The Library collects data on research outputs published by active researchers at Lingnan University. This data provides the University with valuable information on the research activity of its staff.
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Submissions from 1995
打擊還是面對色情 : 從色情漫畫看批判教育, Iam Chong IP
梦随仲尼而南行 : 论刘勰的北人意识, Chunhong WANG
為了文化的抉擇與游離 : 答蔡翔君並說烏托邦, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
聞一多先生的文化研究與新民學說, Wan Kan CHIN
论班固与王充"疾虚妄"精神的共通性, Chunhong WANG
邊緣與混雜的幽靈 : 談文化評論中的「香港身份」, Iam Chong IP
重读《日出》、《啼笑因缘》和《第一炉香》, Zidong XU
Submissions from 1994
Book review : The making of Canadian food aid policy, Shalendra SHARMA
Chinese demand for Australian wheat : application of market share models, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON
Construction of sand shinnery oak communities of the Llano Estacado : animal disturbances, plant community structure, and restoration, Shivcharn S. DHILLION; Mark, Alan MCGINLEY; Carl F. FRIESE; and John C. ZAK
Democracy and economic development, Lok Sang HO
Differential returns to education in Hong Kong, Hon Kwong LUI
Does schooling in China yield lower returns than schooling in Hong Kong?, Hon Kwong LUI
Editorial : does epidemiological transition have utility for health planners?, David Rosser PHILLIPS
Enhancing the Learning Capacity in a Japanese Organization in Hong Kong through Spiritual Education, Mei Ling, May WONG
Environmental heterogeneity and seedling establishment : ant-plant-microbe interactions, Mark, Alan MCGINLEY; S. S. DHILLION; and J. C. NEUMANN
Epidemiological transition : implications for health and health care provision, David Rosser PHILLIPS
Financial restructuring in 1993, Lok Sang HO
Health and development, David Rosser PHILLIPS and Yola VERHASSELT
In search of cultural policy '93, Danny YUNG (榮念曾); Mathias WOO (胡恩威); Nerissa IP (葉佩怡); and Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
Is arts policy a cultural policy in Hong Kong?, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
Measuring research benefits in an imperfect market, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON
Modelling stock markets by probabilistic 1-d cellular automata, Hakman A. WAN
Paid to volunteer : the extent of paying volunteers in the 1990s, Sarah BLACKSELL and David Rosser PHILLIPS
Problems for a contemporary theory of gender, Susie THARU and Tejaswini NIRANJANA
The commercialization of the Australian public sector : competence, elitism or default in management education?, John DIXON and Alexander KOUZMIN
The expansion of tertiary education in Hong Kong : an economic perspective, Hon Kwong LUI
The structure of the female earnings gap in Hong Kong, Hon Kwong LUI and Wing SUEN
Towards a behaviourally based performance appraisal system for academic staff, James Stuart POUNDER
Variation in reproductive characteristics of Poa pratensis across a successional chronosequenc, Mark, Alan MCGINLEY
What is mimetic desire?, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
中國と香港 : その經濟的連攜, Lok Sang HO, Yun Wing SUNG (宋恩榮), and Mitsutoshi KATO (加藤光利)
主權問題阻礙兩岸會談, Yiu Chung WONG
人事管理, Yui Tim, Edward WONG
人際關係與社會支持網絡, Shek CHAN (陳碩) and Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW
企業的組織環境, Yui Tim, Edward WONG
企業目標與策略管理, Yui Tim, Edward WONG
八十年代中國大陸、台灣及香港的政治發展及其未來走向, Yiu Chung WONG
勞資關係在香港, Yui Tim, Edward WONG
導論, Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW
康德的幽靈 : 哈貝馬斯美學理論述評, Ersu DING
從「政改風雲」到非政黨政治, Wing Sang LAW
快樂老人之要素, Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW and Kok Man LEE (李覺敏)
戴震《九歌注》「賦其事說」探討, Tzu Pin HSU
書評 :《中國 : 毛澤東熱》, Yiu Chung WONG
書評 : 《文心雕龍語詞通釋》, Hung Kai LEE
書評 : 《文心雕龍辭典》, Hung Kai LEE
書評 : 林麗娥著《先秦齊學考》, Tzu Pin HSU
書評 : 黃開國主編《經學辭典》, Tzu Pin HSU
營銷系統與分銷渠道, Lai Cheung, Leo LEUNG
現代企業管理, Yui Tim, Edward WONG
生產管理, Shiu Ho, Alfred WONG
產品與價格, Kwok Fai LAU (劉國輝) and Hon Kwong LUI
社會地位與角色之變化, Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW
穗港老人的社會經濟生活, Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW
「穗港老人社會經濟生活的比較硏究」之簡介, Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW
符号学研究 : 世界与中国 = Semiotic study : China and the World, Ersu DING
管理概論, Mo Lin, Moureen TANG
組織發展, Yui Tim, Edward WONG
組織行為, Man Kei, Paulina WAN
經濟, Lok Sang HO
解构理论之症结谈, Ersu DING
評《中國的人權狀況》白皮書, Yiu Chung WONG
论皮尔士的符号三分法, Ersu DING
谈"近亲通婚"对两汉政权的影响, Chunhong WANG
超越本体 : 马克思主义意义理论硏究, Ersu DING
近二十年香港普及文化書目概覽, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN; Karen CHAN (陳嘉玲); Meimei CHAN (陳倩君); Wing Mui CHEUNG (張詠梅); Blanche CHU (朱穎琪); Nerissa IP (葉佩怡); Evelyn LEUNG (梁穎詩); Wing Sang LAW; Man Kei TAM (譚萬基); and Sik Wai TSE (謝錫偉)
Submissions from 1993
1997 and its implications for migration of elderly people in Hong Kong, Wing Sun, Nelson CHOW and David Rosser PHILLIPS
An appraisal of the effects of demand-increasing research in distorted market, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON
Beyond bricolage, William Peter BAEHR
Book review : A commitment to campaign. A sociological study of CND, William Peter BAEHR
China and Hong Kong : economic partnership, Lok Sang HO and Yun Wing SUNG
Derrida and Mādhyamika Buddhism : from linguistic deconstruction to criticism of onto-theologies, Zongqi CAI
Derrida and Seng-Zhao : linguistic and philosophical deconstructions, Zongqi CAI
Guest editor’s introduction, Brian BRIDGES
Hong Kong and China in 1997 : the implications for migration of elderly people : opportunities, constraints, or impetus, Nelson CHOW and David Rosser PHILLIPS
International labour migration : the case of Hong Kong, Lok Sang HO, Pak Wai LIU, and Kit Chun LAM
Interrogating modernity : culture and colonialism in India, Tejaswini NIRANJANA, P. SUDHIR, and Vivek DHARESHWAR
Introduction, Tejaswini NIRANJANA, P. SUDHIR, and Vivek DHARESHWAR
Le dilemme de Bratman, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
Regional balance of payments problems : an Interpretation, Lok Sang HO
The strategy of letters, Mette HJORT
The symbolic mode of presentation in the poetry of Juan Chi, Zongqi CAI
Transfer of marketing technology to China : a content analysis, Chi Fai CHAN, Kitty Y. YOUNG, and Kwok Fai LAU
What's the story?, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
Whither Hong Kong in an open-door, reforming Chinese economy?, Y. P. HO and Y. Y. KUEH
Why negative retained imports exist?, Hon Kwong LUI
《三朝要典》考略, Hung Kai LEE
勞力市場的供求探討, Hon Kwong LUI
敎育人生二重奏, Yuk Kang, Anita POON and Yiu Chung WONG
書評 : «Communist neo-traditionalism : work and authority in Chinese industry», Yiu Chung WONG
書評 : 《漢字演變五百例》, Hung Kai LEE
書評 : 《社會學新論》, Yung LAU (劉融) and Yiu Chung WONG
民主敎育與時代反思, Yiu Chung WONG and Yuk Kang, Anita POON
汪辜會談後的兩岸關係, Yiu Chung WONG
消費文化與階級區別, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN
經濟, Lok Sang HO
美感形式与小说的文类特性 : 从卢卡契到巴赫金, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
美感形式與小說的文類特性 : 從盧卡奇到巴赫定, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN