Submissions from 2018
A clash of colonialisms : sports culture in Hong Kong under the Japanese occupation, Brian BRIDGES and David Rosser PHILLIPS
Managing careers in organizations, Rongzhu KE, Jin LI, and Michael POWELL
Contesting middle-class civility : place-based collective identity in Hong Kong’s Occupy Mongkok, Wai Hei, Samson YUEN
Submissions from 2017
Can shareholders be at rest after adopting clawback provisions? Evidence from stock price crash risk, Dichu BAO; Simon Yu Kit FUNG; and Lixin, Nancy SU
Believing epistemic contradictions, Bob BEDDOR and Simon David GOLDSTEIN
A survey of the ‘new’ discipline of adaptation studies : between translation and interculturalism, Tak Hung, Leo CHAN
Defamilisation measures and women’s labour force participation : a comparative study of twelve countries, Ruby C M Chau; Sam W K Yu; Liam Foster; and Ka-wai, Maggie LAU
China in Taiwanese cities’ sporting mega-event bids : fatal obstructer, neutral bystander and enthusiastic supporter, Marcus P. CHU
Extravagance and its decline : China’s triple East Asian games since the 2000s, Pok CHU
Sociocultural hegemony, gendered identity and use of traditional and complementary medicine in Ghana, Razak Mohammed GYASI, Daniel BUOR, Samuel ADU-GYAMFI, Prince Osei-Wusu ADJEI, and Padmore Adusei AMOAH
Popular song and adaptation, Michael Anthony INGHAM
政治非制度化與右翼本土興起, Iam Chong IP
網絡仇視女性文化與不雅粗鄙修辭 : 香港「兼職女友」個案研究, Iam Chong IP
Online radio listening as ‘affective publics’? (Closeted) participation in the post-Umbrella Movement everyday, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
Capturing shadows : on photography, causation, and absences, Carl Mikael PETTERSSON
Book review : Xinjiang and the modern Chinese state, Niccolò PIANCIOLA
The early reception of Bernard Williams’ reduplication argument (1956–62), Andrea SAUCHELLI
Age-friendly community and productive ageing in Hong Kong, Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN
The effects of perceived organisational support and affective commitment on turnover intention : a test of two competing models, Yui Woon WONG and Yui Tim, Edward WONG
‘Crazy English’ and individual English learners : an integrationist critique of English education as a business in China, Feifei, Feifei ZHOU
Submissions from 2016
Maintaining a minority sport : cricket in post-colonial Hong Kong, Brian BRIDGES
「退保」不得不為 妥協才有出路, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN
Determinants and implications of long audit reporting lags : evidence from China, Koon Hung CHAN; Wei, Vivian LUO; and Lai Lan, Phyllis MO
The investigation of message senders relation on message effectiveness, Yu Jen CHEN and Amna KIRMANI
Provincial governments and China’s international mega-sports events : a case study of Guangdong, Marcus P. CHU
International mega-sports events in Nanjing : China’s frugal games, Pok CHU
Institutional stock ownership and firms’ cash dividend policies : evidence from China, Michael Arthur FIRTH; Jin GAO; Jianghua SHEN; and Yuanyuan, Karen ZHANG
Emotion, medium-specificity, and videogame evaluation, Jonathan FROME
Asia Pacific Business Review special issue : organizational learning in Asia Pacific contexts : global perspectives, local insights, Fok Loi, Jacky HONG; Robin Stanley SNELL; and Chris ROWLEY
Politics of belonging and anti-neoliberalism : a study of the rise of Hong Kong’s nativist right, Iam Chong IP
爭鬥式民主與公共文化 : 關於香港政治的觀察, Iam Chong IP
Social protection for the labour force of informal sector in urban China : institutional constraints and self-selection behaviour, Jin JIANG; Jiwei QIAN; and Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN
The role of consumer-brand experiences and relationship in contributing to brand equity for services, Lai Cheung LEUNG
Desiring the mainstream/enchantment as tactic (of recognition) : minority visuality in Hong Kong South Asian Youth’s short films, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
Mediating movement in occupied spaces : documentation on social media pages in the context of the Umbrella Movement, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
琉球孔子廟海外傳承儒學, Yung LEUNG
Environmental management practices and performance of international suppliers located in China : how does relationship learning matter?, Ling Yee, Esther LI
Customer participation behavior for value co-creation in high-versus low-contact services : the roles of trust-in-personnel and trust-in-brand, Ling Yee, Esther LI; T. K., Sherriff LUK (陸定光); and Shaw-Ching, Ben LIU
抒情《東西》, Zijiang SONG
ESL university students’ perceptions of their global identities in English as a lingua franca communication : a case study at an international university in Hong Kong, Chit Cheung, Matthew SUNG
吴汝纶诗学初窥, Chunhong WANG
The role of international service-learning in facilitating undergraduate students’ self-exploration, Min YANG; Yun Yung,Lillian LUK; Beverley Joyce WEBSTER; Wai Lap Albert CHAU; and Hok Ka Carol MA
Prototyping the machine-human dialogues in a smartphone voice call application with task resumption support, Wing Lok YEUNG and Yau Wai, Simon LI
Submissions from 2015
一個下午, Wai Ying CHAN
Censorship and conspiracy theories rule the day in post-election Turkey, Murat ES and Rolien Susanne HOYNG
Boredom and fear in the undergraduate classroom : the medium of instruction controversy in Hong Kong, Po Keung HUI
Submissions from 2014
Against truth, Jamin ASAY
Bank Loan Supply and Corporate Capital Structure: Recent Evidence from China, Jianfu SHEN; Michael Arthur FIRTH; and Pui Han, Winnie POON
售书者和民族文化, Zidong XU
Tackling message congestion in agent-based manufacturing control, Wing Lok YEUNG
Submissions from 2013
When Chinese youth meet Harry Potter : translating consumption and middle-class identification, John Nguyet ERNI
Foreword, Yifeng SUN and Shuk Han, Mary WONG
Submissions from 2012
A study of the incidence and independence of nomination committees, Lai Sheung, Suwina CHENG and Bruce A. RAYTON
The Hong Kong English accent : variation and acceptability, Andrew John SEWELL
Submissions from 2011
Beyond the Olympics : power, change and legacy, Brian BRIDGES
The influence of corporate governance structure on executive pay, Lai Sheung, Suwina CHENG; Man Ching, Gladie LUI; Connie SHUM; and Shuk Fong, Ada WONG
Coherence, logical, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
Library 2.0 or library III : returning to leadership, Frederick NESTA and Jia MI
Foreword, Jesús SEADE
在冲突中化敌为友, Dean William TJOSVOLD; Yifeng, Nancy CHEN; and Fang SU (粟芳)
Submissions from 2010
Market and marketization in the China film business, Darrell William DAVIS
Foreword, Lok Sang HO and Brian BRIDGES
A comparison of visual modeling notations for web services choreography, Wing Lok YEUNG
Submissions from 2009
Lewis, C(larence) I(rving), Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
Challenges in employing complex e-learning strategies in campus-based universities, Carmel MCNAUGHT, Paul LAM, Kin Fai CHENG, David Miles KENNEDY, and Joseph Bernard MOHAN
Formalizing exception handling in WS-CDL and WS-BPEL for conformance verification, Wing Lok YEUNG
Submissions from 2008
Industrial diversification, partial privatization and firm valuation : evidence from publicly listed firms in China, Chen LIN and Dongwei SU
Learning organization, Robin Stanley SNELL
Performing contradictions, performing bad-girlness in Japan, Ching YAU
A formal basis for cross-checking EBXML BPSS choreography and web service orchestration, Wing Lok YEUNG
Asymmetric effects of brand origin confusion : evidence from the emerging market of China, Guijun ZHUANG, Xuehua WANG, Lianxi ZHOU, and Nan ZHOU
Submissions from 2007
Reciprocal relationship between pain and depression in older adults : evidence from the English longitudinal study of ageing, Kee Lee CHOU
Out-performing identities, John Nguyet ERNI
Managing across cultures : the experiences of three Hong Kong academic library directors, Anthony FERGUSON, Frederick NESTA, and Colin STOREY
Using ICT in primary schools : different perceptions by school heads and teachers in Hong Kong, Kit Pui WONG
Submissions from 2006
Fun, fervor or fitness? : sporting cultures and happiness, Brian BRIDGES
An interface theory based approach to verification of web services, Zhenbang CHEN, Ji WANG, Wei DONG, Zhichang QI, and Wing Lok YEUNG
The son also acts as major caregiver to elderly parents : a study of the sandwich generation in Hong Kong, Hong Kin KWOK
Accessing embedded program in untestable mobile environment : experience of a trustworthiness approach, Karl R. P. H. LEUNG, Joseph K.-Y. NG, and Wing Lok YEUNG
Foreword, Yew Kwang NG and Lok Sang HO
Learning non-overlapping rules a method based on functional dependency network and mdl genetic programming, Wing Ho SHUM, Kwong Sak LEUNG, and Man Leung WONG
Parallel hybrid genetic algorithms on consumer-level graphics hardware, Man Leung WONG and Tien Tsin WONG
Mapping WS-CDL and BPEL into CSP for behavioural specification and verification of web services, Wing Lok YEUNG
Verifying choreographic descriptions of web services based on CSP, Wing Lok YEUNG, Ji WANG, and Wei DONG
Submissions from 2005
Alignment between information technology management and business value : a Taiwan strategic context, Leelien, Ken HUANG
Internet banking : strategic responses to the accession of WTO by Chinese banks, Ming Te LU, Chun Hong LIU, Jiang JING, and Linjun HUANG
The missing link : context loss in online databases, Jia MI and Frederick NESTA
Impatient, ill tempered, Frederick NESTA
Improvements towards formalizing UML state diagrams in CSP, Wing Lok YEUNG; R. P. H., Karl LEUNG; Ji WANG; and Wei DONG
Formal verification of fault-tolerant software design : the CSP approach, Wing Lok YEUNG and S. A. SCHNEIDER
Submissions from 2004
Burst into action : the changing spectacle of glamour heroines in contemporary Hong Kong cinema, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
Global supplier without a global brand name : a case study of Hong Kong’s electronics industry, Richard Cheung LAM and Hong Kin KWOK
An Asian formula? Comparative reading of Japanese and Korean TV dramas, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
アジア方式?日本と韓国のテレビドラマの比較解釈, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
Submissions from 2003
A synergistic interweaving of formal and informal methods, Wing Lok YEUNG and K. R. P. H. LEUNG
Submissions from 2002
Developing an effective mobile rescue support system, Shi Ming HUANG, Irene KWAN, Cheng Yuan KU, Shin Yuan HUNG, and Jyun Cheng WANG
Submissions from 2001
Electricity consumption and economic growth in China : a cointegration analysis, K.-Y. CHEUNG and E. THOMSON
Submissions from 2000
Low cost parallel computation with "servlets", Alfred LOO, C. BLOOR, and Y. K. CHOI