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Submissions from 2012


The two Koreas and the politics of global sport, Brian BRIDGES


Top executive pay in China, Michael FIRTH, Tak Yan LEUNG, and Oliver M. RUI


Toward a new leftist ecocriticism in postsocialist China : reading the "Poetry of migrant workers" as ecopoetry, Haomin GONG


Towards a quality of social network (QoSN) model in the context of social web services, Zakaria MAAMAR; Noura FACI; Wai Sing, Alfred LOO; and Parisa GHODOUS


Transfer pricing in a multidivisional firm : a cooperative game analysis, Mingming LENG and Mahmut PARLAR

Transitional justice and the memory of the past in Eastern Europe, Roman DAVID


Transmitted unemployment under the linked exchange rate system : evidence from Hong Kong, Jimmy RAN and Youqing ZHOU


Twenty years of transitional justice in the Czech lands, Roman DAVID


Twenty years on : Hong Kong dissident documentarians and the Tiananmen factor, Michael Anthony INGHAM


Two forms of atereffects induced by transparent motion reveal multilevel adaptation, Lap Fai, Alan LEE and Hongjing LU

Understanding personality at work, Oi Ling SIU

Uneven modernity : literature, film, and intellectual discourse in postsocialist China, Haomin GONG


User experience on mobile video appreciation : how to engross users and to enhance their enjoyment in watching mobile video clips, Wing Kuen, Eric SEE-TO; Savvas PAPAGIANNIDIS; and Vincent CHO


Using response behaviour theory to solicit survey participation in consumer research: An empirical study, Felicitas EVANGELISTA; Shing Chung, Patrick POON; and Gerald ALBAUM


Validating the Concord Index as a measure of family relationships in China, Paul H. LEE; Sunita M. STEWARTS; Miu Chi, Vivian LUN; Michael H. BOND; Xiaonan YU; and T. H. LAM

Victims’ reparation programs, Roman DAVID


Web site localization in the Chinese market, Chen Ho, Mike CHAO; Nitish SINGH; Chin Chun, Vincent HSU; Yifeng, Nancy CHEN; and Jenyi CHAO


Welfare retrenchment under left and right government leadership : towards a consolidated framework of analysis?, Stefan KÜHNER


What do the Chinese value in (mathematics) education?, Ngai Ying WONG; Wai Ying WONG; and Wing Yu, Esther WONG


What drives bank operating efficiency? The role of bank competition and credit information sharing, Chen LIN, Yue MA, and Frank M. SONG


Who needs human rights? Cultural studies and public institutions, John Nguyet ERNI


Who needs strangers? Un-imagining Hong Kong Chineseness, John Nguyet ERNI

Why does one act differently from what one pledges? Multiple perspectives and independent enquiry study in liberal studies, Po Keung HUI


不遇、補償與辟邪 : 論〈慶豐年五鬼鬧鍾馗〉, Yin Ping, Grace LAU


中共中央委员会结构历史沿革的考察与分析, Mengchang ZHU (祝猛昌), Dong ZHANG, and Mingxing LIU (刘明兴)

【中吕·朝天子】山中杂书, Sau Ieng SI TOU

【中吕·朝天子】湖上, Sau Ieng SI TOU

【中吕·红绣鞋】春日湖上 : 二首其二, Sau Ieng SI TOU

【中吕·红绣鞋】西湖雨, Sau Ieng SI TOU

中國政治與特首選舉, Yiu Chung WONG

也斯跨文化的飲食地圖 : 以其詩作、攝影為研究核心, Yan Ho SIU

侯寶璋家族史 (增訂版), Chi Pang LAU and Shu-yong LIU (劉蜀永)

保育是發展,文化是經濟, Po Keung HUI

僑通天下: 陳有慶傳, Chi Pang LAU

優美宏壯與古雅 : 王國維詩學, Wai Ying CHAN


先秦汉晋言实之论与陆机刘勰的文学创作论, Zongqi CAI


「內美」與「脩能」 : 詩人與詩, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

公立医院买方垄断对制药产业研发投入的影响 : 基于博弈模型的理论分析和实证检验, Xuning LIU (刘旭宁), Xuheng ZANG (臧旭恒), and Ping LIN

初唐詩首句入韻與出句平聲非韻現象研究, Fei LI

前言, Wing Sang LAW

【双调·寿阳曲】: 云笼月, Sau Ieng SI TOU

【双调·寿阳曲】: 从别后, Sau Ieng SI TOU

【双调·寿阳曲】: 心间事, Sau Ieng SI TOU

【双调·雁儿落兼得胜令】: 六首其一, Sau Ieng SI TOU

【双调·雁儿落兼得胜令】: 六首其二, Sau Ieng SI TOU

【双调·雁儿落兼得胜令】: 六首其六, Sau Ieng SI TOU

【双调·雁儿落兼得胜令】: 六首其四, Sau Ieng SI TOU

否想未來 : 在文化危機中過渡「江湖」, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN

告別奴性的一天, Wing Sang LAW

告別犬儒的文化政治, Po Keung HUI

告別犬儒 : 續篇, Po Keung HUI

嘉靖朝抗倭战争和一条鞭法的展开, Guanglin, William LIU and Hongling LIU (刘红铃)


回歸後香港新聞自由的情況, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)

國家語委普通話水平測試應試教程 (修訂版), Haitong FENG (馮海峒), Fei LI, and Maopeng MA

在反智社會裹怎樣做文化研究, Po Keung HUI

多元系统翻译研究 : 理论、实践与回应, Nam Fung CHANG


大中華地區的比較教育研究 : 組織變革、研究重點及近期的發展, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK

奧運巴別塔 : 尋找奧運翻譯的秩序, Lung Jan, Andy CHAN

尋找本土的馬田史高西斯 : <無間道風雲>對香港的啟示, Wing Sang LAW

「小寫歷史」與後設書寫的矛盾 : 評黎紫書《告別的年代》, Yan, Vivien WEI

展覽作為推廣文學的方法, Shuk Han, Mary WONG

屯門, Chi Pang LAU

岭南州府宋元明之际两税征收的比较研究 : 以连州、广州、潮州、惠州为例, Guanglin, William LIU

《左傳》「墮幣」及相關紀事考釋, Tzu Pin HSU

《左傳》禮制與"三禮"有合有不合說, Tzu Pin HSU

序 : 從學術研究、學科教育到社區關懷 : 討論香港文學與電影的意義, Ping Kwan LEUNG and Shuk Han WONG


影響香港道德教育發展的思潮, Tak Sang YAU and Kwok Keung HO

徐复先生口述史, Fu XU (徐复), Maopeng MA, and Yifei LU (卢一飞)


從2011-2012施政報告看「錢跟人走」, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN and Pui Yee, Phoebe TANG


從文化批判到文化研究的教育 : 嶺大文研的道路, Wing Sang LAW

從文學到文化研究的三重主體 : 批評、體制、教與學, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN

「從新出發」 : 閱讀香港翻譯與殖民時期及後殖民時期的教育, Wai Yi, Dorothy WONG

從這裡開始......從那裡開始......, Shuk Han WONG

德 : 从巫到圣 : ”德” 之原始义之转变, Gang XU

快樂頑鬥 : 人人都是八十後, Wing Sang LAW

急救中文. 初集, Wan Kan CHIN

我们的时代, Shuk Han, Mary WONG

戲曲更新與現代性的追尋, Siu Leung LI

戲曲類型化角色與"群怨"關係 : 昆曲折子戲《看狀》、《寫狀》新探, Sau Ieng SI TOU


投之以羊血,報之以水果 : 台灣文學獵人之禮做為個人、群體和生態的認同象徵, Darryl Cameron STERK


「推敲」闡辨, Fei LI

《新安縣全圖》(1866) 中的香港新界村莊, Chi Pang LAU


新高中通識科課程內容研究調查報告, Po Keung HUI and Youying YU

方法としての沖縄 : 新崎盛暉氏への応答4, Wing Sang LAW


旅遊與閱讀 : 在捷克遇上了作家, Shuk Han, Mary WONG

日本AV女優 : 女性的物化與默化, Heung Wah WONG (王向華) and Hoi Yan YAU

《春秋》《左傳》禮制研究, Tzu Pin HSU

普通話的輔音"gkh", Donghui LI

有關香港各界女性領袖的情況 : 研究分享, Oi Ling SIU

朱天文、沈従文との<めぐりあい> : 侯孝賢の自伝映画, Yueh Yu, Emilie YEH; Darrell William DAVIS (デイヴィスダレル ウィリアム); and Jun OGASAWARA (小笠原淳)

東山零雨, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

横向合并控制中的资产剥离问题 : 基于古诺竞争的分析, Xue BAI (白雪), Ping LIN, and Xuheng ZANG (臧旭恒)

殖民研究與香港研究, Wing Sang LAW

比较诗学结构 : 中西文论研究的三种视角, Zongqi CAI and Qinghai LIU

泛亚洲动漫研究, Heung Wah WONG (王向华), Takeshi TANIKAWA (谷川建司), and Hoi Yan YAU

波叔的「笑中淚」, Siu Leung LI

港式中文词类活用现象调查报告, Fei LI

港式中文连词调查报告, Maopeng MA

漢字的規範與簡化, Donghui LI

漢語、方言、現代漢語標準語"普通話", Donghui LI