Disinformation overload : ‘truthing it’ in algorithmic networks

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This event contains 4 videos clips. More videos available at: https://lingnan.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Sessions/List.aspx?folderID=78fe956e-7b46-48fe-a582-aa0d00597a0e


Department of Cultural Studies, Lingnan University
Hong Kong Art Centre

Event Title

Lingnan University 50th Anniversary Lecture Series (2017-2018)

Document Type

Public Seminar




6:00 p.m. -- 8:00 p.m.


Eric Hotung Studio, Hong Kong Arts Centre


Fake news has been all the news lately. The anxiety around fake news is a symptom of a growing instability in our capacity to tell, discern, filter, share, and amplify that which we believe to be true, in the algorithmic state of information networks. Fake news is not so much about searching for the truth, as it is about figuring out the first principles through which claims of truth can be made. Beginning with the idea of information overload as our new default, this talk looks at the way in which our first order principles of truth claiming are being challenged, manipulated, and reformed by the algorithmic practices of computational networks. Drawing from digital cultures, software studies, network theory, feminist technologies, and humanist critique, this talk unpacks the transitions that engineer the new conditions of ‘faking it’ and potentials for possible hacks.

近期「假新聞」往往成為「新聞」。我們對假新聞的焦慮,正表示了我們對數位資訊世 界中所相信的「真相」感到愈來愈無力去訴說、分辨、過濾、分享和闡明。假新聞並不 關於「求真」,而是要弄清楚宣稱真相的根本原理。這次講座由我們都認知的「資訊超 荷」做起點,去探討真相宣稱的根本原理如何已被電腦化網絡的演算法所挑戰、主導及 改革。這次講座會從數碼文化、軟體研究、網絡理論、女性主義科技、人本批判的角度 出發,探討如何從「假裝」中尋找出路。


Prof. Nishant Shah is a feminist, humanist, technologist working in digital cultures. He is the Vice-President Research at the ArtEZ University of the Arts, The Netherlands. where he is invested in thinking through infrastructure of art, culture, and design for building resilient and equitable futures. He is a Senior Research Fellow in Media Cultures of Computer Simulation at Leuphana University, Germany, working through questions of simulation and the new technosocial subjectivities that emerge thereof. He was the co-founder of the Centre for Internet & Society India, where the work on technological ordering he initiated continues to inform his current preoccupations. He is a knowledge partner with the development agency Hivos, The Netherlands, analyzing new practices of collective action. His work remains at the interlocked edges of the body, identity, digital technologies, policy, and activism. His current interest is in thinking through questions of ethics and inclusion within Artificial Intelligence systems. Prof. Nishant Shah’s profile website: https://nishantshah.online


Denise Tse-Shang Tang is an interdisciplinary ethnographer who began her career by studying the relationship between lesbian sexualities and social spaces in Chinese societies. She is the author of Conditional Spaces: Hong Kong Lesbian Desires and Everyday Life (Hong Kong University Press, 2011). She co-edited (with Alistair Fraser and Maggy Lee) “Crime, Media, Culture: Asia-style,” special issue of Crime, Media, Culture, and is one of the editors (with Stevi Jackson and Olivia Khoo) for the Palgrave MacMillan book series Gender, Sexualities and Culture in Asia.



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Recommended Citation

Stan, N., & Tang, T. T. S. (2019, March 2). Disinformation overload: ‘Truthing it’ in algorithmic networks [Video podcast]. Retrieved from http://commons.ln.edu.hk/videos/803
