Lingnan Videos - Lectures & Seminars is the archive of scholarly presentations organized by Lingnan University, including public seminar, public lecture, inaugural lecture, university assembly, etc.




Contra hegemony : part 2 : post capital business planning and its global market potencies = 逆反霸權 (2) : 後資本主義商業計劃及其全球市場潛力 | 2016 The Third South South Forum on Sustainability | Eka SWADIANSA


Contra hegemony : part 1 : conscious regional planning and its adaptive development policies = 逆反霸權 (1) : 有意識之區域規劃及其靈活之發展政策 | 2016 The Third South South Forum on Sustainability | Eka SWADIANSA

Discussions, reflections and projections = 討論、反思與展望 | 2016 The Third South South Forum on Sustainability | Chantana BANPASIRICHOTE; Tak Hing, Erebus WONG (黃德興); François HOUTART; Pedro PÁEZ; Jung Ok LEE (李貞玉); Jinhua DAI (戴錦華); Po Keung HUI (許寶強); and Iam Chong IP (葉蔭聰)

Roundtable : Alternative theories and practices = 圓桌討論 : 另類理論與實踐 | 2016 The Third South South Forum on Sustainability | Samir AMIN, Tiejun WEN (溫鐵軍), Ichiyo MUTO (武藤一羊), Darwis KHUDORI, Wei TENG (滕威), Kin Chi LAU (劉健芝), and Iam Chong IP (葉蔭聰)

為了未來 : 梳理革命與社會運動之遺產 = Legacies of revolutions and movements for the future | 2016 第三屆南南論壇 | Jinhua DAI (戴錦華)


Latin America : exhaustion of post-neocapitalist experiences? How to think our future? = 拉丁美洲 : 後新資本主義耗盡的經驗? 怎樣思考我們的未來? | 2016 The Third South South Forum on Sustainability | François HOUTART

建築與城市主義 : 討論 = Architecture and urbanism : discussion | 2016 第三屆南南論壇 | Eka SWADIANSA, Huizhong BIN (賓慧中), Aibin YAN (閆愛賓), and Yun Chung CHEN (陳允中)


Delirious new world : static city and the engineering of collective spaces of otherness = 瘋狂新世界 : 靜態城市與異態集體空間 | 2016 The Third South South Forum on Sustainability | Eka SWADIANSA


中國建築與城市主義 = Architecture and urbanism : the case of China | 2016 第三屆南南論壇 | Aibin YAN (閆愛賓) and Huizhong BIN (賓慧中)


中國金融資本主義與三農問題 = Financial capitalism and the agrarian question in China | 2016 第三屆南南論壇 | Xiaohui YAN (嚴曉輝) and Ping WANG (王平)

The agrarian question in Asia : discussion = 亞洲三農問題 : 討論 | 2016 The Third South South Forum on Sustainability | Pedro PÁEZ, Chantana BANPASIRICHOTE, Jung Ok LEE (李貞玉), and Po Keung HUI (許寶強)


The agrarian question in Asia = 亞洲三農問題 | 2016 The Third South South Forum on Sustainability | Chantana BANPASIRICHOTE


Latin America : agrarian question : agriculture vs capitalist modern agriculture : land, water, forests = 拉丁美洲 : 三農問題農業 vs 現代資本主義農業 : 土地、水、森林 | 2016 The Third South South Forum on Sustainability | François HOUTART


No fire zone : the killing fields of Sri Lanka : discussion = 無戰火地帶 : 斯里蘭卡之殺戮戰場 : 映後座談 | 2016 The Third South South Forum on Sustainability | François HOUTART and Jude LAL FERNANDO


Popular movements in Southeast Asia = 東南亞民眾運動 | 2016 The Third South South Forum on Sustainability | Surichai WUNGAEO


Popular movements in Korea = 韓國民眾運動 | 2016 The Third South South Forum on Sustainability | Jung Ok LEE (李貞玉)

Political and economic challenges for China = 中國政治與經濟之挑戰 | 2016 The Third South South Forum on Sustainability | Tiejun WEN (溫鐵軍)


Latin America : popular movements, progressive governments and present political crisis = 拉丁美洲 : 民眾運動、進步政府與當前政治危機 | 2016 The Third South South Forum on Sustainability | François HOUTART

Cultural night = 文化之夜 | 2016 The Third South South Forum on Sustainability

Roundtable : Regional perspectives and politics : discussion = 圓桌討論 : 區域視野與政治 : 討論 | 2016 The Third South South Forum on Sustainability | Jung Ok LEE (李貞玉); Eka SWADIANSA; Surichai WUNGAEO; Pedro PÁEZ; Darwis KHUDORI; Chantana BANPASIRICHOTE; Tak Hing, Erebus WONG (黃德興); and Kwok Ming MA (馬國明)


Roundtable : Regional perspectives and politics = 圓桌討論 : 區域視野與政治 | 2016 The Third South South Forum on Sustainability | Darwis KHUDORI; Pedro PÁEZ; Ran WEI (魏然); Tak Hing, Erebus WONG (黃德興); and Kwok Ming MA (馬國明)

Seven developing countries : from emergence to entrapment : discussion = 新興七國報告 : 從興起到陷入困境 : 討論 | 2016 The Third South South Forum on Sustainability | Pedro PÁEZ; Tak Hing, Erebus WONG (黃德興); Darwis KHUDORI; François HOUTART; and Kwok Ming MA (馬國明)


Seven developing countries : from emergence to entrapment = 新興七國報告 : 從興起到陷入困境 | 2016 The Third South South Forum on Sustainability | Tak Hing, Erebus WONG (黃德興)


Regional integration and capitalist crisis = 區域整合與資本主義危機 | 2016 The Third South South Forum on Sustainability | Pedro PÁEZ


Latin America : international crisis, post-capitalist governments, regional integration and south-south cooperation = 拉丁美洲 : 國際危機、後資本主義政府、區域整合與南南合作 | 2016 The Third South South Forum on Sustainability | François HOUTART

Opening ceremony & welcome speeches = 開幕典禮及歡迎致辭 | 2016 The Third South South Forum on Sustainability | Siu Leung LI (李小良), Eka SWADIANSA, Chantana Chantana BANPASIRICHOTE, Surichai WUNGAEO, Jung Ok LEE (李貞玉), Pedro PÁEZ, François HOUTART, Jinhua DAI (戴錦華), Kin Chi LAU (劉健芝), Darwis KHUDORI, Huizhong BIN (賓慧中), Ping WANG (王平), and Wei TENG (滕威)

Open Floor (Session 5) = 開放討論 (Session 5) | Neo-moralism under Neoliberalism International Conference

Discussants (Session 5) = 回應 (Session 5) | Neo-moralism under Neoliberalism International Conference | Amber HOLLIBAUGH (荷安柏) and Ka Chun SHIU (邵家臻)


Between "Chicken Worm" and "Sunken Boat" : bounded masculinity in the Chinese sex industry = 在「雞蟲」與「沉船」之間 : 華人性工業中的玩界男性化特質 | 新自由主義下的新道德國際研討會 | Travis S. K. KONG (江紹祺)


深圳開展性工作者服務項目的困境與挑戰 = Problems and challenges in starting sex worker-oriented service projects in Shenzhen | 新自由主義下的新道德國際研討會 | Binbin LIN (林彬彬)

Open Floor (Session 4) = 開放討論 (Session 4) | Neo-moralism under Neoliberalism International Conference

Discussants (Hans Tao-Ming HUANG & DING Naifei) (Session 4) = 回應 (黃道明、丁乃非) (Session 4) | Neo-moralism under Neoliberalism International Conference | Wai Ching, Angela WONG (黃慧貞)

Discussants (for Amber HOLLIBAUGH) (Session 4) = 回應 (荷安柏) (Session 4) | Neo-moralism under Neoliberalism International Conference | Siu Mei (小美)


性工作女性主義 : 偶然與必然 = Already historiography : sex work (and) feminism | 新自由主義下的新道德國際研討會 | Naifei DING (丁乃非)


慢性病的檢疫隔離與與道德重整 : 醫療治理、治療公民權與台灣愛滋列管產業 = HIV care as moral quarantine : medical governance, therapeutic citizenship and the making of the AIDS surveillance industry in Taiwan | 新自由主義下的新道德國際研討會 | Tao Ming, Hans HUANG (黃道明)


Defining desires and dangerous decisions = 界定慾望與危險抉擇 | Neo-moralism under Neoliberalism International Conference | Amber HOLLIBAUGH (荷安柏)

電影放映 : 愛知核心 = Film Screening : The heart of the matter | 新自由主義下的新道德國際研討會 | Amber HOLLIBAUGH and Tse Shang, Denise TANG (鄧芝珊)

Open Floor (Session 3) = 開放討論 (Session 3) | Neo-moralism under Neoliberalism International Conference

Discussants (Session 3) = 回應 (Session 3) | Neo-moralism under Neoliberalism International Conference | Lisa DUGGAN (杜根麗莎) and Yin Bin NING (甯應斌)


打造香港道德 = The (re)making of the Hong Kong ethic | 新自由主義下的新道德國際研討會 | Ching YAU (游靜)


新自由主義與新道德主義 = Neoliberalism and New Moralism | 新自由主義下的新道德國際研討會 | Yin Bin NING (甯應斌)

Open Floor (Session 2) = 開放討論 (Session 2) | Neo-moralism under Neoliberalism International Conference

Discussant (Session 2) = 回應 (Session 2) | Neo-moralism under Neoliberalism International Conference | Chi Ming, Anthony SIU (邵志明)


香港助人工作者及教師對同性戀及自殘行為之觀點 = Perspectives of same-sex sexualities and self-harm among service providers and teachers in Hong Kong | 新自由主義下的新道德國際研討會 | Tse Shang, Denise TANG (鄧芝珊)


A working paper on genderphobia in Southeast Asian cinema = 東南亞電影中的性別恐懼初探 | 新自由主義下的新道德國際研討會 | Mikee INTON (殷美琪)

Open Floor (Session 1) = 開放討論 (Session 1) | Neo-moralism under Neoliberalism International Conference

Discussants = 回應 | Neo-moralism under Neoliberalism International Conference | Shuk Mei, Agnes KU (谷淑美)


道德漠視與遠端資本主義 : 《蝸居》受眾研究 = Moral indifference and capitalism from afar : an audience research on Woju | 新自由主義下的新道德國際研討會 | Iam Chong IP (葉蔭聰)


台灣「中國因素」: 民主及其不滿 = Taiwan's "China Factor" : democracy and its discontent | 新自由主義下的新道德國際研討會 | Keng Liang, Ted CHENG (鄭亘良)

Open Floor = 開放討論 | Neo-moralism under Neoliberalism International Conference | Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN (陳清橋)

Discussants (keynote address) = 回應 (keynote address) | Neo-moralism under Neoliberalism International Conference | Po Keung HUI (許寶強) and Sealing CHENG (鄭詩靈)


Feeling neoliberal : the politics of affect in the age of greed = 新自由感覺 : 貪婪年代的情感政治 | Neo-moralism under Neoliberalism International Conference | Lisa DUGGAN (杜根麗莎)


開場白 = Opening remarks | 新自由主義下的新道德國際研討會 | Ching YAU (游靜)


農藝生態、飲食生活、社區導賞、宗教靈性 | MCS10研討會 : 遊走於體制內外 : 文化研究與成人教育的回顧與前瞻 : 第二場研討會 : 身體、情感與技藝的教育 | Sze Cheong CHOW (周思中), Wai Fong CHAN (陳惠芳), Yiu Kwong CHU (朱耀光), Rose WU (胡露茜), and Shun Hing CHAN (陳順馨)


討論環節 | MCS10研討會 : 遊走於體制內外 : 文化研究與成人教育的回顧與前瞻 : 第二場研討會 : 身體、情感與技藝的教育 | Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG and Po Keung HUI


戲劇、音樂、身體、藝術 | MCS10研討會 : 遊走於體制內外 : 文化研究與成人教育的回顧與前瞻 : 第二場研討會 | Chun Kok WONG (黃津玨); Yan Chi, Mo LAI (賴恩慈); Sau Churk YEUNG (楊秀卓); Ching YAU (游靜); and Siu Leung LI (李小良)


體制內外的對話 | MCS10研討會 : 遊走於體制內外 : 文化研究與成人教育的回顧與前瞻 : 第一場研討會 : 民間辦學與體制邊緣的碩士課程 | Wing Sang LAW and Iam Chong IP


體制邊緣的大學課程 | MCS10研討會 : 遊走於體制內外 : 文化研究與成人教育的回顧與前瞻 : 第一場研討會 : 民間辦學與體制邊緣的碩士課程 | Chun Hung NG; Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN; Wai Ching, Angela WONG; and Po Keung HUI


民間辦學 : 書院、社大、沙龍 | MCS10研討會 : 遊走於體制內外 : 文化研究與成人教育的回顧與前瞻 : 第一場研討會 : 民間辦學與體制邊緣的碩士課程 | Yiu Cheong, Alvin SO (蘇耀昌); Chun Hung YU (余振雄); Lin Chi LAU (劉健芝); Daniel LEE (李達寧); and Kwok Ming MA (馬國明)


未来的维度 = The dimension of the future | 2012 可持續實踐與鄉村建設國際研討會 | Jinhua DAI (戴锦华)

Cultural economy and emotional politics : unthinking neo-liberal capitalism in Hong Kong = 文化经济与情感政治 : 反思香港的新自由资本主义 | 2012 International Conference on Sustainability & Rural Reconstruction | Po Keung HUI (许宝强)


Educating for a common collective : pedagogies of sharing and caring | 2012 International Conference on Sustainability & Rural Reconstruction | Anita RAMPAL (阿尼塔•拉姆鲍)


Political process and land reform in Nepal = 尼泊尔的土地改革与政治过程 | 2012 International Conference on Sustainability & Rural Reconstruction | Arjun Kumar KARKI (阿尔琼•卡基)


当代乡村建设的实践与反思 | 2012 可持續實踐與鄉村建設國際研討會 | Jiaen PAN (潘家恩) and Xiaohui YAN (严晓辉)


Agrarian reform and rural reconstruction in the Philippines = 菲律宾土地改革与农村重建 | 2012 International Conference on Sustainability & Rural Reconstruction | Isagani R. SERRANO


梁漱溟乡村建设中心的当代实践 = Introduction of Liang Shuming Rural Reconstruction Center | 2012 可持續實踐與鄉村建設國際研討會 | Lanying ZHANG (张兰英)

兴隆场 - 抗战时期四川农民生活调查 (1940-1942) | 2012 可持續實踐與鄉村建設國際研討會 | Michael CROOK (柯马凯)


梁漱溟乡村建设思想与实践 = Liang Shuming’s thoughts and practices on rural reconstruction | 2012 可持續實踐與鄉村建設國際研討會 | Peishu LIANG (梁培恕)


论卢作孚“乡村现代化”及“以经济建设为中心”思想及其启示意义 = Discussions on Lu Zuofu's "rural modernization" and "taking economy building as center" , and the inspirational meaning thereof | 2012 可持續實踐與鄉村建設國際研討會 | Chonglai LIU (刘重来)


乡村建设思想的历史起点 | 2012 可持續實踐與鄉村建設國際研討會 | Xianming WANG (王先明)


晏阳初乡村建设历程 = Rural construction practice of Yang Yangchu | 2012 可持續實踐與鄉村建設國際研討會 | Hongguo YAN (晏鸿国)

发达地区的乡建试验 | 2012 可持續實踐與鄉村建設國際研討會 | Cunwang CHENG (程存旺)


程炜及大宁县程炜扶贫开发有限公司介绍 | 2012 可持續實踐與鄉村建設國際研討會 | Wei CHENG (程炜)


重庆市忠县自强残疾人服务站 | 2012 可持續實踐與鄉村建設國際研討會 | Yuying CHEN (陈玉英)

刘忠训及云阳县联合种植农民专业合作社 = Introduction of Liu Zhongxun and Yunyang joint planting farmers’ specialized cooperative | 2012 可持續實踐與鄉村建設國際研討會 | Zhongxun LIU (刘忠训)


Safe food, green food, good food : Chinese community supported agriculture and the rising middle class | 2012 International Conference on Sustainability & Rural Reconstruction | Yan SHI Dr.


田桂荣工作介绍 = Introduction of Tian Guirong | 2012 可持續實踐與鄉村建設國際研討會 | Guirong TIAN (田桂荣)

幸福人生与生态果园的思路与实践 | 2012 可持續實踐與鄉村建設國際研討會 | Dengbo WANG (王登波) and Shuanshe FAN (樊拴社)


王殿敏与王老兴粮食专业合作社简介 | 2012 可持續實踐與鄉村建設國際研討會 | Dianmin WANG (王殿敏)


和平妇女王华连自我简介 = Introduction of Wang Hualian and Wanli-Luxia Women Credit Union | 2012 可持續實踐與鄉村建設國際研討會 | Hualian WANG (王华连)

可持续健康循环农业及乡村观光旅游农业建设对城乡和谐发展意义 = How do the desert plains, through practice, become circulation ecological agriculture with fruit fragrance? | 2012 可持續實踐與鄉村建設國際研討會 | Hailan YANG (杨海澜)


合作、教育、文化、综合 = Cooperation, education, culture, synthesis | 2012 可持續實踐與鄉村建設國際研討會 | Yong YUAN (袁勇)


安龙村合作社经验 | 2012 可持續實踐與鄉村建設國際研討會 | Fei ZHANG (张飞)


人以何为本?合初人的反思与探索 | 2012 可持續實踐與鄉村建設國際研討會 | Yi ZHU (朱艺)


略论农村合作社三大集团与统筹城乡共同发展长效机制 | 2012 可持續實踐與鄉村建設國際研討會 | Bolin JIANG (姜伯林)


中国滋根乡村教育与发展促进会简介 | 2012 可持續實踐與鄉村建設國際研討會 | Lei LIU (刘磊)


工农社区大学与互助教育建设 | 2012 可持續實踐與鄉村建設國際研討會 | Jiansheng QIU (邱建生)


新工人文化教育及组织建设 | 2012 可持續實踐與鄉村建設國際研討會 | Heng SUN (孙恒)


我社资金互助的几大好处和运作时应该注意的问题 = Some benefits and running problems of our financial cooperative | 2012 可持續實踐與鄉村建設國際研討會 | Shuxia WANG (王树霞)


信即可得证 : 农信之家与三大集团建设 | 2012 可持續實踐與鄉村建設國際研討會 | Yongmo XIE (谢勇模)


ICCIC / Gung Ho : helping to promote Chinese cooperatives = 工合国际促进中国合作社的发展 | 2012 International Conference on Sustainability & Rural Reconstruction | Michael CROOK (柯马凯)


Could cities feed themselves? The case of the urban agriculture movement in Cuba = 城市能否自给自足? 古巴城市农业运动调查报告 | 2012 International Conference on Sustainability & Rural Reconstruction | Eduardo Francisco FREYRE ROACH (爱德华多•弗莱雷•雷奇) and May Ling CHAN (陈美玲)


CSAs in Canada and China: innovation and paradox | 2012 International Conference on Sustainability & Rural Reconstruction | Anthony M. FULLER (托尼•福勒), Theresa SCHUMILAS (特蕾莎•舒米拉), and Zhenzhong SI (司振中)


Sustainability in rural development projects in Mexico = 墨西哥农村发展项目的可持续性 | 2012 International Conference on Sustainability & Rural Reconstruction | Aylin TOPAL (阿伊林•托帕尔)


西班牙老区的社区发展实践 = Projects of community development in an old community in Spain | 2012 可持續實踐與鄉村建設國際研討會 | Hang XIA (夏航)


南塘合作社经验 | 2012 可持續實踐與鄉村建設國際研討會 | Yunbiao YANG (杨云标)


Linking food systems and human health : geographic variations in China = 链接食物系统与人类健康:中国城乡之间的差别 | 2012 International Conference on Sustainability & Rural Reconstruction | Anthony M. FULLER (托尼•福勒)


Gerplasm property regimes and the dilemma of sovereignty = 种质产权和维护主权的两难 | 2012 International Conference on Sustainability & Rural Reconstruction | Tung-Yi KHO (许统一)


Surviving the Fukushima nuke crisis : people’s anger, anguish, and alternative actions = 在福岛核泄漏危机中幸存下去:人民的愤怒、伤痛和另类行动 | 2012 International Conference on Sustainability & Rural Reconstruction | Masaaki OHASHI (大桥正明)


Current situation of farmers, peasants' movement, and ecological agriculture in Nigeria | 2012 International Conference on Sustainability & Rural Reconstruction | Arigbede OLASEINDE Dr.