The last colonial : Stuart Hall’s art of living

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Lingnan University

Event Title

Vincent Woo Distinguished Visiting Scholar Programme 2018-19

Document Type

Public Lecture




6:00 p.m. -- 8:00 p.m.


Eric Hotung Studio, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Wan Chai


Stuart Hall is best known as one of the founders in the 1960s of Cultural Studies, an interdisciplinary field that has globally transformed the humanities and social sciences. It is less well-known that he was also a founder, at the end of the 1950s, of the "first" New Left and of the first New Left Review. But who was Stuart Hall? How are we to understand his trajectory? Hall referred to himself as the "last colonial" and urged that his "work" be seem in relation to his "life." What might this mean? My presentation will consider him in relation to the decolonizing Jamaica from which he came and think about how this helped to inform an intellectual orientation that I will call his "art of living."

Stuart Hall 最廣為人知的事蹟是他是1960年代文化研究學門的創始人之一。作為一門跨領域學科,文化研究改變了全球人文科學與社會科學的樣貌。然而人們未必知道的是,在1950年代末, Stuart 創立了「第一個」新左翼 以及《新左翼評論》。然而誰是Stuart Hall? 我們如何理解他的軌跡?Stuart Hall 稱自己為「最後的被殖民者」,並叮囑我們必需從他的 「生命」面向去理解他的「作品」,而這意味著什麼? 在我的分享中,我將談論他的出生地牙買加的去殖民化對他的影響; 並思索其對知識定位的啟發。此種啟發我稱之為「Stuart Hall 的生存之道」。



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David Scott is the Ruth and William Lubic Professor of Anthropology, and Chair of the Department of Anthropology, at Columbia University. He is the author of five books, including Conscripts of Modernity: The Tragedy of Colonial Enlightenment (2004), Omens of Adversity: Tragedy, Time, Memory, Justice (2014), and Stuart Hall's Voice: Intimations of an Ethics of Receptive Generosity (2017). He is currently at work on a biography of Stuart Hall tentatively called "Stuart Hall: An Art of Living," and on a book on New World slave reparations, "Irreparable Evil." He is the founding editor of Small Axe, and director of the Small Axe Project.

David Scott 為哥倫比亞大學人類學Ruth and William Lubic教授暨系主任,著有 Conscripts of Modernity: The Tragedy of Colonial Enlightenment (2004); Omens of Adversity: Tragedy, Time, Memory, Justice (2014); 以及 Stuart Hall's Voice: Intimations of an Ethics of Receptive Generosity (2017) 等書。Scott教授進行中的著作包括Stuart Hall: An Art of Living (書名暫定),該書為Stuart Hall的生平傳記; 以及Irreparable Evil (書名暫定),探討關於新世界奴隸的賠償制度。他是 Small Axe的創始編輯,亦是「Small Axe計劃」的總監。

Vincent Woo Distinguished Visiting Scholar Programme 2017-18, Lingnan University

The public lecture was part of the “Vincent Woo Distinguished Visiting Scholar Programme” established in 1999 with the generous endowment given by Dr Vincent Woo Wing-fai. The Programme provides funding for the University to invite an internationally renowned scholar to stay on campus for a week each year to give a public lecture, hold seminars with staff and students, and give advice to various academic departments.



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Recommended Citation

Scott, D. (2018). The last colonial: Stuart Hall’s art of living [Video podcast]. Retrieved from
