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Submissions from 2004
Informal social support and older persons' psychological well-being in Hong Kong, Oi Ling SIU and David Rosser PHILLIPS
Infrastructure for games on wireless Internet, Wai Sing, Alfred LOO and Charlie CHOI
Innovating across cultural boundaries : applying conflict theory to develop a common approach, Dean William TJOSVOLD and Shiu Ho, Alfred WONG
In search of a communal economic subject : reflections on a local community currency project, Po Keung HUI
In search of Joanna Tse : reflections on heroism and decency in extreme situations, William Peter BAEHR
International demographic transitions, Kevin MCCRACKEN and David Rosser PHILLIPS
Knowledge and climate change policy coordination in China, Hongyuan YU
Leadership research in Asia, Dean William TJOSVOLD; Shiu Ho, Alfred WONG; and Chun HUI
Leading in high growth Asia : managing relationship for teamwork and change, Dean William TJOSVOLD and Kwok LEUNG
Max Weber and the avatars of Caesarism, William Peter BAEHR
Music in classical Chinese poetry : problems of transmission and translation, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
Network/multiplayer games and security, Wai Sing, Alfred LOO and Charlie CHOI
Of politics and social science : ‘Totalitarianism’ in the dialogue of David Riesman and Hannah Arendt, William Peter BAEHR
"One country" and "two systems" : where is the line?, Yiu Chung WONG
"One country, two systems" in crisis : Hong Kong's transformation since the handover, Yiu Chung WONG
Ownership structure and technological upgrading in international joint ventures, Ping LIN and Kamal SAGGI
Paternalistic altruism, life-cycle hypothesis, and the Ricardian equivalence, Chengze, Simon FAN
Patrick Tam's exploration : creating a 'new woman' image twenty years ago, Shuk Han WONG
Perceptual indiscriminability : in defence of Wright's proof, Rafael DE CLERCQ and Leon HORSTEN
Planning for retirement in Hong Kong : an analysis of age, education, and income differences, Keng Mun, William LEE and Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW
Profit maximization in a multi-product firm with impatient customers, E. J. LEVIN, Yue MA, and R. E. WRIGHT
Prologue : a historical overview of Six Dynasties aesthetics, Zongqi CAI
Qualitative financial statement disclosures : legal and ethical considerations, William Eugene SHAFER
Quality of life in old age : an investigation of well older persons in Hong Kong, Sheung Tak CHENG; Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN; and David Rosser PHILLIPS
Quality, trade, and growth, Chengze, Simon FAN
Refashioning festivals in Republican Guangzhou, Shuk Wah POON
Relative wage, child labor, and human capital, Chengze, Simon FAN
Resistance to globalization in rural China, Kin Chi LAU
Resolving sovereign debt : collective action clauses or the sovereign debt restructuring mechanism, Shalendra SHARMA
Responding to interpersonal harm : a study in Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, and the United States, Miu Chi, Vivian LUN and Michael Harris BOND
Retirement planning and retirement satisfaction : the need for a national retirement program and policy in Hong Kong, Keng Mun, William LEE and Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW
Safety climate and safety performance among construction workers in Hong Kong : the role of psychological strains as mediators, Oi Ling SIU, David Rosser PHILLIPS, and Tat Wing LEUNG
Sensitivity analysis of database operations : a case study of parallel partition/sorting algorithm, Wai Sing, Alfred LOO
Southeast Asia-China relations : dialectics of “Hedging” and “Counter-Hedging”, Chien Peng CHUNG
Southeast Asia's 'Hedging' relations with major powers of the Asia-Pacific, Chien Peng CHUNG
Strategies and predilections in reading expository text : the importance of text patterns, Alastair Ian SHARP
The demand for gasoline in China : a cointegration analysis, Kui Yin CHEUNG and Elspeth THOMSON
The effects of social interdependence and constructive controversy on extra-role performance ratings, Xuehuang YAN and Dean William TJOSVOLD
The identity of the language in translation : a case study at the level of lexicon, Liping BAI
The influence of management perception of environmental variables on the choice of international transfer-pricing methods, Koon Hung CHAN and Wai Yee, Agnes LO
The Influence of Nietzsche in Wang Guowei’s essay “On the dream of the red chamber”, Zongqi CAI
The legitimacy of modern architecture, Rafael DE CLERCQ
The multidimensional scale of perceived social support : dimensionality and age and gender differences in adolescents, Sheung Tak CHENG and Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN
The oral translator’s “visibility” : the Chinese translation of David Copperfield by Lin Shu and Wei Yi, Wai Chu, Rachel LUNG
Theory of the firm facing uncertain demand revisited, Tak Ming, Arthur HAU
The poetics of recontextualization : intertextuality in a Chinese adaptive transaltion of "The picture of Dorian Gray", Tak Hung, Leo CHAN
The promise of monterrey : meeting the millennium development goals, Shalendra SHARMA
The prose fiction stage adaptation as social allegory in contemporary British drama : staging fictions, Michael Anthony INGHAM
The role of general self-efficacy in work well-being : a field study in Great China, Changqin LU, Z. W. LU, and Oi Ling SIU
The role of part time work quality in occupational value formation of Hong Kong Chinese young adults, Yue Lok, Francis CHEUNG and So Kum, Catherine TANG
The Shanghai co-operation organization : China's changing influence in Central Asia, Chien Peng CHUNG
Trade and wage inequality : the Hong Kong case, Chengze, Simon FAN and Kui Yin CHEUNG
Transaction cost, social capital and firms' synergy creation in Chinese business networks : an integrative approach, Wei Ping WU and W. L. CHOI
Understanding internet banking adoption and use behavior : a Hong Kong perspective, Siu Cheung CHAN and Ming Te LU
Validation of service performance outcome instrumentsfor home support services for the elderly recipients in Hong Kong, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN
Welfare good or colonial citizenship? A case study of early resettlement housing, Iam Chong IP
Why people respond to surveys : a theory-based study of Hong Kong respondents, Shing Chung, Patrick POON; Gerald ALBAUM; and Felicitas U. EVANGELISTA
Work stress, self-efficacy, Chinese work values and work well-being in Hong Kong, Oi Ling SIU, Changqin LU, Chi Kin WONG, and Chang Qin LU
中国文学批评体系的建立 : 《文心雕龙》与早期文献中的文学观, Zongqi CAI, Ruilin LI (李瑞林), and Jing Qiao (乔晶)
中国の近代化をめぐるある反時代的考察, Kin Chi LAU
中國古代闡釋學的個例研究 : 闡釋 「興、觀、群、怨」 的三種模式, Zongqi CAI and Tao JIN (金濤)
中西译学批评, Nam Fung CHANG
「以作業基礎成本」計算家居服務的成本效益, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN and Ho Yee, Vienne TSO
全球化、国际化与高等教育交流 : 香港的经验, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
卫宏《古文官书》考述, Gang XU
“叟”與古代的老人政治, Gang XU
”史書”考, Gang XU
各方赤膊上陣 對準9月立會, Yiu Chung WONG
呐喊与流言, Zidong XU
哈維爾的「政治」, Wing Sang LAW
唐人故事和明代傳奇的宗教回響, Sau Ieng SI TOU
唐代人神、仙戀中的啟悟、脫險和補償旅行, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
在法苑與文場之間 : 神清《北山錄》研究, Chunhong WANG
地方志释名, Chi Pang LAU
壓迫、壓抑與壓制 : 論《步飛煙》、《霍小玉傳》和《鶯鶯傳》, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
大學整併與中國高等教育治理變遷, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK and Yat Wai, William LO
從祭月到商品消費, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
從越公嬖妾到投水烈婦 : 樂昌公主形象嬗變初探, Sau Ieng SI TOU
從銅鏡銘文蠡測漢代詩學, Chunhong WANG
愛情、國難、武俠,抑或是都市?, Shuk Han WONG
探討新聞傳媒在立法會選舉的議題設定, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
政治的な男たちの絆と香港女性, Shuk Han WONG
文史探真, Chunhong WANG
アジアの方程式?日韓テレビドラマ比較, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
李启纯是梁实秋笔名吗, Liping BAI
李白詩中的自然山水, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
柳毅和裴航中的启悟旅程, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
桜梯街の宋金倩, Shuk Han WONG and Shozo FUJII (藤井省三)
濕月亮, Ya WEI (韋婭) and Man, Jasmine TONG
無題 (一), Dezhi HAN
無题 (二), Dezhi HAN
《玉玦記》寓意新識, Sau Ieng SI TOU
窈窕, Dezhi HAN
編修《香港地方志》的幾點看法與建議, Shuyong LIU (劉蜀永) and Chi Pang LAU
绿色采购下供应商的政策一致性, Jie CHEN, Meizeng TU, and Daning SUN
翻译研究关键词, Jean DELISLE, Hannerlore LEE-JAHNKE, Monique C. CORMIER, Yifeng SUN, and Weihe ZHONG (仲偉合)
《螢窗異草》中人鬼戀的報仇、補償觀念和轉世結構, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
血染桂林霜 : 蒋士铨笔下的忠门演义, Sau Ieng SI TOU
視角、闡釋、文化 : 文學翻譯與翻譯理論, Yifeng SUN