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Submissions from 2012


Identification in games : changing places, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM


Implementation of service-learning in business education : issues and challenges, Shing Chung, Patrick POON; Tsang Sing CHAN; and Lianxi ZHOU


Individual differences in consumer responses to traditional versus virtual concept testing, Ling PENG, Geng CUI, and Chunyu LI

Information versus knowledge in confirmation theory, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM

Institutinal culture : a manifesto with rules, Meaghan MORRIS and Mette HJORT


Interchange fee rate, merchant discount rate, and retail price in a credit card network : a game-theoretic analysis, Hangfei GUO, Mingming LENG, and Yulan WANG

International benchmarking with the best : the varied role of the state in the quest for regional education hubs in Malaysia and Hong Kong, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK


International Environmental Agreements with mixed strategies and investment, Fuhai HONG and Larry KARP


International sanctions or international justice? Shaping political development in Myanmar, Roman DAVID and Ian HOLLIDAY


Investment opportunity set, political connection and business policies of private enterprises in China, Kong Wing, Clement CHOW; Ka Yiu, Michael FUNG; Kevin C. K. LAM; and Heibatollah SAMI


Irreducibility of joint inventory positions in an assemble-to-order system under (r, nQ) policies, Jiejian FENG, Liming LIU, and Yat Wah WAN

Itérabilité et ontologie de l’art, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON


Job security and justice : predicting employees' trust in Chinese international joint ventures, Yui Tim, Edward WONG


Journalists' histories of journalism : Britain since the 1950s, Mark HAMPTON


Knowing yourself—and giving up on your own agency in the process, Derek Clayton BAKER


Leader values for constructive controversy and team effectiveness in India, Deepti BHATNAGAR and Dean William TJOSVOLD


Learning goal orientation and creative performance : the mediating roles of intrinsic motivation, Kwok LEUNG, Tingting CHEN, and Guoquan CHEN


Learning to write critically : drama as pedagogy and the implications for cultural criticism, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN and Yuen Fun, Muriel LAW


Legal mobilization under authoritarianism : the case of post-colonial Hong Kong, Wai Keung TAM

L'età delle migrazioni forzate : Esodi e deportazioni in Europa 1853-1953, Antonio FERRARA and Niccolò PIANCIOLA


Long-term adjustment of capital structure : evidence from Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan, Tai Leung, Terence CHONG; Tak Yan, Daniel LAW; and LIN ZOU


Lustration systems and trust : evidence from survey experiments in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland, Yuk Ping, Susanne CHOI and Roman DAVID

Manufacturing dissent : domestic and international ramifications of China's summer of labor unrest, Francis SCHORTGEN and Shalendra SHARMA


Measuring the effects of China's airline mergers on the productivity of state-owned carriers, Kong Wing, Clement CHOW and Ka Yiu, Michael FUNG


Menu implementability and practical pricing schemes, Chi Leung, Adam WONG


Merger control policy under China’s anti-monopoly law, Ping LIN and Jingjing ZHAO


Motivational effects of linking incentives to different measures in strategic performance measurement systems : implications for proactive strategic behavior, Lan GUO; Wong On Wing BERNARD; and Man Ching, Gladie LUI


On architecture as a spatial art, Andrea SAUCHELLI


On cinematic genius : ontology and appreciation, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON


On some putative graph-theoretic counterexamples to the Principle of the Identity of Indiscernibles, Rafael DE CLERCQ


On the edge of solidarity : the burqa and public life, William Peter BAEHR and Daniel GORDON

On the English renditions of the confucian concept ren 仁, Yu Kit CHEUNG


On the paradoxical balancing of panaceaism and particularism within the field of management learning, Anders ÖRTENBLAD, Robin Stanley SNELL, Manuela PERROTTA, and Devi AKELLA

On unconceived alternatives in the philosophy of science, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM


Optimal consumption and allocation in variable annuities with Guaranteed Minimum Death Benefits, Jin GAO and Eric R. ULM


Optimal ordering and pricing strategies in the presence of a B2B spot market, Wei XING, Shouyang WANG, and Liming LIU


Outcome-based education and student learning in managerial accounting in Hong Kong, Man Ching, Gladie LUI and Connie SHUM


Patronage and translation : a case study, Liping BAI

Pedagogical development via production of new teaching materials for LCC101 Practical Chinese I, Donghui LI

Phases in the development of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Chien Peng CHUNG


Phonological features of China English, Siqi LI and Andrew John SEWELL


Post-entry container port capacity expansion, Meifeng LUO, Liming LIU, and Fei GAO


Post-takeover financing activities under financial repression : evidence from China, Julan DU; Oliver M. RUI; and Man Lai, Sonia WONG


Precautionary saving in the presence of labor income and interest rate risks, Jingyuan LI


Progress of the ICOSA project : findings of the needs analysis, Andy John MORRALL, Fiona WILLIAMS, and Marc Craig LEBANE


Projecting Britishness to Hong Kong : the British Council and Hong Kong House, nineteen-fifties to nineteen-seventies, Mark HAMPTON


Public policies, tobacco taxes and tobacco consumption : evidence from Hong Kong, Lai Sheung, Suwina CHENG

Public policy and the public interest, Lok Sang HO

Raining on the other guy's parade : China and Japan in "ASEAN-Plus" multilateralism, Chien Peng CHUNG


Recent amendments to Hong Kong's competition bill, Ping LIN and Jingjing ZHAO


Recent developments in dynamic advertising research, Jian HUANG, Mingming LENG, and Liping LIANG

Recent reform in Chinese VAT policies, Zhenpin, Kenny LIN and Wai Yee, Pauline WONG


Regulation and corporate corruption : new evidence from the telecom sector, Sanford V. BERG, Liangliang JIANG, and Chen LIN


Religion and life satisfaction of young persons around the world, Michael Harris BOND; Miu Chi, Vivian LUN; and Man Wai, Liman LI

Re-nationalizing the transnational? The cases of exiled and missing in Hong Kong-China film co-production, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)


Researching organizational learning in Chinese contexts, Fok Loi, Jacky HONG; Robin Stanley SNELL; and Mark EASTERBY-SMITH


Rhythm as knowledge-translation, knowledge as rhythm-translation, Douglas ROBINSON


Rotate back or not after mandatory audit partner rotation?, Michael Arthur FIRTH, Oliver M. RUI, and Xi WU

Round-table : Recovering liberties : Indian thought in the age of liberalism and empire, James R. FICHTER, Mark HAMPTON, Martin J. WIENER, Philip HARLING, Sugata BOSE, and C. A. BAYLY


Sales maximization or profit maximization? How state shareholders discipline their CEOs in China, Sonja OPPER; Man Lai, Sonia WONG; and Yong YANG


Second coming : the legacy of Taiwan new cinema, Darrell William DAVIS


Segmenting blood donors in developing countries, Yanfeng ZHOU; Shing Chung, Patrick POON; and Chunling YU


Service and price competition when customers are naive, Li LI, Li JIANG, and Liming LIU

Service-learning in action: charting the health profile of an ethnic minority village in Yunnan Province, China, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN; Hok Ka Carol MA; and Chun Ni, Jenny CHIN


Shared rewards and goal interdependence for psychological safety among departments in China, Guoquan CHEN and Dean William TJOSVOLD


Smart phones and multi-servers, Wai Sing, Alfred LOO; Chi Wai CHUNG; and Wing Lun, Alan LAM


Song China's water transport revisited : a study of the 1077 commercial tax data, Guanglin, William LIU


Specifying business-level protocols for web services based collaborative processes, Wing Lok YEUNG

Spectatorship and risk, Paisley LIVINGSTON

The analysis of the changing nature of law and social solidarity in contemporary China, Peng, Helen HAN

The assessment game : on institutions that punch above their weight, and why the quality of the work environment also matters, Mette HJORT


The Chinese local administrative measures for building up the 'headquarter economy' : a comparison between Pudong and Shenzhen, Che Po CHAN and Wai Kit POON


The dynamics of regionalization in contemporary Asia-Pacific higher education, John N. HAWKINS; Ka Ho, Joshua MOK; and Deane E. NEUBAUER


The effect of emotional dissonance and emotional intelligence on work-family interference, Yue Lok, Francis CHEUNG and So Kum, Catherine TANG


The effect of manufacturing flexibility on export performance in China, Gabriel O. OGUNMOKUN and Ling Yee, Esther LI


The effect of online consumer reviews on new product sales, Geng CUI, Hon Kwong LUI, and Xiaoning GUO


The effects of image congruence and self-monitoring on product evaluations : a comparison between genuine and counterfeit products, Ling PENG; Hiu Kan, Ada WONG; and Chun Ying , LISA WAN

The Eurozone’s next domino : why Portugal is not Greece, Shalendra SHARMA and Sally TAM

The executive, Pang Kwong LI


The global classroom project : learning a second language in a virtual environment, Brant KNUTZEN and David KENNEDY

The hydroelectric station, Alai and Darryl Cameron STERK

The illusion of scientific realism, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM


The impact of airport and seaport privatization on efficiency and performance : a review of the international evidence and implications for developing countries, Stephen X. H. GONG, Kevin CULLINANE, and Michael Arthur FIRTH

The impact of new income tax law on foreign invested enterprises in China, Lai Sheung, Suwina CHENG and Shanshan SHI


The "Indian gift" and the Taiwan indigenous literary hunter's gift, Darryl Cameron STERK


The issue of representativeness in Hong Kong English, Julie M. GROVES


The movement in Egypt : a dialogue with Samir Amin, Hui WANG, Tiejun WEN, and Kin Chi LAU


The opportunity recognition framework in the Hong Kong SMEs context, Wing LAM; Hiu Kan, Ada WONG; Chung Sze, Phyllis TONG; and Ziguang CHEN


Theory of cooperation and competition in China : accomplishments and challenges, Dean William TJOSVOLD; Shiu Ho, Alfred WONG; Yifeng, Nancy CHEN; and Wendong LI


The role of hypotheses in biomechanical research, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM and R McNeill ALEXANDER


The role of RBC, hurricane exposure, bond portfolio duration, and macroeconomic and industry-wide factors in property–liability insolvency prediction, Jiang CHENG and Mary A. WEISS


The shifting identity of translation studies in China, Yifeng SUN


The structure and content of architectural experience : Scruton on architecture as art, Andrea SAUCHELLI

The threshing machine, Alai and Darryl Cameron STERK


The two Koreas and the politics of global sport, Brian BRIDGES


Top executive pay in China, Michael FIRTH, Tak Yan LEUNG, and Oliver M. RUI


Toward a new leftist ecocriticism in postsocialist China : reading the "Poetry of migrant workers" as ecopoetry, Haomin GONG


Towards a quality of social network (QoSN) model in the context of social web services, Zakaria MAAMAR; Noura FACI; Wai Sing, Alfred LOO; and Parisa GHODOUS


Transfer pricing in a multidivisional firm : a cooperative game analysis, Mingming LENG and Mahmut PARLAR

Transitional justice and the memory of the past in Eastern Europe, Roman DAVID