
Submissions from 2016

《劇場》與一九六〇年代香港電影現代主義, Shuk Han, Mary WONG

我參與也斯紀錄片拍攝的感受, Shuk Han, Mary WONG

蘇童在香港 : 圖文記事簿, Shuk Han, Mary WONG

評選之後, Shuk Han, Mary WONG

香港1960 : 「文化」與「反文化」, Shuk Han, Mary WONG

鼠疫:卡繆的《瘟疫》與龍剛的《昨天今天明天》, Shuk Han, Mary WONG


Translation theatre and theatre translation : discourses of Shakespearean plays in Hong Kong, Wai Yi, Dorothy WONG

"Pluralizing Shakespeare" : a discussion on the "afterlife" of Shakespeare and the languages of the stage in cross-cultural representations, Wai-yi, Dorothy WONG


Confucianism and contemporary education phenomena, Wai Ying WONG

‘One country, two systems’ : politics of democratisation and identities in Hong Kong since the handover, Yiu Chung WONG

East meets West : effects of justice on employees' commitment within the context of international joint ventures in China, Yui Tim, Edward WONG


Institutional arrangements and government audit independence in China, Zezhong, Jason XIAO; Suchang YANG; Xinmin ZHANG; and Michael FIRTH

现代文学批评的不同类型, Zidong XU

《香港文學》與香港文學, Zidong XU


The role of international service-learning in facilitating undergraduate students’ self-exploration, Min YANG; Yun Yung,Lillian LUK; Beverley Joyce WEBSTER; Wai Lap Albert CHAU; and Hok Ka Carol MA


When self-help materials help : examining the effects of self-discrepancy and modes of delivery of positive self-statements, Chun, June YEUNG and Miu Chi, Vivian LUN

The self being endowed the property of the owned object, Wai Lan, Victoria YEUNG; Stephen LOUGHNAN; Yoshihisa KASHIMA; Miu Chi, Vivian LUN; and Susanna YEUNG (楊少詩)

A collaborative filtering approach for mobile commerce applications to push notifications on mobile devices and wearable accessories, Wing Lok YEUNG


Prototyping the machine-human dialogues in a smartphone voice call application with task resumption support, Wing Lok YEUNG and Yau Wai, Simon LI


The impact of other group members on tourists’ travel experiences : a study of domestic package tours in China, Cheng Yue YIN and Shing Chung, Patrick POON


The impact of endorser ethnicity and portrayal on Chinese women’s attitude toward luxury advertising, Cheng-Yue YIN and Shing Chung, Patrick POON


Consumers' attributions and brand evaluations in product-harm crises : the role of implicit theories of personality, Cheng Yue YIN, Hong Yan YU, and Patrick POON


Book review : China and global nuclear order : from estrangement to active engagement. by Nicola Horsburgh, Baohui ZHANG

A characterization of (weakly centered) Lewisian causal models, Jiji ZHANG


The three faces of faithfulness, Jiji ZHANG and Peter SPIRTES


Patient choice analysis and demand prediction for a health care diagnostics company, Yue ZHANG, Liping LIANG, Emma LIU, Chong CHEN, and Derek ATKINS

利來利往 : 金融家族的開拓與創新, Wan Tai, Victor ZHENG (鄭宏泰) and Man Kong CHOW

回顾式必然性 : 一种涉及进化逻辑的新模态观念, Yujian ZHENG

Submissions from 2015

The documentary film in Hong Kong, Ian AITKEN and Mike INGHAM


British sociology and Raymond Aron, William Peter BAEHR


Akrasia and the problem of the unity of reason, Derek Clayton BAKER


Why transparency undermines economy, Derek Clayton BAKER


How expressivists can and should explain inconsistency, Derek Clayton BAKER and Jack WOODS

Is the sky the limit? Fair executive pay as performance rises, Beste Esra BURAK HO


Introduction : the primacy of sound in Chinese poetry, Zongqi CAI


Sound over ideograph : the basis of Chinese poetic art, Zongqi CAI


小令词牌和节奏研究 : 从与近体诗关系的角度展开, Zongqi CAI


诗歌与意识形态 : “诗经”在汉代的经典化, Zongqi CAI, Haixia CHEN, and Jianguo CAO

汉魏晋五言诗的演变 : 四種诗歌模式与自我呈现, Zongqi CAI and Jing CHEN (陈婧)

Impacts on health and social care of an ageing population in Asia : policy initiatives in Hong Kong, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN


Age-friendly neighbourhoods as civic participation : implementation of an active ageing policy in Hong Kong, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN and Ting CAO


Chinese conception of mental illness : a comparative culture analysis, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN; Ting CAO; and Meng Ting Gao

國際養老政策理論及澳門建構養老保障機制的啟示, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN; Chun Kiu, Tony LAI; and Wing Chung, David CHAN

Ageing trends in Asia-Pacific region, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN and Hok Ka, Carol MA


Cinema and the cultural politics of identity : Hong Kong no more? A commentary on the verge of postcolonial locality, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN


Auto-image and norms in source-initiated translation in China, Nam Fung CHANG

文化输出与文化自省 : 从中国文学外推工作说起, Nam Fung CHANG

中港關係論述性別倫理的建構與解讀, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN

傳統價值取向與家庭變遷, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN

Love in the time of “settling” : single women’s reactions to contemporary television dating shows in Hong Kong, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN and Julian M. GROVES

香港女警六十年, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN and Lawrence K. K. HO


An empirical analysis of the changes in tax audit focus on international transfer pricing, Koon Hung CHAN; Wai Yee, Agnes LO; and Lai Lan, Phyllis MO


Understanding anew the value of an everyday life with its roots in nong, Shun Hing CHAN


Japanization and the Chinese “Madman” : triangulating Takeuchi Yoshimi's philosophy of translation, Tak Hung, Leo CHAN


Post-communicative pedagogies : revisiting the translation method of teaching English in East Asia, Tak Hung, Leo CHAN

一個下午, Wai Ying CHAN

一個黃昏, Wai Ying CHAN

一隻陶料厚重白底黃色大笑臉茶杯, Wai Ying CHAN

活在夹缝间 : 现代诗的山水与城市, Wai Ying CHAN

Green tax in the People's Republic of China, Lai Sheung, Suwina CHENG and Shanshan SHI


A corpus study of bank financial analyst reports : semantic fields and metaphors, Winnie CHENG and Nga Man, Janet HO


Illich, Ivan, Hon Fai CHEN


Demeanor indexicals, interpretive discourses and the "Kong Girl" stereotype : constructing gender ideologies in social media, H. Y., Katherine CHEN and Munkyung Agnes KANG


Interpersonal harmony and creativity in China, Tingting CHEN


Interpersonal bundling, Yongmin CHEN and Tianle ZHANG


Posting strategically : the consumer as an online media planner, Yu Jen CHEN and Amna KIRMANI


Academic and career expectations of ethnic minority youth in Hong Kong, Yue Lok, Francis CHEUNG; P. Y., Beatrice LAI; M. S., Anise WU; and Lisbeth KU


Emotional labor and occupational well-being : a latent profile analytic approach, Yue Lok, Francis CHEUNG and Miu Chi, Vivian LUN


Relation between emotional labor and organizational citizenship behavior : an investigation among Chinese teaching professionals, Yue Lok, Francis CHEUNG and Miu Chi, Vivian LUN


Continuous improvement : the influence of high performance work systems, work climate, and collectivism, F. T., Flora CHIANG; Thomas A. BIRTCH; Zhenyao CAI; and Yuen Lam BAVIK

左膠禍港錄 : 香港政治困局大解謎, Wan Kan CHIN

廣東雅言, Wan Kan CHIN

想得出,寫得到, Wan Kan CHIN

深水埗 : 大家捱出頭的地方, Wan Kan CHIN

漢邦中文課本. 第一冊, 天地人, Wan Kan CHIN

經典啟蒙讀本, Wan Kan CHIN

殖民地美學, Wan Kan CHIN and Siu Wai, Isabella YUN (甄小慧)


Four new species of Amanita in Inje county, Korea, Hae Jin CHO, Myung Soo PARK, Hyun LEE, Yeongseon JANG, Jonathan J. FONG, and Young Woon LIM


Customer satisfaction and the financial performance of Chinese airlines, Kong Wing, Clement CHOW

風聲鶴唳 : 辜振甫與四五十年代的台灣, Man Kong CHOW

Book review : Brothers in arms : Chinese aid to the Khmer Rouge, 1975–1979, by Andrew Mertha, Chien Peng CHUNG


China and Japan in central Asia, Chien Peng CHUNG


Selecting ideas for new product development : comparison of monadic test and adaptive concept screening under the G theory framework, Geng CUI, Ling PENG, and Laurent Pierre FLORES


Targeting high value customers while under resource constraint : partial order constrained optimization with genetic algorithm, Geng CUI, Man Leung WONG, and Xiang WAN

Introduction, Douglas CUMMING, Michael FIRTH, Wenxuan HOU, and Edward LEE


Sustainable entrepreneurship in China : ethics, corporate governance, and institutional reforms, Douglas CUMMING, Michael FIRTH, Wenxuan HOU, and Edward LEE


Good neighbours : ethnic and religious tolerance in Myanmar, Roman DAVID

Lustration and democracy capable of defending itself, Roman DAVID


Transitional justice and changing memories of the past in Central Europe, Roman DAVID

Discussant roundtable and publication plans, Roman DAVID, Charlie CLEMENTS, Kathryn SIKKINK, and Kiyoteru TSUTSUI

Transitional justice in Myanmar’s democratization, Roman DAVID and Ian HOLLIDAY


Book review : The aesthetics of design, by Jane Forsey, Rafael DE CLERCQ

Semiotics turning cross-cultural, Ersu DING

情理碰撞、尸体纷呈 : 法国古典主义悲剧之主要特征, Ersu DING

释意方法与符号分类, Ersu DING


How business community institutions can help fight corruption, Avinash Kamalakar DIXIT


Censorship and conspiracy theories rule the day in post-election Turkey, Murat ES and Rolien Susanne HOYNG


Book review : Consumption in China : how China’s new consumer ideology is shaping the nation. China Today Series. by LiAnne Yu, Chengze, Simon FAN and Yu PANG (龐宇)


Relative pay and its effects on firm efficiency in a transitional economy, Michael Arthur FIRTH, Tak Yan LEUNG, Oliver M. RUI, and Chaohong NA


Corporate transparency and the impact of investor sentiment on stock prices, Michael Arthur FIRTH; Kailong, Philip WONG; and Man Lai, Sonia WONG