The Library collects data on research outputs published by active researchers at Lingnan University. This data provides the University with valuable information on the research activity of its staff.
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Submissions from 1997
雞血紅, Wan Kan CHIN
香港影片大全: 1913-1941 (v.1), Shuk Han, Mary WONG
香港文化多面睇, Shuk Han, Mary WONG
香港的殖民地的統治, Pang Kwong LI
齊學影響下的西漢文學, Chunhong WANG
Submissions from 1996
Arguing over intentions, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
Asian women's alternatives in action : report of the workshop at the Beijing NGO Forum on Women, Dessa QUESADA and Kin Chi LAU
Building effective international environmental regimes : the case of the global environment facility, Shalendra SHARMA
Citizens' attitudes towards tax evasion in Hong Kong, Richard S. SIMMONS and T. Y. CHENG
Distribution reform and labour productivity in China: an evaluation of performance and public policy, Kong Wing, Clement CHOW
Dividend changes, abnormal returns, and intra-lndustry firm valuations, Michael Arthur FIRTH
Dramatic and narrative modes of presentation in Han Yüeh-fu, Zongqi CAI
Dynamism and development : economic growth and social change in post-Mao China, Yeuk Lin, Linda WONG LAI and Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
Editorial : Vista from China, Ersu DING
Entry and Exit Process of Small Businesses in P. R. China's Retail Sector, Kong Wing, Clement CHOW
Estimating accounting errors in audit sampling : extensions and empirical tests of a decomposition approach, Koon Hung CHAN
Evaluating quality improvement in nonhomogeneous agricultural commodities : the case of Australian beef, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON
Firm dynamics and industrialization in the chinese economy in transition: Implications for small business policy, Kong Wing, Clement CHOW and Ka Yiu, Michale FUNG
Firm dynamics of international joint ventures in Shanghai's manufacturing sector: Testing the validity of Gibrat's Law, Kong Wing, Clement CHOW and Ka Yiu, Michael FUNG
Fiscal relations between Shanghai and the central government, Lok Sang HO and Kai Yuen TSUI
From virtual reality to phantomatics and back, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
From work to work, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
How can waste recycling and waste minimization be fitted into Hong Kong's waste management system?, S. S. CHUNG, C. S. POON, and Lok Sang HO
India's economic liberalization : the elephant comes of age, Shalendra SHARMA
Labour market policies in a changing political economy, Lok Sang HO
Managing private residential care : the impacts of care in the community reforms in the UK and some issues for private homes policy in Hong Kong, David Rosser PHILLIPS
Organizational learning through graduate training programmes: a comparison between Japan and Hong Kong in a Japanese organization, Mei Ling, May WONG
Psychosocial factors at work and workers' health in Hong Kong : an explanatory study, Oi Ling SIU and Donald IAN
Reply : measuring research benefits in an imperfect market, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON
Shadow management in Japanese companies in Hong Kong, Mei Ling, May WONG
Staying on course to be a colossus, Shalendra SHARMA
Strategic investment, uncertainty and distribution reform in the P.R. China: Why a gradual reform strategy works, Kong Wing, Clement CHOW
The commercialization of the Australian public service and the accountability of government : a question of boundaries, John DIXON, Alexander KOUZMIN, and Nada KORAC-KAKABADSE
The diffusion of managerial accounting procedures in the People's Republic of China and the influence of foreign partnered joint venture, Michael Arthur FIRTH
The emergence of private education in the Pearl River Delta : implications for social development, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK and David CHAN
The gains agricultural research under distorted trade : comments, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON
The remuneration of CEOs and corporate financial performance in Norway, Michael FIRTH, Johan Chr. LOHNE, Ruth ROPSTAD, and Jarle SJO
The tale of the impossible : A semiotic critique of cultural relativism, Ersu DING
Time series analysis by Kauffman networks, Hakman A. WAN
Towards a better general theory of equivalent effect, Nam Fung CHANG
Training effective writers of business English through interactive feedback, Wai Yin, Anna YU; Kim Ling, Pionie FOO; Wai Yee, Irene NG; and Lai Yi, Lilian LAW
Women's cooperative credit union in China : an alternative for empowerment, Kin Chi LAU
公司资产结构及资金使用结构的CAPM表现形式, Zecheng HU and Mingming LENG
关于《文心雕龙》之佛教渊源的新思考, Chunhong WANG
宋十大家词选, Shiu Hon WONG and Sau Ieng SI TOU
對象錄 : 講話、文章、作家, Wai Ying CHAN
小說與文化 : 試論也斯的小說, Sze Han WONG and Shuk Han, Mary WONG
張承志 : 守衛昨日之夢 : 從《金牧場》到《金草地》, Zidong XU
怪诞小说 : 董说《西游补》, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
愛情與夢幻 : 唐朝傳奇中的悲劇意識, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
感性、 自我、心象 : 中國現代抒情小說研究, Wai Ying CHAN
推源溯流 擘肌分理 : 评张伯伟《钟嵘诗品研究》, Chunhong WANG
《文心雕龙》与传统文学观框架和传统文化的系统性, Zongqi CAI
《春秋》「躋僖公」解, Tzu Pin HSU
書評 : 董橋著《書城黃昏即事》, Wai Ying CHAN
朱駿聲說文通訓定聲研究, Hung Kai LEE
林年同論文集, Shuk Han, Mary WONG and Wai Luk LO (盧偉力)
民俗与民俗风情, Wan Kan CHIN
狐狸遊蹤 : 《徘徊在現代和後現代之間》, Wai Ying CHAN
現代管理要訣, Yui Tim, Edward WONG
神话制作及其社会 : 心理功用, Ersu DING
经典形成的跨文化研究 : 世纪末比较文学的走向, Ersu DING
考功集 :畢業論文選萃, Yin Ping, Grace LAU and Zidong XU
肇端既邃密 后来加深沉 : 中国文学批评史学科70年回顾与展望, Chunhong WANG
蔣防《霍小玉傳》與粵劇《紫釵記》之比較, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
遊城, Wai Ying CHAN
金元十家詞選, Shiu Hon WONG (黃兆漢), Sau Ieng SI TOU, Lai Chun NG (吳麗珍), and Po Chi TAM (譚寶芝)
颍川区域风习与建安文学, Chunhong WANG
香港後殖民論述 : 施叔靑的香港三部曲, Siu Leung LI
高本漢雅頌注釋斠正, Hung Kai LEE
Submissions from 1995
Aging in the United Kingdom : a review of demographic trends, recent policy developments and care provision, Helen Patricia BARTLETT and David Rosser PHILLIPS
Aging trends : Hong Kong, Helen Patricia BARTLETT and David Rosser PHILLIPS
Aging trends : Singapore, David Rosser PHILLIPS and Helen Patricia BARTLETT
An assessment of Sino-US real exchange rate movement and bilateral trading performance, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON
Auditor quality, corporate risk, and the valuation of new issues, Michael Arthur FIRTH and Andrew SMITH
Central-provincial fiscal relations, Lok Sang HO
Commercializing ‘Washminster’ in Australia : what lessons?, Alexander KOUZMIN, John DIXON, and James WILSON
Cultural studies in a still colonial context : imagining Hong Kong between world and home, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
Environmental management : a regional perspective : South China as a case study, Lok Sang HO
Experiences and implications of demographic ageing in the Asia-Pacific region, David Rosser PHILLIPS
Future un-imagined, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
Generalized cellular automata as a modeling tool, H. A. WAN
Inflation : new risks for the Hong Kong economy, Lok Sang HO
Is there a link among Confucianism, institutions, and economic performance?, Tzong-biau LIN and Lok-sang HO
Occupational stress among school teachers : a review of research findings relevant to policy formation, Oi Ling SIU
Privatization of public housing : an analysis of policy alternatives, Lok Sang HO
Realism/anti-realism : a debate, Adam MULLER and PaisleyNathan LIVINGSTON
Stress among workers in catering industry in Hong Kong : a re-examination of data using a facet approach, Oi Ling SIU
The efficient marriage market hypothesis : a direct test, Hon Kwong LUI and Wing SUEN
The Kornai effect and soft budget constraints, Wing Chung PUN
The multilateral trading system : the way ahead, Jesús SEADE
The Russian revolutions, Max WEBER, William Peter BAEHR, and Gordon C. WELLS
The use of channel integration as a strategic option : a study of Hong Kong clothing manufacturers, T. S. CHAN
上海与中央财政关系初探, Lok Sang HO and Qiyuan CUI (崔启源)
中國歷代文論精品, Shaokang ZHANG (張少康), Yonglin LU (盧永璘), Jian ZHANG (張健), and Chunhong WANG
刀與現實 : 讀《他有一把鋒利的小刀》, Wai Ying CHAN
利用证券市场发展我国外贸行业, Mingming LENG and Y. WANG (王耘)
利用证券市场发展我国外贸行业的构想, Mingming LENG
「同志」話語與身份政治, Siu Leung LI