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Submissions from 2011


The role of private information in dynamic matching and bargaining : can it be good for efficiency?, Artyom SHNEYEROV and Chi Leung, Adam WONG

The role of social media for patients and consumer health : contribution of the IMIA consumer health informatics working group, A. Y. S. LAU; K. A. SIEK; L. FERNANDEZ-LUQUE; H. TANGE; P. CHHANABHAI; Yau Wai, Simon LI; P. L. ELKIN; A. ARJABI; L. WALCZOWSKI; C. S. ANG; and G. EYSENBACH


The security dilemma in U.S.-China military space relationship : the prospects for arms control, Baohui ZHANG


The social economy of new rural reconstruction, Pan JIA'EN and Du JIE


The spirit of Deer town : and the redemption of Li Ang's uncanny literary home, Darryl Cameron STERK

The traditional Chinese theater and Hong Kong general education course on Peking/Kun operas, Donghui LI

The uncertain search for justice in the August 2010 Manila bus hostage tragedy, James Andrew RICE


The use and misuse of taxpayers' money : publicly-funded educational research, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM and Sarah Jane AISTON

The widening income dispersion in Hong Kong : 1986-2006, Hon Kwong LUI


Tiptoeing through crisis? Re-evaluating the German social model in light of the global recession, John HUDSON and Stefan KÜHNER


Towards an effective (more or less) monetary union in Asia, Lok Sang HO

Translating Chinese philosophy : reflections on the sinological tradition and the question of terms, Tak Hung, Leo CHAN


Translating the Tibetan Buddhist canon : past strategies, future prospects, Roberta Ann RAINE


‘Translator studies’ : Liang Shiqiu’s discourse on translation, Liping BAI


Universal service subsidies and cost overstatement : evidence from the U.S. telecommunications sector, Sanford V. BERG, Liangliang JIANG, and Chen LIN


US debt, deficit, and the falling greenback : does it mean currency wars and an end to the dollar's reign?, Shalendra SHARMA


Using online collaborative tools for groups to co-construct knowledge, Kai Wai, Samuel CHU and David M. KENNEDY


U.S. missile defense and China’s nuclear posture : changing dynamics of an offense-defense arms race, Baohui ZHANG


Validation of the Chinese version of the gambling motivation scale (C-GMS), Anise M. S. WU and So Kum, Catherine TANG

Vietnamese boat people in Hong Kong : visual images and stories, Suk Mun, Sophia LAW


Violence and translation discourse, Yifeng SUN


What's at the bottom of scientific realism?, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM


When Finehouse Liu met Prosper Wang, Dazhi, Charles WANG and Darryl Cameron STERK


When will customers care about service failures that happened to strangers? The role of personal similarity and regulatory focus and its implication on service evaluation, Lisa C. WAN, Elisa K. Y. CHAN, and Lei SU


Why Ireland's luck ran out and what this means for the Eurozone, Shalendra SHARMA

Women in public affairs : old and not so new challenges, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN

Women police officers in Hong Kong : femininity and policing, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN and Ka-ki, Lawrence HO

Work-life balance : a three-wave longitudinal analysis of its mediating role, Thomas KALLIATH, Jeffrey H. GREENHAUS, Paula BROUGH, Oi Ling SIU, Michael O'DRISCOLL, and Jerry MARMEN


Work stress, Chinese work values, and work well-being in the Greater China, Luo LU, Shu-Fang KAO, Oi Ling SIU, and Chang-Qin LU

Zhang Yimou, Haomin GONG

Zhuangzi and the co-existence with nature : going beyond a human perspective, Wai Wai CHIU


下一刻, Wai Ying CHAN

中國跨國公司在企業國際化過程中的外國市場選擇與進入模式, Tsang Sing CHAN and Geng CUI

中聯影業的寫實主義與官方編造的「香港精神」, Wan Kan CHIN

中英街與沙頭角禁區, 香港地方志辦公室, 深圳市史志辦公室, Chi Pang LAU, Ling HUANG (黃玲), and Xiao SUN (孫霄)

九評地產黨 : 香港輿論界抗擊地產霸權, Wan Kan CHIN; Wing Ping, Joseph WONG; Kwong Tak, Albert LAI; Max WONG; Zunzi; Kwok Ming MA; Zhisen WU; Yingqi HUANG; and Po Keung HUI


保釣運動 : 殖民地下的一場思想啟蒙運動, Yiu Chung WONG


「保釣運動」的回憶, Yiu Chung WONG

個人的缺陷.個人的抉擇 : 《天長地久》與 1950 年代香港跨文化改編身份, Shuk Han WONG


兒童及青少年的性權與性教育 : 單從保護出發是否上策?, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN


卡夫卡與布拉格, Shuk Han, Mary WONG

叛逆、成長與助力 : 論倩女幽魂 (1987) 的改編, Yin Ping, Grace LAU

《后土夫人》与《华岳神女》中的人神婚, Yin Ping, Grace LAU

四部當代文學史, Zidong XU


埃及的運動 : 對話薩米爾.阿敏Samir Amin, Hui WANG (汪暉) and Kin Chi LAU

宋代人鬼婚戀文言小說中的復活、冥婚與改葬故事, Yin Ping, Grace LAU

《小团圆》中的母女关系, Zidong XU

嶺南文化與 <南國人文學刊>, Donghui LI

《左傳》「寡君將墮幣焉」解, Tzu Pin HSU

序 : 改造社會常態的力量, Iam Chong IP


弱势大学毕业生 : 在职贫穷与社会资本视野下的“蚁族”, Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN and Kinglun NGOK (岳经纶)

張愛玲晚期小說中的男女關係, Zidong XU

張愛玲的文學史意義, Zidong XU


從英國經驗思考香港在社區廣播, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)

從語文角度看香港樓盤的中文名稱, Tzu Pin HSU

從《遐邇貫珍》的“喻言一則”到《英華青年》的英譯“中國故事” : 東西文化交流的一個側面, Hung Kai LEE

微妙的藝術雅緣 : 「梨園生輝」展, Yin Ping, Grace LAU

「徳」の起源, Gang XU and Maya HAMADA (濱田麻矢)

性通識 : 本性權利與道德爭議, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN

文化遺產的保存與傳統的再造: 廣州珠村「乞巧文化節」, Shuk Wah POON and Wing Ho WONG

新旧白话与简繁体字 : 对话陈丹青, Danqing CHEN and Zidong XU

旁观者的可能 : 香港电影中的冷战经验与「社会主义中国」, Iam Chong IP


旅遊長鏡頭 : 也斯七十年代的台灣遊記, Shuk Han, Mary WONG

早期香港文學史料管窺 : 淺談《英華青年》, Hung Kai LEE

旺角街頭種高粱 : 香港風俗拾零, Wan Kan CHIN

明代通货问题研究 : 对明代货币经济规模和结构的初步估计, Guanglin, William LIU

星·光 : 詩人之思與宗教符號, Wai Ying CHAN


《春秋左傳》王引之《述聞》獻疑, Pang Fei KWOK, Tzu Pin HSU, and Bit Chee KWOK

書評 : Jan Uhde, Yvonne Ng Uhde合著的 Latent Images: Film in Singapore (第二版), Yan, Vivien WEI

朱淑真李清照詩詞逐字索引, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

東亞高等教育發展及管治新模式的探索, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK

武則天李冶薛濤魚玄機詩逐字索引, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

汉族和少数民族地区的经济增长互动及银行贷款的影响, Jimmy RAN and Youqing ZHOU (周友情)

流轉, Wai Ying CHAN

淺談譯者身份對翻譯的影響 : 讀張愛玲《老人與海》中譯本, Man, Jasmine TONG

清風嶺, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

滲透/不滲透 : 對香港電影與文學的一點思考, Shuk Han, Mary WONG

《漢書‧朱買臣傳》箋注, Chunhong WANG

瀟湘月, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

烏托邦是現實的, Kin Chi LAU

王逸《楚辭章句》發微, Tzu Pin HSU

生產型福利資本主義還能持續嗎? 經濟社會變遷與香港社會福利重構的研究, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK

生育趨勢與生育意向, Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW; Po San, Shirley WAN (尹寶珊); and Wan Tai, Victor ZHENG (鄭宏泰)

由“無我之境”到“詩中有畫” : 抒情主體之道, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

神話、反抗巫術與成長 : 論《淹死者的超度》, Yin Ping, Grace LAU


秋之香江, Dezhi HAN


秋晴城門河早行, Dezhi HAN

符号学与跨文化研究, Ersu DING

芳艷芬《萬世流芳張玉喬》 : 原劇本及導讀, Siu Leung LI

草根起義 : 從虛擬到真實, Iam Chong IP

蛻變中的中國翻譯研究, Ching Chih LIU (劉靖之) and Tak Hung, Leo CHAN


視物、感物、知物 : 香港詩人的都市想像與物質書寫, Wai Ying CHAN

詩的美學 : 從視覺到自覺的美感觀照, Wai Ying CHAN

誰搬走了香港的黃金, Hon Kwong LUI

談談大學四年制嶺南大學語文課程的重新規劃及設計, Donghui LI

談談趙翼的遊記詩及詩歌理論, Chunhong WANG

論楊惲, Chunhong WANG

論《詩經》的虛詞“言” : 從語法分佈的角度, Gang XU

讀《史記‧屈原賈生列傳》獻疑, Chunhong WANG


「讚」 : 一件日常生活瑣事, Shuk Han, Mary WONG