Event Title
Neo-moralism under Neoliberalism International Conference
嶺南大學林柄炎樓地下MBG07 / Main Building MBG07, Lingnan University
Start Date
25-5-2014 10:00 AM
End Date
25-5-2014 10:30 AM
The power of desire and its often dangerous consequences are among the most important of human experiences, directing many of the choices we make throughout much of life. They mark and shape us, open us up in directions we never imagined possible, possess significance and hidden meanings we struggle with lifelong. Sometimes our desires lead to consequences we would never have chosen. But sex, and the ability it has to move and explode with a fierce power, is also one of the most precious and remarkable gifts we possess as human beings.
人類其中一種最重要的經驗,便是體現慾望的力量,以及承擔往往隨之而來的危險後果。這些經驗主導了我們人生大部份的抉擇,在我們身上留下印記,形塑我們,向我們展示我們從未想像過的路向,也在我們一生中,佔有重要但不易彰顯的意義。這些意義也需要我們一直與之協商;有時候慾望所帶來的後果並非我們原初以為選擇了的,但是性相 (sexuality) 特有的爆烈與撩動人心的力量,正是我們生而為人最寶貴、最卓越的天賦之一。
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Hollibaugh, A. (2014, May). Defining desires and dangerous decisions = 界定慾望與危險抉擇. Paper presented at Neo-moralism under Neoliberalism International Conference, Lingnan University, Hong Kong.
Included in
Defining desires and dangerous decisions = 界定慾望與危險抉擇
嶺南大學林柄炎樓地下MBG07 / Main Building MBG07, Lingnan University
The power of desire and its often dangerous consequences are among the most important of human experiences, directing many of the choices we make throughout much of life. They mark and shape us, open us up in directions we never imagined possible, possess significance and hidden meanings we struggle with lifelong. Sometimes our desires lead to consequences we would never have chosen. But sex, and the ability it has to move and explode with a fierce power, is also one of the most precious and remarkable gifts we possess as human beings.
人類其中一種最重要的經驗,便是體現慾望的力量,以及承擔往往隨之而來的危險後果。這些經驗主導了我們人生大部份的抉擇,在我們身上留下印記,形塑我們,向我們展示我們從未想像過的路向,也在我們一生中,佔有重要但不易彰顯的意義。這些意義也需要我們一直與之協商;有時候慾望所帶來的後果並非我們原初以為選擇了的,但是性相 (sexuality) 特有的爆烈與撩動人心的力量,正是我們生而為人最寶貴、最卓越的天賦之一。
Additional Information
蘭舒 (譯)、鄭亘良及游靜 (校)