Submissions from 2015
Demeanor indexicals, interpretive discourses and the "Kong Girl" stereotype : constructing gender ideologies in social media, H. Y., Katherine CHEN and Munkyung Agnes KANG
Interpersonal harmony and creativity in China, Tingting CHEN
Interpersonal bundling, Yongmin CHEN and Tianle ZHANG
Posting strategically : the consumer as an online media planner, Yu Jen CHEN and Amna KIRMANI
Academic and career expectations of ethnic minority youth in Hong Kong, Yue Lok, Francis CHEUNG; P. Y., Beatrice LAI; M. S., Anise WU; and Lisbeth KU
Emotional labor and occupational well-being : a latent profile analytic approach, Yue Lok, Francis CHEUNG and Miu Chi, Vivian LUN
Relation between emotional labor and organizational citizenship behavior : an investigation among Chinese teaching professionals, Yue Lok, Francis CHEUNG and Miu Chi, Vivian LUN
Continuous improvement : the influence of high performance work systems, work climate, and collectivism, F. T., Flora CHIANG; Thomas A. BIRTCH; Zhenyao CAI; and Yuen Lam BAVIK
想得出,寫得到, Wan Kan CHIN
深水埗 : 大家捱出頭的地方, Wan Kan CHIN
漢邦中文課本. 第一冊, 天地人, Wan Kan CHIN
經典啟蒙讀本, Wan Kan CHIN
Four new species of Amanita in Inje county, Korea, Hae Jin CHO, Myung Soo PARK, Hyun LEE, Yeongseon JANG, Jonathan J. FONG, and Young Woon LIM
Customer satisfaction and the financial performance of Chinese airlines, Kong Wing, Clement CHOW
風聲鶴唳 : 辜振甫與四五十年代的台灣, Man Kong CHOW
Book review : Brothers in arms : Chinese aid to the Khmer Rouge, 1975–1979, by Andrew Mertha, Chien Peng CHUNG
China and Japan in central Asia, Chien Peng CHUNG
Selecting ideas for new product development : comparison of monadic test and adaptive concept screening under the G theory framework, Geng CUI, Ling PENG, and Laurent Pierre FLORES
Targeting high value customers while under resource constraint : partial order constrained optimization with genetic algorithm, Geng CUI, Man Leung WONG, and Xiang WAN
Introduction, Douglas CUMMING, Michael FIRTH, Wenxuan HOU, and Edward LEE
Sustainable entrepreneurship in China : ethics, corporate governance, and institutional reforms, Douglas CUMMING, Michael FIRTH, Wenxuan HOU, and Edward LEE
Good neighbours : ethnic and religious tolerance in Myanmar, Roman DAVID
Lustration and democracy capable of defending itself, Roman DAVID
Transitional justice and changing memories of the past in Central Europe, Roman DAVID
Discussant roundtable and publication plans, Roman DAVID, Charlie CLEMENTS, Kathryn SIKKINK, and Kiyoteru TSUTSUI
Transitional justice in Myanmar’s democratization, Roman DAVID and Ian HOLLIDAY
Book review : The aesthetics of design, by Jane Forsey, Rafael DE CLERCQ
情理碰撞、尸体纷呈 : 法国古典主义悲剧之主要特征, Ersu DING
释意方法与符号分类, Ersu DING
How business community institutions can help fight corruption, Avinash Kamalakar DIXIT
Censorship and conspiracy theories rule the day in post-election Turkey, Murat ES and Rolien Susanne HOYNG
Book review : Consumption in China : how China’s new consumer ideology is shaping the nation. China Today Series. by LiAnne Yu, Chengze, Simon FAN and Yu PANG (龐宇)
Relative pay and its effects on firm efficiency in a transitional economy, Michael Arthur FIRTH, Tak Yan LEUNG, Oliver M. RUI, and Chaohong NA
Principles of economics, Robert H. FRANK, Ben S. BERNANKE, and Hon Kwong LUI
Production networks and international trade: China, Brazil and Mexico, K. C. FUNG, Hsiang-Chih HWANG, Francis NG, and Jesús SEADE
Optimal allocation and consumption with guaranteed minimum death benefits, external income and term life insurance, Jin GAO and Eric R. ULM
John Stuart Mill’s other island : the discourse of unbridled capitalism in post-war Hong Kong, Mark HAMPTON
The politics of identity in revolutionary China before and after 1949 : the case of Wei Baqun, Xiaorong HAN
中國民族關係散論, Xiaorong HAN
Introduction : family agriculture in the present world : regional perspectives, Rémy HERRERA and Kin Chi LAU
The struggle for food sovereignty : alternative development and the renewal of peasant societies today, Rémy HERRERA and Kin Chi LAU
Task-based pedagogy in technology mediated writing, Preet Pankaj HIRADHAR
Making good teaching better through classroom-based action research, Preet Pankaj HIRADHAR and Julie GROVES
Amended law will benefit everyone, Lok Sang HO
Attacks on TSA politically motivated, Lok Sang HO
Culture makes all the difference, Lok Sang HO
Dispute over co-location is futile, Lok Sang HO
Housing proposal may not work, Lok Sang HO
It is time for the SAR to have a higher standard of journalism, Lok Sang HO
Politicization preys on social ills, Lok Sang HO
Road pricing is the way forward, Lok Sang HO
Time for more public spending, Lok Sang HO
Voters want service not sedition, Lok Sang HO
We should not rush to judgment, Lok Sang HO
人為托樓價不良副作用多, Lok Sang HO
倘取消利得稅打工仔反可得益, Lok Sang HO
內地經濟不乏新亮點, Lok Sang HO
全民養老方案需屬「全數支付」, Lok Sang HO
出售公屋 要堅持四大原則, Lok Sang HO
只要償債能力高債務總量不可怕, Lok Sang HO
土地短缺關乎決策, Lok Sang HO
引入空置稅風險須正視, Lok Sang HO
推樓指期貨好處多, Lok Sang HO
新克強指數 未能反映新經濟活動, Lok Sang HO
核心基金構思仍有不足, Lok Sang HO
樓市期指對沖樓價風險, Lok Sang HO
看經濟毋須過悲, Lok Sang HO
積金回報要保險, Lok Sang HO
退休方案 宜每代人自給自足, Lok Sang HO
A multifaceted investigation of the link between mental fatigue and task disengagement, Jesper F. HOPSTAKEN, Dimitri VAN DER LINDEN, Arnold B. BAKKER, and Michiel A. J. KOMPIER
《左傳》“請安”及相關紀事釋義辨疑 : 《左傳》與《儀禮》互證之一例, Tzu Pin HSU
漢人《詩經》自然興象說發微, Tzu Pin HSU
Laurence Binyon : a pioneering and authoritative curator of Chinese painting in early twentieth-century Britain, Ying Ling, Michelle HUANG
Book review : Poverty in the midst of affluence, Po Keung HUI
Boredom and fear in the undergraduate classroom : the medium of instruction controversy in Hong Kong, Po Keung HUI
如何罷課不罷學?, Po Keung HUI
常識革命 : 否想「雨傘運動」的三宗罪, Po Keung HUI
形象之外的新舊交替 : 傘運後區選的啟示, Po Keung HUI
缺學無思 : 香港教育的文化研究, Po Keung HUI
Sound and vision : the artistry of Margaret Leng Tan and Evans Chan in Sorceress of the New Piano, Makrokosmos I & II, and The Maverick Piano, Michael INGHAM
Syntax and subtext : diachronic variables, displacement and proximity in the verse dramas of shakespeare and his contemporaries, Michael Anthony INGHAM and Richard INGHAM
Pardonetz moi qe jeo de ceo forsvoie : Gower’s Anglo-Norman Identity, Richard INGHAM and Michael INGHAM
Agony over national-imperial identity : interpreting the coloniality of the Chinese New Left, Iam Chong IP
Negotiating educated subjectivity : intern labour and higher education in Hong Kong, Iam Chong IP
當小媒體遇上社交媒體 :「香港獨立媒體網」個案研究, Iam Chong IP
虛擬自由主義之後的自由主義, Iam Chong IP
Integrating knowledge of multitasking and interruptions across different perspectives and research methods, Christian P. JANSSEN; Sandy J. J. GOULD; Yau Wai, Simon LI; Duncan P. BRUMBY; and Anna L. COX
Scalable model-based clustering for large databases based on data summarization, Huidong JIN, Man Leung WONG, and K.-S. LEUNG
Social aspects of Korean as a heritage language, Munkyung Agnes KANG
兩載與摯友重聚二首, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
從《采桑子》組詞看歐陽修的自然意識, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
Religiosity and subjective wellbeing in Christianity, Buddhism and Taoism, Ching Han, Lufanna LAI and Robert A. CUMMINS
日軍在港戰爭罪行 : 戰犯審判紀錄及其研究, Chi Pang LAU and Xinbao DING (丁新豹)
黄竹坑故事 : 從河谷平原到創協坊, Chi Pang LAU and Kwan Kin, Kenneth WONG
Conclusion : facing the domination of financial capital : the convergence of peasant struggles today, Kin Chi LAU
Sustainability with ecological and economic justice in China, Kin Chi LAU
“Plant some plants, plant some hope, plant some future”. Urban gardening at Lingnan University of Hong Kong : an interview with Prof. Kin-chi Lau, Kin Chi LAU, Rainer EINZENBERGER, and Michaela HOCHMUTH
La Lutte pour la souveraineté alimentaire, Kin Chi LAU and Rémy HERRERA