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Submissions from 2015
Task-based pedagogy in technology mediated writing, Preet Pankaj HIRADHAR
Taxing indirect equity transfers in China, Shanshan SHI and Zhenpin, Kenny LIN
Temporal statistical analysis of urban heat islands at the microclimate level, Pui Yun, Paulina WONG; Poh Chin LAI; and Melissa HART
The bicycle, Xuewen HU and Darryl Cameron STERK
The documentary film in Hong Kong, Ian AITKEN and Mike INGHAM
The effect of objectifying media images on eating pathology : an experimental study comparing Australian and Asian females, Charmain TAN; Wai Lan, Victoria YEUNG; Tara DE PAOLI; Stephen LOUGHNAN; and Isabel KRUG
The effect of objectifying media images on eating pathology : an experimental study comparing Australian and Asian females, Charmain TAN; Wai Lan, Victoria YEUNG; Tara DE PAOLI; Stephen LOUGHNAN; and Isabel KRUG
The effect of time and ambiguity preferences on saving and insurance, Jingyuan LI and Jianli WANG
The intranational intelligibility of Hong Kong English accents, Andrew John SEWELL
The moderating role of intrinsic work value orientation on the dual-process of job demands and resources among Chinese employees, Luo LU, Hui Yen LIN, Changqin LU, and Oi Ling SIU
The moonlight trilogy excerpt, Chia Hua CHANG and Darryl Cameron STERK
The more I shop at Yaohan, the more I become a Heung Gong Yan (Hongkongese) : Japan and the formation of a Hong Kong identity, Heung-wah WONG and Hoi Yan YAU
The offshore island bible excerpt, Chih Ho HO and Darryl Cameron STERK
The politics of identity in revolutionary China before and after 1949 : the case of Wei Baqun, Xiaorong HAN
The short-guide to social policy, John HUDSON, Stefan KÜHNER, and Stuart LOWE
The struggle for food sovereignty : alternative development and the renewal of peasant societies today, Rémy HERRERA and Kin Chi LAU
The tree fort on carnation lane, Chih Ho, Horace HO and Darryl Cameron STERK
The use of e-commerce site for partner search, Ge ZHAN and Hiu Kan, Ada WONG
Time delayed causal gene regulatory network inference with hidden common causes, Leung Yau LO, Man Leung WONG, Kin Hong LEE, and Kwong Sak LEUNG
Time for more public spending, Lok Sang HO
Transforming frontiers : the imagined geography of Taiwan's internal frontiers in postwar indigenous films, Darryl Cameron STERK
Transitional justice and changing memories of the past in Central Europe, Roman DAVID
Transitional justice effects in the Czech Republic, Roman DAVID
Transitional justice in Myanmar’s democratization, Roman DAVID and Ian HOLLIDAY
Translation, cultural politics, and poetic form : a comparative study of the translation of modernist poetry in Les Contemporains (1932-35) and Literary Currents (1956-59), Zijiang, Chris SONG
Translation studies in China after 1978 : a case study on Luo Xinzhang, Liping BAI
Treatment of resale price maintenance in Hong Kong, Ping LIN
Understanding anew the value of an everyday life with its roots in nong, Shun Hing CHAN
Voters want service not sedition, Lok Sang HO
We should not rush to judgment, Lok Sang HO
When can harms disaggregation imply precautionary effort?, Jianli WANG and Jingyuan LI
Why transparency undermines economy, Derek Clayton BAKER
Work-home interference and work values in Greater China, Changqin LU, Bei WANG, Oi Ling SIU, Luo LU, and Danyang DU
Working memory and the detection of different error types : novel predictions for error detection, Sze Yuen YAU and Yau Wai, Simon LI
一個黃昏, Wai Ying CHAN
一隻陶料厚重白底黃色大笑臉茶杯, Wai Ying CHAN
中共中央委员会成员任职状况的历史变迁与党和国家领导体制转型, Mengchang ZHU (祝猛昌), Feiyue LI (李飞跃), Dong ZHANG, and Mingxing LIU (刘明兴)
中华民国专题史 : 第17卷 : 香港与内地关系研究, Junyi ZHANG (张俊义) and Chi Pang LAU
中国政治精英的权力结构与经济分权的可持续性, Mingxing LIU (刘明兴), Dong ZHANG, Victor SHIH (史宗翰), and Mengchang ZHU (祝猛昌)
中国香港地区与日本的改编歌曲 : 音乐原真性之反思, Hoi Yan YAU
中國民族關係散論, Xiaorong HAN
中港關係論述性別倫理的建構與解讀, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN
也斯的文化之旅 : 以七十年代的日本遊記為例, Yan Ho SIU
人口老化對就業安老政策的啟示, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK
人為托樓價不良副作用多, Lok Sang HO
"以意逆志"説與中國古代解釋論, Zongqi CAI (蔡宗齊)
体用结合 : 吴汝纶文章学理路, Chunhong WANG
倘取消利得稅打工仔反可得益, Lok Sang HO
傘下母親Carol, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN
傳統價值取向與家庭變遷, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN
僕のトマトはきれいだ(1): エコロジカルで社会経済的な公正をともなった中国での持続可能性, Kin Chi LAU and Sadaharu OYA (大屋定晴)
內地經濟不乏新亮點, Lok Sang HO
全民養老方案需屬「全數支付」, Lok Sang HO
兩載與摯友重聚二首, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
出售公屋 要堅持四大原則, Lok Sang HO
前溯與後續 : 論劉克襄散文中的飲食書寫, Yan Ho SIU
勾結共謀的殖民權力, Wing Sang LAW and Jiazhen LI (李家真)
区域经济发展差距的历史起源 : 以江浙两省为例, Mingxing LIU (刘明兴), Dong ZHANG, and Qi ZHANG (章奇)
區大典《詩經講義》述評, Hung Kai LEE (李雄溪)
危機關頭 : 家族企業的應對之道, Wan Tai, Victor ZHENG (鄭宏泰) and Man Kong CHOW
原子时代的生活, Clive Staples LEWIS and Liping BAI
只要償債能力高債務總量不可怕, Lok Sang HO
叶芝诗歌 : 民族的吊诡与东方的悖论 : 论其文化民族主义、身份、主体与东方传统, Haomin GONG
國際養老政策理論及澳門建構養老保障機制的啟示, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN; Chun Kiu, Tony LAI; and Wing Chung, David CHAN
土地短缺關乎決策, Lok Sang HO
在運動與革命之間讀書, Wing Sang LAW
垃圾、位置与生态电影 : 以王久良的纪录片为例, Haomin GONG
城邦主權論, Wan Kan CHIN
如何罷課不罷學?, Po Keung HUI
小令词牌和节奏研究 : 从与近体诗关系的角度展开, Zongqi CAI
《小雅.都人士》「綢直如髮」解, Hung Kai LEE
《左傳》導讀, Chow Yiu SIN (單周堯) and Tzu Pin HSU
左傳 - 新視野中華經典文庫, Chow Yiu SIN (單周堯), Tzu Pin HSU, and Tsung I JAO (饒宗頤)
《左傳》“請安”及相關紀事釋義辨疑 : 《左傳》與《儀禮》互證之一例, Tzu Pin HSU
常識革命 : 否想「雨傘運動」的三宗罪, Po Keung HUI
引入空置稅風險須正視, Lok Sang HO
形象之外的新舊交替 : 傘運後區選的啟示, Po Keung HUI
從極權到後極權 : 哈維爾思想簡介, Wing Sang LAW
從英式到港式 : 論茶餐廳及其飲食的傳承與轉化, Yan Ho SIU
從《采桑子》組詞看歐陽修的自然意識, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
從「集體主義」vs「個體主義」看香港回歸以來的政治發展, Yiu Chung WONG
情理碰撞、尸体纷呈 : 法国古典主义悲剧之主要特征, Ersu DING
想得出,寫得到, Wan Kan CHIN
我的舊居看得見微盪的海波紋, Wai Ying CHAN
我眼中的老兵, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN; Hok Ka Carol MA; Zijiang, Chris SONG; and Wing Yee LEUNG
抗戰名樓四行倉庫今猶在, Yung LEUNG
抗戰時期粵港大學共處, Yung LEUNG
推樓指期貨好處多, Lok Sang HO
政治精英的权力结构与经济自由化改革 : 台湾的历史经验及其与中国大陆的比较, Mengchang ZHU (祝猛昌), Dong ZHANG, and Mingxing LIU (刘明兴)
文化输出与文化自省 : 从中国文学外推工作说起, Nam Fung CHANG
新克強指數 未能反映新經濟活動, Lok Sang HO
新聞自由指數評分的啓示, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
新詞探源 : 從“翻叮”說起, Hung Kai LEE
《日軍在港戰爭罪行》值得一讀, Yung LEUNG
日軍在港戰爭罪行 : 戰犯審判紀錄及其研究, Chi Pang LAU and Xinbao DING (丁新豹)
日軍首降之地在芷江, Yung LEUNG
書評 : 光影折射中主體意識的辯證法 : 評Yiman Wang, Remaking Chinese cinema : through the prism of Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Hollywood, Haomin GONG
标准必要专利FRAND许可的经济分析与反垄断启示, Ping LIN
核心基金構思仍有不足, Lok Sang HO