Lingnan Videos - Lectures & Seminars is the archive of scholarly presentations organized by Lingnan University, including public seminar, public lecture, inaugural lecture, university assembly, etc.
Public Seminars
Neighbourhood cohesion and urban life in the city of the future: Shenzhen | Cities and Governance Webinar Series 2021 | Ka Ho MOK
Navigating global regimes of mobility : the onward mobility of African international students in China | Sociology Seminar Series 2021-2022 | Benjamin MULVEY
Social housing in Hong Kong: From social movement to “new” housing policy? | Cities and Governance Webinar Series 2021 | Charles HO
Photo Exhibition "Recognize Our Uniqueness" Kick-off Ceremony cum Seminar cum Book Launch of "Ethnic Minorities, Media and Participation in Hong Kong: Creative and Tactical Belonging" | Equal Opportunities Awareness Campaign 2021 | Aggie LAM; Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明); Fariha Salma Deiya BAKAR; Devi NOVIANTI; Danny K.; Robby; Vivek MAHBUBANI; and Tse Shang, Denise TANG (鄧芝珊)
Empirical research on urban governance | Cities and Governance Webinar Series 2021 | Nuno F. da CRUZ
Housing as an intergenerational project | Maggie Ka Wai LAU, Ngai Ming YIP, Richard RONALD, and William LI
Governance convergence and accounting harmonization | Business Distinguished Scholar Seminar Series | Inder K. KHURANA
Disentangling the effects of experience-based faultlines in e-Sports teams: An empirical analysis using auto-regressive integrated moving average modelling | Business Distinguished Scholar Seminar Series | Chee-Wee TAN
Rethinking salt supply chains: Cost and emissions analysis for co-production of salt and freshwater from U.S. seawater | Business Distinguished Scholar Seminar Series | Greys SOSIC
Practical initiative: Why proactive personality and behavior matter at work | Business Distinguished Scholar Seminar Series | Mike CRANT
Life during the 1st national lockdown in the UK | Sociology Seminar Series 2020-2021 | Tarani CHANDOLA
The Post-COVID-19 World : Autocracies, Democracies and the New World Order | Shalendra SHARMA
How much pushback after backsliding? Opposition to autocratization in Southeast Asia | Sociology Seminar Series 2020-2021 | Mark R. THOMPSON
把蘇軾的《和陶詩》放置於他在海南島的其他著作中閱讀 | 中國詩學論壇網路學術系列講座 (3) | Ronald EGAN (艾朗諾), Gang ZHU (朱剛), and Zong-qi CAI (蔡宗齊)
Asymmetry in Earnings Management Surrounding Targeted Ratings | David L. ECKLES
Digital punishment : privacy, stigma, and the consequences of data-driven criminal justice | Sociology Seminar Series 2020-2021 | Sarah Esther LAGESON
The National Security Argument for Protection of Domestic Industries | Leonard K CHENG
Upstream collusion with down stream compensation | Department of Economics : Departmental Seminars | Zhiyong YAO
Consumer vulnerability and behavioral biases | Department of Economics : Departmental Seminars | Zenan WU
以陳子昂為中心:從六朝「文義」到隋唐「經史」看唐初詩學之發展走向 | 中國詩學論壇網路學術系列講座 (2) | Chunhong WANG (汪春泓), Zunju LIU (劉尊舉), and Zili MA (馬自力)
Economic aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic for higher education institutions | Global Higher Education Webinar Series : COVID-19 and Global Higher Education | Iris LORSCHEID
Are Japanese universities ready to embrace online learning? Micro-, meso- and macro-levels of analysis | Global Higher Education Webinar Series : COVID-19 and Global Higher Education | Insung JUNG
University education under COVID-19 : what to do beyond online classes? | Global Higher Education Webinar Series : COVID-19 and Global Higher Education | Leonard CHENG
中國早期書寫型態及其文化功能 | 中國詩學論壇網路學術系列講座 (1) | Minli ZHAO (趙敏俐), Daobin FU (傅道彬), and Zong-qi CAI (蔡宗齊)
Designing higher education : big deal partnerships, technologies and capabilities | Global Higher Education Webinar Series : COVID-19 and Global Higher Education | Hamish COATES
The COVID-19 crisis in Australian higher education | Global Higher Education Webinar Series : COVID-19 and Global Higher Education | Anthony WELCH
The world is changing : higher education and the COVID-19 pandemic | Global Higher Education Webinar Series : COVID-19 and Global Higher Education | Simon MARGINSON
曹聚仁在五十年代香港文學中的位置 | The City-wide Activities of Hong Kong Library Festival 2019 at Lingnan University Library | Cheuk-yin, Alex TSANG (曾卓然)
「電影朝聖」講座 | The City-wide Activities of Hong Kong Library Festival 2019 at Lingnan University Library | Gary WONG (王冠豪)
Improvising space : a symposium on creativity, pedagogy, and music improvisation | Bani HAYKAL, Kimho IP, Tusa MONTES, and Michael SCHIEFEL
The state of press freedom in Hong Kong and around the globe | Michael LUONGO, Ilaria Maria SALA, Chris YEUNG, Emily LAU, Harvey SERNOVITZ, and Cedric ALVIANI
The tortuous path of digital history in the Chinese humanities | Lik Hang, Lincoln TSUI (徐力恆)
Book talk : Revolutionary bodies : Chinese dance and the socialist legacy | Emily WILCOX
不可能的可能 : 博物館超越時空的另類體驗 | Art History and Curating Seminar Series | Feng Ying KENG (耿鳳英)
Marketing and merchandising treasures in the museum-land | Art History and Curating Seminar Series | Shin-Chieh TZENG
超越哀傷與絕望 | 喪親心靈關顧培訓工作坊 | Thomas KWAN Rev. (關俊棠)
‘Follow the Practice’ : Tracing Formations of Culture & Knowledge in Asia : Day 2 : Roundtable | Two-day Workshop : ‘Follow the Practice’ : Tracing Formations of Culture & Knowledge in Asia | Tzu Nyen HO, Ashish RAJADHYAKSHA, Samita SEN, Tejaswini NIRANJANA, Anjeline DE DIOS, and Roberto CASTILLO
‘Follow the Practice’ : Tracing Formations of Culture & Knowledge in Asia : Day 1 : Research presentations | Two-day Workshop : ‘Follow the Practice’ : Tracing Formations of Culture & Knowledge in Asia | Samita SEN, Tejaswini NIRANJANA, Anjeline DE DIOS, and Chunmei DU
Disinformation overload : ‘truthing it’ in algorithmic networks | Lingnan University 50th Anniversary Lecture Series (2017-2018) | Nishant SHAH and Tse Shang, Denise TANG
What have we learnt about UK poverty research over the past years? | Policy Studies and Management Seminar Series 2019 | Dave GORDON
Performance Studies x Cultural Studies Colloquium : Cultures in Motion, Performance in Transit | Hyunjung LEE; Paul RAE; Chiayi SEETOO; Tejaswini NIRANJANA; Anjeline DE DIOS; Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN; and Soo Ryon YOON
Research smarter with Web of Science and Journal Citation Index | Postgraduate Study Seminar Series | Maggie LAM
Promoting healthy ageing : multi-sectoral collaboration | Policy Studies and Management Seminar Series 2019 | Ching Choi LAM
Economic globalization, skill formation and development | Policy Studies and Management Seminar Series 2019 | Hugh LAUDER
Meeting Popes, presidents and princesses : a cross-continental life of writing, glamour and adventure | Michael T. LUONGO
Service-learning showcase cum seminar campus farming and community building at Lingnan | 嶺南彩園分享會 | Lai Seung, Marine AU YEUNG; Kin Chi LAU; Chloe SIU; Joy LAM; and Jensen HO
喪親之痛與療癒 | 喪親心靈關顧培訓工作坊 | Fong, Agnes TIN (田芳)
不能迴避的現實 : 回顧任局長五年的房屋政策 | Policy Studies and Management Seminar Series | Anthony CHEUNG (張炳良)
The non-other and its discontents | Xin WANG
The convergence of Christianity and the Chinese Revolution in 1950s Hong Kong | Brian TSUI
What is curating? | Art History and Curating Seminar Series | Charlotte DE MILLE
Music in museums : curatorial highlights from the Courtauld Gallery | Art History and Curating Seminar Series | Charlotte DE MILLE
On listening | Haytham EL-WARDANY
Internationalisation policies in the UK and China in comparative perspective : alignments and dislocations in international higher education | Policy Studies and Management Seminar Series | Catherine MONTGOMERY
Globalization of audit culture in higher education : Asia Pacific perspective | Policy Studies and Management Seminar Series | Anthony WELCH
Chinese wartime science through the lens of Joseph Needham exhibition : opening ceremony and public talk | Kwok Hon, Leonard CHENG; Peter LEE; and Mei Chun, Louisa LAM
House buying as hope mechanism : the culture of homeownership in Hong Kong | Chung Kin TSANG
Performing protests : performance as tactics of resistance in post-handover Hong Kong = 展演抗爭 : 九七後香港的示威戲碼 | Yau WEN (魂游)
Reflections on Inter-Asia as method | Beng Huat CHUA
Opening Ceremony cum Sharing Session of Hong Kong Market Cats Photography Exhibition | Marcel HEIJNEN
Hong Kong's ghosts : the politics of disappearance = 香港的魅影 : 消失的政治 | The performing archive : deep archival engagement as artistic practice = 演繹檔案庫 : 從解讀檔案到藝術實踐工作坊 | Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN; Yan Wai, Connie LO; Simon CHU; and Shuk Man LEUNG
Masterclass : Ackbar Abbas = 大師班:記錄香港文化 | The performing archive : deep archival engagement as artistic practice = 演繹檔案庫 : 從解讀檔案到藝術實踐工作坊 | Ackbar ABBAS
香港國際藏書票大展2018預展開幕典禮暨分享會 = Opening Ceremony and seminar of Pre-Show of HK INT'L Ex-Libris SHOW 2018 | Rachel CHENG (鄭瑞瓊), John YU (餘元康), Sarah NG (吳秀華), Samuel WONG (黃恩約), and Malou HUNG (熊愛儀)
Posthumous socialism | Ackbar ABBAS
Ventriloquizing archives = 檔案庫的腹語術與何子彦對談 | The performing archive : deep archival engagement as artistic practice = 演繹檔案庫 : 從解讀檔案到藝術實踐工作坊 | Tzu Nyen HO, Ashish RAJADHYAKSHA, and Dai Vo CHUONG
死生一線間 : 如何學會放下? | 哲學系「生死學」課程公開講座 | 淨蓮法師
星輝曜彩 : 蕭暉榮七十藝術人生講座 = Talk by Professor Siu Fai Wing | Fai Wing SIU (蕭暉榮)
Locating the transnational : gender and neoliberalism in the Kerala model of development | Ritty LUKOSE
蕭暉榮教授藝術展開幕禮 = Opening of Art Exhibition of Professor Siu Fai Wing | Kwok Hon, Leonard CHENG (鄭國漢) and Fai Wing SIU (蕭暉榮)
向臨終病人學習 | 哲學系「生死學」課程公開講座 | Chun Fong LIU (廖進芳)
Postgraduate studies seminar : research and mrthodological issues : dialogue with experienced researcher | Inter-University Research Consortium for Higher Education Research | Deane NEUBAUER and Jiwei QIAN
命運與抉擇 | 哲學系「生命中的必然與偶然」課程公開講座 | Ying Choi LEE (李英才)
Watercolor demonstration by Atanur Dogan | ILP Visual Arts Programme | Atanur DOGAN
Talk on intellectual property rights enforcement | Y. T. LAM
International Workshop on Globalization, Education and Social Futures cum postgraduate student sharing session | Susan ROBERTSON; Roger DALE; Ka Ho, Joshua MOK; Xiandong WEI; Beste Esra BURAK HO; Ho Lun, Alex WONG; Jin JIANG; Mulun, Alfred WU; and Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN
人生考察路之〈極地考察〉傳奇 | Lok Sze, Rebecca LEE
Resonating with creative minds : a retrospective of the artist-in-residence programme at Lingnan University 2006-2015 : panel discussion | Resonating with Creative Minds: A Retrospective of the Artist-in-Residence Programme at Lingnan University 2006-2015 = 藝想奏鳴: 嶺大「駐校藝術家計劃」十年回顧展 | Mette HJORT
從鬼門關走回來 : 對瀕死經歷的體悟 | 哲學系生死學公開講座 | Kaiyong LAI and Weidong HUANG
The magic of ballpoint pen art : exhibition opening | “The Magic of Ballpoint Pen Art” exhibition | Dipendra RAI
Opening talk of "Creativity movement space" exhibition | Lingnan Arts Festival 2015 | Francesco LIETTI, Him LO, Wen YAU, Birdy CHU, and Edward TSE
精彩人生路 | 哲學系「生命中的必然與偶然」課程公開講座 | Christine LEUNG
民主的再反思 : (影片1) 民主的多重意義 | Lok Sang HO (何濼生)
民主的再反思 : (影片2) 多黨政治和權力制衡 | Lok Sang HO (何濼生)
民主的再反思 : (影片3) 公義為何 | Lok Sang HO (何濼生)
民主的再反思 : (影片4) 香港社會問題跟民府未民選無關 | Lok Sang HO (何濼生)
民主的再反思 : (影片5) 民主文化與三權分立的制度 | Lok Sang HO (何濼生)
民主的再反思 : (影片6) 香港特首該怎樣選 | Lok Sang HO (何濼生)
香港現代水墨淺談 = Seminar on modern ink painting | Brenda HONG
看不見的生命 : 香港越南船民史 = The invisible citizens of Hong Kong : art and stories of Vietnamese boatpeople | 香港貿易發展局「文化七月,悅讀夏季」活動 | Suk Mun, Sophia LAW (羅淑敏)
從紅燈籠到黃雀記 = From Raise the Red Lantern to The Oriole | 嶺南大學「駐校作家計劃」 | Tong SU (蘇童)
從小孩及長者的故事認識死亡 | 哲學系生死學公開講座 | Yee Mei, Maggie CHAU
許鞍華與她的香港 = Ann Hui and her Hong Kong | 嶺南大學藝術節2014 | Ann HUI (許鞍華) and Shuk-han, Mary WONG (黃淑嫻)
Myanmar Perspectives : 50 Paintings from a Changing Country : film show & panel discussion = 「探索藝術:透視蛻變中的緬甸」展覽 : 電影欣賞及研討會 | Myanmar Perspectives : 50 Paintings from a Changing Country | Ian HOLLIDAY
《飛越來生緣》 : 一念天堂、一念地獄? | 嶺南大學實踐哲學文學碩士課程及三聯書店‧創BOOKCAFE合辦【光影中的哲學系列】 | Wai Ying WONG
臨終者對我們的啟示 | Kin Chuen, Vincent TSE (謝建泉)
一九五零年代的香港攝影 | 一九五零年代的香港文學與文化講座系列 | Wo Bik WONG (王禾璧) and Sylvia NG (伍小儀)
如何走過哀慟之路 | Wai Ying WONG (黃慧英)
訪談的心法 | Yee Mei, Maggie CHAU
旗袍與香港生活 | 一九五零年代香港文學與文化講座系列 | Amy WONG