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Submissions from 2011


Evaluating noninvasive methods of sex identification in Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas) hatchlings, Zhong Rong XIA, Pi Peng LI, He Xiang GU, Jonathan J. FONG, and Er Mi ZHAO


Evaluating phylogenetic informativeness and data-type usage for new protein-coding genes across Vertebrata, Jonathan J. FONG and Matthew K. FUJITA


Export enhancement, WTO rules and financial crises, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON and John K. VOON


Family mastery enhances work engagement in Chinese nurses : a cross-lagged analysis, Changqin LU, Oi Ling SIU, Weiqing CHEN, and Haijiang WANG


First-order (conditional) risk aversion, background risk and risk diversification, Georges DIONNE and Jingyuan LI


Foreign direct investment in a two-tier oligopoly : coordination, vertical integration, and welfare, Ping LIN and Kamal SAGGI


Formal verification of negotiation protocols for multi-agent manufacturing systems, Wing Lok YEUNG


Hard of hearing, Chi Jiang CHANG and Darryl Cameron STERK


Hong Kong's happiness indices : what they tell us about LIFE?, Lok Sang HO


Hong Kong's policies relating to asylum-seekers : torture and the principle of non-refoulement, James Andrew RICE


How to change it : modes of engagement, rationality, and stance voluntarism, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM and Otávio BUENO

Human spirituality and happiness : a tribute to life, the source of inspirations, the source of hope, the source of joy, Lok Sang HO


Identification in first-price and Dutch auctions when the number of potential bidders is unobservable, Artyom SHNEYEROV and Chi Leung, Adam WONG


Impacts of financial crisis on family units in China : the role of family law, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON and John K. VOON

Implementing tax information exchange in Singapore and Hong Kong : implications for the OECD Initiative, Monica PHENY and Wai Yee, Pauline WONG


Incentives for cost shifting and misreporting : US rural universal service subsidies, 1991-2002, Sanford V. BERG, Liangliang JIANG, and Chen LIN


In defence of polysystem theory, Nam Fung CHANG


India in 2010 : robust economics amid political stasis, Shalendra SHARMA


Individualism-collectivism and business context as predictors of behaviors in cross-national work settings : incidence and outcomes, Peter B. SMITH; Claudio V. TORRES; Julia HECKER; Chei Hwee CHUA; Alena CHUDZIKOVA; Serdar DEGIRMENCIOGLU; Francisco DONOSO-MALUF; Yifeng, Nancy CHEN; Charles HARB; Brad JACKSON; Sigmar MALVEZZI; Andrew MOGAJI; Juan CARLOS PASTOR; Lorena PEREZ-FLORIANO; B. N. SRIVASTAVA; Günter STAHL; Stephanie THOMASON; and Vladimir YANCHUK


Individual performance appraisal and appraisee reactions to workgroups : the mediating role of goal interdependence and the moderating role of procedural justice, Tingting CHEN, Peiguan WU, and Kwok LEUNG


Insider trading in Hong Kong : tests of stock returns and trading frequency, Michael Arthur FIRTH, T. Y. LEUNG, and Oliver M. RUI


Institutional ownership stability and risk taking : evidence from the life–health insurance industry, Jiang CHENG, Elyas ELYASIANI, and Jingyi (Jane) JIA

Interpreters in early imperial China, Wai Chu, Rachel LUNG


Intervention, determinism, and the causal minimality condition, Jiji ZHANG and Peter SPIRTES


Japan's involvement in Asia-centered regional forums in the context of relations with China and the United States, Chien Peng CHUNG


Knowledge management in Chinese organizations : collectivist values for open-minded discussions, Guoquan CHEN, Dean William TJOSVOLD, Nan LI, Yue FU, and Dawei LIU


Kuhn vs. Popper on criticism and dogmatism in science : a resolution at the group level, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM

Legal education and the rise of rights consciousness in China, John Nguyet ERNI

Liberalization of the privateness in higher education : funding strategies, changing governance and policy implications in Asia, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK

L'ideologia totalitaria : interpretazioni a confronto, William Peter BAEHR


Linking transformational leadership and team performance : a conflict management approach, Xinan ZHANG, Qing CAO, and Dean William TJOSVOLD

Literaturtheorie, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON

Lustration and transitional justice : personnel systems in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland, Roman DAVID


Macao monuments : in art, in poetry and in your face, Carol ARCHER and Christopher KELEN


Making a happier Hong Kong, Lok Sang HO


Marketing metrics' usage : its predictors and implications for customer relationship management, Ling Yee, Esther LI


Marketing of competence-based solutions to buyers in exploratory relationships : perspective of OEM suppliers, Ling Yee, Esther LI


Marxism and Islamism : intellectual conformity in Aron’s time and our own, William Peter BAEHR


Migration for degrading work as an escape from humiliation, Oded STARK and Chengze, Simon FAN


Modern architecture and the concept of harmony, Rafael DE CLERCQ


Monograph circulation over a 15-year period in a liberal arts university, Sheila CHEUNG, Terry CHUNG, and F. NESTA

Negotiating religion in modern China : state and common people in Guangzhou, 1900-1937, Shuk Wah POON


Newcomer socialization in China : effects of team values and goal interdependence, Yifeng, Nancy CHEN; Dean TJOSVOLD; Xu HUANG; and Da XU


New manager socialization and conflict management in China : effects of relationship and open conflict values, Yifeng, Nancy CHEN; Dean William TJOSVOLD; Xu HUANG; and Da XU


Nonaudit services and earnings management in the Pre-SOX and Post-SOX eras, Jayanthi KRISHNAN; Lixin, Nancy SU; and Yinqi ZHANG


Not an exceptional country : Russia and the global financial crisis of 2008-2009, Shalendra SHARMA


Note on the productivity convergence of airports in China, Ka Yiu, Michael FUNG and Kong Wing, Clement CHOW


On authorship and collaboration, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON


Optimal brokerage commissions for fair insurance : a first order approach, Arthur HAU


Optimizing stacking ensemble by an ant colony optimization approach, Yijun CHEN and Man Leung WONG


Organizational corruption by public hospitals in China, Wai Keung TAM


Organizational learning in Asia, Robin Stanley SNELL and Fok Loi, Jacky HONG

Overview of health and ageing issues in the Asia-Pacific region, David Rosser PHILLIPS

Parallel study on Lingnan exit written Chinese proficiency tests since 2009, Donghui LI and Keling YU


Perceived organisational climate, knowledge transfer and innovation in China-based research and development companies, Yi ZHANG and Thomas M. BEGLEY


Philosophical perspectives on fictional characters, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON and Andrea SAUCHELLI

Popper's critical rationalism : a philosophical investigation, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM


Problems in translating culture : the translated titles of Fusheng liuji, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

Promoting critical thinking and creativity in Hong Kong students : a cultural perspective, Miu Chi, Vivian LUN and Kwok LEUNG


“Pro-suming” swearing (verbal violence) : “affect” as feminist (internet) criticism, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)


Psychological capital as a moderator between emotional labor, burnout, and job satisfaction among school teachers in China, Yue Lok, Francis CHEUNG; So Kum, Catherine TANG; and Shuwen TANG


Psychological contract breach and counterproductive workplace behaviors : testing moderating effect of attribution style and power distance, M. C., Joe CHAO; Yue Lok, Francis CHEUNG; and Man Sze, Anise WU

Public perceptions of income inequality : trends and implications, Ka Ying, Timothy WONG; Po San, Shirley WAN; and Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW


Purity and danger in the modern university, William Peter BAEHR

Recent development of real estate tax on residential properties in China, Monica PHENY and Wai Yee, Pauline WONG

Recovery from the 2008 Great Sichuan Earthquake in China : constructive controversy and relationships, Yifeng, Nancy CHEN; Yi KANG; Dean William TJOSVOLD; and Yang, Cathy GUO


Reflections on marriage and family therapy emergent from international dialogues in China, Jason DIAS, Albert CHAN, James UNGVARSKY, James ORAKER, and Heatherlyn P. CLEARE-HOFFMAN

Regional disparities and educational inequalities : city responses and coping strategies, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK and Yu Cheung WONG


Repositioning William Wordsworth in contemporary China, Ersu DING

Revisiting the past, D. J. LIU and Darryl Cameron STERK


Small Cinemas: How They Thrive and Why They Matter, Mette HJORT


Social face concerns and conflict avoidance of Chinese employees with their Western or Chinese managers, Ann Chunyan PENG and Dean William TJOSVOLD

Social media uprising in the Chinese-speaking world, Iam Chong IP

Social responsibility and reflexivity to develop cooperative goals with government units in China, Shiu Ho, Alfred WONG; Robin Stanley SNELL; Dean William TJOSVOLD; and Yang, Cathy GUO


Stance and rationality : a perspective, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM and Otávio BUENO


Stances and paradigms : a reflection, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM


Subject-Verb Inversion and Iambic Rhythm in Shakespeare's Dramatic Verse, Richard INGHAM and Michael INGHAM


Susceptibility to global consumer culture : a cross-cultural study, Shing Chung, Patrick POON and Lianxi ZHOU


Taiwan’s new grand strategy, Baohui ZHANG


Taking education seriously as reform : curriculum policy research and its implications for cultural studies, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN and Yuen Fun, Muriel LAW


Testing a model of work-family enrichment : the effects of social resources and affect, Oi Ling SIU, Jiafang LU, Changqin LU, Paula BROUGH, Thomas KALLIATH, Michael O'DRISCOLL, Arnold B. BAKKER, Carolyn TIMMS, and Haijiang WANG

The aesthetics of parallelism in Chinese poetry : the case of Xie Lingyun, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG


The demand for a risky asset in the presence of a background risk, Jingyuan LI


The early philosophical discourse on language and reality and Lu Ji's and Liu Xie's theories of literary creation, Zongqi CAI

The effect of word-of-mouth on the purchase of genuine and counterfeit luxury brands, Shing Chung, Patrick POON; Tsang Sing CHAN; and Wei WANG


The effects of public housing on internal mobility in Hong Kong, Hon Kwong LUI and Wing SUEN

‘[The] experiments are of international significance’: Television, education, and human rights in postwar France, Diana LEMBERG

The geopolitics of Asia in 2030 from China's perspective and interest, Chien Peng CHUNG

The global classroom project : learning a second language in a virtual environment, Brant KNUTZEN and David KENNEDY


The Green and Red Gang, D. J. LIU and Darryl Cameron STERK

The impact of prudence on optimal prevention revisited, Georges DIONNE and Jingyuan LI


The impact of the financial tsunami on Hong Kong port, Ying KOU, Liming LIU, and Xin TIAN

The influences of individual characteristics and societal factors on religious engagement : an investigation using the World Value Survey, Miu Chi, Vivian LUN and Michael Harris BOND


The information content of earnings components : evidence from the Chinese stock market, Gongmeng CHEN; Michael Arthur FIRTH; and Ning, Daniel GAO


The lack of pollinator specificity in a dioecious fig tree : sympatric fig-pollinating wasps of Ficus septica in southern Taiwan, Rong-Chien LIN, Carol K.-L. YEUNG, Jonathan J. FONG, Hsy-Yu TZENG, and Shou-Hsien LI

The Mind's Ear: imagination, emotions and ideas in the intersemiotic transportation of Housman's poetry to song, Mike INGHAM


The moral and non-moral virtues in Confucian ethics, Wai Ying WONG

The "other" function of translation : on translation and education in Hong Kong, Wai Yi, Dorothy WONG


The problem with provocation : On Lars von Trier, enfant terrible of Danish art film, Mette HJORT


The prospect of migration, sticky wages, and 'educated unemployment', Oded STARK and Chengze, Simon FAN