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Submissions from 2004
記七四年畢業校友茶聚、晚宴, Yiu Chung WONG
論劉璣詩, Tzu Pin HSU
護老者在診症中的角色, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN and Hok Ka Carol MA
護老者的社會角色, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN and Meng Soi, Florence FONG
论《诗经》的“中+名词”结构, Gang XU
费密著述考, Chi Pang LAU
跋 : 老的垂死.新的未活 : 葛蘭西專輯的讀後隨筆, Wing Sang LAW
跨文化、越媒介 : 詩人導演關文清, Shuk Han WONG
「都老了,還扮什麼?」: 長者自我形象和健康長者的關係, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN
開拓翻譯學發展的空間, Yifeng SUN
關於曹丕《典論·論文》的重新解讀, Chunhong WANG
零售市場的壟斷問題 : 探討與分析, Tsang Sing CHAN and Wai Man YEUNG
青白紅, Dezhi HAN
香港短篇小說選, 2000-2001, Zidong XU
Submissions from 2003
Access to social services by the poor and disadvantaged in Asia and the Pacific : major trends and issues, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific; David Rosser PHILLIPS; and Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN
A cross-national comparative study of work-family stress, Paul E. SPECTOR, Cary L. COOPER, Steven A. Y. POELMANS, Tammy D. ALLEN, Michael P. O'DRISCOLL, Juan I. SANCHEZ, Oi Ling SIU, Philip DEWE, Peter M. HART, Luo LU, Gabrielle M. OSTROGNAY, Kate SPARKS, Paul WONG, and Shanfa YU
Adaptive diversity maintenance and convergence guarantee in multiobjective evolutionary algorithms, Huidong JIN and Man Leung WONG
Age differences in safety attitudes and safety performance in Hong Kong construction workers, Oi Ling SIU, David Rosser PHILLIPS, and Tat Wing LEUNG
A meta-analysis of the relationship between job satisfaction and employee health in Hong Kong, Monica H. CASS, Oi Ling SIU, E. Brian FARAGHER, and Cary L. COOPER
An efficient self-organizing map designed by genetic algorithms for the traveling salesman problem, Huidong JIN, Kwong Sak LEUNG, Man Leung WONG, and Zong Ben XU
An empirical study of the impact of changes in ownership structure on audit quality in an emerging stock market, Zhenpin, Kenny LIN and Fang ZHANG
An empirical study on the impact of culture on audit‐detected accounting errors, Koon Hung CHAN; Zhenpin, Kenny LIN; and Lai Lan, Phyllis MO
An inquiry into the relationship between Hong Kong's current economic crisis and housing policy, Lok Sang HO
Are unsolicited credit ratings biased downward?, Pui Han, Winnie POON
Asia : comparative and transnational, Shalendra SHARMA
Asian values, William Peter BAEHR
Auditor analytical review judgement : a performance evaluation, Zhenpin, Kenny LIN; Ian A. M. FRASER; and David J. HATHERLY
Bonapartism, William Peter BAEHR
Book review : Advances in social welfare in Hong Kong, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN
Book review : "Education in the new China : shaping ideas at work", Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
Book review : Free logic : selected essays, Darrell, Patrick ROWBOTTOM
Book review : Heart, character, and a science of man, William Peter BAEHR
Book review : Modeling rationality, morality and evolution, Neven SESARDIC
Book review : Philosophy of science and race, Neven SESARDIC
Book review : The dual developmental state : development strategy and institutional arrangements for China's transition, Yiu Chung WONG
Book review : The philosophy of Wu Ch'eng : a neo-confucian of the Yüan dynasty, Chi Pang LAU
Bringing politics back in : rethinking the Asian financial crisis and its aftermath, Shalendra SHARMA
Caesarism, William Peter BAEHR
Can interpersonal competition be constructive within organizations?, Dean William TJOSVOLD, David W. JOHNSON, Roger T. JOHNSON, and Haifa SUN
Charisma, Alan BRYMAN and William Peter BAEHR
China-ASEAN export rivalry in the US market, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON and Yue REN
City of masks, William Peter BAEHR
Classics of sociology, William Peter BAEHR
Collectivistic and individualistic values : their effects on group dynamics and productivity in China, Dean William TJOSVOLD; S., Kenneth LAW; and Haifa SUN
Conclusion : deep development or deep division?, Anthony WELCH and Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
Conflict management and task reflexivity for team in-role and extra-role performance in China, Dean William TJOSVOLD, Chun HUI, and Ziyou YU
Consumer interests and the ethical implications of marketing : a contingency framework, Geng CUI and Pravat CHOUDHURY
Contextual issues in the construction of computer-based learning programs, A. C. K. LEUNG
Contributions of capital stock improvement to economic growth : the case of Hong Kong, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON and K. Y., Edward CHEN
Cross-dressing in Chinese opera, Siu Leung LI
Decentralization and marketization of education in Singapore : a case study of the school excellence model, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
Democratization in South Korea and inter-Korean relations, Chien Peng CHUNG
Design factors of knowledge management systems for effective learning and training, C. K., Albert LEUNG
Dictatorship, William Peter BAEHR
Downstream R&D, raising rivals' costs, and input price contracts, Samiran BANERJEE and Ping LIN
Editorial, Richard JAMES and Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
Effects of organizational values on leaders' use of informational power to affect performance in China, Dean William TJOSVOLD, Peter T. COLEMAN, and Haifa F. SUN
Employee workplace effectiveness : implications for performance management practices and research, Yuk Lan WONG and Robin Stanley SNELL
Employing transformational leadership to enhance the quality of management development instruction, James Stuart POUNDER
Encyclopaedic dictionary of financial management, P. N. ABROL and Shalendra SHARMA
Equivalence between the Diamond-Dybvig banking model and the optimal income taxation model, Ping LIN
eSignature verification on web using statistical mining approach, Joseph FONG, San Kuen CHEUNG, and Irene KWAN
Estimating firm behavior under rationing : a panel data study of the Chinese manufacturing industry, Yue MA, Shu Kam LEE, and Hing Lin CHAN
Evolution of human jealousy : a just-so story or a just-so criticism?, Neven SESARDIC
Exchange rate regimes and macroeconomic stability, Lok Sang HO and Chi Wa YUEN
Factorial structure of the kidcope in Hong Kong adolescents, Sheung Tak CHENG and Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN
Globalisation and higher education restructuring in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
Globalization and educational restructuring in the Asia Pacific region, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK and Anthony WELCH
Globalization and higher educational restructuring in the four East Asian Little Dragons, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
Globalization or glocalization? Higher education reforms in Singapore, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK and Hiu Hong, Michael LEE
Globalization's challenges to higher education governance in South Korea, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK; Kiok YOON; and Anthony WELCH
Globalization, structural adjustment and educational reform, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK and Anthony WELCH
Hegel’s phenomenological dialectic and structure of Whitman’s “Song of myself”, Zongqi CAI
Heritability and indirect causation, Neven SESARDIC
Historical capitalism, east and west, Glovanni ARRIGHI, Po Keung HUI, Ho Fung HUNG, and Mark SELDEN
Human capital, study effort, and persistent income inequality, Chengze, Simon FAN
Hurtful experience : responses to being hurt within friendship, Miu Chi, Vivian LUN and Michael Harris BOND
Idiocentrism-allocentrism and our responses to being hurt by another : a four-nation study, Miu Chi, Vivian LUN and Michael Harris BOND
Images of the virtuous employee in China's transitional economy, Robin Stanley SNELL and Choo Sin TSENG
Implementing efficient allocations in a model of financial intermediation, Edward J. GREEN and Ping LIN
India's democratic resilience, Shalendra SHARMA
India's economic liberalization : a progress report, Shalendra SHARMA
Internet surfing for the blind : a prototype, Alfred LOO, Ming Te LU, and Chris BLOOR
Introduction, Lok Sang HO and Chi Wa YUEN
Investigation on the effectiveness on web-based learning using web-mining approach, I. Kwan LAU and J. FONG
"Its blooming waves wash away all heroes" : revisiting some problems in translating classical Chinese poetry, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG and Juliet TAI
Masculine gender role stress, burnout, and psychological distress in Chinese public service professionals, Yue Lok, Francis CHEUNG and So Kum, Catherine TANG
Nature and religion in ancient Chinese poetry, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
New evidence on unions and plant closings : Britain in the 1990s, John T. ADDISON, John S. HEYWOOD, and Xiangdong WEI
New tax rules on representative offices in China, Zhenpin, Kenny LIN
On an apparent truism in aesthetics, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
One into many : translation and the dissemination of classical Chinese literature, Tak Hung, Leo CHAN
Openness among Chinese in conflict : effects of direct discussion and warmth on integrative decision making, Dean William TJOSVOLD and Haifa F. SUN
Other as self : identification as recognition and defamiliarization in drama, Eugene Chen EOYANG
Othering the face and facing the other : textual strategies in transnational cultural production, Ersu DING
Pentimento, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
Programmed, autonomous-formal and spontaneous organizational learning, C. K. PAK and Robin Stanley SNELL