Lingnan Videos - Lectures & Seminars is the archive of scholarly presentations organized by Lingnan University, including public seminar, public lecture, inaugural lecture, university assembly, etc.
作育英才.建設香港 = Building Hong Kong on Education | City and New Territories Administration, Hogn Kong Government and Lingnan College, Hong Kong
賴恬昌 | 中國當代作家口述歷史計劃 | Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University
嶺南學院圖書館簡介 (1997) = Introduction to Lingnan College Library (1997) | Lingnan College Library
微觀敎學 = Micro-teaching communication skills | The Consortium for the Promotion of Teaching Skills and Technology | Pak Kong, Leo YAM (任伯江)
敎育中的形態傳意 = Body language and non-verbal communication in education | The Consortium for the Promotion of Teaching Skills and Technology | Pak Kong, Leo YAM (任伯江)
錄像科技的敎育功能 = Video technology for tertiary education | The Consortium for the Promotion of Teaching Skills and Technology | Pak Kong, Leo YAM (任伯江)
Peer review and the observation of teaching | The Consortium for the Promotion of Teaching Skills and Technology | Pak Kong, Leo YAM; Brian COOKE; Marjorie MACKINNON; Li Chong CHAN; and S. L., Philips BEH
Learning objectives and objective tests : essay and performance tests | The Consortium for the Promotion of Teaching Skills and Technology | Pak Kong, Leo YAM and Ron J. MCBEATH
Effective use of instructional technology | The Consortium for the Promotion of Teaching Skills and Technology | Pak Kong, Leo YAM; Larry RAGAN; Hon Wing LEE; and Kit Yee, Klare NG
嶺南學院 (1996) = Lingnan College (1996) | Lingnan College, Hong Kong
UGC funded projects : an outlook of teaching development | The Consortium for the Promotion of Teaching Skills and Technology | Pak Kong, Leo YAM; John JONES; Jack CHAN; and Nigel J. FRENCH
陳耀南 | 中國當代作家口述歷史計劃 | Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University
黃維樑 | 中國當代作家口述歷史計劃 | Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University
余光中 | 中國當代作家口述歷史計劃 | Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University
商禽 | 中國當代作家口述歷史計劃 | Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University
劉紹銘 | 中國當代作家口述歷史計劃 | Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University
嶺南學院圖書館簡介 (1994) = Introduction to Lingnan College Library (1994) | Lingnan College Library
[檢索電腦圖書目錄] = Searching OPAC | Lingnan College Library
Public Lectures
發展城市共享 : 社會創新、共享經濟到合作社平台 = Developing urban commons: from social innovation to the sharing economy to cooperative platforms | Creating Urban Commons with the Youth 城市共享培植項目 | Ada Ying-kay WONG (黃英琦)
Hong Kong Cantonese Opera in Imagined Modernity = 想像現代化中的粵劇 | Performance and Cultural Studies Lecture Series 2021 | Siu Wah YU (余少華) and Siu Leung LI (李小良)
Sound as Music as Culture = 聲音-音樂-文化 | Performance and Cultural Studies Lecture Series 2021 | Frederick LAU (劉長江)
What makes a City Cultural? = 城市如何文化? | Performance and Cultural Studies Lecture Series 2021 | Louis YU (茹國烈)
Between translating and creative writing | LingU Online Mini Lecture Series = LingU 講堂 | Darryl STERK (石岱崙)
考古學與中國古代史的重寫 | LingU Online Mini Lecture Series = LingU 講堂 | Sueh Han, Vincent LEUNG (梁萃行)
Covid-19, health care access, and justice | LingU Online Mini Lecture Series = LingU 講堂 | Derek Clayton BAKER
訓醒未呀? : 睡眠社會學 | LingU Online Mini Lecture Series = LingU 講堂 | Hau Nung, Annie CHAN (陳效能) and Yuen Shan, Ruby LAI (黎苑姍)
Dark AI : can we protect society from robot crimes? | LingU Online Mini Lecture Series = LingU 講堂 | Andreas MATTHIAS (馬逸文)
從感官出發看心理學世界 | LingU Online Mini Lecture Series = LingU 講堂 | Lap Fai, Alan LEE (李立輝)
譯之時義大矣哉 | LingU Online Mini Lecture Series = LingU 講堂 | Yu Kit CHEUNG (張宇傑)
Liberal arts as job preparation | LingU Online Mini Lecture Series = LingU 講堂 | Ai-ling, Grace CHOU (周愛靈)
Reflection on the authenticity of Cantopop | LingU Online Mini Lecture Series = LingU 講堂 | Hoi Yan YAU (邱愷欣)
Macroeconomics data and security market | LingU Online Mini Lecture Series = LingU 講堂 | Hin Shing, Billy LEUNG (梁軒誠)
現代化的社會是更好的社會嗎? | LingU Online Mini Lecture Series = LingU 講堂 | Wai Wai CHIU (趙偉偉)
香港政局何去何從? | LingU Online Mini Lecture Series = LingU 講堂 | Pang Kwong LI (李彭廣)
企業風險管理 : Tesla個案 | LingU Online Mini Lecture Series = LingU 講堂 | Ho Yin, Martin YICK (易浩然)
Cosmopolitanism, civil disobedience and the global legacy of Martin Luther King | Lingnan University 50th Anniversary Lecture Series (2017-2018) : Inter-disciplinary Lectures on Culture and Society x HKAC Art Shop Inspiration Series | Evans CHAN and Ou-fan, Leo LEE
Open architecture : migration, citizenship and urban renewal | Lingnan University 50th Anniversary Lecture Series (2017-2018) : Inter-disciplinary Lectures on Culture and Society x HKAC Art Shop Inspiration Series | Esra AKCAN
The last colonial : Stuart Hall’s art of living | Vincent Woo Distinguished Visiting Scholar Programme 2018-19 | David SCOTT
Anxious states : culture and politics in Singapore and Hong Kong | Lingnan University 50th Anniversary Lecture Series (2017-2018) Inter-disciplinary Lectures on Culture and Society x HKAC art Shop Inspiration Series | Beng Huat CHUA
The sources of North Korean conduct | Vincent Woo Distinguished Visiting Scholar Programme 2017-18 | Bruce CUMINGS
Public lecture on “Postcards between friends 友愛明信片" | Carol ARCHER
What we know and we don't know about civil wars | Vincent Woo Distinguished Visiting Scholars Programme | Stathis N. KALYVAS
小時代與大時代中的文學 = Literature, in small times, in great times | Tong SU (蘇童)
Corruption : demand-side and supply-side solutions = 貪污 : 針對需求及供應的解決方案 | Avinash DIXIT
Understanding bank runs | Vincent Woo Distinguished Visiting Scholars Programme | Manju PURI
Everyday aesthetics and world-making | Vincent Woo Distinguished Visiting Scholars Programme | Yuriko SAITO (齊藤百合子)
Glocalizing Murakami Haruki = 村上春樹的全球在地化 | Rebecca SUTER
Bureaucracy, its reform, and economic growth | Distinguished Public Lecture | Avinash DIXIT
Surviving higher education policy | Outcome Based Approaches: Public Lecture, Research Presentation and Workshop | Graeme TURNER
Game theory in "real" life : the art and science of strategies in movies, sports, and literature | Distinguished Public Lecture | Avinash DIXIT
The rise of "southern" multinationals : bad domestic governance as good training for FDI | Distinguished Public Lecture | Avinash DIXIT
America, China, and the future of Asia | Vincent Woo Distinguished Visiting Scholars Programme | G. John IKENBERRY
Solutions to China's healthcare and environmental problems | Vincent Woo Distinguished Visiting Scholars Programme | Gregory C. CHOW
China-American economic relations : retrospect and prospect = 中美經貿關係 : 回顧與前瞻 | Vincent Woo Distinguished Visiting Scholars Programme | Siwei CHENG (成思危)
Dynamic capabilities for the 21st-century | Vincent Woo Distinguished Visiting Scholars Programme | Mark EASTERBY-SMITH
Fair trade for all : the role of WTO | Lingnan University Distinguished Scholar Lecture = 嶺南大學榮譽學人講座 | Joseph E. STIGLITZ
Active ageing : a global strategy for sustainable social protection | Vincent Woo Distinguished Visiting Scholars Programme | Alan WALKER
中國教育的法制化 : 進程與展望 = The institutionalization of education in China through legislation : development and prospects | 嶺南大學榮譽學人講座 = Lingnan University Distinguished Scholar Lecture | Xinsheng ZHANG (章新勝)
Querying the Discussions of Chinese Culture = 百年來關於文化討論的一些提問 | Vincent Woo Distinguished Visiting Scholars Programme | W. Y., Daniel KWOK (郭穎頤)
創意寫作工作坊 (二) | 嶺南大學「駐校作家計劃」 : 我和白先勇有個約會 | Hsienyung PAI (白先勇) and Ping Kwan LEUNG (梁秉鈞)
小說創作靈感 : 我如何寫成《臺北人》 | 嶺南大學榮譽學人講座 = Lingnan University Distinguished Scholar Lecture | Hsienyung PAI (白先勇) and Ping Kwan LEUNG (梁秉鈞)
創意寫作工作坊 (一) | 嶺南大學「駐校作家計劃」 : 我和白先勇有個約會 | Hsienyung PAI (白先勇) and Ping Kwan LEUNG (梁秉鈞)
《文學作品的學與教》研討會 | 嶺南大學「駐校作家計劃」 : 我和白先勇有個約會 | Hsienyung PAI (白先勇) and Zidong XU (許子東)
中國人表"情"的方式 : 以古典詩詞為例 = Modes of Chinese sentimentality : examples from classical verse | 嶺南大學胡永輝傑出訪問學人講座 = Vincent Woo Distinguished Visiting Scholars Programme | Hsienyung PAI (白先勇)
我在美國愛荷華大學國際作家工作坊的經驗 = My experience in Iowa Writers' Workshop | 嶺南大學胡永輝傑出訪問學人講座 = Vincent Woo Distinguished Visiting Scholars Programme | Hsienyung PAI (白先勇)
文化教育 : 反思與願景 = Liberal arts education : reflection and expectations | 嶺南大學胡永輝傑出訪問學人講座 = Vincent Woo Distinguished Visiting Scholars Programme | Hsienyung PAI (白先勇)
香港的情與愛 : 回歸版 = Love and passion in Hong Kong : a post return perspective | 嶺南大學傑出學人講座 = Lingnan University Distinguished Public Lecture | Derwei WANG (王德威)
我的寫作經驗 = My writing experience | Hsienyung PAI (白先勇)
Geopolitics in an era of internationalism | Vincent Woo Distinguished Visiting Scholars Programme | Randall COLLINS
Globalization from the perspective of Chinese history = 從中國歷史看全球化進程 | Vincent Woo Distinguished Visiting Scholars Programme | Zhilian ZHANG (張芝聯)
漫談中國詩的欣賞 = The special aesthetic quality of Chinese classical poetry | 嶺南大學胡永輝傑出訪問學人講座 = Vincent Woo Distinguished Visiting Scholars Programme | Chiaying YEH (葉嘉瑩)
Public Seminars
Why South Korea’s fertility rate dropped below Japan’s? | Sociology Seminar Series 2024-2025 | Sinn Won HAN
Unpacking low fertility in East Asia through social media insights | Sociology Seminar Series 2024-2025 | Muzhi ZHOU
Mapping and explaining ethnic environmental inequality in Germany | Sociology Seminar Series 2023-2024 | Jan Paul HEISIG
Talks on Happiness | 快樂講 : 「風吹不倒」積極人生分享講座 | Talks on Happiness | Siu Leong KO (高小亮)
Commons與社會創新 | Alvin YIP (葉長安) and Louis MIHA (米哈)
《設計教育創新》研討會 = Seminar on "Innovation in Design Education" | Xiaobo LU (魯曉波), Jiangbo JIN (金江波), Binghong ZHAN (詹炳宏), Xinyuan CAI (蔡新元), Jingyan TAN (覃京燕), Tingting CHEN (陳婷婷), Genyu LIU (劉根鈺), Fei XU (徐飛), and Yonglei ZHU (朱永磊)
A study of perspectives on roles and responsibilities in social welfare in Hong Kong | Sociology Seminar Series 2023-2024 | Wan Ping, Vincent LEE
捕捉城市星空 : 深空天體 = Urban astrophotography : deep sky objects | Sociology Seminar Series 2023-2024 | Vai Tong, Tony FEUNG (馮偉東) and Dik Hong, Calvin CHUNG
Gender differences in drug use : a mixed-methods research in China | Sociology Seminar Series 2023-2024 | Serena Yunran ZHANG
Talks on Happiness | 快樂講 : 誰偷走了你的幸福 | Talks on Happiness | 快樂講 | Kit Hung LO (盧傑雄)
Migration, remittances and the search for a better life : longitudinal evidence from the Philippines | Sociology Seminar Series 2022-2023 | Lucy Porter JORDAN
Talks on Happiness | 快樂講 : 何解快樂斷咗線 | Talks on Happiness | 快樂講 | Sze Hong LAU (劉思航) and Agnes CHAN (陳瑞敏)
Envisioning the invisibles : an examination of causes and challenges of homelessness in Hong Kong | Sociology Seminar Series 2022-2023 | Siu Ming CHAN
Grand Opening Ceremony of the Library and Off-site Learning Centres of Lingnan University | Leonard K. Cheng CHENG (鄭國漢); Ka Ho Joshua MOK (莫家豪); Mei Chun Louisa LAM (林美珍); Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH (葉月瑜); William Gordon HAYWARD; and Kar Ming Patrick YU (余嘉明)
可持續的生活模式 = Sustainable lifestyle | 商業可持續發展研討會系列 | Eric LAM (林德明), Abraham LAM (林恒一), Ken CHAN (陳俊堅), and Tina VU (胡麗玲)
Does information about economic inequality affect opportunity beliefs? Results from survey experiments | Sociology Seminar Series 2022-2023 | Luis MALDONADO
Seminar : On the Record : An instrumental Hong Kong Music Documentary : Screening & Sharing of the Untold Stories of Filipino musicians' Settlement in Hong Kong | Equal Opportunities Awareness Campaign 2022 | Lisa LEUNG, Jan YUMUL, and Ernesto Maurice CORPUS
The intergenerational sources of the U-turn in gender segregation | Sociology Seminar Series 2022-2023 | Ling ZHU
可持續的經濟 = Sustainable economy | 商業可持續發展研討會系列 | Hsing-chia HSU (許興家), Ya-ting WANG (汪雅婷), Eric LAM (林德明), Ji-chai LIN (林吉財), Feng WU (吳峰), Yen-ju LIN (林晏如), and Rich CHAN (陳志順)
「 應用綠色金融科技推動碳中和」論壇 | Tak-ming, Eric LAM (林德明); Pak Li, Bernard CHAN JP (陳百里); Wan Yuen HUANG (黃聞雲); Mingming LENG (冷明明); Yueheng, Hon TAN JP (譚岳衡); Dennis WU (胡伯杰); Meico CHEONG (蔣齊仲); and Calvin WONG (王正元)
新故•生熟•生新 : 中國古代文論有關獨創性的概念 | 中國詩學論壇網路學術系列講座 (4) | 蔣寅, 陳奜, and Zongqi CAI (蔡宗齊)
COVID19-induced xenophobia and anti-Asian racism in the United States | Sociology Seminar Series 2021-2022 | Secil E. ERTORER
To return or to stay till the end? Experiences of Japanese later-life migrants in western Australia | Sociology Seminar Series 2021-2022 | Leng Leng THANG
Powering and greening Hong Kong | Cities and Governance Webinar Series 2021 | Thomas LUI
‘Kainos’ urban renewal: place-based renewal for human flourishing | Cities and Governance Webinar Series 2021 | Mee Kam NG
Licensing bargaining under non-discrimination | Department of Economics : Departmental Seminars | Chiu-yu KO
A review of prolonged social withdrawal behaviour (a.k.a. Hikikomori) As one of the emerging youth issues across diverse contexts | Sociology Seminar Series 2021-2022 | Paul W.C. WONG
From transportation to transformation: the vision for smart commuting | Cities and Governance Webinar Series 2021 | Rex AUYEUNG
How do alliances grow and conflicts ensure? An experiment on conflict network formation | Department of Economics : Departmental Seminars | Jaimie LIEN