Streaming Media

Event Title

2016 第三屆南南論壇

Start Date

25-7-2016 4:30 PM

End Date

25-7-2016 5:30 PM




On 25th July 2016, Bui Huizhong and Yan Aibin gave a presentation based on the topic: Architecture and Urbanism: the Case of China.

Document Type


20160725_1630-1730_閆愛賓-城市建設新階段的變與未變.pdf (2217 kB)
城市建設新階段的變與未變 : 第四次中央城市工作會議後之發展動向 / 閆愛賓 = The development trend of the new stage of Chinese urban construction / Yan Aibin

20160725_1630-1730_宾慧中-多维视野下的大都市边缘地段传统建筑保护再生——以上海水乡村镇为例PPS.pdf (2385 kB)
多維視野下的大都市邊緣地段傳統建築保護再生 : 以上海水鄉鎮為例 / 賓慧中 = Protection and regeneration of the traditional building in urban fringe area in multidimensional perspective : taking Shanghai old rural town as example / Bin Huizhong

Recommended Citation

閆愛賓、賓慧中 (2016,7月)。中國建築與城市主義 = Architecture and urbanism: The case of China。發表於第三屆南南論壇,嶺南大學,香港。


Jul 25th, 4:30 PM Jul 25th, 5:30 PM

中國建築與城市主義 = Architecture and urbanism : the case of China

On 25th July 2016, Bui Huizhong and Yan Aibin gave a presentation based on the topic: Architecture and Urbanism: the Case of China.