Lingnan Videos - Lectures & Seminars is the archive of scholarly presentations organized by Lingnan University, including public seminar, public lecture, inaugural lecture, university assembly, etc.
Book Talks
Booktalk at Library :《金庸: 從香港到世界》 | Booktalk at Library | Ching Hang, Matthew CHENG (鄭政恆)
Booktalk at Library : 涓流彩園錄 Strolling the Lingnan Garden, 2014-2015 | Booktalk at Library | Kin Chi LAU (劉健芝); Lai Seung, Marine AU YEUNG (歐陽麗嫦); Xiaohui YAN (嚴曉輝); and Peiyun JIN (靳培云)
Launching Ceremony & book launch | Inter-University Research Consortium for Higher Education Research | Jui Chung, Rachel CHENG; Ka Ho, Joshua MOK; Simon MARGINSON; Ye LIU; Rebecca Rebecca MCGUIRE-SNIECKUS; Hon Kwong LUI; Deane E. NEUBAUER; James Stuart POUNDER; and Kwok Hon, Leonard CHENG
Booktalk at library : 《香港女警六十年》 | Booktalk at library | Hau Nung, Annie CHAN
Booktalk at Library : 《療傷之旅 : 與你一起經歷喪親之痛》 | Booktalk at Library | Wai Ying WONG
Celebrating : research at Lingnan (4 Feb 2016) | Celebrating : research at Lingnan (Booktalk) | Baohui ZHANG and Mark Andrew HAMPTON
Celebrating : research at Lingnan (4 Dec 2015) | Celebrating : research at Lingnan (Booktalk) | Yifeng SUN and Jiji ZHANG
Booktalk at Library : Prof. Lau Chi Pang | Booktalk at library | Chi Pang LAU
Celebrating : research at Lingnan (16 April 2015) | Celebrating : research at Lingnan (Booktalk) | Ying Ling, Michelle HUANG and Xiaorong HAN
Celebrating : research at Lingnan (11 Mar 2015) | Celebrating : research at Lingnan | T. S. CHAN and Geng CUI
Booktalk at library : Prof Ho Lok-sang | Booktalk at library | Lok Sang HO
Celebrating : research at Lingnan (20 Jan 2015) | Celebrating : research at Lingnan (Booktalk) | Richard L. DAVIS and Siu Leung LI
Book launching ceremony cum seminars | Rajesh TANDON; Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN; Hok Ka, Carol MA; Mui Fong, Fanny MAK; and Cheng LIU
Booktalk at library : Governing Hong Kong | Booktalk at library | Pang Kwong LI
Celebrating : research at Lingnan (16 Oct 2014) | Celebrating : research at Lingnan (Booktalk) | Yin Ping, Grace LAU; Suk Mun, Sophia LAW; and Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
Book launch : Spirituality, happiness, and public policy = 何濼生教授新書發佈會 | Lok Sang HO (何濼生)
The Saath-Saath Project : album preview
The Saath-Saath Project : album preview : Q&A session
A Hongkonger in Bangalore : travelling with two bamboo mallets | Voice, Instrument and Cultural Difference : Musical Practice as Research | Kim-ho IP
The Saath-Saath project : China-India music collaboration | Voice, Instrument and Cultural Difference : Musical Practice as Research | Tejaswini NIRANJANA
Choral voice and cultural difference in practice as research | Voice, Instrument and Cultural Difference : Musical Practice as Research | John WINZENBURG
Performance practice as compositional process : the case of HK Cantonese narrative singing Naamyam | Voice, Instrument and Cultural Difference : Musical Practice as Research | Siu Wah YU
Q&A session on voice, instrument and cultural difference | Voice, Instrument and Cultural Difference : Musical Practice as Research | Siu Wah YU, Tejaswini NIRANJANA, Kim-ho IP, John WINZENBURG, and Anjeline DE DIOS
陳明銶教授學術藏書開幕禮暨展覽 = Launching Ceremony & Exhibition of Collection on Prof. Ming K. Chan's Research | Chi Pang LAU (劉智鵬); Mei Chun, Louisa LAM (林美珍); and Shuyong LIU (劉蜀永)
陳明銶教授對香港史和中國史的獨到見地 = Research insights from Prof. Ming K. CHAN on the history of Hong Kong and China | 陳明銶教授學術藏書開幕禮暨展覽 = Launching Ceremony & Exhibition of Collection on Prof. Ming K. Chan's Research | Shuyong LIU (劉蜀永)
新書講座 : 解構滋味 : 香港飲食文學與文化研究論集 | The City-wide Activities of Hong Kong Library Festival 2019 at Lingnan University Library | Yan Ho SIU (蕭欣浩)
香港藏書票協會成立三十週年暨電腦書票展 : 開幕典禮暨分享會 = Opening Ceremony of “Hong Kong Exlibris Association 30th Anniversary cum Computer Generated Design Exlibris Exhibition” and Sharing on the Trend, Communication and Fun of Computer Generated Design Exlibris | Mei Chun, Louisa LAM (林美珍); Clara HUNG (熊美儀); David HUI (許朝英); Christy CHUNG (鍾漫容); and John YU (余元康)
思果 | 中國當代作家口述歷史計劃 | Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University
梁秉鈞 | 中國當代作家口述歷史計劃 | Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University
羈魂 | 中國當代作家口述歷史計劃 | Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University
陳若曦 | 中國當代作家口述歷史計劃 | Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University
王無邪 | 中國當代作家口述歷史計劃 | Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University
蔡炎培 | 中國當代作家口述歷史計劃 | Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University
慕容羽軍 | 中國當代作家口述歷史計劃 | Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University
電影與社會 | Ka LUO (羅卡)
馬朗 | 中國當代作家口述歷史計劃 | Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University
香港十八區風物志的編纂 | 香港地方風物志座談會 | Binghua LIANG, Guojian XIAO, and Chi Pang LAU
主題發言 | 香港地方風物志座談會 | Qiming QIN, Qiang CHEN, and Huangxiu ZHENG
從風物志到地方志的發展 | 香港地方風物志座談會 | Jie WANG, Xinli QIU, and Jianhe MA
香港高等學府巡禮 : 嶺南大學 | RoadShow
王安憶 | 中國當代作家口述歷史計劃 | Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University
評論及回應 2 | 胡金銓電影藝術座談會 | Sui Hung CHAN, Juan SHI, Qinpeng ZHANG, and Yusong FENG
胡金銓的時間與空間 | 胡金銓電影藝術座談會 | Pak Tong CHEUK
《空山靈雨》的佛教思想 | 胡金銓電影藝術座談會 | Ling CHUNG
《張羽煮海》動畫製作分享 | 胡金銓電影藝術座談會 | Yusong FENG
有關整理胡金銓生平發表文章情況 | 胡金銓電影藝術座談會 | Jing HUANG and Yingheng CHEN
胡金銓的電影事業 | 胡金銓電影藝術座談會 | Shiu Ming LAU
胡金銓的電影藝術 | 胡金銓電影藝術座談會 | Leo LEE
胡金銓的影響 | 胡金銓電影藝術座談會 | Ping Kwan LEUNG
我參與胡導演執導電影中的見識 | 胡金銓電影藝術座談會 | Juan SHI
有關胡金銓的生平事蹟 | 胡金銓電影藝術座談會 | Wai Yiu WU
評論及回應 1 | 胡金銓電影藝術座談會 | Qinpeng ZHANG and Shuk Han WONG
張永霖看世界 (2004年7月31日) | Wing Lam, Linus CHEUNG (張永霖); Cheng Hing HUNG (孔祥馨); Wing Tung, Grace NG (伍穎彤); Chak Yue LEUNG (梁澤渝); Lingnan University, Hong Kong; Chin Ling CHONG (莊展寧); and Chung Hei HO (何仲曦)
3、40年代的香港文化 | 紀念「五四」‧展望將來 : 三、四○年代香港詩座談會 | Chi Tak CHAN, Sai Chong LEE, and Shuk Han WONG
香港新詩史料與歷史掌故 | 紀念「五四」‧展望將來 : 三、四○年代香港詩座談會 | Sun LUO, Libei LIU, Kuanlie FANG, and Chi Tak CHAN
香港新詩評論及賞析 | 紀念「五四」‧展望將來 : 三、四○年代香港詩座談會 | Fai YIP and Ping Kwan LEUNG
馬原 | 中國當代作家口述歷史計劃 | Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University
徐訏 | 中國當代作家口述歷史計劃 | Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University
格非 | 中國當代作家口述歷史計劃 | Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University
白先勇 | 中國當代作家口述歷史計劃 | Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University
羅孚 | 中國當代作家口述歷史計劃 | Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University
王璞 | 中國當代作家口述歷史計劃 | Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University
陳德錦 | 中國當代作家口述歷史計劃 | Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University
陳炳良 | 中國當代作家口述歷史計劃 | Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University
黃國彬 | 中國當代作家口述歷史計劃 | Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University
嶺南大學圖書館電子資源與讀者教育服務 (1) | Lingnan University Library Summer Programme 2001 | Shue Leung, Francis CHAN
Web-based teaching and learning = 網上互動教學的發展及應用 | Lingnan University Library Summer Programme 2001 | Grace HO and Ziggy HUI
信息時代的館藏發展與館際合作 | Lingnan University Library Summer Programme 2001 | Li Huan, Lily HU
嶺南大學圖書館電子資源與讀者教育服務 (2) | Lingnan University Library Summer Programme 2001 | Chi Yin, Ivy KAN
嶺南大學圖書館自動化及網絡化概況 | Lingnan University Library Summer Programme 2001 | Man Lik, Owen TAM
台灣數字圖書館與遠距服務 | Lingnan University Library Summer Programme 2001 | Huizi CAI
台灣網絡及電子資源的發展現況 | Lingnan University Library Summer Programme 2001 | Chao Chen CHEN
影像資料庫與跨資料庫整合 : 以華藝跨世紀藝術資料庫為例 | Lingnan University Library Summer Programme 2001 | Yingjie HE
嶺南大學圖書館組織與管理 | Lingnan University Library Summer Programme 2001 | Kai Yin, Tommy YEUNG
Digital library services by Kodaki center | Lingnan University Library Summer Programme 2001 | Nikki YUEN
張愛玲在現代中文文學史上的地位與影響(第二節) | 「張愛玲與現代中文文學」國際學術研討會 | Kwok Pun, Laurence WONG; Zishan CHEN; Ping Leung CHAN; Wang Chi, Lawrence WONG; Longxi ZHANG; and Derwei, David WANG
張愛玲在現代中文文學史上的地位與影響(第一節) | 「張愛玲與現代中文文學」國際學術研討會 | C. C., Angelina YEE; Ping Kwan LEUNG; Junying LIN; Shozo FUJII; Anyi WANG; and Pok WANG
張愛玲的小說與電影(第二節) | 「張愛玲與現代中文文學」國際學術研討會 | Ping Leung CHAN; Ziping HUANG; Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN; Chin Chown LIM; Zidong XU; Pei Kai CHENG; and Kwok Kou, Leonard CHAN
張愛玲研究的歷史回顧 | 「張愛玲與現代中文文學」國際學術研討會 | Shiu Ming LAU; William TAY; Der Wei, David WANG; Rumin WEN; Zaifu LIU; Chih Tsing HSIA; and Ziping HUANG
張愛玲的小說與電影(第一節) | 「張愛玲與現代中文文學」國際學術研討會 | Ping Kwan LEUNG; T’ien Wen CHU; Siu Leung LI; Hang Fung, Carole HOYAN; William TAY; and Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
參考服務與讀者教育 | Lingnan University Library Summer Workshop 2000 | Shue Leung, Francis CHAN
The development of digital libraries and museums in Taiwan | Lingnan University Library Summer Workshop 2000 | Chao Chen CHEN
The world wide web and electronic resources of libraries in Taiwan | Lingnan University Library Summer Workshop 2000 | Chao Chen CHEN
Digital libraries and the future of libraries as we know them | Lingnan University Library Summer Workshop 2000 | Ross HARVEY
The amnesia society : the problems of keeping digital information for the future | Lingnan University Library Summer Workshop 2000 | Ross HARVEY
Web-based teaching and learning = 網上互動教學的發展及應用 | Lingnan University Library Summer Workshop 2000 | Grace HO and Ziggy HUI
香港各大學聯網發展及嶺南大學校園網發展 | Lingnan University Library Summer Workshop 2000 | Wing, Rosiah HO
嶺南大學圖書館資源服務概況 | Lingnan University Library Summer Workshop 2000 | Li Huan, Lily HU
閉幕式 | Lingnan University Library Summer Workshop 2000 | Li Huan, Lily HU
互聯網與內聯網的發展 | Lingnan University Library Summer Workshop 2000 | Cheong Kei, Albert LEUNG
Opening = 開幕式 | Lingnan University Library Summer Workshop 2000 | Barton STARR
嶺南大學圖書館的自動化與網絡化 | Lingnan University Library Summer Workshop 2000 | Man Lik, Owen TAM
總結 | Lingnan University Library Summer Workshop 2000 | Man Lik, Owen TAM
嶺南大學圖書館讀者服務概況 | Lingnan University Library Summer Workshop 2000 | Kai Yin, Tommy YEUNG
嶺南大學圖書館簡介 (2000) = Introduction to Lingnan University Library (2000) | Lingnan University Library
優異教學在嶺南 = Excellent teaching at Lingnan | Mo Lin, Moureen TANG (滕慕蓮); Zidong XU (許子東); Kwok Fai LAM (劉國輝); and Hua Ling CHEN (陳化玲)
嶺南大學正名慶典 = Lingnan University designation celebration | Lingnan University, Hong Kong
嶺南大學圖書館簡介 (1999) = Introduction to Lingnan University Library (1999) | Lingnan University Library
李育中 | 中國當代作家口述歷史計劃 | Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University
作育英才.建設香港 = Building Hong Kong on Education | City and New Territories Administration, Hogn Kong Government and Lingnan College, Hong Kong