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Submissions from 2007
The executive, Pang Kwong LI
The geography of health care systems, David Rosser PHILLIPS, Mark W. ROSENBERG, and Kathleen WILSON
The 'handles' and 'sides' of metaphor, Ersu DING
The impacts of neo-liberalism on China's higher education, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK and Yat Wai, William LO
The influence of emotional dissonance and resources at work on job burnout among Chinese human service employees, Yue Lok, Francis CHEUNG and So Kum, Catherine TANG
The insufficiency of the Dutch Book argument, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM
The modernization of Chinese nuclear forces and its impact on Sino-U.S. relations, Baohui ZHANG
The myth of 'scientific method' in contemporary educational research, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM and Sarah Jane AISTON
Theories of inquiry and theories of learning : what's the link?, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM
The quest for 'world class' status : university responses and strategies in Asia, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
The redistributive effect of public housing in Hong Kong, Hon Kwong LUI
The return of the subject, Ersu DING
The returns to language ability in Hong Kong : before and after the handover, Hon Kwong LUI
The role of trust in knowledge management, Lai Cheung, Leo LEUNG and Kwok Fai LAU
The search for new governance : corporatisation and privatisation of public universities in Malaysia and Thailand, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
The Shanghai cooperation organization : to the 7th summit and after, Chien Peng CHUNG
The short-run price-performance dynamics of microcomputer technologies, J. Christopher WESTLAND and Wing Kuen, Eric SEE-TO
The temporal relationship between falls and fear-of-falling among Chinese older primary-care patients in Hong Kong, Kee Lee CHOU and Iris CHI
The use of global strategies by British construction firms, Paul A. WHITLA, Peter WALTERS, and Howard DAVIES
To thine own self be untrue : against the cable guy paradox, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM and Peter BAUMANN
Towards a contextualist account of epistemic values, Christoph JÄGER and Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM
Trade wars and the slump, James FOREMAN-PECK, Andrew Hughes HALLETT, and Yue MA
Transactive memory system links work team characteristics and performance, Zhi Xue ZHANG, Paul S. HEMPEL, Yu-Lan HAN, and Dean TJOSVOLD
Translation, identity politics and diplomatic communication in Tang China, Donghui LI
Trigger-point mechanism and conditional commitment : implications for entry, collusion, and welfare, Larry D. QIU; Kwok Hon, Leonard CHENG; and Michael K. FUNG
Turnover intention and performance in China : the role of positive affectivity, Chinese values, perceived organizational support and constructive controversy, Chun HUI; Shiu Ho, Alfred WONG; and Dean William TJOSVOLD
University–Industry Technology Transfer in Hong Kong, Shing Chung, Patrick POON and Kan S. CHAN
Values and attitudes toward social and environmental accountability : a study of MBA students, Kyoko FUKUKAWA, William Eugene SHAFER, and Grace Meina LEE
Views on the Premier’s Residence, Xin LIU (刘欣) and Liping BAI
Voluntary audit committee formation and agency costs, Michael Arthur FIRTH and Oliver M. RUI
Wage compensation for job-related illness : evidence from a matched employer and employee survey in the UK, Xiangdong WEI
Why advocate pancritical rationalism?, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM and Otávio BUENO
Why has feedback systems thinking struggled to influence strategy and policy formulation : a comment, Rafael BECERRIL-ARREOLA
Withdrawal, apathy and lack of vigor in late life depression : factorial validity and relationship to diagnosis, Sheung Tak CHENG and Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN
Withering the state? Globalization challenges and changing higher education governance in East Asia, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
World War I and the Anglo-American imagined community : civilization vs. barbarism in British propaganda and American newspapers, Jessica BENNETT and Mark HAMPTON
一國定兩制 : 黃老道術與香港政治, Wan Kan CHIN
不為考試閱讀更有趣味, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
中国文学编年史 : 两晋南北朝卷, Chunhong WANG
中国的高等教育 : 从国家福利到教育的私有化和市场化, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
中國與上海合作組織的制度化, Chien Peng CHUNG
主流媒體的輿論角色, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
主觀福祉, Po San, Shirley WAN (尹寶珊); Ka Ying, Timothy WONG (王家英); Ying Keung CHAN (陳膺強); and Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW
互涉閱讀趣味更多, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
伯仲之間, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
借古鑒今 : 應用文教學一議, Hung Kai LEE
儒家原則主義者 : 許愈, Chunhong WANG
兩岸三地新電影的低調女性 : 試論關錦鵬的女性書寫, Shuk Han WONG
公開考試主導下的「通識教育」學習經歷 : 高級程度通識教育科會考考試報告(1994-2005)分析, Po Keung HUI
利是、利事還是利市, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
勵志書是成長的養料, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
十三轍、民謠用韻與上古漢語韻部元音構擬的原則, Maopeng MA
十二霞峰, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
博雅大學的中文教育, Hung Kai LEE
反垄断中的必需设施原则 : 美国和欧盟的经验, Ping LIN, Kebin MA (马克斌), and Yiqun WANG (王轶群)
哲學、社會學與知識份子 : 當漢娜‧鄂蘭遇上曼海姆與知識社會學, William Peter BAEHR and Yuze, Poe WAN (萬毓澤)
回應沈清松教授《中國哲學文本的詮釋與英譯 : 以〈齊物論〉為例》, Wai Wai CHIU
在寻常中闪耀的和平的希望 : 妇女的不言之教, Kin Chi LAU
培養閱讀受用無窮, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
多彩的和平: 108 名婦女的故事, Shun Hing CHAN, Kin Chi LAU, Jinhua DAI, and Xiumei ZHONG
姊姊妹妹自發功 直到香港的盡頭, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN and Zhenzhao TANG (湯禎兆)
實證與印象 : 魯迅的面貌, Wai Ying CHAN
对“他者”的挪用 : 英国文学中关于中国的相反观念, Ersu DING
小媒體.大事件, Iam Chong IP
屯門地名考, Chi Pang LAU
屯門歷史與文化, Chi Pang LAU
嶺南大學的漢語教學, Hung Kai LEE
《左傳》禮徵舉隅, Tzu Pin HSU
希望的土壤, Kin Chi LAU
平衡與取捨 : 理想中文系課程的構想, Hung Kai LEE
廖平說《春秋》「築王姬之館于外」之意論, Tzu Pin HSU
從流行歌曲中吸取養份, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
從詩歌看中國自然觀念的基礎, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
從開放社會到全球資本主義危機, Wing Sang LAW
心理描寫令人物有血有肉, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
想像中国的方法 : 以小说史研究为中心, Dewei WANG, Zidong XU, and Pingyuan CHEN
想像力有利讀寫, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
我要學愉快讀書, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
敢求突破創寫作空間, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
敦煌《占雲氣書》殘卷與雲雷興象, Tzu Pin HSU
文化研究與新的文化現實, Binhui LIAO; Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN; and Xiaoming WANG
文学中的上海、北京与香港, Zidong XU
《新安縣志》香港史料選, Chi Pang LAU and Shu-yong LIU (劉蜀永)
新自由主义与亚洲高等教育发展 : 呼唤当代大学“公共意识”的回归, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
新鮮角度入手釋放創意, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
明代嘉靖时期"旧传奇""新骈绮"对昆剧之影响新论 : 文词典雅、情致优美与浪漫颓唐, Sau Ieng SI TOU
晚年生活與退休準備, Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW; Po San, Shirley WAN (尹寶珊); and Ka Ying, Timothy WONG (王家英)
「朱買臣休妻」的教化意義 : 傳統與現代詮釋, Sau Ieng SI TOU
朱駿聲「兩誼相反之字」補說, Hung Kai LEE
梁實秋翻譯思想研究, Liping BAI
欠重點描寫文章會「沒精打采」, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
殖民無間道, Wing Sang LAW
民主戲一場 : 香港文化與現實政治, Wan Kan CHIN
民粹的邏輯、犬儒的後果, Po Keung HUI
消极自由与理性的局限, Yujian ZHENG
消除對競爭法的誤解, Ping LIN
王國維及其《人間詞話》, Chunhong WANG
现代中西绘画对谈, Suk Mun, Sophia LAW
社會素質, Po San, Shirley WAN (尹寶珊); Ka Ying, Timothy WONG (王家英); and Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW
社會階級、社會流動與福利政策, Ka Ying, Timothy WONG (王家英); Po San, Shirley WAN (尹寶珊); and Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW