Submissions from 2016
Developing SCORM-based e-learning content for a common English course : phase 1, Preet Pankaj HIRADHAR
Own maps/imagined terrain : colonial spaces and science fiction in India, Preet Pankaj HIRADHAR
Life education is desperately needed in the SAR’s schools, Lok Sang HO
Life education will make our children healthier and happier, Lok Sang HO
Making life better for HK's workers, Lok Sang HO
Policy address does not disappoint, Lok Sang HO
Pragmatic approach is the best way to resolve standard working hours issue, Lok Sang HO
True meaning of press freedom, Lok Sang HO
We should all embrace the parental responsibility model, Lok Sang HO
中國經濟非嚴峻, Lok Sang HO
中國經濟靠服務業新經濟推動, Lok Sang HO
人幣油價跌也有正面影響, Lok Sang HO
強美元易觸發經濟危機, Lok Sang HO
救市得法 多方共贏, Lok Sang HO
熔斷無謂入市最實際, Lok Sang HO
理想的中港關係和兩岸關係, Lok Sang HO
Tax reform for a fairer, more vibrant economy, Lok Sang HO and Tianle ZHANG
Metaphors in financial analysis reports : how are emotions expressed?, Nga Man, Janet HO and Winnie CHENG
Asia Pacific Business Review special issue : organizational learning in Asia Pacific contexts : global perspectives, local insights, Fok Loi, Jacky HONG; Robin Stanley SNELL; and Chris ROWLEY
從《左傳》、《列國志傳》及《新列國志》 鄭伯克段故事看經學通俗化的進程, Tzu Pin HSU
禘莫盛於灌 : 由唐寫本《論語》鄭注重探「禘自既灌而往」章的詮解問題, Tzu Pin HSU (許子濱)
職場溝通之道 : 應用心理學系 : 「組織人際關係和技巧」課程, Ka Ying, Victoria HUI and Yue Lok, Francis CHEUNG
法西斯 (不) 是什麼?, Po Keung HUI
為何需要認真討論法西斯?, Po Keung HUI
與創作無關的版權法, Po Keung HUI
Re-negotiating domesticating and foreignizing : bridging The Symposium and Niezi through the imagery of emptiness, Ting Yan, Isaac HUI
Bi- and multilingualism in the early English ballad : francophone influences in the development of the ballad genre in Medieval England, Michael INGHAM
Jazz, Michael INGHAM
Comparing syntactic strategies for proximity and distance in the verse/prose comedies of Shakespeare and Jonson, Michael Anthony INGHAM
In the mood for food : Wong Kar-wai's culinary imaginary, Michael Anthony INGHAM and Kwok Kin, Matthew FUNG
Politics of belonging and anti-neoliberalism : a study of the rise of Hong Kong’s nativist right, Iam Chong IP
商議「被教育」主體 : 實習勞動與香港高等教育, Iam Chong IP
爭鬥式民主與公共文化 : 關於香港政治的觀察, Iam Chong IP
Social protection for the labour force of informal sector in urban China : institutional constraints and self-selection behaviour, Jin JIANG; Jiwei QIAN; and Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN
Conceptions of happiness and life satisfaction : an exploratory study in 14 national groups, Mohsen JOSHANLOO; Muhammad RIZWAN; Imran Ahmed KHILJI; Maria Cristina FERREIRA; Wai-Ching POON; Suresh SUNDARAM; Lok Sang HO; Wai Lan, Victoria YEUNG; Gyuseog HAN; Jaechang BAE; Melikşah DEMIR; Mustapha ACHOUI; Joyce S. PANG; Ding-Yu JIANG (姜定宇); Sanne M.A. LAMERS; Yücel TURAN; Zarina Kh. LEPSHOKOVA; Tatiana PANYUSHEVA; Amerkhanova NATALIA; Ryosuke ASANO (浅野良輔); Tasuku IGARASHI (五十嵐祐); and Saori TSUKAMOTO (塚本早織)
Be careful where you smile : culture shapes judgments of intelligence and honesty of smiling individuals, Kuba KRYS; C. -Melanie VAUCLAIR; Colin A. CAPALDI; Miu Chi, Vivian LUN; Michael Harris BOND; Alejandra DOMINGUEZ-ESPINOSA; Claudio TORRES; Ottmar V. LIPP; L. Sam S. MANICKAM; Cai XING; Radka ANTALÍKOVÁ; Vassilis PAVLOPOULOS; Julien TEYSSIER; Taekyun HUR; Karolina HANSEN; Piotr SZAROTA; Ramadan A. AHMED; Eleonora BURTCEVA; Ana CHKHAIDZE; Enila CENKO; Patrick DENOUX; Márta FÜLÖP; Arif HASSAN; David O. IGBOKWE; İdil IŞIK; Gwatirera JAVANGWE; María MALBRAN; Fridanna MARICCHIOLO; Hera MIKARSA; Lynden K. MILES; Martin NADER; Joonha PARK; Muhammad RIZWAN; Radwa SALEM; Beate SCHWARZ; Irfana SHAH; Chien-Ru SUN; Wijnand van TILBURG; Wolfgang WAGNER; Ryan WISE; and Angela Arriola YU
Material fetters and spiritual transcendence : Zhuang Zi and environmental thought, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
「多少楼台烟雨中」 : 从杜牧诗看自然之道中的历史感, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
師生之間, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
白鶴清江, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
雲溪蝶舞, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
奢侈品营销与管理, Daniel A. LANGER (兰格丹尼尔); Oliver P. HEIL (海尔奥利弗); and Shing Chung, Patrick POON
粵語就係咁唱得! 五六十年代的表演與說唱, Yin Ping, Grace LAU and Kin Chong LAW (羅劍創)
Art as intervention in serving secondary child victims of family violence : introduction & manual, Suk Mun, Sophia LAW
The trajectories of radicalisms in Hong Kong, Wing Sang LAW
ICOSA Project : interactive online self-access English enhancement materials, Marc Craig LEBANE
The utilisation of ICOSA online exercises to enhance students English language learning, Marc Craig LEBANE
藏词与借代:从丘迟《与陈伯之书》说起, Hung Kai LEE
Implications for the role of retails in quality assurance, Mingming LENG, Zaichen LI, and Liping LIANG
The role of consumer-brand experiences and relationship in contributing to brand equity for services, Lai Cheung LEUNG
Desiring the mainstream/enchantment as tactic (of recognition) : minority visuality in Hong Kong South Asian Youth’s short films, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
Mediating movement in occupied spaces : documentation on social media pages in the context of the Umbrella Movement, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
抗戰時期嶺南大學在香港 (1938-1942), Yung LEUNG
日本平戶鄭成功兒誕石, Yung LEUNG
日本平戶鄭成功廟和紀念館, Yung LEUNG
琉球孔子廟海外傳承儒學, Yung LEUNG
金印公園見證古時中日交流, Yung LEUNG
A grounded theory approach to exploring the phenomenon of seller manipulations of online product reviews, Chunyu LI, Ling PENG, and Geng CUI
Risk aversion with two risks : a theoretical extension, Jingyuan LI, Dongri LIU, and Jianli WANG
Environmental management practices and performance of international suppliers located in China : how does relationship learning matter?, Ling Yee, Esther LI
Customer participation behavior for value co-creation in high-versus low-contact services : the roles of trust-in-personnel and trust-in-brand, Ling Yee, Esther LI; T. K., Sherriff LUK (陸定光); and Shaw-Ching, Ben LIU
Supply chain analysis with export tax rebate policy, Jing LIU, Ke FU, Pingping LU, and Weixin SHANG
Bernard Bolzano : on the concept of the beautiful : a philosophical essay, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
Questions of authorship : some comments on David Bordwell’s narration in the fiction film, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
Thought experiments in aesthetics, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON and Carl Mikael PETTERSSON
Philosophy with a twist : La rivière du hibou, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON and Trevor PONECH
Speech analysis and visual image : language learning, Wai Sing, Alfred LOO; Chi Wai CHUNG; and Wing Lun, Alan LAM
Silence is golden? Evidence from disclosing related-party transactions in China, Wai Yee, Agnes LO and Man Kong, Raymond WONG (黃敏剛)
A cultural approach to the study of Xuanzang, Wai Chu, Rachel LUNG
Auspicious connotations of interpreting in ancient Chinese texts, Wai Chu, Rachel LUNG
The Jiangnan Arsenal : a microcosm of translation and ideological transformation in 19th-century China, Wai Chu, Rachel LUNG
Written Chinese as a medium in face-to-face East Asian exchanges in 9th-century China, Wai Chu, Rachel LUNG
Achieving subjective well-being around the world : the moderating influence of gender, age and national goals for socializing children, Miu Chi, Vivian LUN and Michael Harris BOND
The long-term impact of service-learning on graduates’ civic engagement and career exploration in Hong Kong, Hok Ka Carol MA; Wing Fung, Chad CHAN; and Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN
Service-learning as an independent course : merits, challenges, and ways forward, Hok Ka, Carol MA and Fei Yin, Dawn LO
Uyghur digital diaspora in Kyrgyzstan, Aizhamal MARAT
The varieties of intrinsicality, Dan MARSHALL
A puzzle for modal realism, Daniel Graham MARSHALL
The extended mind and the computational basis of responsibility ascription, Andreas MATTHIAS
Going up in the world, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
‘Massifying’ higher education and intensifying social inequality in China, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
The quest for regional education hub status : challenges, possibilities and search for new governance in Hong Kong, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
台大學群南進招生的啟示, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
打造亚洲教育枢纽 : 香港的经验, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
拓教育樞紐促民心相通, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
理財教育與安老政策, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
Massification of higher education: challenges for admissions and graduate employment in China, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK and Jin JIANG
The role of workaholism in the job demands-resources model, Monica MOLINO, Arnold B. BAKKER, and Chiara GHISLIERI
Getting a life : expatriate uses of new media in Hong Kong, Meaghan MORRIS, Elaine LALLY, and Catherine DRISCOLL
Advances in experimental philosophy and philosophical methodology, Jennifer, Ellen NADO
Conflicting reasons, unconflicting ‘ought’s, Gopal Shyam NAIR
How do reasons accrue?, Gopal Shyam NAIR
An analysis of aircraft maintenance incidents using psychological and cognitive engineering knowledge, Man-wa NG and Yau Wai, Simon LI
Distinctive feature of microbial communities and bacterial functional profiles in Tricholoma matsutake dominant soil, Seung-Yoon OH, Jonathan Julio FONG, Myung Soo PARK, and Young Woon LIM
Global perspectives on human factors & ergonomics, Megan OLSON; Sami DURRANI; William (Deak) HELTON; Halimahtun M. KHALID; Yau Wai, Simon LI; and Patrick WATERSON
Managing organizational entry in China : the roles of newcomer–supervisor exchange, incumbent support, and perceived insider status, Zhanying OU, Jie WANG, and Tingting CHEN
Consumer perceptions of online review deceptions : an empirical study in China, Ling PENG, Geng CUI, Mengzhou ZHUANG, and Chunyu LI
Assessing the response format effects on the scaling of marketing stimuli, Ling PENG and Adam FINN
Settler colonialism and the Soviet Union (1916-1933) : Kazakhs and Kyrgyz between Decolonization and state violence, Niccolò PIANCIOLA
Faculty-student engagement in teaching observation and assessment : a Hong Kong initiative, James Stuart POUNDER; Hung Lam, Elizabeth HO; and Julie GROVES