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Sunday, May 25th
10:00 AM

Defining desires and dangerous decisions = 界定慾望與危險抉擇

Amber HOLLIBAUGH (荷安柏)

嶺南大學林柄炎樓地下MBG07 / Main Building MBG07, Lingnan University

10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

10:30 AM

慢性病的檢疫隔離與與道德重整 : 醫療治理、治療公民權與台灣愛滋列管產業 = HIV care as moral quarantine : medical governance, therapeutic citizenship and the making of the AIDS surveillance industry in Taiwan

Tao Ming, Hans HUANG (黃道明)

嶺南大學林柄炎樓地下MBG07 / Main Building MBG07, Lingnan University

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

11:00 AM

性工作女性主義 : 偶然與必然 = Already historiography : sex work (and) feminism

Naifei DING (丁乃非)

嶺南大學林柄炎樓地下MBG07 / Main Building MBG07, Lingnan University

11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

11:30 AM

Discussants (for Amber HOLLIBAUGH) (Session 4) = 回應 (荷安柏) (Session 4)

Siu Mei (小美)

嶺南大學林柄炎樓地下MBG07 / Main Building MBG07, Lingnan University

11:30 AM - 11:50 AM

11:50 AM

Discussants (Hans Tao-Ming HUANG & DING Naifei) (Session 4) = 回應 (黃道明、丁乃非) (Session 4)

Wai Ching, Angela WONG (黃慧貞)

11:50 AM - 12:10 PM

12:10 PM

Open Floor (Session 4) = 開放討論 (Session 4)

嶺南大學林柄炎樓地下MBG07 / Main Building MBG07, Lingnan University

12:10 PM - 12:30 PM