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Submissions from 2005


Using cooperative coevolution for data mining of Bayesian networks, Man Leung WONG, Shing Yan LEE, and Kwong Sak LEUNG

Ústava České republiky Listina základních prav a svobod, Roman DAVID

Victims on the truth commission : the reparation of victims of human rights abuses in South Africa, Roman DAVID


Victims on transitional justice : lessons from the reparation of human rights abuses in the Czech Republic, Roman DAVID and Yuk Ping, Susanne CHOI


Virtualizing the 'Korean Wave' : the politics of (transnational) cyberfandom in 〈Daejangguem〉, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)

"We worked magic together", Clara CHARF, Paulynn SICAM, Vera CHIRWA, Kamla BHASIN, Fadila MEMISEVIC, Aida Abu RAS, Nora FRANCO, Fatoumata MAIGA, Kratae SUPAWADEE, Sima SAMAR, Nicci SIMMONDS, Kin Chi LAU, Margo OKAZAWA-REY, Marina PIKULINA, Asha ELKARIB, Karen TANADA, Cecile MUKARUBUGA, Maren HAARTJE, Sandy FONG, Anita MIR, Nomvuyo Skota DAYILE, Regula KUNG, and Barbara MANGOLD


What's morality got to do with it? The need for principle in reproductive technology and embryo research, James Andrew RICE


Why and how does Asia cooperate?, Baohui ZHANG


Working with foreign managers : conflict management for effective leader relationships in China, Yifeng, Nancy CHEN; Dean William TJOSVOLD; and Fang, Sofia SU


Work stress, self-efficacy, Chinese work values, and work well-being in Hong Kong and Beijing, Oi Ling SIU, Paul E SPECTOR, Cary L. COOPER, and Chang-qin LU

Yes prime manipulator : how a Chinese translation of British political humor came into being, Nam Fung CHANG

一綫之差 : 封閉/開放的(歷史)閱讀, Zhaolin XU and Kin Chi LAU


《三國演義》中詩詞的藝術意義, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG


中国企业兼并的反垄断控制, Ping LIN

中國戲曲與傳統教化, Sau Ieng SI TOU

中產階級的向左走、向右轉, Wing Sang LAW

二十一世紀香港新一代的成長, Lok Sang HO

五星級香港 : 文化狂熱與民俗心靈, Wan Kan CHIN

享受, Dengyun GU, Siying ZHANG, and Yifeng SUN

从多元系统论的观点看翻译文学的「国籍」, Nam Fung CHANG

从曹丕、吴质互通书信看曹氏与建安文士之关系, Chunhong WANG

佛教的頓悟和漸悟之爭與劉勰的"唯務折衷", Chunhong WANG


傳媒、政治與宗教, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)

儒家伦理 : 体与用, Wai Ying WONG


內地稅收法規摘要 : 兩則, Zhenpin, Kenny LIN

全球化不是甚麽?, Po Keung HUI


关于中国建立反垄断法体系的几个基本问题, Ping LIN

关于 "文章学"与"文学批评" 的思考, Chunhong WANG

冬青集, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

冲突管理 : 学会在一起工作, Dean William TJOSVOLD; Junchen HU (胡君辰); and Yifeng, Nancy CHEN


北京、香港、台灣,誰工作壓力最大, Oi Ling SIU

古典を読み解く : 『プロテスタンティズムの倫理と資本主義の「精神」』 の100年, William Peter BAEHR

合評 : 邁向「後民間社會」?, Wing Sang LAW

向兒童學習, Po Keung HUI

吳質〈答魏太子箋〉箋說, Chunhong WANG


唐代人鬼婚戀中的死亡反思 : 招魂、交感和幽界三類小說, Yin Ping, Grace LAU

「嘒彼小星」解, Hung Kai LEE

夏木集, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

外在觸覺和內在感思 : 李清照描寫愁情的立體感, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

婉雯詩草, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

《孝經》“聖治章”正讀, Gang XU

學生批判思維的評量工具, Tak Fong, Irene HO (何德芳); Kit Tai HAU (侯傑泰); and Miu Chi, Vivian LUN

宋戏文《乐昌公主破镜重圆》小识, Sau Ieng SI TOU

《左傳》「請隧」解, Tzu Pin HSU

差異的社群與互惠的貨幣 : 反思香港的「社群經濟援助計劃」, Po Keung HUI

庶民研究, Kin Chi LAU and Zhaolin XU

当代西方的中国语言学史研究, Maopeng MA

從吶喊到流言 : 考寫中國現當代文學發展的一個角度, Zidong XU

從政治到文化問題 : 對「西九」大計的一些擔憂, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN

我思故我在 : 香港的風俗與文化, Wan Kan CHIN

戲曲中的辛棄疾, Sau Ieng SI TOU

拓古開今的水墨畫 : 徐嘉煬的藝術精神, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG


《春秋》「公薨於臺下」清人諸說綜論, Tzu Pin HSU

《春秋》、《左傳》禘祭考辨, Tzu Pin HSU

曉嵐詩草, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

有为而治 : 京、港、台三地员工如何减压, Oi Ling SIU

“樂飢”與“食醫”, Gang XU


水的滋味, Shuk Han WONG

汉语真假复合词, Yuanjian HE and Lingling WANG

略論先秦禮學的現代意義, Tzu Pin HSU


白鷺捕魚, Dezhi HAN


秋思二首, Dezhi HAN

織女塑像的三種形態 : 論〈董永〉、〈郭翰〉和〈唐文〉, Yin Ping, Grace LAU

翻译学学科建设的学术规范问题, Dang MU and Yifeng SUN


《衛風‧竹竿》"巧笑之瑳"清人諸訓評議, Hung Kai LEE


詠城門河畔白鷺, Dezhi HAN


詩學、意識形態及贊助人與翻譯 : 梁實秋翻譯研究, Liping BAI


《詩經.豳風.七月》「韭祭」原因初探, Fei LI

誰破壞誰的營商環境, Po Keung HUI

談「中華性」當中的「殖民性」, Wing Sang LAW

談“文字學”普及化 : 兼評幾部有關的著作, Hung Kai LEE

謝靈運山水詩中的宗教矛盾, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

论王僧虔与南朝文艺思潮, Chunhong WANG

費密與清代經典詮釋的論爭, Chi Pang LAU

跨國企業在中國高層管理本土化的探討 : 對港商投資企業的啟示, Tsang Sing CHAN, Geng CUI, and Sing Sang WONG

陕西西安方言单字音声调声学实验研究, Maopeng MA

難題求婚中的人獸婚 : 論《搜神記》中槃瓠和女化蠶神話, Yin Ping, Grace LAU

面對頑強的成長 : 我教副學士的日子, Shuk Han WONG


香江感懷, Dezhi HAN

香港地區唐代文學研究概況 (2002-2004), Yin Ping, Grace LAU

香港短篇小說初探, Zidong XU

Submissions from 2004


A cross-national comparative study of work-family stressors, working hours, and well-being : China and Latin America versus the Anglo world, Paul E. SPECTOR, Cary L. COOPER, Steven POELMANS, Tammy D. ALLEN, Michael O'DRISCOLL, Juan I. SANCHEZ, Oi Ling SIU, Phil DEWE, Peter HART, Luo LU, Lúcio Flávio Renault DE MORAES, Gabrielle M. OSTROGNAY, Kate SPARKS, Paul WONG, and Shanfa YU


American hegemony and China's U.S. policy, Baohui ZHANG


An efficient data mining method for learning Bayesian networks using an evolutionary algorithm-based hybrid approach, Man Leung WONG and Kwong Sak LEUNG


An examination of the foreign market knowledge of exporting firms based in the People's Republic of China : its determinants and effect on export intensity, Ling Yee, Esther LI

A problem for Popper : corroboration and the logical interpretation of probability, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM


Attributions on dissatisfying service encounters, Shing Chung, Patrick POON; Michael K. HUI; and Kevin AU


Auditors’ perceptions of responsibilities to detect and report client illegal acts in Canada and the UK : a comparative experiment, Ian A. M. FRASER and Zhenpin, Kenny LIN


Auditors' willingness to advocate client-preferred accounting principles, William Eugene SHAFER, Alice A. KETCHAND, and Roselyn E. MORRIS

Babbitt's impact in China : the case of Liang Shiqiu, Liping BAI

Book review : The shaping of deduction in Greek mathematics : a study in cognitive history, Darrell, Patrick ROWBOTTOM


Brief reports : a brief version of the geriatric depression scale for the Chinese, Sheung Tak CHENG and Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN

Business as usual? The European Union and Hong Kong after the handover, Brian BRIDGES


Can Chinese discuss conflicts openly? Field and experimental studies of face dynamics in China, Dean William TJOSVOLD, Chun HUI, and Haifa SUN

Can immoral beliefs be true?, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM


Checking consistency between UML class and state models based on CSP and B, Wing Lok YEUNG


Child labor and the interaction between the quantity and quality of children, Chengze, Simon FAN


China introduces new export tax rebate policy, Zhenpin, Kenny LIN

Chinese aesthetics : ordering of literature, the arts, and the universe in the Six Dynasties, Zongqi CAI

Chinese cooperative behavior, Dean William TJOSVOLD; Shiu Ho, Alfred WONG; and L. L. Y. WANG