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Submissions from 2006


橫向思考學中文, Yin Ping, Grace LAU


《浮生六記》的四個世界, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

渭南方言志, Maopeng MA

港澳在廣州和深圳直接投資的宏觀決定因素比較, Jimmy RAN and Guangzhong LI (李廣眾)

無愛紀, Zidong XU

现代产业经济学前沿问题研究, Xuheng ZANG (臧旭恒) and Ping LIN

现代悲剧, Williams RAYMOND and Ersu DING

珠三角外資企業投資環境實證分析, Mee Kau KYAW (饒美蛟) and Kong Wing, Clement CHOW


生命金句哺育心靈, Yin Ping, Grace LAU

离散译者的文化使命, Yifeng SUN


競爭法 利遠大於弊, Ping LIN


聽歌學中文, Yin Ping, Grace LAU

舊時風光 : 香港往事回味, Wan Kan CHIN

英汉对比研究的翻译学视角, Donghui LI

蒙面騎士 : 墨西哥・副司令馬斯文集, Jinhua DAI and Kin Chi LAU

角色與行動、霸力和人神戰 : 論唐代華山神的四篇搶婚小說, Yin Ping, Grace LAU

訪問死亡 : 大學生的生死筆記, Wai Ying WONG

試論漢代小學對漢賦的影響, Gang XU

詩"歌" : 舒巷城《長街短笛》的東方美學, Wai Ying CHAN


請用心聆聽, Yin Ping, Grace LAU

論王儉與蕭子良集團的對峙對齊梁文學發展之影響, Chunhong WANG

讀《上海博物館戰國楚竹書(三).仲弓》小識, Tzu Pin HSU

讀寫《明月》四十年, Yiu Chung WONG

译后记, Ersu DING


遊於藝-跨媒體閱讀, Yin Ping, Grace LAU


邊看邊浮想自有讀趣, Yin Ping, Grace LAU

《鄭風》〈山有扶蘇〉"乃見狂且"馬訓獻疑, Hung Kai LEE

重讀《活動變人形》, Zidong XU


錯音懶音礙溝通, Yin Ping, Grace LAU


閱報鍛鍊文筆, Yin Ping, Grace LAU


閱讀也講求策略, Yin Ping, Grace LAU

陕西关中东府五县市方言志, Jing LIU (刘静), Yinmei YANG (杨银梅), Hong LI (李虹), Fei LI, Maopeng MA, and Hong ZHENG (郑宏)


陶潜作品中「命」的视角与随之而变化的人生画面, Zongqi CAI


隨自己興趣雜讀亦無妨, Yin Ping, Grace LAU

集体谈判的战略劣势 : DVD专利费高昂的可能原因探究, Ping LIN

香港公告性文書的古漢語應用及檢討, Hung Kai LEE and Chi Ming TAM

香港 : 活在禾日水巷, Yan Ho SIU

香港短篇小說選, 2002-2003, Ziping HUANG (黃子平) and Zidong XU

"龙学"研究领域的一部传世之著 : 黄霖先生新著〈文心雕龙汇评〉读后有感, Chunhong WANG

Submissions from 2005


2046的時間, Wai Ying CHAN


A comparative study of the management styles of marketing managers in Australia and the People's Republic of China, Shing Chung, Patrick POON; Felicitas EVANGELISTA; and Gerald ALBAUM


A criterion of diachronic identity based on Locke's Principle, Rafael DE CLERCQ


Aesthetic terms, metaphor and the nature of aesthetic properties, Rafael DE CLERCQ


Ageing and place : perspectives, policy, practice, Gavin J. ANDREWS and David Rosser PHILLIPS

Ageing and the urban environment, David Rosser PHILLIPS; Oi Ling SIU; G.-O., Anthony YEH; and H. C., Kevin CHENG


Analysing workplace safety policies in Hong Kong with a simulation method, Xiangdong WEI, Steve RUSSELL, and Robert SANDY


Analysis of a failed jurisdictional claim : the rhetoric and politics surrounding the AICPA global credential project, William Eugene SHAFER and Yves GENDRON


An experimental examination of social contexts and the use of power in a Chinese sample, Dean William TJOSVOLD; Haifa F. SUN; and Man Kei, Paulina WAN

An international comparative study of work-family stress and occupational strain, Paul E. SPECTOR, Tammy D. ALLEN, Steven POELMANS, Cary L. COOPER, Peggy BERNIN, Peter HART, Luo LU, Karen MILLER, Lucio RENAULT DE MORAES, Gabrielle M. OSTROGNAY, Horea PITARIU, Vladimir SALAMATOV, Jesus SALGADO, Juan I. SANCHEZ, Oi Ling SIU, Mare TEICHMANN, Töres THEORELL, Peter VLERICK, Maria WIDERSZAL-BAZYL, and Shanfa YU

An overdue divorce : on the tempestuous relationship between logic and probability, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM

Attitudes towards social problems in the post-handover period, Po San, Shirley WAN and Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW

A variational approach to translation as a method of English teaching, Yifeng SUN

Between conflict and consensus : redux, Mette HJORT

Book review : Opportunities and strategies for Indian business : preparing for a global India, Shalendra SHARMA


Book review : Rural development and agricultural growth in Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON


Book review : Theaters of desire : authors, readers, and the reproduction of early Chinese song-drama, 1300–2000, Siu Leung LI


Book review : Twentieth-Century Chinese Translation Theory : Modes, Issues and Debates, Mei Hung, Red CHAN

Book review : Victorian sensation : or the spectacular, the shocking and the scandalous in nineteenth-century Britain; Nineteenth-century media and the construction of identities; Queen Victoria : first media monarch, Mark HAMPTON

Chan, Mimi (1939-) : Hong Kong novelist, critic, Michael Anthony INGHAM


China further clarifies tax rules on representative offices, Zhenpin, Kenny LIN

China’s experience with foreign direct investment : Lessons for developing economies, Kwok Hon, Leonard CHENG

Chinese name authority control in Asia : an overview, Lily HU, Owen TAM, and Patrick LO


Closer, Rafael DE CLERCQ and Leon HORSTEN

Communication of stereotype-relevant information and communicative intention, Wai Lan, Victoria YEUNG and Yoshihisa KASHIMA


Comparative performance of long and short forms of the geriatric depression scale in mildly demented Chinese, Sheung Tak CHENG and Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN

Coordinating R&D race through patent licensing, Ping LIN


Credit ratings in China, Pui Han, Winnie POON


Cross-cultural leadership : goal interdependence and leader-member relations in foreign ventures in China, Yifeng, Nancy CHEN and Dean William TJOSVOLD


Developing relationships in strategic alliances : commitment to quality and cooperative, Shiu Ho, Alfred WONG; Dean William TJOSVOLD; and Pengzhu ZHANG

Development and validation of the emotional dissonance scale : preliminary findings from Hong Kong Chinese human service professionals, Yue Lok, Francis CHEUNG and So Kum, Catherine TANG


Distributed multiple selection algorithm for peer-to-peer systems, Wai Sing, Alfred LOO


Does a micro-macro link exist between managerial value of reciprocity, social capital and firm performance? The case of SMEs in China, Wei Ping WU and Alicia LEUNG


Do loyal subordinates get higher wages? Experience from China, Hon Kwong LUI and Yui Tim, Edward WONG

Drama (Hong Kong), Michael Anthony INGHAM

Driving for excellence : an introduction to the volume, Lok Sang HO, Paul MORRIS, and Yue Ping CHUNG

Economic rights and livelihood, Kin Chi LAU


Editorial : conditions de la critique intellectuelle en Chine, Kin Chi LAU

Education reform and the quest for excellence : the Hong Kong story, Lok Sang HO, Paul MORRIS, and Yue Ping CHUNG

Education reform : a social-economic perspective, Lok Sang HO

Education reform in Hong Kong : what are the lessons?, Lok Sang HO


Elevation of belles lettres, Zongqi CAI


Food safety and the development of regulatory institutions in China, Wai Keung TAM and Dali YANG


Foreign direct investment and international trade in a continuum Ricardian trade model, Kwok Hon, Leonard CHENG; Larry D. QIU; and Guofu TAN


Fostering entrepreneurship : changing role of government and higher education governance in Hong Kong, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK


Free shipping and purchasing decisions in B2B transactions : a game-theoretic analysis, Mingming LENG and Mahmut PARLAR


Free-verse poems in fixed forms : tracing the "silhouette" of Zheng Chouyu's early poems, Julie CHIU

From Deng Xiaoping to Jiang Zemin : two decades of political reform in the People's Republic of China, Yiu Chung WONG


Game theoretic applications in supply chain management : a review, Mingming LENG and Mahmut PARLAR


Gender differences in retirement decision in Hong Kong, Keng Mun, William LEE


Global aging : the challenge of success, Kevin KINSELLA and David Rosser PHILLIPS


Globalisation and governance : educational policy instruments and regulatory arrangements, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK


Globalization and educational restructuring : university merging and changing governance in China, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK


Globalization and hybridization in cultural products : the cases of Mulan and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Georgette WANG and Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH


Goal interdependence for working across cultural boundaries : Chinese employees with foreign managers, Yifeng, Nancy CHEN; Dean William TJOSVOLD; and Fang, Sofia SU


Has China's anti-secession law made the world a safer place?, Chien Peng CHUNG


Hidden Iconicity : A Peircean Perspective on the Chinese Picto-Phonetic Sign, Ersu DING

High-level design of a ternary asynchronous multiplexer, Walter DOSCH and Wing Lok YEUNG

Housing as a mover of the domestic economy, Lok Sang HO


How do you climb the corporate ladder? A multi-regional analysis of the ethical preferences for influencing superiors, David A. RALSTON; Carolyn P. EGRI; Irina NAOUMOVA; Florian WANGENHEIM; Ping Ping FU; María Teresa DE LA GARZA CARRANZA; Laurie MILTON; Tania CASADO; Prem RAMBURUTH; Mahfooz ANSARI; Liesl RIDDLE; Ho Beng CHIA; Ilya GIRSON; Malika RICHARDS; Ian PALMER; David M. BROCK; Arif BUTT; Narasimhan SRINIVASAN; Marina DABIC; Arunas STARKUS; Vojko V. POTOCAN; Harald HERRIG; Tevfik DALGIC; Hung VU THANH; Phillip HALLINGER; Francisco CASTRO; Olivier FURRER; Yong Lin MOON; Christine KUO; Mario MOLTENI; Andre PEKERTI; Mo Lin, Moureen TANG; Man Kei, Paulina WAN; Tomasz LENARTOWICZ; Ana MARIA ROSSI; Isabelle MAIGNAN; Ruth MAY; Donna LEDGERWOOD; Mark WEBER; Wade DANIS; and Alan WALLACE


Human resources and international joint venture performance : a system perspective, Yaping GONG, Oded SHENKAR, Yadong LUO, and Mee Kau NYAW