Submissions from 2013
在中文系教小說創作 : 講談寫作坊的教學實踐, Wan Kan CHIN
香港保衛戰, Wan Kan CHIN
香港大靈異(二集), Wan Kan CHIN
香港遺民論, Wan Kan CHIN
「迷信話語」報章與清末民初的移風變俗, Chi Cheung CHOI (蔡志祥), Jinxin WEI (韋錦新), and Shuk Wah POON
China and Japan in "ASEAN Plus" multilateral arrangements : raining on the other guy's parade, Chien Peng CHUNG
Global firms competing locally : management localization and subsidiary performance in China, Geng CUI, Tsang Sing CHAN, and Shengsheng HUANG
Global firms competing locally : management localization and subsidiary performance in China, Geng CUI, Tsang Sing CHAN, and Shengsheng HUANG
Culture, cognitive style and consumer response to informational vs. transformational advertising among East Asians : evidence from the PRC, Geng CUI, Hongyan LIU, Xiaoyan YANG, and Haizhong WANG
Book review : Limits to democratic constitutionalism in Central and Eastern Europe, Roman DAVID
Do international criminal tribunals deliver justice in divided societies? Examining the ICTY in Croatia, Roman DAVID
Rehabilitation of political prisoners, Roman DAVID
Retribution, Roman DAVID
The Czech Republic, Roman DAVID
Book review : Courtesans, concubines, and the cult of female fidelity : gender and social change in China, 1000-1400, Richard Lee DAVIS
Beauty, Rafael DE CLERCQ
Locke's principle is an applicable criterion of identity, Rafael DE CLERCQ
Reflections on a sofa bed : functional beauty and looking fit, Rafael DE CLERCQ
The metaphysics of art restoration, Rafael DE CLERCQ
中西符号理论之沟通, Ersu DING
天理何在? : 古希腊悲剧的主旋律, Ersu DING
Cultural studies meets rights criticism, John Nguyet ERNI
Legitimating transphobia : the legal disavowal of transgender rights in prison, John Nguyet ERNI
When Chinese youth meet Harry Potter : translating consumption and middle-class identification, John Nguyet ERNI
Do the rich save more? A revisit to the theories of the consumption function, Chengze, Simon FAN
Cost of government and firm value, Michael Arthur FIRTH, Stephen X. GONG, and Liwei SHAN
Information asymmetry and the diversification discount : evidence from listed firms in China, Michael Arthur FIRTH; Man JIN; and Yuanyuan, Karen ZHANG
The client is king : do mutual fund relationships bias analyst recommendations?, Michael Arthur FIRTH, Chen LIN, Ping LIU, and Yuhai XUAN
Validation of the Chinese version of perception of care in an acute psychiatric ward in Hong Kong, Chi Kin, Jackie FU; Po Ling, Paulina CHOW; Wai Sum, Joanna LAM; and Yue Lok, Francis CHEUNG
Production networks in China and India : a comparative analysis, K. C. FUNG, Hsiang Chih HWANG, Francis NG, and Jesús SEADE
Input-based performance evaluation, incentive intensity, and proactive work behavior, Lan GUO; On Wing, Bernard WONG; and Man Ching, Gladie LUI
A fair staff allocation rule for the capacity pooling of multiple call centers, Pengfei GUO, Mingming LENG, and Yulan WANG
Historical approaches to media studies, Mark HAMPTON
The political cartoon as educationalist journalism : David Low's portrayal of mass unemployment in interwar Britain, Mark HAMPTON
Exiled to the ancestral land : the resettlement, stratification and assimilation of the refugees from Vietnam in China, Xiaorong HAN
儒學在東亞鄰國和中國少數民族地區的傳播, Xiaorong HAN
Enhancing ESL learners' writing through technology, Preet Pankaj HIRADHAR
The education of the filmmaker in Africa, the Middle East, and the Americas, Mette HJORT
The education of the filmmaker in Europe, Australia, and Asia, Mette HJORT
Victorian Maids and Neo-Victorian Labour in Kaoru Mori’s Emma: A Victorian Romance, Hung Lam, Elizabeth HO
Health policy and the public interest, Lok Sang HO
The psychology and economics of happiness : love, life and positive living, Lok Sang HO
Developing new capabilities across a supplier network through boundary crossing : a case study of a China-based MNC subsidiary and its local suppliers, Fok Loi, Jacky HONG and Robin Stanley SNELL
Developing learning organizations in China, Fok Loi, Jacky HONG; Robin Stanley SNELL; and Mian LIN
《左傳》「葬鮮者自西門」與「卿喪自朝」解, Tzu Pin HSU
戴震《屈原赋注》成书考 : 兼论《安徽丛书》本《屈原赋注初稿三卷》为伪书说, Tzu Pin HSU
The acquisition of the Wegener collection of Chinese paintings by the British museum, Ying Ling, Michelle HUANG
The Olga-Julia Wegener and Arthur Morrison collections of Chinese paintings in the British Museum, Ying Ling, Michelle HUANG
Reflections through a local lens on Muto Ichiyo's ideas of alternative practices : a Hong Kong perspective, Po Keung HUI and Kin Chi LAU
殖民制度,犬儒主體 : 香港新高中通識科的案例, Po Keung HUI and Yuen Fun, Muriel LAW
‘To what base uses we may return, Horatio!’ : Hamlet, comedy and class struggle, Ting Yan, Isaac HUI
Economic determinants of inter- and intra-FDI in East Asia, Hsiang Chih HWANG and Jesús SEADE
“The true concord of well-tuned sounds” : musical adaptations of Shakespeare's sonnets, Michael Anthony INGHAM
The map of sex and love (2001) : Yung Shue Wan, Lamma Island; Tai O Village, Lantau Island, Mike INGHAM
Book review : Timothy Choy, Ecologies of comparison : an ethnography of endangerment in Hong Kong, Iam Chong IP
中心與邊緣的辯證 : 由八十年代香港電影談起, Iam Chong IP
爭議大於變動的文化保育政策, Iam Chong IP
Emotion regulation as a boundary condition of the relationship between team conflict and performance : a multi-level examination, Jane Yan JIANG, Xiao ZHANG, and Dean TJOSVOLD
Gender differences of the generation y towards geographical mobility by work : cases in family change, Hong Kin KWOK
Making poetry with alcohol : wine consumption in Tao Qian, Li Bai and Su Shi, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
Reflections on a century of exploration : whither Chinese poetry?, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
中國古代自然詩中的自然美學, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
滄海浪迹, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
The contribution of job and partner satisfaction to the homeostatic defense of subjective wellbeing, Ching Han, Lufanna LAI and Robert A. CUMMINS
Cross-cultural difference in subjective wellbeing : cultural response bias as an explanation, Ching Han, Lufanna LAI; Robert A. CUMMINS; and Anna L. D. LAU
Ming in the Zhuangzi Neipian : enlightened engagement, Karyn L. LAI and Wai Wai CHIU
危情百日 : 沙士中的廣華, Chi Pang LAU
香港史研究的現狀、功用與設想, Chi Pang LAU
香港華人菁英的冒起, Chi Pang LAU
小道具 : 紫釵與試鍊 : 論唐滌生編粵劇《紫釵記》, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
「情中聖」與接受 : 論《紫釵記》(1957) 的李益, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
暴劫、受難與超越死亡 : 論《剪燈新話》中的〈翠翠傳〉和〈愛卿傳〉, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
異類、救助與偽裝 : 論〈樊夫人〉中的拯救型母仙, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
神祇、崇拜與文化 : 神話文學論集, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
論裴鉶《崔煒》中的試鍊之旅, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
重像、情與反抗 : 論唐滌生編《再世紅梅記》, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
公民社會與虛擬自由主義的解體 : 兼論公民共和的後殖主體性, Wing Sang LAW
反思七一.批判公民社會, Wing Sang LAW
從後殖民主體性說「不從國教」的香港, Wing Sang LAW
香港主權移交後的「戀殖」現象, Wing Sang LAW
香港本土運動的興起與轉折, Wing Sang LAW
E-learning in the new curriculum : lessons and opportunities across institutions, Marc Craig LEBANE
Independent Learning : the Lingnan experience, Marc Craig LEBANE
The use of iPads to enhance English language learning in higher education : lessons learned, Marc Craig LEBANE
論高本漢之誤釋禮俗 : 以《雅》、《頌》注釋為例, Hung Kai LEE
Does tax convexity matters for risk? A dynamic study of tax asymmetry and equity beta, Adrian C. H. LEI; Ho Yin, Martin YICK; and Keith S. K. LAM
The retail space-exchange problem with pricing and space allocation decisions, Mingming LENG, Mahmut PARLAR, and Dengfeng ZHANG
Corporate governance and firm value : evidence from Chinese state-controlled listed firms, Noel W. LEUNG and Mei Ai CHENG
從電視霸權到參與式文化 : 重構港人認同的電視政策?, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)
港版「真人騷」的(小報)文化經濟學, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)
Designing service level agreements for inventory management, Liping LIANG and Derek ATKINS
Assessing learning outcomes in tertiary Chinese language programmes, Donghui LI
王梵志詩歌異調通押現象辨析, Fei LI
Higher-order risk attitudes toward correlation, Jingyuan LI
Higher-order risk attitudes toward correlation, Jingyuan LI
Export venture flexibility : its antecedents and effects on performance, Ling Yee, Esther LI and Gabriel O. OGUNMOKUN
The effect of marketing capability, financing resource and spatial configuration on market-focused flexibility, Ling Yee, Esther LI and Gabriel O. OGUNMOKUN
Government intervention and firm investment : evidence from international micro-data, Chen LIN and Sonia Man-lai WONG
台港兩地工作者之工作壓力歷程 : 工作動機及因應策略之調節作用, Hui Yen LIN (林惠彥), Luo LU (陸洛), Oi Ling SIU, and Pei Yu WU (吳珮瑀)