Submissions from 2015
民俗與文學 : 古典小說戲曲中的鬼神, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
神話、成長與復生 : 論也斯〈養龍人師門〉, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
螺神、任務婚與難題 : 論(唐)《原化記》〈吳堪〉, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
粤劇與改編 : 論唐滌生的經典作品, Yin Ping, Grace LAU and So Yee, Suyi CHEN (陳素怡)
在運動與革命之間讀書, Wing Sang LAW
從極權到後極權 : 哈維爾思想簡介, Wing Sang LAW
勾結共謀的殖民權力, Wing Sang LAW and Jiazhen LI (李家真)
誰も知らない香港現代思想史, Wing Sang LAW, Tetsushi MARUKAWA (丸川哲史), Masahisa SUZUKI (鈴木将久), and Jiro HANE (羽根次郎)
Doing cultural studies and education between borders : the case of project learning in Hong Kong secondary schools, Yuen Fun, Muriel LAW
Space of disobedience : a visual document of the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong, Eunsoo LEE
新詞探源 : 從“翻叮”說起, Hung Kai LEE
英華書院與《伊索寓言》的國學化, Hung Kai LEE
新聞自由指數評分的啓示, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
抗戰名樓四行倉庫今猶在, Yung LEUNG
抗戰時期粵港大學共處, Yung LEUNG
《日軍在港戰爭罪行》值得一讀, Yung LEUNG
日軍首降之地在芷江, Yung LEUNG
深圳寶安白石龍村 : 抗戰時期港文化界名人庇護所, Yung LEUNG
深圳東江縱隊紀念館, Yung LEUNG
港抗戰片 融會功夫炮火, Yung LEUNG
芷江飛虎隊紀念館, Yung LEUNG
香港抗戰電影獨樹一幟, Yung LEUNG
Frank D. Gunstone : teacher, researcher, and writer, Marcel Soe Fa LIE KEN JIE
Financial fraud detection by using grammar-based multi-objective genetic programming with ensemble learning, Haibing LI and Man Leung WONG
The effect of time and ambiguity preferences on saving and insurance, Jingyuan LI and Jianli WANG
Treatment of resale price maintenance in Hong Kong, Ping LIN
标准必要专利FRAND许可的经济分析与反垄断启示, Ping LIN
High-order dynamic Bayesian network learning with hidden common causes for causal gene regulatory network, Leung Yau LO, Man Leung WONG, Kin Hong LEE, and Kwong Sak LEUNG
Time delayed causal gene regulatory network inference with hidden common causes, Leung Yau LO, Man Leung WONG, Kin Hong LEE, and Kwong Sak LEUNG
Work-home interference and work values in Greater China, Changqin LU, Bei WANG, Oi Ling SIU, Luo LU, and Danyang DU
The moderating role of intrinsic work value orientation on the dual-process of job demands and resources among Chinese employees, Luo LU, Hui Yen LIN, Changqin LU, and Oi Ling SIU
Sillan interpreters in 9th-century East Asian exchanges, Wai Chu, Rachel LUNG
Solitude and breakthroughs in translation studies research, Wai Chu, Rachel LUNG
An analysis of intrinsicality, Dan MARSHALL
Humean laws and explanation, Daniel Graham MARSHALL
Robot lies in health care : when is deception morally permissible?, Andreas MATTHIAS
人口老化對就業安老政策的啟示, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
Editorial, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK and Jingwei, Alex HE
Do recovery experiences moderate the relationship between workload and work-family conflict?, Monica MOLINO, Claudio G. CORTESE, Arnold B. BAKKER, and Chiara GHISLIERI
Purification or witch-hunt? Did lustration succeed?, Andrzej PACZKOWSKI, Roman DAVID, Hubertus KNABE, Boštjan KOLARIĆ, and Monika NALEPA
饮食、健康与生态文明, Jie PAN (潘杰), Kin Chi LAU, and SONG TIAN (田松)
Book review : Fictions Nationales. Cinéma, empire et nation en Ouzbékistan (1919-1937), Niccolò PIANCIOLA
Hong Kong’s migrant workers and their impact on the rule of law narrative, James Andrew RICE
Cost of rudeness : incivility’s influence on creative and cognitive performance, Lara Christina ROLL; Michael LEITER; Oi Ling SIU; and Yau Wai, Simon LI
Human error : the influence of job insecurity on safety and performance, Lara Christina ROLL; Oi Ling SIU; and Yau Wai, Simon LI
Job insecurity : cross-cultural comparison between Germany and China, Lara Christina ROLL; Oi Ling SIU; Yau Wai, Simon LI; and Hans DE WITTE
Chance, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM
Framework (conceptual), Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM
Probability, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM
Book review : Mélanie Frappier, Letitia Meynell, and James R. Brown, eds., Thought experiments in science, philosophy, and the arts, Darrell, Patrick ROWBOTTOM
Crossing the 'explanatory divide' : a bridge to nowhere?, Neven SESARDIC
Don't believe all the hype about HK's falling English standards, Andrew John SEWELL
The intranational intelligibility of Hong Kong English accents, Andrew John SEWELL
Ethical climate, social responsibility, and earnings management, William Eugene SHAFER
Taxing indirect equity transfers in China, Shanshan SHI and Zhenpin, Kenny LIN
Study of a passenger-taxi queueing system with nonzero matching time, Ying SHI, Zhaotong LIAN, and Weixin SHANG
《左傳》導讀, Chow Yiu SIN (單周堯) and Tzu Pin HSU
左傳 - 新視野中華經典文庫, Chow Yiu SIN (單周堯), Tzu Pin HSU, and Tsung I JAO (饒宗頤)
背灯遗恨, Sau Ieng SI TOU
Managing stress at work : theory and practice, Oi Ling SIU
Linking positive emotions to work well-being and turnover intention among Hong Kong police officers : the role of psychological capital, Oi Ling SIU; Yue Lok, Francis CHEUNG; and Steve LUI
從英式到港式 : 論茶餐廳及其飲食的傳承與轉化, Yan Ho SIU
「經學之傳承與開拓」國際學術會議報導, Yan Ho SIU
詠物與抒情 : 論也斯飲食詩中的融合與轉化, Yan Ho SIU
Book review : Trouble in the middle : American–Chinese business relations, culture, conflict and ethics, Robin S. SNELL
A road map for empowering undergraduates to practice service leadership through service-learning in teams, Robin Stanley SNELL; Yin Lee CHAN; Hok Ka, Carol MA; and Ka Man, Carman CHAN
Developing civic-mindedness in undergraduate business students through service-learning projects for civic engagement and service leadership practices for civic improvement, Robin Stanley SNELL; Yin Lee, Maureen CHAN; Hok Ka, Carol MA; and Ka Man, Carman CHAN
Translation, cultural politics, and poetic form : a comparative study of the translation of modernist poetry in Les Contemporains (1932-35) and Literary Currents (1956-59), Zijiang, Chris SONG
Exposing learners to global Englishes in ELT : some suggestions, Chit Cheung SUNG
Implementing a global Englishes component in a university English course in Hong Kong : student perceptions and implications for course development and implementation, Chit Cheung, Matthew SUNG
Introduction : journal publication and translation studies, Yifeng SUN
Hong Kong cinema in the age of neoliberalization and mainlandization : Hong Kong SAR new wave as a cinema of anxiety, Mirana May SZETO and Yun Chung CHEN
Challenge versus hindrance job demands and well-being : a diary study on the moderating role of job resources, Maja TADIĆ, Arnold B. BAKKER, and Wido G. M. OERLEMANS
The effect of objectifying media images on eating pathology : an experimental study comparing Australian and Asian females, Charmain TAN; Wai Lan, Victoria YEUNG; Tara DE PAOLI; Stephen LOUGHNAN; and Isabel KRUG
The effect of objectifying media images on eating pathology : an experimental study comparing Australian and Asian females, Charmain TAN; Wai Lan, Victoria YEUNG; Tara DE PAOLI; Stephen LOUGHNAN; and Isabel KRUG
False memories and reproductive imagination : Ricoeur's phenomenology of memory, Man To TANG
Evolving competition between Hong Kong and Shenzhen ports, Xin TIAN, Liming LIU, and Shouyang WANG
Flexible work arrangements, work engagement, turnover intentions and psychological health, Carolyn TIMMS, Paula BROUGH, Michael P. O'DRISCOLL, Thomas KALLIATH, Oi Ling SIU, Cindy SIT, and Danny LO
Positive pathways to engaging workers : work-family enrichment as a predictor of work engagement, Carolyn TIMMS, Paula BROUGH, Michael P. O'DRISCOLL, Thomas KALLIATH, Oi Ling SIU, Cindy SIT, and Danny LO
Cross-cultural impact of work-life balance on health and work outcomes, Carolyn TIMMS, Paula BROUGH, Oi Ling SIU, Michael O’DRISCOLL, and Thomas KALLIATH
Examining job crafting from an interpersonal perspective : is employee job crafting related to the well-being of colleagues?, Maria TIMS, Arnold B. BAKKER, and Daantje DERKS
港式中文词类现象举隅, Siu Lam TIN (田小琳) and Maopeng MA
Constructive controversy for innovation in business : theory, research, and application, Dean William TJOSVOLD; Mo Lin, Moureen TANG; and Man Kei, Paulina WAN
Building the team organization : how to open minds, resolve conflict, and ensure cooperation, Dean William TJOSVOLD and Mary TJOSVOLD
Artwork completion : a response to Gover, Kelly TROGDON and Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
体用结合 : 吴汝纶文章学理路, Chunhong WANG
《漢書.古今人表》與《漢書.藝文志》淵源關係淺探, Chunhong WANG
论山水诗与陈郡谢氏之关系 : 兼论“庄、老告退,而山水方滋”, Chunhong WANG
Job insecurity and job performance : the moderating role of organizational justice and the mediating role of work engagement, Haijiang WANG, Changqin LU, and Oi Ling SIU
Precautionary paying for stochastic improvements under background risks, Hongxia WANG, Jianli WANG, Jingyuan LI, and Xinping XIA
Precautionary effort : another trait for prudence, Jianli WANG and Jingyuan LI
When can harms disaggregation imply precautionary effort?, Jianli WANG and Jingyuan LI
福爾摩斯與道家解藥 : 談《老殘遊記》中的一椿公案, Yan, Vivien WAN
當日本A片遇上華人慾望 : 性別、性相、色情品的文化理論, Heung Wah WONG (王向華) and Hoi Yan YAU
The more I shop at Yaohan, the more I become a Heung Gong Yan (Hongkongese) : Japan and the formation of a Hong Kong identity, Heung-wah WONG and Hoi Yan YAU
How to improve the sustainability of social enterprises?, Hiu-Kan, Ada WONG
An investigation of how networking improves social enterprise performance, Hiu Kan, Ada WONG and Wing Lam, Felix TSE
Identifying the benefits and challenges of using social media as a promotional tool for social enterprises, Hiu Kan, Ada WONG and Wing Lam, Felix TSE
Are related-party sales value-adding or value-destroying? Evidence from China, M. K., Raymond WONG; Jeong Bon KIM; and Wai Yee, Agnes LO
Comparing the age-friendliness of different neighbourhoods using district surveys : an example from Hong Kong, Moses WONG; Pui Hing CHAU; Yue Lok, Francis CHEUNG; David Rosser PHILLIPS; and Jean WOO