The Library collects data on research outputs published by active researchers at Lingnan University. This data provides the University with valuable information on the research activity of its staff.
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Submissions from 1999
Democracy, neoliberalism and growth with equity : lessons from India and Chile, Shalendra SHARMA
Design of environments for elderly people : an environmental psychological perspective, Oi Ling SIU
Development and democracy in India, Shalendra SHARMA
Education and the market place in Hong Kong and Mainland China, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
Employment strategy : comparing Japanese and British retail companies in Hong Kong., Mei Ling, May WONG and C. HENDRY
Environment and ageing : environmental policy, planning and design for elderly people in Hong Kong, David Rosser PHILLIPS and Gar On, Anthony YEH
Estimating British workers' demand for safety, Xiangdong WEI
Europe and the Asian financial crisis : coping with contagion, Brian BRIDGES
Grappling with theory and practice : search for people's alternatives and alliances, Kin Chi LAU and Jeannie Manipon
Grievance resolution : perceived goal interdependence and interaction patterns, Dean William TJOSVOLD and M. MORISHIMA
Human capital, growth, and inequality in Russia, Chengze, Simon FAN; Jody OVERLAND; and Michael SPAGAT
Identity, inference, and recollection in COME, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
Impacts of foreign policies on the gains from research and promotion, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON and G. W. EDWARDS
Implicit prices of prawn and shrimp attributes in the Philippine domestic market, Nerissa D. SALAYO; Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON; and Saroja SELVANATHAN
Incentives for foreign direct investment under imitation, Ping LIN and Kamal SAGGI
Income inequality : the impact on the hong Kong labour force, Hon Kwong LUI
Income taxation and foreign direct investment in China, Zhenpin, Kenny LIN
Inequalities in mortality and illness in Trent NHS Region, Natasha HUFF, Christine MACLEOD, David EBDON, David Rosser PHILLIPS, Lindsey DAVIES, and Andy NICHOLSON
In quest of harmony : Plato and Confucius on poetry, Zongqi CAI
Institutional performance in higher education : is quality a relevant concept?, James Stuart POUNDER
Late stages of epidemiological transition : health status in the developed world, Matthew SMALLMAN-RAYNOR and David Rosser PHILLIPS
"Left to the imagination" : Indian nationalisms and female sexuality in Trinidad, Tejaswini NIRANJANA
Managerial stress in Hong Kong and Taiwan : a comparative study, Oi Ling SIU, Luo LU, and Cary L. COOPER
Occupational inter-flow of urban and rural population, Can TANG and Kin Chi LAU
Partnering through cooperative goals in supply chain relationships, Alfred WONG
Personal letters and private lives, Shen TAN and Kin Chi LAU
Profitability, Ownership Structure and Technical Efficiency of Enterprises in the People's Republic of China: A Case of Manufacturing Industries in Shanghai, Ka Yiu, Michael FUNG; Kong Wing, Clement CHOW; and Kai Hong, Ken WAN
Relationships for quality improvement in the Hong Kong-China supply chain, Alfred WONG; Dean TJOSVOLD; Y. L., Winnie WONG; and C. K. LIU
Resurgence of patriarchy and women's response in China, Kin Chi LAU, M. LIU, and L. X. ZHANG
Resurgent patriarchies : challenges for women's movements in Asia, Urvashi BUTALIA, Neng MAGNO, and Kin Chi LAU
Stable cartel with a cournot fringe in a symmetric oligopoly, Hideo KONISHI and Ping LIN
Symmetric and nonsymmetric Macdonald polynomials, Daniel Graham MARSHALL
The cost of managerialism : the implications for the 'McDonaldisation' of higher education in Hong Kong, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
The determinants of hiring older workers : evidence from Hong Kong, John S. HEYWOOD, Lok Sang HO, and Xiangdong WEI
The determinants of top management pay, Michael Arthur FIRTH; M. TAM; and Mo Lin, Moureen TANG
The effectiveness of higher educational institutions : a Hong Kong study employing the competing values framework, James Stuart POUNDER
The importance of the local environment in the lives of urban elderly people, David Rosser PHILLIPS
The minimum wage, income distribution, and employment opportunities, Hon Kwong LUI
The paradox of developments : state policy, agricultural modernization and rural poverty in India, Shalendra SHARMA
The political pragmatism of Chinese university students : 10 years after the 1989 movement, Che Po CHAN
The signaling impact of the suspension of trading in China's trasury bond futures, Winnie P. H. POON and Michael FIRTH
The spratlys and other South China Sea Islands disputes, Chien Peng CHUNG
We in Hong Kong : claiming to speak for the community, Roger BERRY
Women workers in Hong Kong : narrowing the gender gap, Hon Kwong LUI
二元分離與聚合 : 論《吉姆爺》的敘述結構, Yifeng SUN
从东吴学术文化特点看陆机文学理论和创作, Chunhong WANG
先锋派小说中有关「文化大革命」的荒诞叙述, Zidong XU
关于《毛诗大序》的重新解读, Chunhong WANG
前言, Iam Chong IP
叙述文革, Zidong XU
《句讀學論稿》(任遠), Hung Kai LEE (李雄溪)
在“为艺术而艺术”的背后 : 关于《典论·论文》的重新解读, Chunhong WANG
契合大众审美趣味与宣泄需求的"灾难故事" : "文革小说"叙事研究之一, Zidong XU
女性主义与民族主义 : 恐惧、暴力、家国、女人, Kin Chi LAU
小提琴, Anne RICE, Mingjun LU (卢明君), Jun ZHU (朱军), and Liping BAI
《左传》所释《春秋》书法考辨三则, Tzu Pin HSU
《左傳》「子卯不樂」解, Tzu Pin HSU
巨人與巨獸 : 寫在下一次專輯之前的後語, Iam Chong IP
"感谢苦难"与"拒绝忏悔" : 解读有关文革的当代小说, Zidong XU
文化误读与误译, Liping BAI
文革小說中的拯救主題, Zidong XU
文革小說中的罪與罰, Zidong XU
書評 : «The democratization of China», Yiu Chung WONG
現代化與應用研究的偏差性 : 以香港老人研究為例, Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW and Pui Leung, Rance LEE (李沛良)
略論海外華文小說中的文革敘述, Zidong XU
破除敎育市場化的迷信, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
"红卫兵—知青"视角的"文革记忆", Zidong XU
翻譯中需要警惕的「陷阱」, Yifeng SUN
老有所終? 香港中年市民的退休準備, Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW; Ying Keung CHAN (陳膺強); and Po San, Shirley WAN (尹寶珊)
聆聽歧域之音, Kin Chi LAU
自由·創作, Wai Ying CHAN
蓝领工人工作压力研究, Oi Ling SIU
“道”之译与译之“道”, Liping BAI
選舉與香港民主發展, Pang Kwong LI
Submissions from 1998
A holistic perspective on quality quests and quality gains : the role of environment, Y. L., Winnie WONG
An evaluation on the employees’ retraining programmes in Hong Kong, M. L., May WONG
Asia's economic crisis and the IMF, Shalendra SHARMA
A study of age differences in coping strategies and locus of control, Oi Ling SIU
A study of occupational stress, job satisfaction, and quitting intention in Hong Kong firms : the role of locus of control and organizational commitment, Oi Ling SIU and Cary L. COOPER
Audit scheduling and the control of travel costs using an optimization model for multinational and multinational audits, Koon Hung CHAN, Shui F. LAM, and Shijun CHENG
Book review : Group model building : facilitating team learning using system dynamics, Dean William TJOSVOLD
Book review : "Private education in modern China", Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
Book review : Sociology of aging : international perspectives, David Rosser PHILLIPS
Book review : The golden needle : the biography of Frederick Stewart (1836-1889), Yiu Chung WONG
Caesar and the fading of the Roman world : a study in Republicanism and Caesarism, William Peter BAEHR
Capital formation, technological change and economic growth in Guandong after 1978, Kui Yin CHEUNG and Chengze, Simon FAN
China's road to exchange rate liberalization, Lok Sang HO
Clonal population structure and genetic variation in sand-shinnery oak, Quercus havardii (Fagaceae), Steven G. MAYES; Mark, Alan MCGINLEY; and Charles R. WERTH
Collective representations as a metaconstruct : an analysis based on methodological relationalism, Yau Fai, David HO and Chi Yue CHIU
Conflict over the study of conflict : the challenge to make it cooperative, Dean William TJOSVOLD
Confucian ethics : universalistic or particularistic?, Wai Ying WONG
Cooperative and competitive goal approach to conflict : accomplishments and challenges, Dean William TJOSVOLD
Coordination to market technology : the contribution of cooperative goals and interaction, Dean William TJOSVOLD, Lindsay MEREDITH, and Choy L. WONG
Country-of-origin rules : its origin, nature, and directions for reform, Lok Sang HO
Dealing with scarce resources : open-minded interaction for resolving budget conflicts, Dean William TJOSVOLD and Margaret POON
Design and implementation of a program quality assessment tool : three case studies of primary health services in developing countries, Praema RAGHAVAN-GILBERT, David Rosser PHILLIPS, and A. Lee GILBERT
Does consumer sentiment forecast household spending? The Hong Kong case, Chengze FAN and Phoebe WONG
Does school quality matter? Evidence from the Hong Kong experience, Hon Kwong LUI and Wing SUEN
Empowerment in the manager-employee relationship in Hong Kong : interdependence and controversy, Dean William TJOSVOLD; Chun HUI; and S., Kenneth LAW
Evaluating the training of effective writers through a business letter writing course, Wai Yin, Anna YU; Kim Ling, Pionie FOO; Wai Yee, Irene NG; and Lai Yi, Lilian LAW