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Submissions from 2007


神婚中的俗慮 : 論《聊齋誌異》〈竹青〉和〈青蛙神〉, Yin Ping, Grace LAU


神話有趣富想像助思考, Yin Ping, Grace LAU


程序公平对工作满意度、组织承诺的影响 : 工作不安全感的中介作用, Yizhong XIE, Oi Ling SIU, Xiaopeng REN, and Kan SHI

競逐擴展中的教育市場 : 英國專業課程發展概況研究, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK

翻譯研究與文化身份, Zhiying OU YANG and Yifeng SUN

翻譯與政治 : 剪不斷,理還亂 : 談 "李啟純"翻譯《百獸圖》, Liping BAI

翻譯與異質他者的文化焦慮, Yifeng SUN

《老子》的「無」與《中論》的「空」之異同, Wai Wai CHIU

耕耨集 : 漢語與經典論集, Hung Kai LEE, Pang Fei KWOK (郭鵬飛), and Yuen Chi CHAN (陳遠止)


胡金銓曾參與製作的電影, Shuk Han WONG

自由競爭的真義, Po Keung HUI

「舊酒新瓶」 : 香港教育政策在回歸前後的變革, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK


語文讀寫激發創意, Yin Ping, Grace LAU


說話流暢無往而不利, Yin Ping, Grace LAU


論《中大學生報》情色版風波, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)

論「昭穆」之命名取義, Tzu Pin HSU

論謝靈運及其山水詩 : 兼論「莊、老告退,而山水方滋」, Chunhong WANG


讀神話提升創意想像力, Yin Ping, Grace LAU

论孔子思想体系的逻辑, Gang XU

论平等, Clive Staples LEWIS and Liping BAI

《论语》故训疑误举例, Gang XU

资本主义不是什么, Po Keung HUI


辯論朗誦練好口語, Yin Ping, Grace LAU


適時讀詩收獲倍增, Yin Ping, Grace LAU


閱讀是課堂延伸, Yin Ping, Grace LAU

降低退休年齡 澳門政府添煩, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN and Xuemei WANG (王雪梅)

非竞争型投入占用产出模型及其应用 : 中美贸易顺差透视, Lawrence J. LAU (刘遵义); Xikang CHEN (陈锡康); Cui Hong YANG (杨翠红); Kwok Hon, Leonard CHENG; K .C. FUNG; Yun Wing SUNG (宋恩荣); Kunfu ZHU (祝坤福); Jiansuo PEI (裴建锁); and Zhipeng TANG (唐志鹏)


顏色渲染一見難忘, Yin Ping, Grace LAU

香港地區唐代文學研究概況 (2005-2006), Yin Ping, Grace LAU

香港的反智傾向 : 近十年香港的知識生產與大學教育檢討, Po Keung HUI

香港的殖民主義(去)政治與文化冷戰, Wing Sang LAW

魯迅《漢文學史綱要.屈原及宋玉》論略, Tzu Pin HSU


黃金檔期讀鏡花緣, Yin Ping, Grace LAU

Submissions from 2006

A Davidsonian approach to normativity and the limits of cross-cultural interpretation, Yujian ZHENG

American nuclear primacy or emerging US-China parity : projecting the future of strategic balance of power, Baohui ZHANG

An empirical analysis of book-tax reporting difference and tax noncompliance behavior in China, Zhenpin, Kenny LIN and F. TANG

An exploratory study of resilience among Hong Kong employees : ways to happiness, Oi Ling SIU, S. L. CHOW, David Rosser PHILLIPS, and Lin LIN


An exploratory study of the effect of mahjong on the cognitive functioning of persons with dementia, Sheung Tak CHENG; Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN; and Edwin C. S. YU

An integrated approach to understanding the characteristics that contribute to effective end-user computing training in SMEs, Chi Wai CHUNG, Alan LAM, and Albert LEUNG


A novel hybrid evolutionary algorithm for learning Bayesian networks from incomplete data, Yuan Yuan GUO, Man Leung WONG, and Zhi Hua CAI


Asia's challenged giants, Shalendra SHARMA


Assessing competency in business communication skills : an empirical study of the BBA program at Lingnan University, S. Y., Irene KWAN LAU and Ling Yee, Esther LI

A sustainable currency regime for Hong Kong and the mainland, Lok Sang HO


A three-phase study to develop and validate a Chinese coping strategies scales in Greater China, Oi Ling SIU, Paul E. SPECTOR, and Cary L. COOPER

A WCU-based currency board as a sustainable exchange rate regime, Lok Sang HO


Book review : Handbook of Asian aging, David Rosser PHILLIPS


Book review : Interpretive reasoning, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON

Book review : Women making news : gender and journalism in modern Britain; Newspapers and empire in Ireland and Britain : reporting the British Empire, c. 1857-1921; From Grub Street to Fleet Street : an illustrated history of English newspapers to 1899, Mark HAMPTON

Can the two-level moral thinking reconcile the rivalry of contextualism and principled ethics? A conversation between Winkler and Hare, Wai Ying WONG


China and the institutionalization of the Shanghai cooperation organization, Chien Peng CHUNG

China, Hong Kong and the world economy : studies on globalization, Lok Sang HO and Robert ASH

Chinese and United States Students' critical thinking : cross-cultural construct validation of a critical thinking assessment, Kit Tai HAU; Diane F. HALPERN; Lisa MARIN-BURKHART; T., Irene HO; Y. L., Kelly KU; Ngai Man CHAN; and Miu Chi, Vivian LUN

Chinese and United States undergraduates' critical thinking skills : academic and dispositional predictors, Y. L., Kelly KU; Ngai Man CHAN; Miu Chi, Vivian LUN; Diane F. HALPERN; Lisa MARIN-BURKHART; Kit Tai HAU; and T., Irene HO


Collectivist values for learning in organizational relationships in China : the role of trust and vertical coordination, Shiu Ho, Alfred WONG and Dean William TJOSVOLD


Competitive motives and strategies : understanding constructive competition, Dean William TJOSVOLD, David W. JOHNSON, Roger T. JOHNSON, and Haifa SUN

Confronting terrorism and other evils in China : all quiet on the western front?, Chien Peng CHUNG

Contextuality and non-substantialist stance in dynamic choice : reflection on a case study in analytical philosophy, Yujian ZHENG


Contextual utility and practicality : cultural research for the school community in Hong Kong, Po Keung HUI and Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN

Contrastive linguistics : problems and prospects from a translation perspective, Donghui LI


Cross-cultural influences on organizational learning in MNCS : the case of Japanese companies in China, Fok Loi, Jacky HONG; Robin Stanley SNELL; and Mark EASTERBY-SMITH

Culture chinoise contre capitalisme sauvage, Kin Chi LAU


Defining conflict and making choices about its management : lighting the dark side of organizational life, Dean William TJOSVOLD

Derridean and Madhyamika Buddhist theories of deconstruction, Zongqi CAI


Determinants and outcomes of relationship quality : a conceptual model and empirical investigation, Amy WONG and Lianxi ZHOU


Diagnostic practise in nursing : a critical review of the literature, Kok Long, Joseph LEE; Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN; and David Rosser PHILLIPS


Discover Bayesian networks from incomplete data using a hybrid evolutionary algorithm, Man Leung WONG and Yuan Yuan GUO


Does China really lose from RMB revaluation : evidence from some export industries, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON; Guangzhong LI; and Jimmy RAN


Does recent empirical evidence support the existence of international corporate tax competition?, Richard Stanley SIMMONS


Do the rich save more? A new view based on intergenerational transfers, Chengze, Simon FAN

Economic integration between Hong Kong and China : did trade hurt Hong Kong's unskilled workers?, Kui Yin CHEUNG and Chengze, Simon FAN

Education reform and education policy in East Asia, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK


Effects of power concepts and employee performance on managers' empowering, Dean William TJOSVOLD and H. SUN

Effects of real exchange rate volatility and misalignment on commodity exports : the case of China, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON; Guangzhong LI; and Jimmy RAN


Epidemic imaginary : performing global figurations of "Third World AIDS", John Nguyet ERNI


Estimates of U.S.-China trade balances in terms of domestic value-added, Lawrence J. LAU; Xikang CHEN; Kwok Hon, Leonard CHENG; K. C. FUNG; Jiansuo PEI; Yun Wing SUNG; Zhipeng TANG; Yanyan XIONG; Cuihong YANG; and Kunfu ZHU


Estimation of the autoregressive order in the presence of measurement errors, Tai Leung, Terence CHONG; Venus LIEW; Yuanxiu ZHANG; and Chi Leung, Adam WONG


Evolution of the Pudong government : Chinese local administrative reform in adapting to an expanding market economy, Che Po CHAN and Wai Kit POON

Explaining the growth and development of the Chinese domestic private sector, Anne TSUI; Yanjie BIAN; and Kwok Hon, Leonard CHENG


Factors influencing intention to continue volunteering : a study of older Chinese in Hong Kong, Yue Lok, Francis CHEUNG; So Kum, Catherine TANG; and Chau Wai, Elsie YAN


Filial piety and psychological well-being in well older Chinese, Sheung Tak CHENG and Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN


Forgiveness and transitional justice in the Czech Republic, Roman DAVID and Yuk Ping, Susanne CHOI

From Russian classics to Hong Kong pulp fiction : Kong Ngee's urban literary culture, Shuk Han WONG


Game-theoretic analysis of an ancient Chinese horse race problem, Mingming LENG and Mahmut PARLAR

Gender composition and market structure in Hong Kong, John S. HEYWOOD and Xiangdong WEI


Happiness and public policy : theory, case studies and implications, Yew Kwang NG and Lok Sang HO

Health and social care interfaces in Hong Kong, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN and Sze Ki, Daphne CHEUNG


Hope for peace embedded in the ordinary : peacewomen’s teaching without teaching, Kin Chi LAU


Income tax for foreign investment enterprises, Zhenpin, Kenny LIN

In defence of Popper on the logical possibility of universal laws : a reply to Contessa, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM


In exchange for truth : the Polish lustration & the South African amnesty process, Roman DAVID

Interpreting for Lin Shu : why bother?, Wai Chu, Rachel LUNG

Introduction, Lok Sang HO and Robert ASH

Introduction : happiness as the only ultimate objective of public policy, Yew-Kwang NG and Lok Sang HO


Kleptocracy and corruption, Chengze, Simon FAN

Kuhn versus Popper on science education : a response to Richard Bailey, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM

Kung Fu : negotiating nationalism and modernity, Siu Leung LI


Leases with purchase options and double moral hazard, K. Y., Derek CHAU; Michael Arthur FIRTH; and Bin SRINIDHI


Machine learning for direct marketing response models : Bayesian networks with evolutionary programming, Geng CUI, Man Leung WONG, and Hon Kwong LUI

Making the leap : research students crossing conceptual thresholds, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM and Sarah Jane AISTON

Managerial autonomy and firm performance in China's listed firms, C., Eric CHANG and Man Lai, Sonia WONG