Managing stress at work : theory and practice

Document Type


Source Publication

2015 Hospital Authority Convention

Publication Date



Hospital Authority


In the symposium, the nature and symptoms of stress will be briefly explained. Adopting the transactional theory of stress and applying the model of job stress process (Spector, 2012), the sources of stress (e.g. workload, role conflict, role ambiguity, interpersonal conflict, emotional labour etc.) in the workplace and their consequences (physical and psychological symptoms, ill-health) will be outlined. Effective coping strategies and stress moderators will also be examined. Evidence of intervention studies in Hong Kong in tackling workplace stress will be presented. In line with the development of positive psychology theories, positive psychological approaches were adopted to conduct several intervention studies among employees. The impact of training on psychological capital (PsyCap), human energy management (HEM), and recovery for stress management among employees will be demonstrated.

Publisher Statement

Copyright © Hospital Authority



Recommended Citation

Siu, O. L. (2015, May). Managing stress at work: Theory and practice. Paper presented at the 2015 Hospital Authority Convention, Hong Kong. Abstract retrieved from

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