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Submissions from 2003


Providing navigation aids and online learning helps to support user control : a conceptual model on computer-based learning, C. K., Albert LEUNG


Regional integration in China : a statistical model, Xinpeng YU and Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON


Scalable model-based clustering by working on data summaries, Huidong JIN, Man Leung WONG, and Kwong Sak LEUNG


Similar trends, diverse agendas : higher education reforms in East Asia, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK


Socioeconomic impact of osteoarthritis in Hong Kong : utilization of health and social services, and direct and indirect costs, Jean WOO, Edith LAU, Chak Sing LAU, Polly LEE, James ZHANG, Timothy KWOK, Cynthia CHAN, P. CHIU, Kai Ming CHAN, A. CHAN, and D. LAM


Stress, resources, and life satisfaction among older adults in Malaysia, Fon Sim ONG and David Rosser PHILLIPS


Structural change and the narrowing gender gap in wages : theory and evidence from Hong Kong, Chengze, Simon FAN and Hon Kwong LUI


Sustainable business versus sustainable environment : a case study of the Hong Kong shark fin business, C. K., Gordon CHEUNG and Chak Yan CHANG


Tax issues concerning foreign investment in NPL assets in China, Zhenpin, Kenny LIN; Kim Wan, Rebecca LUO; and Wai Yee, Pauline WONG


Teaching English as culture : paradigm shifts in postcolonial discourse, Eugene Chen EOYANG

Testing of the cross-cultural applicability of technology acceptance model : evidence from the PRC, Linjun HUANG, Mingte LU, and Bo K. WONG

The Asian financial crisis : crisis, reform and recovery, Shalendra SHARMA

The creation of art : new essays in philosophical aesthetics, Berys GAUT and Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON

The defense of Xinjiang : politics, economics, and security in Central Asia, Chien Peng CHUNG


The development of a brief measure of school attitude, Sheung Tak CHENG and Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN


The impact of terminal handling charges on overall shipping charges : an empirical study, Michael K. FUNG; Kwok Hon, Leonard CHENG; and Larry D. QIU


The moderating effect of local environment on a foreign affiliate's global is strategy-effectiveness relationship, Vincent S. LAI and Bo K. WONG


The polysemous term of shen 神 in Wenxin diaolong, Zongqi CAI

The process of science, Mark, Alan MCGINLEY


The quest for quality education and a learning society in Hong Kong, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK and Paul WILDING


The social exchange and instrumental perspectives on employees' response to job insecurity, Yui Tim, Edward WONG; Chi Sum WONG; Hang Yue NGO; and Hon Kwong LUI


The use of analytical procedures by external auditors in Canada, Zhenpin, Kenny LIN and Ian A. M. FRASER

Transaction cost, currency substitution, and the economic integration between Hong Kong and Southern China, Kui Yin CHEUNG and Chengze, Simon FAN


Translating cultural differences, Yifeng SUN


Translation and/as Simulation : First Attempts at Imitating James Joyce's Ulysses in Hong Kong, 1960-1963, Tak Hung, Leo CHAN


Western Europe and north Korea : new openings and old problems, Brian BRIDGES


Women and retirement planning : towards the "feminization of poverty" in an aging Hong Kong, Keng Mun, William LEE

中国上市公司投资决策与软预算约束, Kong Wing, Clement CHOW; Min SONG (宋敏); and Jiebang WANG (王杰邦)

中国《文心雕龙》学会第七届年会综述, Chunhong WANG

从郭店楚简与马王堆帛书等出土文献看扬、班关于屈原的评价, Chunhong WANG

从郭店楚简看屈骚的抒情性, Chunhong WANG

再論雙語互譯文本語料的量化分析, Donghui LI


「勢」的美學 : 費諾洛薩和龐德中國文字理論之再評價, Zongqi CAI

后殖民食物与爱情, Zidong XU

大學實用中文, Qian WANG (王倩); Siu Lam TIN (田小琳); Wai Yiu WU (胡維堯); Hualing CHEN; Ching Mei, Irene CHANG; Yuen Ying PAT (畢宛嬰); Dezhi HAN; Yifeng SUN; and Chinese Language Education and Assessment Centre, Lingnan University

富裕中的貧乏 : 香港文化經濟評論, Po Keung HUI

屯門風物志, Chi Pang LAU

市場無形,特區有形, Hon Kwong LUI

「建構」政權,「解構」迷信? 1929年至1930年廣州市風俗改革委員會的個案研究, Shuk Wah POON

後殖民評論與文化政治, Wing Sang LAW

從流行文學的改編看邵氏和電懋---杜寧和瓊瑤的例子, Shuk Han WONG


從韓流看亞洲流行文化的流轉, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG


怪誕的旅行 : 《鏡花緣》的域外諸國, Yin Ping, Grace LAU

怪诞与讽刺 : 明清通俗小说诠释, Yin Ping, Grace LAU

情、法、認受性 : 港府的抉擇, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK

慣用語分析與香港的應用文教學, Hung Kai LEE and Tzu Pin HSU

揉性的身份認同, Siu Leung LI


文藝思想與翻譯 : 梁實秋新人文義思想對其翻譯的影響, Liping BAI

死亡與生命的意義, Wai Ying WONG

比较与思考, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK; Kin Keung, David CHAN (陈建强); and Anguo TANG (唐安国)

粵語AAB式形容詞初探, Hung Kai LEE

絕對道德 : 明中葉傳奇倫理價值探微, Sau Ieng SI TOU

論梅慶生《文心雕龍音注》兼及晚明文風, Chunhong WANG

論魏晉時期學術思想之轉型 : 關於《世說新語》一條材料的疏證, Chunhong WANG

论赋体之缘起, Chunhong WANG

跨文化語境下的意識形態 : 兼論翻譯的功能與作用, Yifeng SUN

關於《文心雕龍》“江山之助”的本義, Chunhong WANG


阮籍的象征表现手法与咏怀体的艺术特征, Zongqi CAI


電影寫入文學 : 也斯與歐洲電影文化初探, Shuk Han WONG

青春の泉 : 井上梅次的邵氏電影, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH and Darrell William DAVIS

香港における「がんばる」女のトランスナショナルな消費と想像力, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG

香港敎育政策硏究, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK and Kin Keung, David CHAN (陈建强)

香港經濟浮沉見證錄, Lok Sang HO

香港高等教育财政模式的变迁, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK

高級實用中文 : 普通話語音及政府公文寫作, Dezhi HAN and Chinese Language Education and Assessment Centre, Lingnan University

默絃詩草, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

Submissions from 2002

A Chinese literary mind : culture, creativity, and rhetoric in Wenxin diaolong, Zongqi CAI

A confucian note on modern liberal education, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG


Ageing and long-term care : national policies in the Asia-Pacific, David Rosser PHILLIPS and Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN

Ageing in Asia and the Pacific : critical issues in national policies and programmes, David Rosser PHILLIPS and Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN


A hybrid approach to learn Bayesian networks using evolutionary programming, Man Leung WONG, Shing Yan LEE, and Kwong Sak LEUNG

Ain't no coming back : an introduction to Western thought & culture, James Andrew RICE


A mental cognitive model of web semantic for e-customer profile, I. S. Y. KWAN


An assessment of digital divide in the PRC, Mingte LU, Ping LIN, Guo Ling LAO, and Xue Feng ZHANG

An exploratory essay on the economics of Chinese medicine, Lok Sang HO

An investigation of personal values and school behaviors, Yue Lok, Francis CHEUNG and Wing Tung, Winton AU


A peer-to-peer distributed selection algorithm for the internet, Alfred LOO and Y. K. CHOI


A reassessment of the distribution of Cuora flavomarginata Gray 1863 on mainland China, Jonathan J. FONG, James Ford PARHAM, and Jinzong FU


Are work stress relationships universal? A nine-region examination of role stressors, general self-efficacy, and burnout, Pamela L. PERREWE; Wayne A. HOCHWARTERB; Ana Maria ROSSI; Alan WALLACE; Isabelle MAIGNAN; Stephanie L CASTRO; David A RALSTON; Mina WESTMAN; Guenther VOLLMER; Mo Lin, Moureen TANG; Man Kei, Paulina WAN; and Cheryl A Van DEUSEN


A self-organizing map with expanding force for data clustering and visualization, Wing Ho SHUM, Hui Dong JIN, Kwong Sak LEUNG, and Man Leung WONG


A study of family support, friendship, and psychological well-being among older women in Hong Kong, Oi Ling SIU and David Rosser PHILLIPS


A study on the management of semantic transaction for efficient data retrieval, Shi Ming HUANG, Irene KWAN, and Chih He LI


Autographic and allographic aspects of ritual, Rafael DE CLERCQ and Paul CORTOIS


Beyond crony capitalism : from banking crisis to financial crisis in Indonesia, Shalendra SHARMA

Bonnie : 我係邊緣人, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN


Book review : Healthy urban planning : a WHO guide to planning for people, David Rosser PHILLIPS


Book review : In the grip of freedom : law and modernity in Max Weber, William Peter BAEHR


Book review : Organization and management in the embrace of government, Dean William TJOSVOLD

Book review : Reinventing India : liberalization, Hindu nationalism and popular democracy, Shalendra SHARMA


Book review : The Asian financial crisis and the ordeal of Hong Kong, Lok Sang HO

Building supercomputer with peer-to-peer technologies, Wai Sing, Alfred LOO; Y. K. CHOI; and Cyril TSE


Business Risk, Political Affiliation and Future Development Plans of Small Business Owners in China, Kong Wing, Clement CHOW and Ka Yiu, Michael FUNG


Changing government role for socio-economic development in Hong Kong in the twenty-first century, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK and Ka Wai, Maggie LAU


Changing local geographies of private residential care for older people 1983-1999 : lessons for social policy in England and Wales, Gavin J. ANDREWS and David Rosser PHILLIPS


China and Falun Gong : party and society relations in the modern era, Beatrice LEUNG

China's 'counter-hedging' engagement with Southeast Asia, Chien Peng CHUNG


China's special economic areas : provincial competition and institutional change, Pang Kwong LI


China's "war on terror" : September 11 and Uighur separatism, Chien Peng CHUNG


Commentaries : theory-oriented reviews for applied psychology, Dean William TJOSVOLD


Commitment and conflict management for relational marketing in China, Shiu Ho, Alfred WONG; Dean TJOSVOLD; and Pengzhu ZHANG