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Submissions from 2006
Managerial autonomy and tax compliance : an empirical study on international transfer pricing, Koon Hung CHAN; Wai Yee, Agnes LO; and Lai Lan, Phyllis MO
Marketing library services to the net generation, Jia MI and Frederick NESTA
Market integration between Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland, Chengze, Simon FAN; Na LI; and Xiangdong WEI
Mediating cultural tensions in translating otherness, Yifeng SUN
Metaphors of Self and Self-Gifts in Interdependent Cultures: Narratives from Hong Kong, Annamma JOY, Michael HUI, Tsang Sing CHAN, and Geng CUI
Money talks : revaluing China's currency, Shalendra SHARMA
Moving image review : Bridges and battles, Ching YAU
Negotiating culture, economics and community politics : the practice of Lei Yue Mun tourism in postcolonial Hong Kong, Shun Hing CHAN; Iam Chong IP; and Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
On the significance of 'World 3' for the depersonalization of inquiry and the democratization of education, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM
Pacifismo realista, William Peter BAEHR
Parallel evolutionary algorithms on consumer-level graphics processing unit, Tien Tsin WONG and Man Leung WONG
Participative leadership by American and Chinese managers in China : the role of relationships, Yifeng, Nancy CHEN and Dean TJOSVOLD
Political economy of labor retrenchment : evidence based on China's state-owned enterprises, Yifan HU; Sonja OPPER; and Man Lai, Sonia WONG
Portfolio effects and valuation of weather derivatives, Patrick L. BROCKETT, Mulong WANG, Chuanhou YANG, and Hong ZOU
Presentism and the problem of cross-time relations, Rafael DE CLERCQ
Privatization of public housing : did it cause the 1998 recession in Hong Kong?, Lok Sang HO and Wai Chung, Gary WONG
Psychodynamics of orality in the Chinese co-translation of David Copperfield, Wai Chu, Rachel LUNG
Reexamining personal, social, and cultural influences on compliance behavior in the United States, Poland, and Hong Kong, Xiaohua, Sylvia CHEN; H. H., Natalie HUI; Michael Harris BOND; Y. F., Alfred SIT; Sowan WONG; S. Y., Venus CHOW; Miu Chi, Vivian LUN; and W. M., Rita LAW
Relationship with others and life satisfaction in later life : do gender and widowhood make a difference?, Sheung Tak CHENG and Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN
Resolving ethical conflicts at workthrough cooperative goals and constructive controversy in the People's Republic of China, Robin Stanley SNELL; Dean William TJOSVOLD; and Fang, Sofia SU
Risk, uncertainty and China's exports, Guangzhong LI; Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON; and Jimmy RAN
Role of fiscal and monetary policy, Lok Sang HO
Roundtable : Vision of the press in Britain, 1850-1950. By Mark Hampton Urbana and Chicago : the University of Illinois Press, 2004. (pp. 218. ISBN 0-252-02946-1. $35.00, £24.99 (cloth))., Mark HAMPTON, Tom O'MALLEY, Simon POTTER, and Joel WIENER
Searching for new university governance in Asia, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
Set the junta free : pre-transitional justice in Myanmar's democratization, Roman DAVID and Ian HOLLIDAY
Some reflections on English as a ‘semi-sacred’ language, Barry ASKER
Strategic spin-offs of input divisions, Ping LIN
Students taking charge : creating and web-casting TV programs for language learning : a whole school approach, Chui Wa, Samy LUNG
"Super paradox" or "Leninist integration" : the politics of legislating Article 23 of Hong Kong's Basic Law, Yiu Chung WONG
Susan Sontag, battle language and the Hong Kong SARS outbreak of 2003, William Peter BAEHR
Take your rights seriously : a manual on the legal rights of migrant workers in Hong Kong and the politics involved, James Andrew RICE
Taking ourselves seriously : the relevance of Dworkin principlism in genetic research, James Andrew RICE
The changing ethics within the Chinese People's Liberation Army : yesterday's Lei Feng vs. today's young soldiers, Che Po CHAN
The complete mitochondrial genome of an agamid lizard from the Afro–Asian subfamily agaminae and the phylogenetic position of Bufoniceps and Xenagama, J. Robert MACEY, James A. SCHULTE II, Jonathan J. FONG, Indraneil DAS, and Theodore J. PAPENFUSS
The corporate purchase of property insurance : Chinese evidence, Hong ZOU and Mike B. ADAMS
The effects of full-time domestic workers on married women's economic activity status in Hong Kong, 1981-2001, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN
The financing behaviour of listed Chinese firms, Hong ZOU and Zezhong, Jason XIAO
The impact of monetary variables on the price level during inflation and deflation periods in China, Huayu SUN and Yue MA
The impact of tax holidays on earnings management : an empirical study of corporate reporting behavior in a developing-economy framework, Zhenpin, Kenny LIN
The law of one price : evidence from the transitional economy of China, Chengze, Simon FAN and Xiangdong WEI
The legacies of collaborative colonial rule in Hong Kong, Wing Sang LAW
The liquidity demand for corporate property insurance, Tak Ming, Arthur HAU
The myth of 'scientific method' in contemporary educational research, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM and Sarah Jane AISTON
The paradox of dueling identities : the case of local senior executives in MNC subsidiaries, Yan ZHANG, Jennifer M. GEORGE, and Tsang Sing CHAN
The philosophy of art, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
Theses on cinema as philosophy, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
The "three happiness" and public policy, Lok Sang HO
The violence of time and memory undercover : Hong Kong’s infernal affairs, Wing Sang LAW
Toward the rule of law : why China's path will be different from the West, Baohui ZHANG
Transferring organizational learning systems to Japanese subsidiaries in China, Fok Loi, Jacky HONG; Mark EASTERBY-SMITH; and Robin Stanley SNELL
Translated fiction, Tak Hung, Leo CHAN
Translating foreign otherness, Yifeng SUN
Understanding internet banking adoption and use behavior : a Hong Kong perspective, Siu Cheung CHAN and Ming Te LU
Utile Et Dulce : a response to Noël Carroll, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
Will mobile video become the killer application for 3G? A theoretical framework for media convergence, Xin XU; Wai Kit, Will MA; and Wing Kuen, Eric SEE-TO
Work-family balance : prevalence of family-friendly employment policies and practices in Hong Kong, Oi Ling SIU
九思林, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
亞洲脈絡中的香港文化, Shuk Han WONG
从"断章取义"到"以意逆志" : 孟子复原式解释理论的产生与演变, Zongqi CAI and Tao JIN (金涛)
作為象徵資本的人文精神, Ersu DING
偷拍風潮下的媒體與私隱, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)
前言, Oi Ling SIU
グローバル化する消費文化と中国人の価値観の変化, Pinghui LIAO; Xiaoming WANG; Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN; and Yingzhe HUANG
变革时期的压力管理, Oi Ling SIU and Kan SHI
古典小說論稿 : 神話、心理、怪誕, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
周潤發、許冠傑、少林足球 : 香港文化研究概述, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
《周禮》“任人”解, Gang XU
唐五代西北方音"全浊送气"现象的声学依据 : 来自渭南方言的启示, Maopeng MA
"唔怕生壞命,最怕改錯名" : 香港年輕人的英文名字, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN
圖像助記憶默書無難度, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
外商投資企業的法律問題, Chun Yau, Clement SHUM
外國直接投資對廣東省科技創新活動的溢出效應, Kui Yin CHEUNG and Ping LIN
大事件: 記香港WTO採訪, Aiyun LIN and Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
媒體識讀, Iam Chong IP
學好語文講求基本功, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
宁可湿衣 不可乱步 : 读蒋寅着《古典诗学的现代诠释》, Chunhong WANG
宋代戲文《王煥》誨淫辨證, Sau Ieng SI TOU
定量分析外資在廣東分佈的決定因素, Xiangdong WEI
宽恕政策 (Leniency Program) 与卡特尔的反垄断控制, Ping LIN and Kebin MA (马克斌)
導言, Po Keung HUI
小千界, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
《小雅·小明》"畏此罪罟"解, Hung Kai LEE
工作壓力管理自用套件, Occupational Safety & Health Council, Hong Kong; Oi Ling SIU; David Rosser PHILLIPS; Ching Kong, Theodore CHEUNG (張正剛); and Yin Fong, Winnie SHIU (蕭燕芳)
張愛玲的人間色相, Wai Ying CHAN
從俄國名著到香港流行文學 : 光藝的都市文藝初探, Shuk Han WONG
從「巴士空間」到「網絡空間」 : 新媒體的公民社會反思, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)
從政治經濟學到文化經濟學, Po Keung HUI
從香港中學課程改革反思大學的文化研究教學, Po Keung HUI
愈挫愈勇讀古文, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
意向性、规范性与社会科学, Yujian ZHENG
抗逆力 : 低谷中的生命力, Oi Ling SIU
文中有我 方能動人, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
新不如舊 : 香港舊事返照, Wan Kan CHIN
方向正確過於保守的《競爭政策檢討報告》, Kwan Yiu, Edward CHEN (陳坤耀) and Ping LIN
時間的暴力‧記憶的政治 : 電影「無間道」系列的寓言解讀, Wing Sang LAW
「アジア」は有用でありうるか?, Kin Chi LAU
東亞文學的反思, Zidong XU
東アジア諸都市の戦後映画交流史 : 五、六十年代に香港.東京を越境した女性たちを中心に, Shuk Han WONG
東部投入在西部的作用 : 對西部大開發基本投入的再思考, Jimmy RAN and Kwok Leung CHOW (周國良)