theses from 2012
Causal modeling, reversibility, and logics of counterfactuals, Wai Yin LAM
Theses from 2011
論牟宗三對康德的《純粹理性批判》之詮釋, Ka Lok NG (吳家樂)
Theses from 2009
Ethical problems in connection with world poverty, Wing FAN
Explaining depiction : recent debates in the philosophy of pictorial representation, Chi Kei, Solly LEUNG
康德的道德情感理論及牟宗三先生的批評與闡釋, Wing Yu, Esther WONG (黃穎瑜)
Theses from 2008
Reconstructing Xunzi's moral knowledge, Hok Nam CHAN
Theses from 2006
孟子道德思想的哲學重構, Chun Cheong, Albertini LO (羅進昌)
Theses from 2005
「精神」與「自然」 : 楊慈湖心學研究, Canpeng ZHAO (趙燦鵬)