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Submissions from 2014

Translating higher education in the British Empire : the question of vernacular degrees in Postwar Malaya, Ai Ling, Grace CHOU


Translation and appropriation of the world's longest epic : Tibet's Gesar of Ling, Roberta Ann RAINE


Translation and back translation : transcultural reinventions in some Chinese american literary works, Yifeng SUN


‘Translation archaeology’ in practice : researching the history of Buddhist translation in Tibet, Roberta Ann RAINE


Trichoderma songyi sp. nov., a new species associated with the pine mushroom (Tricholoma matsutake), Myung Soo PARK, Seung-Yoon OH, Hae Jin CHO, Jonathan J. FONG, Woo Jae CHEON, and Young Woon LIM

Trust of in-group members and subjective well-being around the world, Miu Chi, Vivian LUN and Michael Harris BOND

Understanding South Asian minorities in Hong Kong, John Nguyet ERNI and Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG


Under the shadow of three lingua francae : repositioning translation in East Asia, Tak Hung, Leo CHAN

Urbanisation, gouvernements locaux et activisme communautaire dans le delta de la rivière des Perles, Iam Chong IP


Urbanisation, the state, and community activism in the Pearl River Delta : the case of a land dispute in Dongguan, Iam Chong IP


Vanity economics : an economic exploration of sex, marriage and family, Chengze, Simon FAN


Virtual test-driving : the impact of simulated products on purchase intention, Savvas PAPAGIANNIDIS; Wing Kuen, Eric SEE-TO; and Michael BOURLAKIS


War of the bubbles excerpt, Yi Feng KAO and Darryl Cameron STERK

Welfare restructuring and social (in)equity across generations in Hong Kong, Ka Wai, Maggie LAU


When can expected utility handle first-order risk aversion?, Georges DIONNE and Jingyuan LI


Who's driving this conversation? Systematic biases in the content of online consumer discussions, Rebecca HAMILTON, Ann SCHLOSSER, and Yu Jen CHEN


Why extravert are happier : a day reconstruction study, Wido G. M. OERLEMANS and Arnold B. BAKKER


Why Intuition?, Jennifer Ellen NADO


Widening of a poverty gap : a condition of governance crisis in Hong Kong, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN; Stephen Y. L. LEUNG; and Tony C. K. LAI


Women in philosophy : problems with the discrimination hypothesis, Neven SESARDIC and Rafael DE CLERCQ


Work-life balance : a longitudinal evaluation of a new measure across Australia and New Zealand workers, Paula BROUGH, Carolyn TIMMS, Michael P. O'DRISCOLL, Thomas KALLIATH, Oi Ling SIU, Cindy SIT, and Danny LO

Zhuangzi’s idea of “spirit” : self, thinging things and the nourishment of life, Wai Wai CHIU


一套叢書, 一場會議, Zidong XU

一定懂点目录学 : 来新夏《古典目录学浅说》导读, Gang XU

上古汉语前置音的语音性质, Maopeng MA


介绍一种解释近体诗格律的新方法, Zongqi CAI

個人與家庭生活的主觀評價, Po San, Shirley WAN (尹寶珊) and Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW


《儀禮 ‧ 士冠禮》冠者取脯適東壁見母解, Tzu Pin HSU

「六月棲棲」諸訓平義, Hung Kai LEE

关于辞书修订与创新的几点认识 : 兼谈香港三联书店《现代汉语学习词典》(繁体字本) 出版工作设想, Siu Lam TIN (田小琳), Fei LI, and Maopeng MA


再认识以农为本生活的价值, Shun Hing CHAN

初唐诗首句入韵与出句平声非韵现象研究, Fei LI

創意群聚的認同與想像 : 以火炭為例, Wing Sang LAW and Po Shan LEUNG (梁寶山)

劉師培《毛詩札記》評陳奂《詩毛氏傳疏》小識, Hung Kai LEE

劫後餘生 : 香港風俗錄存, Wan Kan CHIN

千里晨芳, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG


双边市场中相关市场界定研究最新进展与判例评析, Ping LIN and Fengbo LIU (刘丰波)


口述歷史與當代香港史志的編纂, Chi Pang LAU

史漢研究, Chunhong WANG


吶喊的景觀, Wai Ying CHAN

四部文學史, Zidong XU

回應東亞和平的核心現場, Wing Sang LAW

国际关系现实主义理论与美国亚太再平衡战略, Baohui ZHANG


國葬: 民國初年的政治角力與國家死亡儀式的建構, Shuk Wah POON

在汉代诗学背景下看曹丕、曹植诗歌之比较, Chunhong WANG


在香港思考农业与社区, Po Keung HUI

多元教育與作為教材第二語言的中文, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)

夜校, Raymond CARVER and Liping BAI

天空下的傳奇 : 從啟德到赤鱲角 (上、下冊), Chi Pang LAU; Kwan Kin, Kenneth WONG (黃君健); and Ho Yin, Raymond CHIN (錢浩賢)


如何讓亞太地區患認知障礙症長者居家安老?, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN; Lequn DAI; and Wanxin SHAO


实际政治权力结构与地方经济增长 : 中国革命战争的长期影响, Feiyue LI (李飞跃), Dong ZHANG, and Mingxing LIU (刘明兴)

寫作時間與文學史現場, Zidong XU

嶺南大學經學國際學術研討會論文集, Hung Kai LEE, Ching Chang LIN (林慶彰), Chiu Hua CHIANG (蔣秋華), and Tzu Pin HSU

《左傳》"放絰而拜"及相關紀事考釋, Tzu Pin HSU

, Zidong XU

從《影梅庵憶語》看文學書寫之"眞"與"誠", Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

從「詮釋」看夏綸「戲曲教化」觀與表忠傳奇《無瑕壁》的編寫和點評, Sau Ieng SI TOU


探索在日漸嚴竣的新聞生產環境有甚麼出路, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)

文化與影像 : 香港中、西飲食文化印記, Yan Ho SIU


新聞自由指數制定的國際經驗, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)


早期五言詩新探 : 節奏、句式、結構、詩境 A New Exploration of Early Pentasyllabic Poetry: Rhythms, Syntax, Structures, and Visions, Zongqi CAI


春秋鲁国仲孙氏又称孟孙氏之谜 : 古籍的误解与文化氛围的失落, Gang XU

本土右翼與經濟右翼 : 由香港網絡上一宗爭議說起, Iam Chong IP and Man Kin YICK (易汶健)

李清照詞的「花相」觀想, Sau Ieng SI TOU


柏杨译“大力水手”的个案分析, Liping BAI

殖民家國外, Wing Sang LAW

民主的再思考及对香港的启示, Lok Sang HO

民粹政治與犬儒文化 : 為香港「新自由主義」「埋單」, Po Keung HUI

港式中文同素逆序词考论, Siu Lam TIN (田小琳) and Fei LI

港式中文程度副词简论, Maopeng MA

澳門綜合生活素質客觀指標體系 : 回歸後的發展趨勢, Po San, Shirley WAN (尹寶珊); Wan Tai, Victor ZHENG (鄭宏泰); and Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW


由女性主義者到婦進執委, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN


略論戰國文字類化構形特徵, Yan Ho SIU


看.女人, Wai Ying CHAN

符号学与比较文学, Ersu DING

粵語學中文, 愈學愈精神, Wan Kan CHIN

美丽汉字, Gang XU


美莉與小二, Wai Ying CHAN

翻譯研究三人談(上), Yifeng SUN, Gangqiang HE, and Zhixiao XU

翻譯研究三人談(下), Yifeng SUN, Gangqiang HE, and Zhixiao XU

自主、自治及社會參與 : 香港公民社會的發展模式, Hon Fai CHEN

與蘇童對談 : 江南吃貨的酒食印記, Tong SU and Yan Ho SIU

莫言, Howard GOLDBLATT and Liping BAI


莫让网评变为"罔评" : 故意操纵网络产品评论对消费者的影响, Geng CUI, Mengzhou ZHUANG, and Ling PENG

葛德石近代中国考察档案文献汇编(1) : 葛德石与中国现代地理学, Lei ZHANG

解殖與教育 : 新自由主義時代的香港社會困局和出路, Po Keung HUI


詞中的第一身女性觸覺 : 以李清照為例, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

語文縱橫 : 文・思・意, Yin Ping, Grace LAU and Che Bun CHENG (鄭滋斌)

論《漢書》之成書以及前漢《春秋》學之命運, Chunhong WANG

論詩書及甲骨金文中的語氣詞“誕”, Gang XU

"諸侯冠禮之祼享正當士冠禮之醴或醮"考辨, Tzu Pin HSU

讀劉師培《毛詩詞例舉要》小識, Hung Kai LEE

讀破萬卷書 : 陳雲的書評及藝評, Wan Kan CHIN


许子东 : 真正的文学批评为什么这么少, Zidong XU and Gonghu LIU (刘功虎)

身土不二, Wan Kan CHIN

遊覽與省思 : 舒巷城日本遊記小析, Yan Ho SIU

過去與現在的家庭形勢走向, Po San, Shirley WAN (尹寶珊) and Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW

《郁达夫新论》跋, Zidong XU


閃/光, Wai Ying CHAN

閒暇、海濱與海浴 : 香江游泳史, Shuk Wah POON and Wing Ho WONG (黃永豪)