Lingnan Videos - Lectures & Seminars is the archive of scholarly presentations organized by Lingnan University, including public seminar, public lecture, inaugural lecture, university assembly, etc.
Public Seminars
Navigating global regimes of mobility : the onward mobility of African international students in China | Sociology Seminar Series 2021-2022 | Benjamin MULVEY
Social housing in Hong Kong: From social movement to “new” housing policy? | Cities and Governance Webinar Series 2021 | Charles HO
Photo Exhibition "Recognize Our Uniqueness" Kick-off Ceremony cum Seminar cum Book Launch of "Ethnic Minorities, Media and Participation in Hong Kong: Creative and Tactical Belonging" | Equal Opportunities Awareness Campaign 2021 | Aggie LAM; Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明); Fariha Salma Deiya BAKAR; Devi NOVIANTI; Danny K.; Robby; Vivek MAHBUBANI; and Tse Shang, Denise TANG (鄧芝珊)
Empirical research on urban governance | Cities and Governance Webinar Series 2021 | Nuno F. da CRUZ
Housing as an intergenerational project | Maggie Ka Wai LAU, Ngai Ming YIP, Richard RONALD, and William LI
Governance convergence and accounting harmonization | Business Distinguished Scholar Seminar Series | Inder K. KHURANA
Disentangling the effects of experience-based faultlines in e-Sports teams: An empirical analysis using auto-regressive integrated moving average modelling | Business Distinguished Scholar Seminar Series | Chee-Wee TAN
Rethinking salt supply chains: Cost and emissions analysis for co-production of salt and freshwater from U.S. seawater | Business Distinguished Scholar Seminar Series | Greys SOSIC
Practical initiative: Why proactive personality and behavior matter at work | Business Distinguished Scholar Seminar Series | Mike CRANT
Life during the 1st national lockdown in the UK | Sociology Seminar Series 2020-2021 | Tarani CHANDOLA
The Post-COVID-19 World : Autocracies, Democracies and the New World Order | Shalendra SHARMA
How much pushback after backsliding? Opposition to autocratization in Southeast Asia | Sociology Seminar Series 2020-2021 | Mark R. THOMPSON
把蘇軾的《和陶詩》放置於他在海南島的其他著作中閱讀 | 中國詩學論壇網路學術系列講座 (3) | Ronald EGAN (艾朗諾), Gang ZHU (朱剛), and Zong-qi CAI (蔡宗齊)
Asymmetry in Earnings Management Surrounding Targeted Ratings | David L. ECKLES
Digital punishment : privacy, stigma, and the consequences of data-driven criminal justice | Sociology Seminar Series 2020-2021 | Sarah Esther LAGESON
The National Security Argument for Protection of Domestic Industries | Leonard K CHENG
Upstream collusion with down stream compensation | Department of Economics : Departmental Seminars | Zhiyong YAO
Consumer vulnerability and behavioral biases | Department of Economics : Departmental Seminars | Zenan WU
以陳子昂為中心:從六朝「文義」到隋唐「經史」看唐初詩學之發展走向 | 中國詩學論壇網路學術系列講座 (2) | Chunhong WANG (汪春泓), Zunju LIU (劉尊舉), and Zili MA (馬自力)
Economic aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic for higher education institutions | Global Higher Education Webinar Series : COVID-19 and Global Higher Education | Iris LORSCHEID
Are Japanese universities ready to embrace online learning? Micro-, meso- and macro-levels of analysis | Global Higher Education Webinar Series : COVID-19 and Global Higher Education | Insung JUNG
University education under COVID-19 : what to do beyond online classes? | Global Higher Education Webinar Series : COVID-19 and Global Higher Education | Leonard CHENG
中國早期書寫型態及其文化功能 | 中國詩學論壇網路學術系列講座 (1) | Minli ZHAO (趙敏俐), Daobin FU (傅道彬), and Zong-qi CAI (蔡宗齊)
Designing higher education : big deal partnerships, technologies and capabilities | Global Higher Education Webinar Series : COVID-19 and Global Higher Education | Hamish COATES
The COVID-19 crisis in Australian higher education | Global Higher Education Webinar Series : COVID-19 and Global Higher Education | Anthony WELCH
The world is changing : higher education and the COVID-19 pandemic | Global Higher Education Webinar Series : COVID-19 and Global Higher Education | Simon MARGINSON
曹聚仁在五十年代香港文學中的位置 | The City-wide Activities of Hong Kong Library Festival 2019 at Lingnan University Library | Cheuk-yin, Alex TSANG (曾卓然)
「電影朝聖」講座 | The City-wide Activities of Hong Kong Library Festival 2019 at Lingnan University Library | Gary WONG (王冠豪)
Improvising space : a symposium on creativity, pedagogy, and music improvisation | Bani HAYKAL, Kimho IP, Tusa MONTES, and Michael SCHIEFEL
The state of press freedom in Hong Kong and around the globe | Michael LUONGO, Ilaria Maria SALA, Chris YEUNG, Emily LAU, Harvey SERNOVITZ, and Cedric ALVIANI
The tortuous path of digital history in the Chinese humanities | Lik Hang, Lincoln TSUI (徐力恆)
Book talk : Revolutionary bodies : Chinese dance and the socialist legacy | Emily WILCOX
不可能的可能 : 博物館超越時空的另類體驗 | Art History and Curating Seminar Series | Feng Ying KENG (耿鳳英)
Marketing and merchandising treasures in the museum-land | Art History and Curating Seminar Series | Shin-Chieh TZENG
超越哀傷與絕望 | 喪親心靈關顧培訓工作坊 | Thomas KWAN Rev. (關俊棠)
‘Follow the Practice’ : Tracing Formations of Culture & Knowledge in Asia : Day 2 : Roundtable | Two-day Workshop : ‘Follow the Practice’ : Tracing Formations of Culture & Knowledge in Asia | Tzu Nyen HO, Ashish RAJADHYAKSHA, Samita SEN, Tejaswini NIRANJANA, Anjeline DE DIOS, and Roberto CASTILLO
‘Follow the Practice’ : Tracing Formations of Culture & Knowledge in Asia : Day 1 : Research presentations | Two-day Workshop : ‘Follow the Practice’ : Tracing Formations of Culture & Knowledge in Asia | Samita SEN, Tejaswini NIRANJANA, Anjeline DE DIOS, and Chunmei DU
Disinformation overload : ‘truthing it’ in algorithmic networks | Lingnan University 50th Anniversary Lecture Series (2017-2018) | Nishant SHAH and Tse Shang, Denise TANG
What have we learnt about UK poverty research over the past years? | Policy Studies and Management Seminar Series 2019 | Dave GORDON
Performance Studies x Cultural Studies Colloquium : Cultures in Motion, Performance in Transit | Hyunjung LEE; Paul RAE; Chiayi SEETOO; Tejaswini NIRANJANA; Anjeline DE DIOS; Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN; and Soo Ryon YOON
Research smarter with Web of Science and Journal Citation Index | Postgraduate Study Seminar Series | Maggie LAM
Promoting healthy ageing : multi-sectoral collaboration | Policy Studies and Management Seminar Series 2019 | Ching Choi LAM
Economic globalization, skill formation and development | Policy Studies and Management Seminar Series 2019 | Hugh LAUDER
Meeting Popes, presidents and princesses : a cross-continental life of writing, glamour and adventure | Michael T. LUONGO
Service-learning showcase cum seminar campus farming and community building at Lingnan | 嶺南彩園分享會 | Lai Seung, Marine AU YEUNG; Kin Chi LAU; Chloe SIU; Joy LAM; and Jensen HO
喪親之痛與療癒 | 喪親心靈關顧培訓工作坊 | Fong, Agnes TIN (田芳)
不能迴避的現實 : 回顧任局長五年的房屋政策 | Policy Studies and Management Seminar Series | Anthony CHEUNG (張炳良)
The non-other and its discontents | Xin WANG
The convergence of Christianity and the Chinese Revolution in 1950s Hong Kong | Brian TSUI
What is curating? | Art History and Curating Seminar Series | Charlotte DE MILLE
Music in museums : curatorial highlights from the Courtauld Gallery | Art History and Curating Seminar Series | Charlotte DE MILLE
On listening | Haytham EL-WARDANY
Internationalisation policies in the UK and China in comparative perspective : alignments and dislocations in international higher education | Policy Studies and Management Seminar Series | Catherine MONTGOMERY
Globalization of audit culture in higher education : Asia Pacific perspective | Policy Studies and Management Seminar Series | Anthony WELCH
Chinese wartime science through the lens of Joseph Needham exhibition : opening ceremony and public talk | Kwok Hon, Leonard CHENG; Peter LEE; and Mei Chun, Louisa LAM
House buying as hope mechanism : the culture of homeownership in Hong Kong | Chung Kin TSANG
Performing protests : performance as tactics of resistance in post-handover Hong Kong = 展演抗爭 : 九七後香港的示威戲碼 | Yau WEN (魂游)
Reflections on Inter-Asia as method | Beng Huat CHUA
Opening Ceremony cum Sharing Session of Hong Kong Market Cats Photography Exhibition | Marcel HEIJNEN
Hong Kong's ghosts : the politics of disappearance = 香港的魅影 : 消失的政治 | The performing archive : deep archival engagement as artistic practice = 演繹檔案庫 : 從解讀檔案到藝術實踐工作坊 | Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN; Yan Wai, Connie LO; Simon CHU; and Shuk Man LEUNG
Masterclass : Ackbar Abbas = 大師班:記錄香港文化 | The performing archive : deep archival engagement as artistic practice = 演繹檔案庫 : 從解讀檔案到藝術實踐工作坊 | Ackbar ABBAS
香港國際藏書票大展2018預展開幕典禮暨分享會 = Opening Ceremony and seminar of Pre-Show of HK INT'L Ex-Libris SHOW 2018 | Rachel CHENG (鄭瑞瓊), John YU (餘元康), Sarah NG (吳秀華), Samuel WONG (黃恩約), and Malou HUNG (熊愛儀)
Posthumous socialism | Ackbar ABBAS
Ventriloquizing archives = 檔案庫的腹語術與何子彦對談 | The performing archive : deep archival engagement as artistic practice = 演繹檔案庫 : 從解讀檔案到藝術實踐工作坊 | Tzu Nyen HO, Ashish RAJADHYAKSHA, and Dai Vo CHUONG
死生一線間 : 如何學會放下? | 哲學系「生死學」課程公開講座 | 淨蓮法師
星輝曜彩 : 蕭暉榮七十藝術人生講座 = Talk by Professor Siu Fai Wing | Fai Wing SIU (蕭暉榮)
Locating the transnational : gender and neoliberalism in the Kerala model of development | Ritty LUKOSE
蕭暉榮教授藝術展開幕禮 = Opening of Art Exhibition of Professor Siu Fai Wing | Kwok Hon, Leonard CHENG (鄭國漢) and Fai Wing SIU (蕭暉榮)
向臨終病人學習 | 哲學系「生死學」課程公開講座 | Chun Fong LIU (廖進芳)
Postgraduate studies seminar : research and mrthodological issues : dialogue with experienced researcher | Inter-University Research Consortium for Higher Education Research | Deane NEUBAUER and Jiwei QIAN
命運與抉擇 | 哲學系「生命中的必然與偶然」課程公開講座 | Ying Choi LEE (李英才)
Watercolor demonstration by Atanur Dogan | ILP Visual Arts Programme | Atanur DOGAN
Talk on intellectual property rights enforcement | Y. T. LAM
International Workshop on Globalization, Education and Social Futures cum postgraduate student sharing session | Susan ROBERTSON; Roger DALE; Ka Ho, Joshua MOK; Xiandong WEI; Beste Esra BURAK HO; Ho Lun, Alex WONG; Jin JIANG; Mulun, Alfred WU; and Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN
人生考察路之〈極地考察〉傳奇 | Lok Sze, Rebecca LEE
Resonating with creative minds : a retrospective of the artist-in-residence programme at Lingnan University 2006-2015 : panel discussion | Resonating with Creative Minds: A Retrospective of the Artist-in-Residence Programme at Lingnan University 2006-2015 = 藝想奏鳴: 嶺大「駐校藝術家計劃」十年回顧展 | Mette HJORT
從鬼門關走回來 : 對瀕死經歷的體悟 | 哲學系生死學公開講座 | Kaiyong LAI and Weidong HUANG
The magic of ballpoint pen art : exhibition opening | “The Magic of Ballpoint Pen Art” exhibition | Dipendra RAI
Opening talk of "Creativity movement space" exhibition | Lingnan Arts Festival 2015 | Francesco LIETTI, Him LO, Wen YAU, Birdy CHU, and Edward TSE
精彩人生路 | 哲學系「生命中的必然與偶然」課程公開講座 | Christine LEUNG
民主的再反思 : (影片1) 民主的多重意義 | Lok Sang HO (何濼生)
民主的再反思 : (影片2) 多黨政治和權力制衡 | Lok Sang HO (何濼生)
民主的再反思 : (影片3) 公義為何 | Lok Sang HO (何濼生)
民主的再反思 : (影片4) 香港社會問題跟民府未民選無關 | Lok Sang HO (何濼生)
民主的再反思 : (影片5) 民主文化與三權分立的制度 | Lok Sang HO (何濼生)
民主的再反思 : (影片6) 香港特首該怎樣選 | Lok Sang HO (何濼生)
香港現代水墨淺談 = Seminar on modern ink painting | Brenda HONG
看不見的生命 : 香港越南船民史 = The invisible citizens of Hong Kong : art and stories of Vietnamese boatpeople | 香港貿易發展局「文化七月,悅讀夏季」活動 | Suk Mun, Sophia LAW (羅淑敏)
從紅燈籠到黃雀記 = From Raise the Red Lantern to The Oriole | 嶺南大學「駐校作家計劃」 | Tong SU (蘇童)
從小孩及長者的故事認識死亡 | 哲學系生死學公開講座 | Yee Mei, Maggie CHAU
許鞍華與她的香港 = Ann Hui and her Hong Kong | 嶺南大學藝術節2014 | Ann HUI (許鞍華) and Shuk-han, Mary WONG (黃淑嫻)
Myanmar Perspectives : 50 Paintings from a Changing Country : film show & panel discussion = 「探索藝術:透視蛻變中的緬甸」展覽 : 電影欣賞及研討會 | Myanmar Perspectives : 50 Paintings from a Changing Country | Ian HOLLIDAY
《飛越來生緣》 : 一念天堂、一念地獄? | 嶺南大學實踐哲學文學碩士課程及三聯書店‧創BOOKCAFE合辦【光影中的哲學系列】 | Wai Ying WONG
臨終者對我們的啟示 | Kin Chuen, Vincent TSE (謝建泉)
一九五零年代的香港攝影 | 一九五零年代的香港文學與文化講座系列 | Wo Bik WONG (王禾璧) and Sylvia NG (伍小儀)
如何走過哀慟之路 | Wai Ying WONG (黃慧英)
訪談的心法 | Yee Mei, Maggie CHAU
旗袍與香港生活 | 一九五零年代香港文學與文化講座系列 | Amy WONG
《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》: 哲學、文學與電影 | Shuk Han, Mary WONG Dr. (黃淑嫺) and Kwok Cheung TAO Dr. (陶國璋)