The Library collects data on research outputs published by active researchers at Lingnan University. This data provides the University with valuable information on the research activity of its staff.
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Submissions from 1993
說文通訓定聲與古音, Hung Kai LEE
香港的士政策剖析, Lok Sang HO
香港黑社會與華人民間文化, Wan Kan CHIN
Submissions from 1992
Academic achievement and professional examination performance, M. Rai KAPOOR, Koon Hung CHAN, and Herbert L. JENSEN
A cross-commodity appraisal of demand-raising research benefits : pork and chicken in Australia, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON
Ageing in East and South-east Asia, David Rosser PHILLIPS
An analysis of the welfare effects of research and promotion in a two-sector market, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON and Geoff W. EDWARDS
Deposit insurance : an economic perspective, Lok Sang HO
Desire as trap : chronotope of labor in Mao Dun's "Spring silkworms", Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
East and South-east Asia : issues of ageing in the region, David Rosser PHILLIPS
Economic return to quality-enhancing research : the case of dark-cutting beef in Australia, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON
Film and the new psychology, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
Hong Kong : demographic and epidemiological change and social care for elderly people, David Rosser PHILLIPS
Intention and literature, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON and Alfred R. MELE
Intentions and interpretations, Alfred R. MELE and Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
Labour and employment, Lok Sang HO
Rent control : its rationale and effects, Lok Sang HO
Research payoffs from quality improvement : the case of protein in Australian wheat, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON and Geoff W. EDWARDS
Texts, works, and literature, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
The impact of technological innovation on the Australian passenger car industry, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON and K. SIOW
商業組織人際關係, Yui Tim, Edward WONG
旅遊・思考・人生, Yuk Kang, Anita POON (潘玉瓊) and Yiu Chung WONG
社會保障的精神與特色, Lok Sang HO
Submissions from 1991
A proposal for deposit insurance in Hong Kong, Lok Sang HO
A response to Michael Sprinker, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
Book review : Hong Kong's new towns : a selective review, David Rosser PHILLIPS
Cash flow or income? : the choice of base for company taxation, Jack M. MINTZ and Jesús SEADE
Compensation, risks, and efficiency, Lok Sang HO
International labour migration : the case of Hong Kong, Lok Sang HO, Pak Wai LIU, and Kit Chun LAM
Labour and employment, Lok Sang HO
Le retour au sujet : subjects, agents, and rationality, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
Literature and rationality : ideas of agency in theory and fiction, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
Managing the business environment : Hong Kong & beyond, James Stuart POUNDER
Positive action policy making : an outreaching service for the elderly at risk in Tokwawan North area, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN and Hong Chung, Johnston WONG
Retirement benefit programs : analysis and a proposal for Hong Kong, Lok Sang HO, Jik jeon LEE, and Jin Pang LEUNG
Retirement benefit programs : analysis and a proposal for Hong Kong, Lok Sang HO, Jik Jeon LEE, and Jin Pang LEUNG
Retirement provisions : a social responsibility, Jin Pang LEUNG, Jik Jeon LEE, and Lok Sang HO
Social implications of the process of deconcentration in Hong Kong : a case study of Shatin new town, Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW
The calculation of research benefits with linear and non-linear specification of the demand and supply functions, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON and Geoff W. EDWARDS
The calculation of returns to research in distorted markets : comment, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON and Geoff W. EDWARDS
中共人治制度改革的曲折路, Yiu Chung WONG
「六四」兩周年的中國政局 : 宮廷政治格局未變,老人退而不隱可悲, Yiu Chung WONG
台灣政治新生代的出現, Yiu Chung WONG
權力、民主與抗衡的實踐 : 與素珊·白漠絲談文化及政治, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
「民間社會理論」簡介, Iam Chong IP
流動的城市 流動的窗, Wai Ying CHAN
社會主義在中國 : 中共成立七十周年的得失, Yiu Chung WONG
私人機構加薪幅度下降 : 兼談統計處薪酬調查趨勢, Yui Tim, Edward WONG
私營經濟部門的活力和政府的干預, Lok Sang HO
蘇共的崩解與社會主義的前途, Yiu Chung WONG
誰需要軍火?, Kin Chi LAU
論佛教與梁代宮體詩的產生, Chunhong WANG
《錢玄同研究》評介, Hung Kai LEE
開放改革的崎嶇路 : 中國政治體制改革的回顧與前瞻, Yiu Chung WONG
關於文化重建與中國前途的對話 : 評《十日談》, Yiu Chung WONG
電訊裁員對勞資關係的衝擊與影響, Yui Tim, Edward WONG
Submissions from 1990
A proposal for an adaptive linked exchange rate system, Lok Sang HO
Fusion of feeling and nature in Wordsworthian and classical Chinese poetry, Zongqi CAI
Literary studies and the sciences, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
Morphological constraints on seed mass in lodgepole pine, Mark, Alan MCGINLEY; C. C. SMITH; P. F. ELLIOTT; and J. J. HIGGINS
序, Lok Sang HO
書評 : 《古漢語常用字字源字典》, Hung Kai LEE
《說文通訓定聲》對字義的研究, Hung Kai LEE
Submissions from 1989
Optimal cities, Lok Sang HO
Synthetic parallelism : a cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary study, Zongqi CAI
The state of the economy, Lok Sang HO
Whither China's foreign exchange controls?, Lok Sang HO
列根「神話」和布殊的施政路向, Yiu Chung WONG
政庁の役割, Lok Sang HO
術數批判, Wan Kan CHIN
《詩經》與《古詩十九首》 : 從比興的演變來看它們的內在聯係, Zongqi CAI
Submissions from 1988
Fragments I-II and III-V in The Canterbury Tales : a re-examination of the Idea of the "Marriage Group", Zongqi CAI
Government deficit financing and stabilisation, Lok Sang HO
Literary knowledge and the philosophy of science, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
Literary knowledge : humanistic inquiry and the philosophy of science, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
Multiple resources and the optimal balance between size and number of offspring, Mark, Alan MCGINLEY and Eric L. CHARNOV
Towards an optimal public housing policy, Lok Sang HO
在紐約聽劉賓雁演講有感, Yiu Chung WONG
從悲劇衝突與悲劇元素看皇甫枚的「步飛煙」, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
從民主制度的社會條件看自由主義在近代中國的失敗 : 下, Yiu Chung WONG
書評 : 《中國語文學家辭典》, Hung Kai LEE
書評 : 《古今字小字典》, Hung Kai LEE
書評 : 《古代漢語的假借字》, Hung Kai LEE
書評 : 《古漢語常用同義詞辨析》, Hung Kai LEE
書評 : 《古漢語常用詞通釋》, Hung Kai LEE
書評 : 《國風與民俗研究》, Hung Kai LEE
Submissions from 1987
The structure of Whitman's 'Song of myself' and Hegel's phenomenological dialectic, Zongqi CAI
一九七九年後中國社會學發展的四種特色, Yiu Chung WONG
從社會控制觀點看中國學生運動, Yiu Chung WONG
書評 : 《中國小學史》, Hung Kai LEE
書評 : 《漢語新詞詞典》, Hung Kai LEE
書評 : 《說文解字講稿》, Hung Kai LEE
Submissions from 1986
On electronic road pricing and traffic management in Hong Kong, Lok Sang HO
Structural antitheses in Goldsmith's The deserted village, Zongqi CAI
The Hong Kong economy : a 1985 review, Lok Sang HO
现象学哲学与文学理论述评, Ersu DING
Submissions from 1985
Directions for medical geography in the 1980s : some observations from the United Kingdom, David Rosser PHILLIPS
Education of the professional accountant : an empirical study, M. Rai KAPOOR and Koon Hung CHAN