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Submissions from 2001

《史通》與《文心雕龍》相關性之考辨, Chunhong WANG

命中目標 : 翻譯學研究的走向 : 翻譯學研究刊物《目標》評介, Yifeng SUN

喜歡看電影的漢學家 : 一個聽眾的報告, Shuk Han WONG

大專基礎中文課程的構想, Hung Kai LEE

奧運、民族主義、民主化, Yiu Chung WONG

"女也不爽"解, Chunhong WANG

宋金倩在樓梯街, Shuk Han WONG

《左傳》聘禮禮辭研究, Tzu Pin HSU


市場化與大學理治模式變遷 : 香港與臺灣比較研究, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK and Ho Chun LO (羅浩俊)

市場化與高等敎育發展 : 香港與內地比較硏究, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK

張看 : 現在、過去、未來, Wai Ying CHAN

從民族主義的歷史緣起看世界公民的前景, Wing Sang LAW

從翻譯學的角度看漢英對比硏究的若干問題, Donghui LI

文心雕龙研究史, Shaokang ZHANG (张少康), Chunhong WANG, Yunfeng CHEN (陈允锋), and Litian TAO (陶礼天)

新聞「爆料」的背後代價, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK


柏拉圖和孔子詩論中的和諧說, Zongqi CAI

比较分析《文心雕龙》对于钱谦益与王士祯的影响, Chunhong WANG

沉起凤《谐铎》中的虚构旅行, Yin Ping, Grace LAU

沉默・家国历史・女人, Kin Chi LAU


流轉, Wai Ying CHAN

物化苍凉 : 张爱玲意象技巧初探, Zidong XU

略論海外華文小說中的「文革敍述」, Zidong XU

结论 : 为香港社会政策作一个评价, Paul WILDING and Ka Ho, Joshua MOK

莎士比亚十四行诗中“summer”意象的翻译, Liping BAI

"調侃" : 漢語修辭中"荒謬任誕"的手法, Donghui LI

《诗经》中动词"有"的配价语法研究, Maopeng MA


「贊助」與翻譯 : 胡適對梁實秋翻譯莎士比亞的影響, Liping BAI

跨文化空間? : 朝向中文電影的詩學, David BORDWELL; Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH; and Wai Sim LAU (劉慧嬋)

「輸入優才」計劃對社會的啓示, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK

輸水管森林, Zidong XU

錢賓四先生《劉向歆父子年譜》與《左傳》真偽問題研究, Chow Yiu SIN and Tzu Pin HSU

钟馗神话的由来及其形象, Yin Ping, Grace LAU

陽間群鬼 : 劉璋《斬鬼傳》中的怪誕諷刺色彩, Yin Ping, Grace LAU

香港・中国における魯迅小説の映画化, Shuk Han WONG and Sumiyo SHIRAI (白井澄世)

香港服裝西化的歷程及其社會意義, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN

香港短篇小說選, 1998-1999, Zidong XU

Submissions from 2000


A behaviourally anchored rating scales approach to institutional self-assessment in higher education, James Stuart POUNDER


A bibliography of neural network business applications research : 1994-1998, Bo K. WONG, Vincent S. LAI, and Jolie LAM


Aesthetic ineffability, Rafael DE CLERCQ

Ageing in the Asia-Pacific region : issues, policies and contexts, David Rosser PHILLIPS

Ageing in the Asia-Pacific region : issues, policies and future trends, David Rosser PHILLIPS


Alternative flotation methods, adverse selection, and ownership structure : evidence from seasoned equity issuance in the U.K., M. B. SLOVIN, M. E. SUSHKA, and K. W. L. LAI


A monthly econometric model of the transmission of the great depression between the principal industrial economies, James FOREMAN-PECK, Andrew Hughes HALLETT, and Yue MA


An empirical analysis of the bias and rationality of profit forecasts published in new issue prospectuses, T. Y. CHENG and Michael Arthur FIRTH


An encounter with a face of Chinese capitalism, Dean William TJOSVOLD


An experimental study of auditor analytical review judgements, Zhenpin, Kenny LIN; Ian A. M. FRASER; and David J. HATHERLY

An international study of work locus of control and well-being, Paul E. SPECTOR; Cary L. COOPER; Juan I. SANCHEZ; Peggy BERNIN; André BÜSSING; Peter M. HART; Karen MILLER; Michael P. O'DRISCOLL; Gabrielle M. OSTROGNAY; Milan PAGON; Horea D. PITARIU; Steven POELMANS; Phanikiran RADHAKRISHNAN; Vladimir SALAMATOV; Jesus F. SALGADO; Satoru SHIMA; Oi Ling SIU; Töres THEORELL; Peter VLERICK; Maria WIDERSZAL-BAZYL; Mina WESTMAN; T. P., Paul WONG; and Shanfa YU

An overview of Asia in the new millennium, Shalendra SHARMA


Are Hong Kong companies prepared for crisis?, K. S., John CHONG and Mee Kau NYAW


Are older workers disadvantaged in the Hong Kong labour market?, Lok Sang HO; Xiangdong WEI; and Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON

A study of relocation stress, coping and quality of life among older persons in Hong Kong, Siu Pan, Benny CHAN; David Rosser PHILLIPS; and Oi Ling SIU


Auditing standards in China : a comparative analysis with relevant international standards and guidelines, Zhenpin, Kenny LIN and Koon Hung CHAN


Automated translation of JSD into CSP : a case study in methods integration, Wing Lok YEUNG


Book review : Democracy and modernisation, Yiu Chung WONG


Book review : Hong Kong's embattled democracy : a societal analysis, Yiu Chung WONG


Book review : Ruth Cherrington, Deng’s Generation : Young Intellectuals in 1980s China; Bruce Gilley, Tiger on the Brink : Jiang Zemin and China’s New Elite; Willy Wo-Lap Lam, The Era of Jiang Zemin, William Peter BAEHR

Cinema and nation, Mette HJORT and Scott MACKENZIE


"Colonization," resistance, and the uses of postcolonial translation theory in twentieth-century China, Tak Hung, Leo CHAN


Communal cooperative institutions and peasant revolutions in South China, 1926-1934, Baohui ZHANG


Conflict management, efficacy, and performance in organizational teams, Steve ALPER; Dean William TJOSVOLD; and S., Kenneth LAW


Constructing the new international financial architecture : what role for the IMF?, Shalendra SHARMA


Constructivism, instructional design, and technology : implications for transforming distance learning, Maureen TAM

Country of origin, value-added exports, and Sino-US trade balance reconciliation, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON and Yak Yeow KUEH

Degree of success : the occupational success of highly qualified women : a Hong Kong and British comparison, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN and Sin Yi CHEUNG


Diamond and Dybvig's classic theory of financial intermediation : what's missing?, Edward J. GREEN and Ping LIN


Discovering knowledge from medical databases using evolutionary algorithms : learning rules and causal structures for capturing patterns and causality relationships, Man Leung WONG; Wai LAM; Kwong Sak LEUNG; Po Shun NGAN; and C. Y., Jack CHENG


Discovering knowledge from noisy databases using genetic programming, Man Leung WONG; Kwong Sak LEUNG; and C. Y., Jack CHENG

Economic characteristics of urban migrant workers and their earning potentials, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON

Economic development and the changing patterns of consumption in urban China, Chengze, Simon FAN


Evaluating the relevance of quality to institutional performance assessment in higher education, James Stuart POUNDER


Examining the competing values framework in a higher educational context : implications of a Hong Kong study, James Stuart POUNDER


Fashioning change : nationalism, colonialism, and modernity in Hong Kong, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN


Fragmentation in the Hong Kong health care system : myth and reality, Ian HOLLIDAY and Wai Keung TAM


Geographical studies of atopic dermatitis, Nicholas MCNALLY and David Rosser PHILLIPS


Globalization or re-colonization : higher education reforms in Hong Kong, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK and Hiu Hong, Michael LEE

Hong Kong : captive colony, Yiu Chung WONG

Hong Kong from Britain to China : political cleavages, electoral dynamics and institutional changes, Pang Kwong LI

Hong Kong in the midst of a currency crisis, Lok Sang HO


How does Asia mean? (Part I), Ge SUN, Shiu Lun HUI, and Kin Chi LAU


How does Asia mean? (Part II), Ge SUN, Shiu Lun HUI, and Kin Chi LAU

Il desiderio mimetico in René Girard, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON


Impact of globalization : a study of quality assurance systems of higher education in Hong Kong and Singapore, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK

Integrating supplier satisfaction with customer satisfaction, Alfred WONG


International dimensions of income taxation in China : a critique, Zhenpin, Kenny LIN


Is there a geographical variation in eczema prevalence in the U.K.? Evidence from the 1958 British birth cohort study, N. J. MCNALLY, H. C. WILLIAMS, David Rosser PHILLIPS, and D. P. STRACHAN

Lessons from Shengze : China's 'number one' rural industrial town, Xiangdong WEI


Letter to the editor : three-wave trend study of managerial stress in Hong Kong : the role of type A behavior and exercise, Oi Ling SIU, Cary L. COOPER, and Tat Wing LEUNG

Long-term care, David Rosser PHILLIPS


Making ethical judgements : a cross-cultural management study, Terence JACKSON, Cindy DAVID, Satish DESHPANDE, Janice JONES, Jacob JOSEPH, K. F. LAU, Ken MATSUNO, Chiaki NAKANO, Hun Joon PARK, Joanna PIORUNOWSKA-KOKOSZKO, Iwao TAKA, and Hideki YOSHIHARA


Measuring research benefits in an imperfect market : second reply, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON

Middle-class formation and consumption in Hong Kong, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN


Moral dilemmas and the management of private residential homes : the impact of care in the community reforms in the UK, Gavin J. ANDREWS and David Rosser PHILLIPS


Northbound colonialism : a politics of post-PC Hong Kong, Wing Sang LAW


Overnight information and intraday trading behavior : evidence from NYSE cross-listed stocks and their local market information, Kalok CHAN; Mark CHOCKALINGAM; and W. L., Kent LAI

Paradigmatic shift from monological representation to intersubjective communication : a corollary following the postmodernist debate, Ersu DING


Parallel computing using web servers and servlets, Alfred LOO, Chris BLOOR, and Y. K. CHOI


Philosophy of science that ignores science : race, IQ and heritability, Neven SESARDIC


Post-experience management education and training in China, Chak Ming WO and James Stuart POUNDER


Private residential care for older persons : local impacts of care in the community reforms in England and Wales, Gavin J. ANDREWS and David Rosser PHILLIPS


Reflecting globalization effects on local policy : higher education reform in Taiwan, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK