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Submissions from 2008
When China opens to the world : a study of transnational higher education in Zhejiang, China, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK and Xiaozhou XU
When domestic forces meet the global trends : the liberalization of the privateness in East Asian higher education, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
When is a coinsurance-type insurance policy inferior or even giffen?, Tak Ming, Arthur HAU
When socialism meets market capitalism : challenges for privatizing and marketizing education in China and Vietnam, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
Which one is better? Risk measurement modeling on Chinese stock market, Ziyou YU and Aiyuan TAO
Why did they “escape at midnight”?, Li ZHANG (张黎) and Liping BAI
一城两市 : 近代海州城市格局变迁研究 (1855-1938), Lei ZHANG and Wei SHA (沙薇)
一日三秋, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
七雙河, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
中国需要反垄断经济学 : 《反托拉斯革命》译者序, Ping LIN and Xuheng ZANG (臧旭恒)
中文解毒 : 從混帳文字到通順中文, Wan Kan CHIN
乡土医神 : 明清时期淮河流域的华佗信仰研究, Lei ZHANG
从亚洲金融危机看香港金融地产结构的困局与出路, Po Keung HUI
先秦待放禮說考辨, Tzu Pin HSU
全球化、市場化與區域合作 : 東亞銀幕工業的新趨勢, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH
全球化時代的流行文化和華人文化, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN; Binhui LIAO; and Xiaoming WANG
刘勰与刘穆之 : 从《异苑》两条材料谈刘勰的几个问题, Chunhong WANG
創意與忠誠 : 試論《色,戒》對「忠於原著」的重新界定, Shuk Han WONG
劉景堂以詞入詩論, Tzu Pin HSU
古文源流考, Gang XU
《同志‧戀人》官司的啟示, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)
吳宓與《學衡》雜誌的翻譯, Liping BAI and Chi Yu CHU (朱志瑜)
告別「懶人」常識 : 尋找多元的教育、文化、生活, Po Keung HUI
啟悟的時刻 : 譚家明的成長故事, Shuk Han WONG
善用長者義工的策略, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN and Wing No, Helen LAU
多元系统论中的规范概念, Nam Fung CHANG
大埔教育:從鄉村師範的建立到鄉村學校的消失( Education in Tai Po: From the Founding of Rural Normal School to the Demise of Village Schools), Shuk Wah POON
天星 : 香港意識的搖籃, Wing Sang LAW
如何認識民主? : 略析一般人對民主的誤解, Yiu Chung WONG
《孔子詩論》“讒人之害”眾說評議, Hung Kai LEE
字。遊 : 寫作的觀察與想像, Wai Ying CHAN
《孟子》“舎皆取諸其宮中”補證, Gang XU
學術的組織與紀律, Zidong XU
小議太史公"筆法" : 以《史記‧外戚世家》為例, Chunhong WANG
工作投入研究现状与展望, Lin LIN (林琳), Kan SHI (時勘), and Oi Ling SIU
《左傳》「歌鐘二肆」解, Tzu Pin HSU
《左傳》"鄭伯男也"解, Tzu Pin HSU
希望的政治, Po Keung HUI
序言, Brian HOLTON and Liping BAI
從「共識政治」到「否決政治」 : 香港行政立法關係的質變, Pang Kwong LI
從自由到保守傾向 : 過去卅年中國知識青年政治文化之轉變, Che Po CHAN (陳皙博)
從《詩經》及唐前歌謠看民間的自然意識, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
戲曲論題探究, Sau Ieng SI TOU
才子之哭、霸王之泣 : 論沈自傲《霸亭秋》雜劇的風格, Sau Ieng SI TOU
改革开放以来中国社会政策范式的转变, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
教改脈絡下本土教育的重新扣連, Po Keung HUI
文化戰爭與道德聖戰, Wing Sang LAW
文化政策與香港傳承 : 何志平五年的雪泥鴻爪, Chi-ping HO (何志平) and Wan Kan CHIN
文學市場與敘事策略 : 高行健個例分析, Ersu DING
《文心雕龍》中“文”的多重含義及劉勰文學理論體系的建立, Zongqi CAI
新聞寫作 : 從心出發, Wai Choi FUNG; King Fai, Ben WONG; and Shuk Han WONG
方志學的現代理念與應用, Chi Pang LAU
《春秋》“木冰”說, Gang XU
「歌門鬼城」首部曲 : 泰忒斯誕生, Mervyn PEAKE; Man, Jasmine TONG; and Yunqin CHEN (陳韻琴)
民國時期廣州的糞穢處理與城市生活, Shuk Wah POON
淫祠、偏財神與淫神 : 論《夷堅志》中的五通, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
王國維《顧命》之廟為廟而非寢說探討, Tzu Pin HSU
《琵琶記》的性情與教化, Sau Ieng SI TOU
生活的目的與意義, Wai Ying WONG
當代東亞城市 : 新的文化和意識形態, Xiaoming WANG and Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
發揮樸學傳統, 兼深漢學菁華 : 單周堯教授經學成就述略, Tzu Pin HSU
礼制的隐含与《论语》的诠释, Gang XU
「禁」與「遊」 : 記遊書寫初探, Wai Ying CHAN
福利国家转变的数量维度 : 21个OECD国家的宏观统计改革轨迹 (1980-2001年), Stefan KÜHNER and Jingdong ZHENG (郑静东)
童年往事 : 香港山村舊俗, Wan Kan CHIN
經濟課程(中四至中六)資源套 : 反競爭行為及競爭政策, Ping LIN and Ching Yi FUNG
翻譯與多元之美, Yifeng SUN
老鼠嫁女, Dezhi HAN
「臥底世界」 : 殖民地香港的(非)歷史想像, Wing Sang LAW
與死共生, Wai Ying WONG
蕃漢婚戀的再現 : 跳出國家主義的鎂光燈圈, Darryl Cameron STERK
論杜預《春秋經傳集解》中的「既葬除喪」說, Tzu Pin HSU
论昆曲语境之隔与不隔, Sau Ieng SI TOU
辭彙、意象、與文化歷史的互動, Donghui LI
農心匠意 : 香港城鄉風俗憶舊, Wan Kan CHIN
近体诗连仄句申论, Fei LI
邁向具主體性的本土性?, Wing Sang LAW
頑皮的風, Ya WEI (韋婭) and Man, Jasmine TONG
香港人對福利國家的態度 : 一個階級和比較的分析, Ka Ying, Timothy WONG (王家英); Po San, Shirley WAN (尹寶珊); and Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW
香港地區唐代文學研究概況 (2006-2007), Yin Ping, Grace LAU
香港女人是甚麼, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN
香港有文化 : 香港的文化政策, Wan Kan CHIN
香港短篇小說中的「北方記憶」與「革命想像」, Zidong XU
香港電台第五台長者空中進修學院 : 幻影香江, Shuk Han WONG
齟齬、試鍊與成長 : 論《聊齋誌異》〈錦瑟〉, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
Submissions from 2007
A comparative study of exchange rate regimes and macro-instabilities in the twin economies of Singapore and Hong Kong, Yue MA; Y. Y. KUEH; and C. W., Raymond NG
A genetic survey of heavily exploited, endangered turtles : caveats on the conservation value of trade animals, Jonathan, Julio FONG; J. F. PARHAM; H. SHI; B. L. STUART; and R. L. CARTER
Anglo-American media interactions, 1850-2000, Joel H. WIENER and Mark HAMPTON
A note on the aesthetics of mirror reversal, Rafael DE CLERCQ
A social proximity explanation of the reluctance to assimilate, Chengze, Simon FAN and Oded STARK
A study of informal caregivers and the association of caregiving status with health and quality of life, Sut Ying, Suzanne HO CHAN; Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN; Tak Fai, Joseph LAU; and Jean WOO
Bankruptcy prediction using multiple intelligent agent system via a localized generalization error approach, Daniel S. YEUNG; W. Y., Wing NG; P. F., Aki CHAN; P. K., Patrick CHAN; Michael FIRTH; and C. C., Eric TSANG
Best of both worlds : Wisteria Tea House and Starbucks, Yingtai LUNG and Darryl Cameron STERK
Book review : A century of media, a century of war, Mark HAMPTON
Book review : Ageing societies : myths, challenges and opportunities, David Rosser PHILLIPS
Book review : Asian translation traditions, Eugene Chen EOYANG
Book review : Britain in the twentieth century, David Lloyd SMITH
Book review : China's domestic grain and marketing reform and integration, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON
Book review : Encyclopedia of the documentary film, Mette HJORT
Book review : Tabloid Britain : constructing a community through language, Mark HAMPTON