
Submissions from 2014


Citizen-making : the role of national goals for socializing children, Michael Harris BOND and Miu Chi, Vivian LUN


Challenges of working with the Chinese NBS firm-level data, Loren BRANDT, Johannes VAN BIESEBROECK, and Yifan ZHANG


Daily self-management and employee work engagement, Kimberley BREEVAART, Arnold B. BAKKER, and Evangelia DEMEROUTI

The influence of constructive and destructive leadership behaviors on follower burnout, Kimberley BREEVAART, Arnold B. BAKKER, Jorn HETLAND, and Hilde HETLAND


From ASPAC to EAS : South Korea and southeast Asia, Brian BRIDGES


Work-life balance : a longitudinal evaluation of a new measure across Australia and New Zealand workers, Paula BROUGH, Carolyn TIMMS, Michael P. O'DRISCOLL, Thomas KALLIATH, Oi Ling SIU, Cindy SIT, and Danny LO


The richness of ambiguity : a Mencian statement and interpretive theory and practice in premodern China, Zongqi CAI


介绍一种解释近体诗格律的新方法, Zongqi CAI


早期五言詩新探 : 節奏、句式、結構、詩境 A New Exploration of Early Pentasyllabic Poetry: Rhythms, Syntax, Structures, and Visions, Zongqi CAI


Feeling at home in the “Chocolate City” : an exploration of place-making practices and structures of belonging amongst Africans in Guangzhou, Roberto Carlos CASTILLO BAUTISTA


The Hong Kong umbrella movement : a students’ or a people’s movement?, Che Po CHAN


香港病患者與中西療法偏好研究, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN and Man Yin CHAN


如何讓亞太地區患認知障礙症長者居家安老?, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN; Lequn DAI; and Wanxin SHAO


Widening of a poverty gap : a condition of governance crisis in Hong Kong, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN; Stephen Y. L. LEUNG; and Tony C. K. LAI

Addressing ageing issues through elder learning in the Asia-Pacific region, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN; Hok Ka, Carol MA; and Liu, Alice CHENG


Film education in Hong Kong : new challenges and opportunities, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN

Gendered organization perspective in context : female officers in the Hong Kong police 1950s to the present, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN

Rethinking gendered organization perspective in male-dominated work : the case of Hong Kong, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN


由女性主義者到婦進執委, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN


Impact of tax reduction policies on consumer purchase of new automobiles : an analytical investigation with real data-based experiments, Koon Hung CHAN, Mingming LENG, and Liping LIANG


再认识以农为本生活的价值, Shun Hing CHAN


Janus-faced Hana yori dango : Transnational Adaptations in East Asia and the Globalization Thesis, Tak Hung, Leo CHAN


Under the shadow of three lingua francae : repositioning translation in East Asia, Tak Hung, Leo CHAN


吶喊的景觀, Wai Ying CHAN


看.女人, Wai Ying CHAN


美莉與小二, Wai Ying CHAN


閃/光, Wai Ying CHAN


Social epistemic cognition in online interactions, Yuen Yan, Rosanna CHAN; Silu LI; and Wai Yi, Diane HUI


Patterns of residential adjustment for older person : who will recover and how do they recover? A study in different residential environments in Hong Kong, H. C., Kevin CHENG; David Rosser PHILLIPS; Oi Ling SIU; and G. O., Anthony YEH


Leader productivity and people orientations for cooperative goals and effective teams in China, Guoquan CHEN and Dean William TJOSVOLD


Brainwashing or nurturing positive values : competing voices in Hong Kong's national education debate, Winnie CHENG and Nga Man, Janet HO

自主、自治及社會參與 : 香港公民社會的發展模式, Hon Fai CHEN


Applying ant colony optimization to configuring stacking ensembles for data mining, Yi Jun CHEN, Man Leung WONG, and Haibing LI

In-your-face multiculturalism : reclaiming public space and citizenship by Filipina immigrant workers in Hong Kong, Yun Chung CHEN and Mirana May SZETO

亂世修行, Wan Kan CHIN

劫後餘生 : 香港風俗錄存, Wan Kan CHIN

粵語學中文, 愈學愈精神, Wan Kan CHIN

讀破萬卷書 : 陳雲的書評及藝評, Wan Kan CHIN

身土不二, Wan Kan CHIN

香港城邦論 II : 光復本土, Wan Kan CHIN


Assessment of Li 利 in the Mencius and the Mozi, Wai Wai CHIU


Review of Chenyang Li, The Confucian philosophy of harmony, Wai Wai CHIU

Zhuangzi’s idea of “spirit” : self, thinging things and the nourishment of life, Wai Wai CHIU

Translating higher education in the British Empire : the question of vernacular degrees in Postwar Malaya, Ai Ling, Grace CHOU


Customer satisfaction and service quality in the Chinese airline industry, Kong Wing, Clement CHOW

China's Tibetan problem with South Asia, Chien Peng CHUNG

Contentious integration : post-cold war Japan-China relations in the Asia-Pacific, Chien Peng CHUNG

Reconciliating Sino‐Japanese relations : the way forward, Chien Peng CHUNG

The U.S. rebalancing, China, and ASEAN-led regional arrangements, Chien Peng CHUNG

Big 4 conservatism around the world, Richard CHUNG, Michael Arthur FIRTH, Jeong Bon KIM, and Lei PANG


Book review : The politicisation of sport in modern China : communists and champions, Pok CHU


Shenzhen's bid for the 2011 Summer Universiade and its implications for Taiwan in the international sports community, Pok CHU


Research on Asian firms : a review and look forward, Geng CUI, Tsang Sing CHAN, and Hua ZHANG


Different roads to Rome? Patterns of internationalization in Chinese firms, Geng CUI, Tsang Sing CHAN, Hua ZHANG, and Ling PENG

Location choice and entry mode of emerging market multinationals : a study of Chinese firms, Geng CUI, Tsang Sing CHAN, and Yuanyuan ZHANG


莫让网评变为"罔评" : 故意操纵网络产品评论对消费者的影响, Geng CUI, Mengzhou ZHUANG, and Ling PENG


Stages and patterns of internationalization of the Chinese-owned firms : market-seeking versus resource-seeking firms, Roberto CURCI; Ling Yee, Esther LI; and Robert MACKOY

Apology and collective memory of Japan’s occupation in Korea, Roman DAVID

Good neighbours : perceptions about ethnic and religious minorities in Myanmar, Roman DAVID

Rehabilitation of former political prisoner in the Czech Republic, Roman DAVID

Transitional justice and collective memory : dealing with Japan’s occupation in South Korea, Roman DAVID


Personnel change or personal change? Rethinking Libya's political isolation law, Roman DAVID and Houda MZIOUDET

From warhorses to ploughshares: the later Tang Reign of Emperor Mingzong, Richard Lee DAVIS


A simple solution to the paradox of negative emotion, Rafael DE CLERCQ


Book review : The critical imagination, by James Grant, Rafael DE CLERCQ


Building plans as natural symbols, Rafael DE CLERCQ


Is there a problem with the causal criterion of event identity?, Rafael DE CLERCQ, Wai Yin LAM, and Jiji ZHANG


Ubiquitous but arbitrary iconicity, Ersu DING


Comparative Ross risk aversion in the presence of mean dependent risks, Georges DIONNE and Jingyuan LI


When can expected utility handle first-order risk aversion?, Georges DIONNE and Jingyuan LI

Understanding South Asian minorities in Hong Kong, John Nguyet ERNI and Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG


Vanity economics : an economic exploration of sex, marriage and family, Chengze, Simon FAN


Information-based stock trading and managerial incentives : evidence from China's stock market, Michael Arthur FIRTH, Man JIN, and Yuanyuan ZHANG


Auditors' reporting conservatism after regulatory sanctions : evidence from China, Michael Arthur FIRTH; Lai Lan, Phyllis MO; and Man Kong, Raymond WONG


The double-edged sword of CEO/chairperson duality in corporatized state-owned firms : evidence from top management turnover in China, Michael Arthur FIRTH; Man Lai, Sonia WONG; and Yong YANG


Rating with confidence : how rating scales affect future wom behavior, David GODES and Yu Jen CHEN


Who's driving this conversation? Systematic biases in the content of online consumer discussions, Rebecca HAMILTON, Ann SCHLOSSER, and Yu Jen CHEN


Book review : East wind : China and the British left, 1925-1976, Mark HAMPTON

Red God : Wei Baqun and his Peasant Revolution in Southern China, 1894-1932, Xiaorong HAN

The Danish directors 3 : dialogues on the new Danish documentary cinema, Mette HJORT, Ib BONDEBJERG, and Eva Novrup REDVALL


Political transition to democracy : the role of the security sector and regional economic communities in Zimbabwe and Cote d'ivoire's democratic puzzle, Obert HODZI

The Neo-Victorian-at-Sea : towards a global memory of the Victorian, Hung Lam, Elizabeth HO

民主的再思考及对香港的启示, Lok Sang HO


Cloud computing and enterprise migration strategies, Rosiah HO


《儀禮 ‧ 士冠禮》冠者取脯適東壁見母解, Tzu Pin HSU


Qualifying for a government’s scrappage program to stimulate consumers’ trade-in transactions? Analysis of an automobile supply chain involving a manufacturer and a retailer, Jian HUANG, Mingming LENG, Liping LIANG, and Chunlin LUO

A comparative study of online collection databases of Chinese Paintings in British Museums, Ying Ling, Michelle HUANG

Binyon and Nash : British modernists’ conception of Chinese landscape painting, Ying Ling, Michelle HUANG

The reception of Chinese art across cultures, Ying Ling, Michelle HUANG


在香港思考农业与社区, Po Keung HUI

廣東話授課與情感的教育, Po Keung HUI


Beyond Asian? Beyond cinema? Intermediality, the performative and the cosmopolitan in the recent documentary films of Evans Chan, Michael Anthony INGHAM

Drama in education, education in drama : a student-centred historical perspective for studying Alan Bennett's "The History Boys", Michael Anthony INGHAM

On Location in Kowloon: Discontinuities of the Urban Film-Set, Mike INGHAM and Kwok Kin, Matthew FUNG


Book review : Marxist academic traditions in British media and communication research : critique and reconstruction [Yingguo meidi yu chuanbo yanjiu de makesi zhuyi xueshu chuantong : pipan yu chonggou], Iam Chong IP

Urbanisation, gouvernements locaux et activisme communautaire dans le delta de la rivière des Perles, Iam Chong IP


Urbanisation, the state, and community activism in the Pearl River Delta : the case of a land dispute in Dongguan, Iam Chong IP

Between legitimacy and political efficacy: feminist counter-publics and the Internet in China, Iam Chong IP and Oi Wan LAM

本土右翼與經濟右翼 : 由香港網絡上一宗爭議說起, Iam Chong IP and Man Kin YICK (易汶健)


The determinants of pollution levels : firm-level evidence from Chinese manufacturing, Liangliang JIANG, Chen LIN, and Ping LIN