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Submissions from 2016
Settler colonialism and the Soviet Union (1916-1933) : Kazakhs and Kyrgyz between Decolonization and state violence, Niccolò PIANCIOLA
Shenzheners : stories, Yiwei XUE and Darryl Cameron STERK
Silence is golden? Evidence from disclosing related-party transactions in China, Wai Yee, Agnes LO and Man Kong, Raymond WONG (黃敏剛)
Skepticism about ought simpliciter, Derek Clayton BAKER
Social institutions and same-sex sexuality : attitudes, perceptions and prospective rights and freedoms for non-heterosexuals, Padmore Adusei AMOAH and Razak Mohammed GYASI
Social protection for the labour force of informal sector in urban China : institutional constraints and self-selection behaviour, Jin JIANG; Jiwei QIAN; and Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN
Social responsibility and reflexivity for co-operative goals with government units in China, Shiu Ho, Alfred WONG; Robin Stanley SNELL; and Dean William TJOSVOLD
Song of coarse clothes, Dong CAI and Darryl Cameron STERK
Speech analysis and visual image : language learning, Wai Sing, Alfred LOO; Chi Wai CHUNG; and Wing Lun, Alan LAM
Supply chain analysis with export tax rebate policy, Jing LIU, Ke FU, Pingping LU, and Weixin SHANG
Tax reform for a fairer, more vibrant economy, Lok Sang HO and Tianle ZHANG
The anthropology of Chinese masculinity in Taiwan and Hong Kong, Heung Wah WONG and Hoi Yan YAU
The bear whispers to me, Ying Tai CHANG and Darryl Cameron STERK
The comedy of the “para-site” : Duck Soup, Volpone, and Hamlet, Ting-yan, Isaac HUI
The definition of religion, super-empirical realities and mathematics, Andrea SAUCHELLI
The extended mind and the computational basis of responsibility ascription, Andreas MATTHIAS
The future of the past in Myanmar : experimental evidence, Roman DAVID
The growth, determinants, and profitability of nontraditional activities of Chinese commercial banks, Michael Arthur FIRTH; Wei LI; and Shuye, Steven WANG
The impact of endorser ethnicity and portrayal on Chinese women’s attitude toward luxury advertising, Cheng-Yue YIN and Shing Chung, Patrick POON
The impact of environmental and human factors on urban heat and microclimate variability, Pui Yun, Paulina WONG; Poh Chin LAI; Chien Tat LOW; Si CHEN; and Melissa HART
The impact of other group members on tourists’ travel experiences : a study of domestic package tours in China, Cheng Yue YIN and Shing Chung, Patrick POON
The Jiangnan Arsenal : a microcosm of translation and ideological transformation in 19th-century China, Wai Chu, Rachel LUNG
The long-term impact of service-learning on graduates’ civic engagement and career exploration in Hong Kong, Hok Ka Carol MA; Wing Fung, Chad CHAN; and Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN
Theoretical approaches of online social network interventions and implications for behavioral change : a systematic review, Amaël ARGUEL; Oscar PEREZ-CONCHA; Yau Wai, Simon LI; and Y. S., Annie LAU
The past or the politics of the present? Dealing with the Japanese occupation of South Korea, Roman DAVID
The quest for regional education hub status : challenges, possibilities and search for new governance in Hong Kong, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
The rhetoric and reality of the Trans-Pacific Partnership : a view from China, Tsui SIT, Erebus WONG, Kin Chi LAU, and Tiejun WEN
The role of workaholism in the job demands-resources model, Monica MOLINO, Arnold B. BAKKER, and Chiara GHISLIERI
The self being endowed the property of the owned object, Wai Lan, Victoria YEUNG; Stephen LOUGHNAN; Yoshihisa KASHIMA; Miu Chi, Vivian LUN; and Susanna YEUNG (楊少詩)
The skeletor, Wei Yun LIN-GÓRECKA and Darryl Cameron STERK
The Solaris Stop, Wei Yun LIN-GÓRECKA and Darryl Cameron STERK
The three faces of faithfulness, Jiji ZHANG and Peter SPIRTES
The trajectories of radicalisms in Hong Kong, Wing Sang LAW
The United States and China’s maritime territorial disputes, Chien Peng CHUNG
The utilisation of ICOSA online exercises to enhance students English language learning, Marc Craig LEBANE
The varieties of intrinsicality, Dan MARSHALL
The will to make-believe : religious fictionalism, religious beliefs, and the value of art, Andrea SAUCHELLI
Thought experiments in aesthetics, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON and Carl Mikael PETTERSSON
Thoughts in the time of disturbance, Shuk Han, Mary WONG
Translation theatre and theatre translation : discourses of Shakespearean plays in Hong Kong, Wai Yi, Dorothy WONG
Transnationalizing and internationalizing higher education in China : implications for regional cooperation and university governance in Asia, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
True meaning of press freedom, Lok Sang HO
Trust and managing conflict : partners in developing organizations, Dean William TJOSVOLD; Man Kei, Paulina WAN; and Mo Lin, Moureen TANG
Uber才子與佳人, Shuk Han, Mary WONG
Unequal beginnings : more must be done to give the UK’s most vulnerable children a fairer start in life, John HUDSON and Stefan KÜHNER
Un-imagining the local/future : filmic engagement with the absence of hope, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
Unmaking of nationalism : drug addiction and its literary imagination in Bi Shumin’s novel, Haomin GONG
Unwanted mobile belonging : use of cell phones among asylum seekers in Hong Kong, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
Uyghur digital diaspora in Kyrgyzstan, Aizhamal MARAT
We should all embrace the parental responsibility model, Lok Sang HO
Western cultural identification explains variations in the objectification model for eating pathology across Australian Caucasians and Asian women, Charmain S. TAN; Matthew FULLER-TYSZKIEWICZ; Ranjani UTPALA; Wai Lan, Victoria YEUNG; Tara DE PAOLI; Stephen LOUGHAN; and Isabel KRUG
What is (dis)agreement?, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM
When does supervisor support encourage innovative behavior? Opposite moderating effects of general self-efficacy and internal locus of control, Tingting CHEN, Fuli LI, and Kwok LEUNG
When self-help materials help : examining the effects of self-discrepancy and modes of delivery of positive self-statements, Chun, June YEUNG and Miu Chi, Vivian LUN
Which way India? Debate and its lessons, Shalendra SHARMA
Who wants what in lustration? The analysis of public views of lustration process in Ukraine, Roman DAVID
Work-family enrichment and satisfaction : the mediating role of self-efficacy and work-life balance, Xi Wen CHAN, Thomas KALLIATH, Paula BROUGH, Oi Ling SIU, Michael P. O'DRISCOLL, and Carolyn TIMMS
Written Chinese as a medium in face-to-face East Asian exchanges in 9th-century China, Wai Chu, Rachel LUNG
Zhuangzi’s idea of ‘spirit’ : acting and ‘thinging things’ without self-assertion, Wai Wai CHIU
中國經濟非嚴峻, Lok Sang HO
中國經濟靠服務業新經濟推動, Lok Sang HO
也斯 : 詩與電影, Ching Hang, Matthew CHENG
五一三事件以後馬華詩歌呈現的政治創傷, Ching Hang, Matthew CHENG
人幣油價跌也有正面影響, Lok Sang HO
個人房間與公共空間, Wai Ying CHAN
利來利往 : 金融家族的開拓與創新, Wan Tai, Victor ZHENG (鄭宏泰) and Man Kong CHOW
到底是他,還是她?, Liping BAI
前汉昌邑王考, Chunhong WANG
創業興仁 : 潮州廖寶珊家族的建立與創新, Man Kong CHOW
《劇場》與一九六〇年代香港電影現代主義, Shuk Han, Mary WONG
「化」與「訛」, Liping BAI
台大學群南進招生的啟示, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
商議「被教育」主體 : 實習勞動與香港高等教育, Iam Chong IP
回顾式必然性 : 一种涉及进化逻辑的新模态观念, Yujian ZHENG
夏夜夢沉 : 重看《新寡》及《同命鴛鴦》, Ching Hang, Matthew CHENG
外向翻译、文化输出与软实力, Nam Fung CHANG
「多少楼台烟雨中」 : 从杜牧诗看自然之道中的历史感, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
奢侈品营销与管理, Daniel A. LANGER (兰格丹尼尔); Oliver P. HEIL (海尔奥利弗); and Shing Chung, Patrick POON
字與光 : 文學改編電影談, Ching Hang, Matthew CHENG
屯門滄桑錄, Ching Hang, Matthew CHENG
師生之間, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
強美元易觸發經濟危機, Lok Sang HO
從《左傳》、《列國志傳》及《新列國志》 鄭伯克段故事看經學通俗化的進程, Tzu Pin HSU
愛她想她寫她, Ching Hang, Matthew CHENG
我參與也斯紀錄片拍攝的感受, Shuk Han, Mary WONG
手机与日常生活变迁 : 从《口信》到《搜索》, Haomin GONG
打造亚洲教育枢纽 : 香港的经验, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
抒情《東西》, Zijiang SONG
抗戰時期嶺南大學在香港 (1938-1942), Yung LEUNG
拓教育樞紐促民心相通, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
救市得法 多方共贏, Lok Sang HO
文化翻译, Yifeng SUN
《文心雕龙》与《汉书·艺文志》渊源关系研究, Chunhong WANG
日本平戶鄭成功兒誕石, Yung LEUNG
日本平戶鄭成功廟和紀念館, Yung LEUNG
是手指還是人物?, Liping BAI
「李啟純」真有其人?——梁實秋之女談其父筆名的來歷, Liping BAI
汤显祖“闲”的美学, Sau-ieng SI TOU
法西斯 (不) 是什麼?, Po Keung HUI
深层次文化自省的必要性 : 从翻译行为和中式英语说起, Nam Fung CHANG