可持续健康循环农业及乡村观光旅游农业建设对城乡和谐发展意义 = How do the desert plains, through practice, become circulation ecological agriculture with fruit fragrance?
Event Title
2012 可持續實踐與鄉村建設國際研討會
Start Date
9-12-2012 5:00 PM
End Date
9-12-2012 6:30 PM
1: The changes of rural environment brought by the sustainable recycling agriculture, result in the harmonious development of man and nature
-- From the initial understanding, perception, mastery of the nature law, through practice, desert changes Oasis
2: The changes of thoughts,perception in the people of the cities and villages brought by the rural tourism construction
-- Ma Haimei, Bai Xianglian and other immigrants”from zero-point to cultivate hotshot”, Wang Chunyan “from the waitress to the boss”
3 .The sustainable and healthy development of agriculture products need direct information exchange between the citizen and farmers, for promoting the supplying and demands.
-- Xu Wenyan, Zhang Hongwei, Liu Zunxiang, originally from traditional planting,switch into the healthy concept of planting, later the product demands exceeds supply, and they become good friends of the citizens.
Document Type
English Version_Abstract
Recommended Citation
杨海澜 (2012,12月)。可持续健康循环农业及乡村观光旅游农业建设对城乡和谐发展意义。發表於 2012可持續實踐與鄉村建設國際研討會,西南大学,中國重慶市。
可持续健康循环农业及乡村观光旅游农业建设对城乡和谐发展意义 = How do the desert plains, through practice, become circulation ecological agriculture with fruit fragrance?
1: The changes of rural environment brought by the sustainable recycling agriculture, result in the harmonious development of man and nature
-- From the initial understanding, perception, mastery of the nature law, through practice, desert changes Oasis
2: The changes of thoughts,perception in the people of the cities and villages brought by the rural tourism construction
-- Ma Haimei, Bai Xianglian and other immigrants”from zero-point to cultivate hotshot”, Wang Chunyan “from the waitress to the boss”
3 .The sustainable and healthy development of agriculture products need direct information exchange between the citizen and farmers, for promoting the supplying and demands.
-- Xu Wenyan, Zhang Hongwei, Liu Zunxiang, originally from traditional planting,switch into the healthy concept of planting, later the product demands exceeds supply, and they become good friends of the citizens.